(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

No these were the seeds you sent with all the private trades & These are the extra for all you sent & it said japanese red maple . I Don't know ??? I wrote what was on your baggie when I Planted these In Nov .
I Put Them in the frig for about 3wks after you sent them . then took them out POURED Boiling Hot Water In a cup added the seeds let soak for about 1 hr Planted the seeds into soil Added Boiling Water covered with a BAGGIE& Rubber band they sprouted within a week & I took the Baggie Off them 3 out of 4 Grew.

so your saying they are Mimosa ??? These are not out doors they are here in the house.
guess i better go look up mimosa :)

Morrisville, PA(Zone 6b)

Susie .... 3 weeks in fridge is not long enough! They need 3 months ... check out the following link .... you need to scroll to get all the info


(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

Mary if these are not Japanese as you had on the baggie then what ever I Did guess it worked for they are about 3 inches tall already , & they were out of what you sent to share with us :) guess i will find out as it grows .

if you have any of the Japanese maple seeds left maybe you can put a few seeds in the robin for me .
I will keep the link above so i will know what to do with them .
if anyone has any seedlings of any Japanese maples I sure would love to trade for them . this spring when we have our plant swaps .

well off to check out more seeds

Barbourville, KY(Zone 7a)

I am sorry to hear you have not been feeling well Susie. I hope you can get your issues resolved.

Those don't look much like Mimosa seedlings either, at least not the most common one around here, Albizia julibrissin. They remind me a little of the pretty native Honey Locusts that like to spread throughout my yard.

Have a good evening,

Morrisville, PA(Zone 6b)

There are no honey locust trees near me.

I did find this site for a picture of a honey locust seedling


Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

I am also interested in the following seeds from you if you still have them:

Bachelor Button- Polka Dot mix
Chinese house- Lavender
Dames Rocket-violet
Love lies Bleeding
Marigold- Lemon Drop
Marigold- Crackerjack mix
Shasta Daisy

I have down for you:
Hummingbird Vine (aka Cypress Vine) red
Moss Rose mixed
Castor Bean

Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

I would be interested in the following seeds from you:

Sweet William
Blanket Flower
Baby’s Breath
Straw Flower
Sweet Pea
Lemon Balm

Oakland, MD

Quote from Crit :
I am also interested in the following seeds from you if you still have them:

Bachelor Button- Polka Dot mix
Chinese house- Lavender
Dames Rocket-violet
Love lies Bleeding
Marigold- Lemon Drop
Marigold- Crackerjack mix
Shasta Daisy

I have down for you:
Hummingbird Vine (aka Cypress Vine) red
Moss Rose mixed
Castor Bean

I will get your seeds together for you.

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

Jen I Would like to try a few Bachelor Button- Polka Dot mix
if you have extra . :)

also wanted to wish you all a HAPPY NEW YEARS EVE :) I Plan to sit here & Watch the ball drop in time Square .
& I Thought I would just surf the net for garden Specials :)))

chat in the morning :) Good nite all

Oakland, MD

Susie- I will put your name on Bachelor Button.
Do you have any extra of candy lilies seeds, Chrysanthemum- charm early Fashion orange, Fanfare white, Lavender, and yellow; Euphorbis Polychroma cushion spurge; purple Candy lily.


(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

Jen I Have Chrysanthemum- Not sure what ones yet & I have a few seeds of the candy lily left I Can share but think they are the orange & Red. No Cushion spurge seeds I Have just the plant I can share in the spring .

Daddy wants a Root Beer Float so back in the morning Movie coming on soon

Oakland, MD

Susie that is fine.


(Anita) Fort Wayne, IN(Zone 6a)

Does anyone have Euphorbia seeds or Sedum?

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

Please welcome Evelyn_inthegarden


DO YOU THINK THIS FORUM IS GETTING LONG TALL ME . I Usually just click on (skip to) that takes me to where i left off . the last time i posted . But i can make a new forum for the dial up Members.

I have some Daylily seeds unknown parents to find homes for . I just have 8 types & some are going to Diamond9192002 .

ok it is time to go read my personal mail ya all have a great day

Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

I have some sedum, not sure of the variety, but I could include some seed for you to try. I am in the 2nd round of the swap. Or I could mail them to you.


Thumbnail by Crit

Hi Evelyn-I am so glad to see you joined. you will love it !!!!!!!!!!


Morrisville, PA(Zone 6b)

Evelyn, welcome to the next round of the robin.

I have a new addition to feed the ROBIN.

Bearded Bellflower (Campanula barbata)


(Di) Seven Mile, OH(Zone 6b)

Welcome Evelyn!

Mary, I would love some of the bellflower please.


Athens, PA

Mary -

I would like some of the bearded campanula too.

Evelyn - welcome!


(Anita) Fort Wayne, IN(Zone 6a)

Patti, I would love some of that Sedum. My mother loves it and I would like to grow some for her garden. I am in the second round of the Robin. I'm close to Susie so I will probably be towards the end. I can send you a sase for the seeds. Can you dmail your addy?

Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

Mary ..... me too please.

Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

Anita, don't worry about sase. If I'm after you in round 2, I'll just put some in the mail.


I see you are before me on the list, so I will put the seeds in the mail.

This message was edited Jan 1, 2011 1:02 PM

(Di) Seven Mile, OH(Zone 6b)

Patti, could you add an envie of the pink crape myrtle for me? I just love crape myrtle and I have a good sized pot to put it in so I can overwinter here.

(Anita) Fort Wayne, IN(Zone 6a)

Isn't Crepe Myrtle a perreniel in your zone Janae?

Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

OK Di, will do. Hope they sprout for you!

You are ahead of me so I will put some in the mail to you.


This message was edited Jan 1, 2011 3:02 PM

Morrisville, PA(Zone 6b)

FYI The order listed above is NOT the probable flight pattern of the 2nd ROBIN.

DeeJay will post the projected flight pattern after she has time to determine the best overall route for it to take.

OK off to make packets of Bearded Bellflower (Campanula barbata) seeds for

Carolyn, Crit, and Janastone. Anyone else want some?


me too please

Athens, PA

Oh Mary!

Thank you, thank you, thank you! I never met a campanula I didn't like!

Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

Thanks for the info Mary

Oakland, MD

Mary- I would love to have some of your Bellflower seeds.


Morrisville, PA(Zone 6b)

Jennifer and Karen, Bearded Bellflower (Campanula barbata) seeds packets are reserved for both of you.

Look what I found at Dollar Tree

You may want to look for them in the Baby Shower section the next time you visit a Dollar Tree.

You know that when seed collection time rolls around again they will probably not be there ... Murphy's Law!


(Anita) Fort Wayne, IN(Zone 6a)

Me, too! May I please have some of your Bellflower seeds?

Morrisville, PA(Zone 6b)

Anita, a packet of Bearded Bellflower (Campanula barbata) seeds has your name on it.


(Anita) Fort Wayne, IN(Zone 6a)

thank you Mary! Has anyone sown amaranthus seeds inside? I want to get started on some of the Summer Poinsettas now. I have kept Coleus and Rose of Sharon inside for a long time but I have never tried the Amaranthus.

Eaton Rapids, MI

Hi Everybody, I have a question for you all. my wife and I are going to be building a large pergula with our income tax money and I was looking for suggestions on the best type of vine to grow on it. any suggestions would be appriciated. thanks

Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

I have a ? as to how you all get your seeds so clean??? My thumbs have arthritis and it is hard for me to physically pick them out, such as Moss Rose.....they are so tiny! I used a kitchen strainer then a smaller mesh strainer, but I still have a lot of chaff in them. When I do seeds just for myself, I don't worry about the chaff and plant it all together. I'm embarrassed that my seed are not going to be 'commercial package clean', but there ARE seeds in there! :-)) I hope this is OK with everyone!

Sierra Foothills, CA(Zone 8a)

Thanks for the big welcome everyone! I am on dial-up, but usually have no problem with getting to the latest post.

I have a large variety of seeds, but just a few of each. It will take me a while to make up a good list. In the meantime, any special seeds that you all are wanting?

I have to go now, but will be back later.

Cheers! (Happy New Year everyone!)


(Anita) Fort Wayne, IN(Zone 6a)

Craig, what zone are you in? I personally like the Morning Glory and the Passion Vine. Both can be invasive. Morning Glory is a heavy reseeder so you will only have to plant once. Passion Vine may not be a perenniel in your zone. Those two grow very fast and may cover your percula the first year if you plant early enough.

Crit, the first thing I try with harvesting seeds is placing the blooms/seed pod in a paper bag and leaving them sit for a few days. Then I try to shake some seeds loose. If they come out easily I continue with that method. Coneflowers are the tough ones because they are so prickly and time consuming.

Welcome Evelyn! What seeds are you looking for? I want Summer Poinsettas, Elephant Head Amaranthus, Peony double bloom, Hygrangea, Euphorbia and Purple Sedum. For some reason I am into the purples, orange, red and yellows. LoL

Athens, PA


My own personal preferences for a pergola are either a climbing hydrangea or a climbing rose with clematis growing through it.

Crit - I use an old plastic spice jar with the removeable disk on the top that has the holes. This works for a great many seeds. Personally speaking, I don't get my seeds commercial seed perfect either. I don't think it is worth sacrificing valuable seeds for a few peices of chaff. Besides - Mother Nature plants her seeds with chaff.


Morrisville, PA(Zone 6b)

CRIT Chaf does not bother me. I'm happy with receiving seed pods. I figure the chaf has to at least provide some nourishment to my growing medium.


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