Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

Patti, I already have you down for herbs and will add Cannas and Yellow Castor Beans, and thank you for letting me try a few of your Cinnamon Basil seeds.

That sounds great, Susie, thank you for the CA Wonder and D/L seeds.

Sierra Foothills, CA(Zone 8a)

deejay9 ~ I have the following reserved for you:

'Royalty' Purple-Podded bush beans (1)
Jicama pachyrhisus (1)
Southern Pea - 'California Black-Eyed Pea' (1)
Lemon Cucumber (1)
Cucumber 'Pearl' Hybrid (1)
Cucumber 'white' (1)
Courgette Parador (1)
'Sweet Meat' squash (1) ( splitting with Mary)
Broccoli 'Calabrese' (1)
Broccoli 'De Cicco' (1)
Broccoli 'Early Purple Sprouting' (1) (splitting with Mary)
Broccoli 'Summer Purple' (1) (Splitting with Mary)

Merrymath ~

Sweet Meat Squash (1) (splitting with Susie)
Broccoli 'Early Purple Sprouting' (1) (splitting with Susie)
Broccoli 'Summer Purple' (1) (splitting with Susie)

Crit ~

Italian Sweet Basil (1)
'Siam Queen' Basil (1)
'Lettuce Leaf' Basil (1)
'Red Lettuce Leaf' Basil (1)
'Green Ruffles' Basil (1)
'Purple Ruffles' Basil (1)

This message was edited Feb 5, 2011 1:22 PM

Sierra Foothills, CA(Zone 8a)

FOTV ~ I have some annual candytuft. It may be over 2 years old, but I think OK. I will look for it.

Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

evelyn: did you want all of these??(or pick one or two?)

I am trying to get as many different herbs as I can. I just need a few seeds of each if that is possible. If not, let me know and I'll look at them on plant files and narrow it down. THANKS!

Houston Heights, TX(Zone 9a)

As of today I have the following put aside for the Robin:

For Jennifer Shipway
Scarlet morning glory
Hyacinth Bean
Ruellia pink and blue
Coral vine

For Sherman I have put aside:
Texas sage red
Mealy blue sage
Sunflower, Evening Sun

For Merrymath
lemon cuke
snow pea
red Sunflower, Evening Sun

For Susie
Brug seeds
sunflower, evening sun (red-orange)
tomato large red cherry

For Craig
Crimson Sweet Watermelon

For Crit
Lemon basil and cilantro

parsley and yellow squash=mailed already

This message was edited Jan 12, 2011 1:57 PM

This message was edited Feb 16, 2011 3:04 AM

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

thats great cam :) Happy garden

Houston Heights, TX(Zone 9a)

I think this is what others have agreed to put aside for me:

Sherman- scarlet runner beans, Autumn Joy sedum, small zinnias,bunching onions,yarrow, chicory,thyme,hyssop,cat grass
Merrymath-perennial sweet pea,lemon grass,stevia,apple mint,gysophila,snow'n'summer
Evelyn-Sugar Baby Watermelon,purple basil,banana legs tomatoes
Susie-Anchusa, chrysanthemum mix
Mellen-fried eggs
FOTV-scarlet yellow coleus
Rick Corey-Rudbeckia Gold Sturm, lobularia maritima white
Carolyn-Stokes Aster, Veronica
Janaestone-false indigo, phlox X2, white yarrow.
Jennifer-evening primrose,cosmos white/rose,hollyhocks any color,marigolds, French dwarf double
Somebody??-obedient plant and echinops

If I have made errors in this or the above post. Please someone let me know. Cam

This message was edited Feb 6, 2011 2:32 PM

This message was edited Feb 6, 2011 8:58 PM

This message was edited Feb 6, 2011 9:42 PM

This message was edited Feb 7, 2011 12:45 AM

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

yep cam I Have yours put aside Maxines I Will send out this next week also Merrymath 's will go out
all others will be in the robin .

The Robin is getting closer to home & I'm Sure you all will have the robin before its time to plant :)
well off to play .

Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

Looks good to me cam.

We finally got above freezing yesterday. DH got my car out of the garage, so guess I get to go to work tomorrow. They have decreased our chances of snow today, but still have a good chance Tuesday/Wednesday. Suppose to get back down in the deep chill again too. At least we got a little melting of this round.

If anyone wants a good laugh, go to this thread on youtube. It is my granddaughter playing with her Rat Terrier. The funniest part is at the very end when you see the dog look over the edge and you hear this soft little 'ow'. I didn't hear it the first time, I was laughing so hard. Heard it when I replayed it for DH. Be prepared, she is a "squealer". lol The dog was trying to keep Breanna away from her momma

This message was edited Feb 6, 2011 12:03 PM

Athens, PA

Cam -

gotcha down for those. Thanks for confirming!

(Di) Seven Mile, OH(Zone 6b)

Hey everyone, I will be sending the first time robin out tomorrow with all the seeds reserved for everyone in it except for merrymath. I will be sending hers directly to her as she is so far down on the list. I do want to let everyone know that this was my first year saving seeds and I did not start until the idea of doing the robin came into play near the end of a horrible summer here. Therefore, I did not have loads of seeds to trade and did not expect the number of requests I received. (next year I will be more prepared! ^_^ ) Also, some of my seeds did not dry as expected and were moldy or mush so I did not send any to anyone.
I have set the following aside for each of you:

Craig Bennett: yarrow, chinese lantern
steadycam: false indigo, speedwell, yarrow
merrymath: yarrow, showy milkweed, pink milkweed
sherman99: globe thistle, toadflax, cup plant, butterfly bush, leadwort
mellen: false indigo, toadflax, speedwell, blackberry lily, weeping redbud,gayfeather, butterfly bush
evelyn: toadflax, gayfeather, leadwort, shasta daisy
Crit: penstemon, false indigo, cup plant, speedwell, blackberry lily, globe thistle, gayfeather, spider flower, butterfly bush, coreopsis, leadwort, yarrow, showy milkweed, pink milkweed

I edited my list on part two of this thread if there is still something you want. I also forgot to list canna seeds (hot pinkish red) that I have if anyone wants some - let me know by tonight.


Morrisville, PA(Zone 6b)

I meant to make the following post in this thread

Houston Heights, TX(Zone 9a)

I know what you mean, Mary. Sometimes the sage has already dropped the seed out of the case and it is not apparent until you start to separate them. So if no attempt was made to separate, then one would not know that the seeds are already gone. Cam

Athens, PA

I have found that the salvias, along with veronicas, agastaches and celosia do better if they are clipped and put into a paper lunch bag upside down and allowed to dry. This way, as these cuttings dry and release the seed, the seed is all in the bottom of the paper bag.

(Di) Seven Mile, OH(Zone 6b)

I agree, Carolyn...I put all my seeds into individual paper bags and let them dry that way. I shook them to move them around to dry better every other week or so. When I opened them a few weeks ago I was surprised to see so many 'little seeds' that came out from the pods and seedheads.

Morrisville, PA(Zone 6b)

Here are 2 ideas that I like from the Frugal Gardening site:

Old pop cans: I’ve used these for years in the bottoms of all of my planters and containers. If you fill the bottom third of a container with slightly bent / crushed pop cans, you can use less potting soil when planting. This will give you a lighter pot when finished and costs less per pot. The cans allow space at the bottom of the pot for drainage, so there is need to keep a supply of gravel for this purpose either.

Since I rarely drink soda ... planning on having my daughter save me some aluminum cans.

Empty plastic pop bottles: These are wonderful to make a drip water system for hard to water plants. I have a couple areas with plants where the water runs right off if I use the hose or a sprinkler. By leaving the cap on the bottle, and cutting off the bottom, you can create a drip system. It's your choice whether you want to put in the garden on watering day or just leave it behind the plant and out of sight.

I poke a couple holes in the shoulder of the bottle, then bury the top of the bottle along side the plant that needs watering. Fill the bottle and let the water slowly seep out at root level and the water run off problem is solved. Depending on the area in my garden, I’ve used both the green colored plastic and the clear ones. Chose whichever shows less in relation to the plant and the location.

I had already thought of this idea .... mainly for my larger planters

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

Popcans are 10 cents each here just as beer Bottlers so I will use the free stones & Broken Clay pots for my drainage :)))

New Providence, IA(Zone 5a)

I have used the cans in the bottoms of large pots for many years. Saves on the amount of soil needed plus the drainage issue. Have also used the bottle watering for a long time. I have seen where people use 5 gallon buckets to water new tree plantings. Drill holes in the bottom of the buckets and place them alongside the new trees. Leaving the lids off the buckets, they are easy to fill and the water lasts a long time. This is an old idea, too.

Morrisville, PA(Zone 6b)

Here is the latest addition to my garden.

Length 23.38"
Width 22.75"
Heigth 34"

Made from durable resin .... pump included

Took a picture of the picture on the box.

I hope frogs will find it inviting and frequent my garden and have a slug feast.


Thumbnail by merrymath
Morrisville, PA(Zone 6b)

I had to relocate the following info for my daughter


Houston Heights, TX(Zone 9a)

Do frogs eat slugs? My, Oh, My. Im willing to do anything to impact the slug population! I had one about 3" long that came into my kitchen somehow and was eating the dry cat food. According to his "trail" he came from under the stove so I guess there is a hole in the foundation for the wiring to come thru. I removed him and placed him outside. The next night he was back. I removed him and placed him in the front yard on the opposite side of the house. two nights later he was back. He did this couple more times so I finally had to kill him. I dont like killing things so that was kinda traumatic for me. I would like it if he disappeared without my intervention, say as a meal for something out there in nature. Cam

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

GM all Windy & Cold this morning so cold i can hardly type just went out to let my critters out of the pen so they can come have their oatmeal :) got to warm up my fingers back soon

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

cam it a frog or a slug ?? Coming to your Kitchen ???

Houston Heights, TX(Zone 9a)

Susie, it was a large slug, as big as my finger and about 3" long. Yecch!

Athens, PA

Eeeewwww..... sounds like a horror movie in the making.....

Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

Put out some beer for them. At least they will die happy!

New Providence, IA(Zone 5a)

99 bottles of beer on the wall 99 bottles of beer...

Everett, WA(Zone 8a)

I know that 99% of the country has worse weather than I do right now, but we are having Spring Swings in temperature. It was quite warm for a while: soil thawed, bulbs started coming up, and slugs hatched.

I put out some beer saucers and caught a bunch.

Now we're in what I call a cold snap (I think the Notheast would call it a warm spell!)

My slug-beer saucers froze over last night! Peering into them, I see some slug-sickles.

Sic semper gastropods!


Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

Corey ..... you are too funny!

Athens, PA

Corey -

You crack me up!

Everett, WA(Zone 8a)

We aim to please!

Thousands of years fo0rm now, when archeologists defrost those slug-sickles, they will be puzzled that an ice age struck Washington state so suddenly that slugs were flash-frozen while drinking beer!


Athens, PA

kind of like the prehistoric insects frozen in amber? Kind of makes you wonder what those prehistoric insects were drinking....

Everett, WA(Zone 8a)

Some archelogist (this one isn't a joke, i read it in "Science News" decades ago), dug up fragments of a big pottery container. The markings looked like "XXX", as in a cartoon barrel of moonshine.

He analysed some deposits on the clay, and concluded it had been used for brewing or storing a form of beer!


Eaton Rapids, MI

Hi everyone, just wanted to let you all know I am still here, Mary-I started some of the petunias you sent me to try out my lights and my soil block system - they came right up! I just hope I can keep them alive intill spring comes. I have a small greenhouse I built but I am still learning. Craig

Eaton Rapids, MI

Here's a Few pictures

Thumbnail by CraigBennett
(Di) Seven Mile, OH(Zone 6b)

Fruity and mellen - Just wanted to let you know that the seeds you sent arrived today - thanks, thanks, thanks!!!


(Di) Seven Mile, OH(Zone 6b)

How long ago did you build it?

Eaton Rapids, MI

Petunias in soil Blocks

Thumbnail by CraigBennett
Eaton Rapids, MI

I built it right before the snow flew. I still need to do a little more work - a floor would be nice. I bought a shed kit on clearence and the fiberglass panels from Craigs list. It cost me about $225. total.

(Di) Seven Mile, OH(Zone 6b)

Craig, your petunias look great! I couldn't live without my greenhouse but I don't have a heater in it yet to start seeds so I usually don't even bother with seeds until April. That's the only thing I still really need but durn, heaters are so expensive when you have a daughter in college. It was 82 in there an hour ago, but on days with no sun it doesn't get warm enough to really start some and keep them going. I finally broke down and purchased some heating mats and may give it a shot mid-March.

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