Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

Thanks everyone. Makes me feel better.

Anita, I have purple Sedum seed ready for you. If you are before me in the swap, I will mail them.

(Di) Seven Mile, OH(Zone 6b)

Patti, I tried my best and mine aren't commercially clean either. I asked the same question a few months ago and the universal response was that everyone is okay with it on this board. It's so hard to get some of the smaller ones, isn't it? The threadleaf coreopsis got the best of me. ;) Thanks for the crape myrtle seeds - hopefully I'll have some luck with them.

Anita, some of the crape myrtles are supposed to survive the winter here but I've never had one do so. I've tried three different types with no luck so I figured the next time I tried them I would just overwinter them in the house. My family likes to go to Gulf Shores/Orange Beach down in Alabama and I just love seeing them all over down there - just gorgeous!

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

WHAT A MORNING So busy around here & I don't have time to answer all your questions right now but as soon as I Get dinner in the oven & Over with I Will be back in with a few suggestions :)))

back in about 1pm :)

Sierra Foothills, CA(Zone 8a)

Happy New Year everyone!
I am presently unable to get the underbed storage box of seeds that I have for all of you as there is a huge pile of gardening magazines in the way. I realize that this is a forum and thread for seeds, wants & haves. Does anyone here want any gardening magazines? I will just mail them to you. Karen, and Corey I have yours set aside. I have a lot more and would like to distribute them to as many people as want them, otherwise that will be donated to senior centers and the public library on Tuesday.

What happed is I promised one of the members here some Organic Gardening, and I did not know that there were other magazines up there. My husband just went up into the attic and handed them to me. By the time he got to the OG magazines I was almost in a state of shock, as we have been working very hard to clean up our clutter and now I have huge piles of magazines on the floor.

If you are interested, just send me your address by d-mail and let me know if you are a beginning gardener, intermediate or advanced, and I will send to that magazine that will be most helpful, hopefully. If you find you don't want them, then just give them to another gardening friend or donate them.

~ Evelyn

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

Evelyn I have just the same problem with Books & Magazines Schools & Libraries find them very usefull & it is a cheaper way to find homes for them :) Some times the Local Gardening clubs also find them helpful.
what are the names of ones you have ???

Craig: I Myself Love the twining vines of my Honeysuckle the best & Then I Also have a Porcelain vine
that i like the colors of the berries in the fall.

As for cleaning the seeds comercial clean I also have a problem with that & all I ask you all to do is do the best you can with it , some chaff is ok. I ask that you please do not put pods in the robin please open the pods & let the seeds dry before adding to the robins .

sorry i didn't get back in earlier but had company since lunch time sisters came over we are planning a 98th B-day party for daddy with family & few of the GK"S & GGK"S .

anyway all are gone & I can relax so you all have a great evening I'll be back in the morning


Morrisville, PA(Zone 6b)

Evelyn, do you have any magazines devoted to herbs? If so, I am very interested..


Sierra Foothills, CA(Zone 8a)

Mary ~ The herb magazines have been spoken for, but I can hold back a few issues as there are a lot more than I ever imagined.

Susie ~ The titles are: The Herb Companion, The Herb Quarterly, Fine Gardening, American Horticulturist (AHS), The American Garden (AHS), Horticulture, Garden Gate, Garden Design, The Garden (RHS), Country Living Gardener, Beautiful Gardens, National Gardening, Flower Gardens, Flower & Garden. I did not list Organic Gardening as they are already reserved, and some of the herb magazines are reserved as well, but I can spare a few to two more people.

Some of these, I only have just a few issues. Horticulture, Garden Design and Fine Gardening, there are a lot more. (There might be some more that have just one or two issues.) Some have articles on seed-starting. Mainly they are general interest magazines, but especially for gardening fanatics. (I cannot promise seed-starting articles in every bunch I send out, but I will try to include at least one, *if possible*.)

~ Evelyn

Morrisville, PA(Zone 6b)

Evelyn, if there is one on colonial herb gardens, please may I have it? That is what I am most interested in reading.

You sure do have a lot of magazines!


Sierra Foothills, CA(Zone 8a)

No, Mary. I do not have that one.

Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

karen, did you ever find any mile a minute vine seed? I have a few that I could share with you if you don't find any.

Jennifer, if you don't find any balloon flower let me know. My neighbor gave me a little bit that I could share a few with you.

Oakland, MD

Quote from Crit :
karen, did you ever find any mile a minute vine seed? I have a few that I could share with you if you don't find any.

Jennifer, if you don't find any balloon flower let me know. My neighbor gave me a little bit that I could share a few with you.

Thank you and I have someone that is seeding me some balloon flower seeds.


(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

I Love garden gate Books or mags just tell me how much for postage

Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

evelyn .... I would like to have some of your mags. Not sure which one I want, you choose for me. I have been gardening a long time, but mainly the old 'regulars', not the neat new stuff that I am getting into now. Probably need to get back to the basics, so I would take newbie to intermediate. I also am getting ready to build new flowerbeds so anything along that line would be helpful.
Thank you so much for you offer! That is very kind of you. Sending you dmail.


Morrisville, PA(Zone 6b)

The major reason for my interest in colonial herbs is that during my visit to Pennsbury Manor (former estate of William Penn) last fall, I visited the veggie and herb garden and acquired some seeds of a special herb. The spelling provided by the gardener provided (ELEPAGNE) was not helpful.

I remembered that I was successful in finding the correct ID. It is Elecampane. For the past week I spent considerable time in attempting to locate where on my computer I had stored the correct name. Finally found it last night. Whew!!

Unfortunately, I only have a few seeds of elecampane. But I am willing to share one-half of what I have to the 1st person who makes the request.


Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

Very interesting plant information

crit-no never found the mile a minute would really appreciate a few seeds. thank you

Houston Heights, TX(Zone 9a)

Diamond, I have only started amaranthus seeds indoors. If I start them outdoors, the snails eat them as soon as they poke their heads above the earth. Also, if I plant them out too soon, the snails eat them. I have some coming up in seed starter mix right now. I find them a little fragile so anything you can do to strengthen the stem helps. Strong light and perhaps an oscillating fan. I grow Early Splendor from J. L. Hudson. Hope this helps. Cam

Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

I have an envie for you to put in the RR. If you are before me, I'll mail them to you. I only had 6 so am sending you 3.

Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

Do you still have French Hollyhocks? I saw you were listed in the plant files as having them and I have been looking for them.


let me look but i think i still have them. (fell behind in updating things over the holidays) will let you know if i dont, otherwise they will be in an env. for you

Morrisville, PA(Zone 6b)

DJ, in the 1st post on this thread, you listed the names of 2nd round Ronin participants

Jennifer's name appears twice in that list


Oakland, MD

Mary I just noticed also that my name is there twice.


(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

Sorry about that i have it corected now :) So I guess we have room for one more now :)))) . 15 will be the limit
for this robin . long day have been working on the robins route for the next robin. now i cannot finish it till we get one more player.

Oh if your address is not in the exchange will you please send it to me .

Morrisville, PA(Zone 6b)

Great thread full of propagation info and seed germination tips.


(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

gm all great info thank you for sharing I Have a Ornamental elderberry bush & would like to take a few cuttings to try to root a few when would you think would be the best time to take cuttings to try . ?

can you believe that our ace store are getting their 2011 spring seeds packs in already & the prices have gone up from $1.59 $2.59 & Up for them now . & they asre just the same oh seeds that have been sold for the last 5 years
why is it you can only get the special Newer seeds by ordering & not in our local stores ???

well i need to go in for my blood draw & I keep putting it off this morning so guess i better get off here back later in the day .


Morrisville, PA(Zone 6b)

Susie, since we have room for one more participant in round 2 ... the first post should be edited to remove


(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

your right these headaches do not let me think very well How about if anyone knows of someone just have them
contact me 14 is still a good group .
got to get to town back later

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

Just like to know if any of you might have any seeds for any of these type of yarrow ??
appleblossom, moonshine or red velvet .

also would like to find coneflower seeds for green jewel , razzmatazz,
i would like to plant more colorfull Sunflowers

also anyone here have or raise any bright orange roses bushes ???? would love a rooted branch :)
well i have a roast in the oven & time to get the rest of super on so will try to stop back in later .


Everett, WA(Zone 8a)

I've been thinking of trying to root a neighbor's gorgeous orange/coral rose. If I try and succeed, I'll post pictures and offer them.

I wouldn't call it "bright" orange. maybe bright for a coral, but on the mellow side for an "orange".


(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

Just wanted to share a site of a friend who is just starting a new site very honest & Trust worthy lady company coming soon so gotta get off here .

back in the morning

Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

Really nice sight! Seeds are really cheap! Thanks for sharing.

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

your welcome crit I Have traded with remy over the years we both were in many group swaps together Very fair lady . & If you have any questions about the seeds she will do her best to find the info you want on them :) .

I 'm still working on my list from her . well Frankie is rapping at the door so it is time to go put them in their pen :) for the night .

I've been trying to get my printer to work & It IS making me very flustered , back later .

i have only rooted cuttings in the spring and summer but they take off really quickly..

Your friend's site is really nice. have already written down a list of what i am going to buy next check !

This message was edited Jan 6, 2011 1:45 PM

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

Karen what are you rooting any ORANGE ROSE Bushes :))) :)))
well off to enjoy oven baked chicken & Dumplins :)

i dont have any orange roses, something i plan on correcting next time i get to a nursery. sorry.
and may i please have some chicken and dumplins? sounds wonderful.

(Anita) Fort Wayne, IN(Zone 6a)

I want a little sample, too.

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

if you like left overs come on up today :) OH It was so good. itis so easy to make if anyone wants :)
19* out this morning so very cold. went out to open the pen up for my critters to come out to play & They are still
laying up in the pen so guess they know where it is warmer for them :)

well i hope to get more seeds planted today going to put them out in the gh if i can get out there through the snow :)
well daddy is calling so you all have a great day back later


(Anita) Fort Wayne, IN(Zone 6a)

Morning all! I'd like some homemade stcky rolls for breakfast with my coffee! Anyone in a baking mood?

Athens, PA

Anita - that sounds so good! Lots of melting butter on mine please!

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

thats to funny anita for i have bread dough ready to make up into cinnamon rolls for daddy :) HEHE waiting for them to raise so i can put them in the oven . so come on up they will be ready about 12:00 Noon
He wants Hot codo & Cinn Rolls for his lunch . so that is what he gets :)

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