(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

Karen Your name is on the 2nd time on & Rick yes Froggie_girl is still on the list I just have to get in touch with her yet .

if your name is gone from the list let me know . I do make mistakes now & again so i need reminding.
working a site maybe some might like to check it out .

Morrisville, PA(Zone 6b)


Dwarf Sunflower, Teddy Bear
Creeping Thyme, Mother of Thyme, Wild Thyme , Thymus serpyllum

Coleus, Sonatina Velvet Red (Solenostemon scutellariodes)
Coleus, Sonatina Scarlet Yellow (Solenostemon scutellarioides)

Dwarf Sunflower, Teddy Bear (Helianthus annuus)
Dwarf Sunflower, Sunny Smile (F1) (Helianthus annuus)
Coleus, Sonatina Velvet Red (Solenostemon scutellariodes)
Coleus, Sonatina Scarlet Yellow (Solenostemon scutellarioides)

Dwarf Sunflower, Sunny Smile (F1) (Helianthus annuus)
'Irish Eyes' sunflower

mother of thyme,
azalea, gardenia, and
velvet red coleus


CRIT, Rose Moss-mixed seeds.

JENNIFER Snapdragon- Baby mix seeds

KAREN (sherman99) dianthus ipswich pinks.


This message was edited Dec 21, 2010 8:44 PM

Nineveh, NY(Zone 5a)

Sorry everyone. I'm fine. I started working after being a stay at home mom for 4 years. Its kicking my butt a bit. Clean the house,take care of kids, get one on the bus and picked back up at 11:30am. I'm sure you all know how it goes. I am still interested. If I don't get back on before Christmas...Merry Christmas to everyone!!! =)


Everett, WA(Zone 8a)

Hi Erin

Now I'll have to call you "SuperMomOfTwo".

(I used to try figure out what the acronym stood for ... Mom Oft W.O.? For a while I thoguht it might be an abbreviated "Mom Of The World" - nice name for a gardener! It really took me a long time to see "of two". What can I say, the simpler, the harder!)


Nineveh, NY(Zone 5a)

Yeah, now I have one full time job(the kids and house work) and a part time job that I can get out of the house for a little bit. Hopefully by the summer I'll be able to manage them both a little better. lol.

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

Thank you erin for Posting I'm Sure you all know Me by Now & That I Do not want to reroute the Robin away from anyone . I Just need for everyone to please if your computor gose down or no matter what maybe just use a friends or the computor at a library or call one of us I will be happy to send any one my Phone # .

ok so on the brighter side of the day I got two Possums Last night even the one that Had my Duck by her tail & Made her Limp He won't be Bothering anyones critters NO MORE .

Still Very Dark out But i have the porch light on & It is SNOWING

Geee Karen are you in the rain belt or the snow belt ??? I hope in the snow Think I would rather be snowed in then to be flooded out . Be safe friend . & Keep us inform.

well i have much mail to answer so you all have a great day .

Oakland, MD

Susie- I would like to have your phone number so that I have it. Also is it ok to add the ones that are on the 2nd round robin there seeds that they asked for in this time round robin since they are before me for the next round. I hope that is ok.


Everett, WA(Zone 8a)


It turns out that I did not recieve any Snow White Cherry tomato seeds, so you will have to keep looking for those.

These are what I'll be sending (next year)

Rose of Sharon (White)

2 peppers:
- - very hot small "Thai or japanese Chili" and
- - mild, very large "CA, probably Anaheim".

I'm sure I have 10 seeds of each of these:
- - Salvia nemerosasylvestris "Amethyst Blue"
- - Salvia superba "Violet Queen"
- - Salvia transylvanica "Blue Spires"

Let me know if you're interested in other specific hot peppers or Salvias.


Oakland, MD


yes I would be interested
Rose of Sharon (White)
hot peppers that you said and also the Salvias

other Hot peppers that I would like to try are:
Hot Cowhorn

Other Sweet Peppers I would like to try:
Sweet Pickle pepper.

Morrisville, PA(Zone 6b)

Priority mail rates to increase


Everett, WA(Zone 8a)

OK, Jennifer, buit I don't have any Sweet Pickle pepper or Hot Cowhorn .

By the way, do you prefer "Jennifer" over "Jen"?


Oakland, MD

Corey That is ok just saying is all.
Jennifer or Jen is fine.


Eaton Rapids, MI

Hi everyone. is this where I sign up for round 2 of the robin? I have alot of extra veggie and flower seeds and this sounds like alot of fun! please let me know if this is whee I sign up. thanks!

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

yes this is the right place craig welcome If you decide to join us I Will send you a dmail with the info I will need from you .
your welcome to Share a list of your haves & A list of what you would like to find maybe someone might have some to share .

well sorry for being MIA Today But I Have much to do with some of the kids & GK's Comming to visit dad
I Will try to pop back in after they have gone . \

have a great day

Athens, PA



I would be interested in your Giant Columbine, Tidy Tips, Threadleaf Coreopsis, and tomato Green Zebra and tomato Large red cherry.

Morrisville, PA(Zone 6b)

Hi Craig!

I reviewed your trade list.

I would like Baby Breath and Tidy Tips and a few Green Zebra tomato.

Please let me know if you have the above and if you want some Japanese Red Leaf Maple (bloodgood) seeds.


(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

Just wanted to let you all Know that Craig has just Joined this Morning :) No Choice :) so we will have to let him find his way around here yet . & this is his 1st Robin so lets break him in easy :) I have been trying to explain to him but you all know I can be confusing also .

He is proble trying to get his seeds listed that he will have to share so he might not have all that is on his trade page Not sure. so I Think he;'s working on his list & will get it posted for you sometime in the next 2 days.

it might take him time to get back with you . but sure he will .

Mary I wouldn't mind trying a few seeds of the coleus & Sunflowers :)
well my sisters kids & their kids are going to be here soon so I have to get off here back later after they have gone .

its to much for daddy when they all come at once so they all have taken turns coming to visit today so not to tire him to much :) you all have a great day .

Everett, WA(Zone 8a)

Hi Craig!

I looked at "Craig's List", and if you still have plenty, could I have a few of these? Only if you have plenty.

Bell Pepper "Golden CA Wonder"
Swiss Chard
Chili Pepper "Anaheim New Mexico"
Tomato "Siberian"

If you would be interested in rather small quantities, I received a wide variety of tomatoes and peppers in a trade and would split some of them (but not so much the very early and cool weather ones).
See this thread:
Seed Trading: Thanks for the Peppers & Tomatoes, Heather!


(Anita) Fort Wayne, IN(Zone 6a)

Welcome Craig!

Welcome Craig- this is a fun group of people. may i suggest that you list on this thread what you have to offer. and you can see what people have posted here and chose what you would like.
I asked lots of questions when i first started and everyone was really nice, so dont hestitate if you are not sure of something. I know someone on here will have an answer.

Eaton Rapids, MI

Hi everyone , just wanted to let you know I have everything on my trade list but only 1 packet to trade.(I have alot of variety but small quantity). I am still not sure how this works. is this right- A box gets shipped from one person to the next and when you recieve the box you take out what you want and add an equal amount of something different. it looks like people also do trades on the side and include those in the box as well? Please help me understand - I'm a little slow Sometimes ;) Thanks, Craig

Oakland, MD

Yes Craig you got the idea. I am new at doing this also and so far it is a lot of fun.
I have took a look at your list and I would like if you stall have
Sweet Hungarian pepper seeds, Yolo Wonder Bell pepper seeds, White wonder Cucumber, Amana Orange Tomatoes, Chocolate Cherry Tomatoes, Hillibilly tomatoes, Mexico Midget Tomato, Tiny Tim Tomato Seeds, Yellow Peach tomato seeds.

Take a look at my trade list and see if there is anything that you would like on my list and I will be happy to put your name on the seeds.


(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

Well long day here today with My sisters GK's who come to see grandpa :) & Their 1st time Feeding my Turkeys
they have never seen tame turkeys up close before :) it was fun to watch them :)

as I say company most the day has me wore out so time to watch the news even as bad as it is .
craig I Leave you in good hands . good night all back for coffee & Chat in the am :)

Thumbnail by deejay9
(Di) Seven Mile, OH(Zone 6b)

Hi Craig and welcome! You can do side trades and send them in the robin box if the person you are trading with is after you on the robin's flightpath. Otherwise you can just send them on to the person's home.

Susie - have you decided on the flight path for the 2nd time around yet or is the one at the top the definite one?

Craig, I would love some of your columbine seeds and "straight eight' cuke seeds if you still have them.


Houston Heights, TX(Zone 9a)

Must one be invited to join the 2nd robin? If not, I would like to join. Thanks

Morrisville, PA(Zone 6b)


DeeJay (Susie) may not be on until tomorrow. What you need to do is post your WISH list .... and a list of seeds you have to feed the ROBIN when it lands at your abode.

What we try to do is reserve some of the seeds that we have that appear on Wish lists for those who want them.

We make an envy for that participant ... with there DG ID and place the envy with the seeds into the Robin.

Susie will mail you a list (fairly long) of guidelines for the ROBIN.

You should review the posts in this thread and part 1 to see what some of us have for the 2nd round of the seed Robin.

The Robin is presently in the first round.


Houston Heights, TX(Zone 9a)

Thanks Mary. I will post my lists and wait for Susie's guidelines.

Everett, WA(Zone 8a)

Here is an early thread and the original list of rules, though Susie (Deejay9) may have relaxed some of them.

One rule that has become more clear to me recently is that it really IS important to post something showing you're still around, a week or two before the Robin reaches your part of the Flight Path (12-15 from now). If you were called away suddenly, and someone shipped the box to "no one home", something like 7 pounds of tiny seed packets would suddenly be lost, to the sound of much weeping and wailing and gnashing of teeth. VBut whatever squirrels have access to your front steps would get fat and happy.

Personally, I love it when people indicate on a seed pkt whether they grew and collected it themselves, or got it in trade, and who they originally got it from. I'm looking forward to showing people my garden in the future, and saying "I got this from Deejay, who got it from Merrymath, who got it from LazLo who ...

Also, (this is just me), I like to pre-print small labels, like 1"x2" and put several copies into any seed pkt I add that is big enough for more than one person to each take some of the seeds. Then they can take a label along with the seeds, and they don't need to hand-write the info on their pkt.

The Robin was pre-stuffed by some VERY generous gardeners before she took off for the first leg. When I put her back in the air, she weighed 7 pounds, 3 ounces, and the postage was $19 including confirmation sticker. That was 1,220 miles - from Everett WA (50 miles from Canada) to CA (60 miles from Mexico).

I ~~think~~ I heard someone say that the postage was less now, or maybe that was for a shorter hop.

There are some pictures of the early Robin at:
Post #8197708
Post #8197684
Post #8198645
Post #8198658

What I attached here was only 1/2 the contents. What you see are bags full of bags full of packets of seeds!

An early thread:

Susie would be the one to say what what the rules are now, but this was how they started out months ago:

Thumbnail by RickCorey_WA

Hi Craig again
I would be interested in your sweet pea and marigold seeds. let me know if i have anything on my lists that you might want.

Houston Heights, TX(Zone 9a)

Here are my lists:
I have:
Ageratum houstonianum
Flame Acanthus
Coral Vine, antigonon leptopus
Datura, white bloom with purple edges
Confederate Rose
Scarlet Morning Glory
Hyacinth Bean Vine
Ruellia Brittoniana, blue or pink
Crackerjack Marigolds
Tecoma stans
Mealy Blue Sage
Red Texas Sage, Salvia coccinea
Lemon basil
Speckled Pole Lima beans
Spaghetti squash

I want:
Blue Globe Thistle
Autumn Joy Sedum
White Cat's Whiskers
Scarlet Runner Beans
Single Mexican Tuberose
Kamschatca Stonecrop
Coleus, green and gold
Coleus, Kong Green
Coleus, Lime Frills
Drummond's Aster
Mexican Mint Marigold
White Bowman Root
Old Fashioned Perennial Petunias
Small Zinnias
bunching onions
newer varieties of coneflower
newer colors of Rudbeckia
Dwarf chenille plant

This message was edited Dec 25, 2010 1:43 PM

This message was edited Jan 1, 2011 2:50 AM

This message was edited Jan 3, 2011 11:04 AM

This message was edited Jan 5, 2011 2:22 AM

Hi steadycam3.

would be interested in your two sages
could give you scarlet runner beans and small zinnias
let me know

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

GM All
DI : Know I Have not Had time to think about the flight yet But I Will Once we reach 15 PLAYERS Then I WIll Not Take On Anymore. I Think we have 14 right now .

Welcome Cam Please Send me your Name & Address By dmail I will then Give you the basics of the robin .
I Have to Up-date the List above yet .
I will try to get it done today yet Have a few last minnut things to do yet . but we do have lots of time yet .

We Have room for one More in the robin then I Will Close the sign up .

Wishing you all a Happy & Safe Christmas Eve will be back later in the day .

Oakland, MD

Steadycam3- I am interested in your Datura, White Bloom with purple edges, Scarlet Moring Glory, Hyacinth Bean vin, Ruellia Brittoniana Blue or pink, Tecoma Stans, and Coral Vine.

Take a look at my trade list and see if there is anything on it that you would like to have and I will put it with your name.


New Providence, IA(Zone 5a)

Susie, do you still have me as a member? I know I have not posted, but things have been very busy. Still need to make turtles, wrap presents, bake more cookies...that is just tonight. I will be gone from tomorrow til at least the following Sunday. When things slow down, I will find my seeds and post. Is that okay?

Merry Christmas to all!

Morrisville, PA(Zone 6b)

Mellen, Susie has you listed to participate in the 2nd round of the Robin. You have lots for seed preps in Jan. Does not look like the 2nd Robin will take flight before March.

Everyone, enjoy this festive time of year.

May this Christmas be a blessed one for one and all.


Athens, PA

Merry Christmas everyone......

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

Yes mellen you are listed Up-top Have a great Christmas with family .
My lil sister & her GKS are on their way out to visit with daddy for a bit so I will be back in the morning for coffee.

Morrisville, PA(Zone 6b)

The seeds I ordered from JohnnySeeds arrived yesterday; so today, I will be making packets for all those who requested these seeds.


(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

Mary I planted 4 seeds of your Japanese Red Maple & here is what I Have :))) thank you for sharing with me .

Thumbnail by deejay9
Morrisville, PA(Zone 6b)

EKKS ... Those are not Japanese Red Leaf Maple seedlings!

They look like mimosa! Did you plant them outside?

To see what the Japanese red Leaf maple seedlings look like .... go to this site and scroll down a bit.


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