December on the 'Stead

So.App.Mtns., United States(Zone 5b)

Cute story, Caj!

Sapello, NM(Zone 5b)

LMAO! Funny!

Biggs, KY(Zone 6a)

Glad you liked it. I had fun writing it.

Caneyville, KY(Zone 6b)

Great story, Cajun!

WhooHoo! Al is going through orientation this morning. Woke up to 10* this morning, but the sun is shining and it's up to 30*. I've got my garden plans laid out on the table so I can redo it based on the rotation plan. Can't wait for spring!

Sapello, NM(Zone 5b)

I think I may not be ruthless enough to do rotation... I always see those last few green beans, waiting for them to mature rather than ripping out & planting... [[sigh]]

I've been cleaning up & watering the few plants left in the GH, cooking & doing my crochet projects. Found a way to help edit those free old books available online, so I've been doing a bit of proof-reading these last couple of days.

Big news is I've been accepted for a 2 1/2 month practice intensive at San Francisco Zen Center. So now I have to organize my thinking & my well room so that the SO can get things started when I leave in ACK! 3 weeks.

Caneyville, KY(Zone 6b)

Congratulations, Jay. That sounds like a wonderful experience. Even if I don't know what it's all about. :)

LOL I can't do it either. I'm not going that in depth in my rotations. I think that falls more into intensive gardening, ie: ripping out one vegetable to plant another to harvest the same year. The rotation I'm using is based on giving plants a new location for the nutrients they need to grow properly and to confuse the bugs. Planting beans in the row that corn was planted in the previous year, because beans will fix the nitrogen in the soil that the corn depleted the year before, and planting corn where tomatoes had been because tomatoes are generally heavy fertilized. I've got mine designed to do a 4 year rotation. There's a much simpler plan and that is just rotate rows from above ground crops one year to root crops the following year. Not that I'm actually all that knowledgable about all this...I just did a lot of reading and put essential info on paper in my notebook since my memory is only about a minute long sometimes.

Sapello, NM(Zone 5b)

Oh that! Yeah, I do that. This year my big experiment (besides going out of town & directing the garden from 700 miles away... remote gardening, as it were) is going to be starting my bean patch to oats first. The oats should have a couple of months growth at least before I turn them under & plant beans.

We shall see!

Basically, I'm going to go play zen monk for 2 1/2 months. Well, I won't really be playing, as I am actually a zen monk, but I'll get to look like one & live in a monastery for a little while. I'm just trying to decide whether or not to shave my head....

So.App.Mtns., United States(Zone 5b)

Cool, Jay! I had a friend who stayed in a monastery in New England for several months, don't know in what capacity. Knowing her, it was probably a Buddhist monastery. She loved it!

Robin, I should do more of that rotating myself. Glad Al found a Roomie, and that he gets paid starting today.

Caneyville, KY(Zone 6b)

I can't imagine having a spiritual experience on that level. I've had a few spiritual moments that I can't even begin to explain. I just know they leave me feeling totally at peace for a few moments.

Is SO a gardener, too? By choice? LOL You'll be going back home at the right time to plant cool crops, right?

I am so impressed with my hens. Even as cold as it's been, they are still laying 7-9 eggs a day

So.App.Mtns., United States(Zone 5b)

Hey Robin... if we get together, I'd like to buy some eggs from you!

Caneyville, KY(Zone 6b)

Darius, I'll be sure to bring you some.

So.App.Mtns., United States(Zone 5b)

I could use 3 dozen, but fewer is okay.

Sapello, NM(Zone 5b)

Oh, mostly it's not spiritual. It's far more mundane than that. Think of it as 10 weeks of seminary school. We'll meditate @ 5:30 am for about an hour, then again at 5:00 pm for about an hour, the rest of the time we are learning the 'discipline' of cleaning the monastery. =0) Being cogs in the wheel & studying things like...

"To study the buddha way is to study the self. To study the self is to forget the self. To forget the self is to be actualized by the myriad things. When actualized by myriad things, your body and mind as well as the bodies and minds of others drop away. No trace of realization remains, and this no-trace continues endlessly."

Noooo, the SO is not a natural gardener, she's a baker. It's a little scary to leave my precious dirt & seeds in her hands, but she tries hard & there's always the supermarket. =0) I'll be coming home April 3rd, so I'll be here to start putting things in the ground. She's got to start things indoors so they'll be waiting for me when I get home.

Spent part of the day splitting wood; I want to get it all done for her before I go. She's a terrible aim w/the maul. =o}

Bolingbrook, IL(Zone 5a)

jayryunen At first it sounded like a wonderful idea where you are going. I am sure I would be more healthy and happy if I would do some meditating. But then I read what what you will be studying and got totally confused. It is great that you will have this opportunity but I would have to start some where lower than you! I would really like to hear how it went for you and how it helped when you are back. Please. I need to find a place that is quiet and I can learn how to meditate and find some peace. There must be some where for some one like me.

Sapello, NM(Zone 5b)

Oh mableruth, I don't understand it either! =0)

Can I D-mail you about meditation?

Caneyville, KY(Zone 6b)

Still sounds like a cool experience. I wouldn't be a good candidate though for anything like "studying the self"...I don't have enough self-discipline and I'm too much of a day dreamer. BTW, you can Dmail me too about meditation. :)

Nice of you to be so thoughtful toward making SO's work load lighter when you're gone.

Darius, I'm sure I'll have 3 doz. for you.

Cajun, how's Steve doing?

Bolingbrook, IL(Zone 5a)

jayryunen absolutely

Biggs, KY(Zone 6a)

Robin, DH is doing fine. He is relaxing on the couch now. There were NO blockages at all. They have changed his meds yet again. I am so glad this day is behind us. Now for him to recoup after all this and get back to better times. I need his help with the work. :)

I meditate but not in the same sense as Jay. All day as I go about my business I carry on an inward conversation with God. He is always with me and I would rather think on Him instead of myself. I gain strength thinking of Him and I have peace knowing He is always with me and is working everything to my good even when I can't see it.

Jay, I guess we won't hear from you while you are there? I will surely miss you but I am glad you are getting this chance to do what you will enjoy. Will you be allowed to take any pics? I would love to see them.

Robin, that's great your hens are laying so well. I have a bunch of slackers but mine don't get much sunlight in this hole we live in. I don't expect any eggs until Spring. Maybe I should go ahead and eat a few older hens. But I know even though they won't lay as many eggs as the pullets, their eggs will be bigger, so it's a hard decision. I have 6 older girls.

Thumbnail by CajuninKy
Sapello, NM(Zone 5b)

What a lovely picture, Cajun! Conveys the gloomy cold, yet beautiful contrast of the snow & water.

What Cajun described--a lovely description, by the way--is more along the lines of what I might call contemplation, which we also do. Meditation is keeping the body still & centering the mind on a particular object, say in your case the feeling of joy or faith that arises when you read a particular passage in the Bible. There is also the silent expectant waiting which many Christians practice. Using the breath as an anchor for the busy mind while allowing the heart to be open to the leadings of the inner Light. I expect you have something like that you do as well. =0)

There are many kinds of meditation... all it really means is 'training the mind'.

Going to Zen Center will be a very fun, cool experience, it's just not the sweetness & light lah-lah that folks imagine. =0) For some reason it seems common to assume that all the world's troubles, all those irritating, annoying people aren't going to be within the walls of the monastery... and that's just not so. Everyone's still the same, oneself included. The place is just chock full of warts, bumps, & people who 'just don't get it'. LOL

I can take pictures--though not during meditation or service--but for some reason my computer has stopped recognizing my camera. I'll have to try & fix that before I go. And I hope to be able to post a bit; I'll just be very busy & I'll have to use the communal computer, so you can imagine how that is.

We're supposed to get snow, but it's pretty clear here right now. So....?

Caneyville, KY(Zone 6b)

Love the pic...makes me want to walk down into our gulley to take pics.

Cajun, the light is a definite issue. I've read a shoplight turned on for 16 hours a day will encourage more egg laying. Ours are getting about 10 hours of natural daylight.

Richmond, TX

"Keeping the body still and..." I guess meditation is not for me I'm seriously hyperactive. Commendable nonetheless.

Sapello, NM(Zone 5b)

LOL... there is a kind of walking meditation, but it doesn't really sound like you'd be interested in that either. =0)

Richmond, TX

Can I walk really fast?

Have a fruitful session, regenerate, recharge; keep in touch when you can.

Biggs, KY(Zone 6a)

I'm not too good at sitting still. I surely don't move as fast as I used to but I like to always be busy even if it's just my mind that's doing the moving. There is a scripture that talks about being still and seeing the Glory of the Lord. I have always taken that to mean waiting on God to move in my behalf. Not being stagnate and using it as an excuse to do nothing, but rather hovering and allowing God to get things in order so He can bless me in His way and in His time. I tend to go off half cocked and jump into things because I am impatient and cling to the old adage, "do something even if it's wrong". LOL

God is all knowing and He works all things to the good of His children. I don't believe all people are God's children. We are created with a free will. It is what sets us apart from the animals and the angels. We have to choose to serve God and follow His commandments. When we do, He directs our path and as long as we stay in covenant relationship with Him (holding up our end of the bargain, so to speak ) He will be true to His promises and provide what we need be it spiritual, physical, financial, mental, emotional and so on. His word says He will never leave us nor forsake us. I find great comfort in that.

I surely do not mean to offend anyone with my beliefs. I know they are mine alone and I do not mean to try and ram them down anyone's throat or convert anyone. I hope I do not come across like that. I have always enjoyed this forum and most of DG because it's a group of people that can agree to disagree and remain friends. I enjoy discussing my beliefs. I have been a Christian since I was 18yo and it is the foundation of who I am after all these years. I like to learn about other religions also. I am not of the belief that only my denomination is going to Heaven. I do not believe God prefers us by denomination. I believe all those who follow God's teachings as He leads and guides, will spend eternity in Heaven. I also think it is our responsibility to always seek the truth with an open mind. Just because my church teaches a certain thing does not make it truth. I have to seek out the truth for myself in God's word and rely on Him to lead and guide. If I do this with all humility and honesty I believe God will honor it and help me to live my life for Him.

One more thought on the subject and then I'll hush. :) I get uncomfortable around people who can only talk "religion" and nothing else. I wonder if they are trying to convince me or themselves. I will talk God all day if a person is interested and asks me about things but I know there are many facets in life and they are worth discussing too. We are passing through this life on the way to eternity but we have to "live" this life while we are here. In the world but not of the world, if that makes any sense. I like to talk about life in general, the garden, the family, soaring prices and below average quality produce at Walmart. I want to be a person who's company is enjoyed and valued. If I hope to lead a person to Christ I have to do so by example. My life should speak louder than my words. If I am "so Heavenly minded as to be of no earthly good" why would a person want to spend time with me? There is a balance there, I think. I believe God has the answers for us all, to make our lives better. We will never see perfection in this life but God can give us the "tools" to survive this life in good stead so that we can spend eternity with Him in a land of perfection. JMHO

Robin, I have also heard that about the lights but I have no proper hen house so it is not possible for me at this time. It would sure be nice though. Even though they are not laying they still eat just as much. Jay had a great suggestion for me and, of course, I am still planning to do it. It takes me forever to get around to doing things. :( I want to ask them at the local deli if I can leave a 5 gallon bucket with them for scraps and pick them up every couple of days. I pass there twicw a day every day. The chickens would love it. The dogs would too. I need to get busy with that.

Jay, I did not realize they would allow a computer in the monestary much less have one of their own. I guess I watch too much TV. LOL I will be looking forward to seeing it and hearing all about your experiences there. Maybe you can contribute to the quality of life there by making them a batch of chevre. Is it a remote location where they do their own gardening, ect. I have seen such places on TV but that may just be in other countries. I know, I am showing my ignorance. LOL

I'm glad you guys liked the pic. It's pretty to be sure but miserable to work in. I think the next few days should be an improvement. It will sure boost my outlook. I need to get another tarp up on my goat house. And I need to get these 2 chickens out of my LR. They stink!!!

Darius, what kind of weather are you having? I know it has been cold way down south of us. A guy on the poultry forum lives near Ocala Fla and their temps are in the teens. I didn't know that happened. Is that near where your sister lived?

This pic is at the top of my short driveway.

Thumbnail by CajuninKy
So.App.Mtns., United States(Zone 5b)

Caj, pretty much the same weather as you are having. It was 16º when I got up (late) this morning... better than the 6º yesterday morning! Should get above freezing tomorrow and Friday, with some rain to melt some of the snow.

I just started monitoring the temp and humidity in my root cellar, to see if I can hang meat or shelve cheese to cure. Unfortunately, it's not a wireless unit so I need to trudge through the snow to get the overnight min-max and record it. I've just been promised another small wine cooler unit whenever I can go fetch it, 150 miles away. Still waiting on the one from my friend Bud to bring to his home in NC from his parent's house in Atlanta. Having both should give me a decent start to age cheese and some charcuterie, although neither one will hold much.

Biggs, KY(Zone 6a)

Wow! You are colder than us. We were 14* yesterday. Don't know about today. I stuck my nose out and it feels cold. :)

What is charcuterie? Does hard cheese need to be aged? Is it possible to make your own Monterey Jack cheese? I LOVE that stuff!!

Sapello, NM(Zone 5b)

Sounds like some wonderful projects you're cooking up there, Darius. Can't wait to read about them on your blog. =0)

The monastery I'm going to is just a few blocks from the Castro district in downtown San Francisco. LOL A looooong way from any milk goat! It's a very urban center, lots of coming & going, not a closed/cloistered place in any sense of the word. The resident lay people probably outnumber the resident ordained. And an awful lot of the residents are 20-somethings, so you can imagine how un-serene things can get....

And in those moments when the drama & uproar inside the walls dies down.... there's always the street noise banging through the windows.

And I agree, the quality of the produce at WallyWorld sucks. It's my major inspiration for gardening here. LOL

So.App.Mtns., United States(Zone 5b)

Caj, yes you can make Monterey Jack at home; it's not hard.

All the recipes I've seen for Jack call for cow's milk. After you cook, drain and press the cheese, it's waxed and stored for aging at 40° to 60°F (55°F is ideal) for 1-4 months. (All cheese with a rind needs to be aged.)

Charcuterie is prepared meat products such as bacon, ham, sausage, terrines, galantines, pâtés, and confits. The old fashioned country hams that were cured and hung in the cellar or meat house are charcuterie. I'm getting ready to try to make a venison pancetta, but it needs to be hung to cure.

Jay, making sausage posts start on my blog sometime the first week of January. Three or four parts, so far. I hope to afford cheese cultures with my January SS check, and a significant amount of (hopefully raw) milk for cheese in February. It takes nearly 2-1/2 gallons of milk to make a pound of cheese.

North of Heber, AZ(Zone 6b)

Snow! First snow this winter unless you count the very light snow we had in November. Just a few flakes so far, but we are supposed to get up to 2 feet down to 3000 ft elevation. (I am at barely 6000 ft.) Very cold (maybe down to 6 or 7 tonight) but the first snow is still exciting. Hopefully the citrus in the greenhouse will be okay, also the tomato plants that are still in pots and still bearing. My homemade heating system isn't doing very well but I keep trying, turning it on every night, with a new digital timer that seems to be more compatible with the solar panels, controller, inverter, etc than the old analog kind, which simply don't work with it. I think the lavender can handle the low temps -- most of my cuttings seem to have rooted okay and are ready to put into 4" pots, but I am holding off until warmer weather. I went down to the Valley for 4 days and the lavender seems to do better when I am gone, so I can't keep digging them up to see how they are doing! 8^)

Sapello, NM(Zone 5b)

Quote from CajuninKy :
I'm not too good at sitting still. I surely don't move as fast as I used to but I like to always be busy even if it's just my mind that's doing the moving. There is a scripture that talks about being still and seeing the Glory of the Lord. I have always taken that to mean waiting on God to move in my behalf. Not being stagnate and using it as an excuse to do nothing, but rather hovering and allowing God to get things in order so He can bless me in His way and in His time. I tend to go off half cocked and jump into things because I am impatient and cling to the old adage, "do something even if it's wrong". LOL

=0) I've always taken that passage to mean to sit & wait, let the thinking/planning/worrying mind grow still & let God speak within. I've always thought it was part of what Jesus was doing when he went into the desert for 40 days... expectant waiting upon. That's a kind of meditation, too. =0)

Well, the wind has picked up, & I do believe weather is coming down from the mountains, where it's been snowing a bit this morning. Maybe this time they'll be right about the snow...

It is a wonder, isn't it, that first snow of the year in the high dry?

Caneyville, KY(Zone 6b)

Well, Jay, that makes perfect sense (to sit and wait). I imagine with practice, the length of time to reach that point is or can be shortened.

AZ, I love the first snow too. It's always so beautiful. I'm impressed with your accomplishments and projects around your place. Gives me an inferiority complex somtimes, though. LOL

Darius, have you made cheese already? I had kind of put cheesemaking on the back burner for awhile, after making the yogurt this past fall and then draining it for more of a cream cheese. It was really tart and I'm not sure I liked it. I might try a semi-hard cheese next week. Have to get up the energy to put my Christmas decorations away first.

Sapello, NM(Zone 5b)

The tartness was due to your culture, Robin. That can vary depending on the age of the yogurt you used as a starter (the older, the tarter), or if you use the dry packets, which culture you got. We got one that was very tart & we didn't care for it, another described as very sweet & we loved it.

The biggest mistake most folks make w/beginning to meditate is sitting too long... 5 or 10 minutes is plenty to begin. Done daily, it becomes more natural, then often folks will add another 5 or 10 minutes because they don't feel done yet, not because they "should". And even if you never do, 5 or 10 minutes a day can make a big difference. =0)

There are many different objects to hold in mind during meditation... the breath, a scripture passage, a visualization of a holy being, a virtuous feeling, a peaceful place. Whatever one's inclination & faith.

So.App.Mtns., United States(Zone 5b)

Robin, so far I've only made soft cheese, including some feta.

Caneyville, KY(Zone 6b)

Jay, that must have been it. I bought the yogurt so I'd have it when I was ready, and it was close to the expiration date when I used it as starter.

Also, thanks for your thoughts on meditation.

Darius, pretty cool. Those wine coolers are a great idea for aging cheese. I don't know that I've ever tasted feta. Guess I better try my hand at cheeses again since I can't do anything in garden and it's too early to start seeds.

North of Heber, AZ(Zone 6b)

Guess what I got for Christmas? An electric golf cart for the lavender farm! the kids painted it purple with red, green, & yellow trim so it would match the greenhouse! Now all I need are batteries, LOL. I think they will cost more than the golf cart did. I'll take pix when the kids get it up here. Right now it is in Apache Junction.

Meanwhile, I slogged through knee-deep drifts to get out to the greenhouse about noon. Had to come in and wait for my feet to thaw out and put on dry boots before I could go back out and bring in another load of firewood. It's been a whole year, I forgot how to act in snow. Forgot my sunglasses, too, and the sun was really bright when I went out. I'm still taking my late neighbor Kenny's dog out on her leash so she can't run back to Kenny's, and she loved being back up here in the snow. (She didn't like city life down in AJ so I brought her back.)

PS, Wick, who was so sick awhile ago, is now completely well. Thank you for all your advice and good wishes for her.

Caneyville, KY(Zone 6b)

AZ, how exciting to have a golf cart to run around your place! And so glad to hear about Wick improving! What are your plans for all that lavender?

Got up to 55 here, lots of wind, but no sun. After drizzling all day day yesterday and being in the 40's, the snow is a thing of the past.

So.App.Mtns., United States(Zone 5b)

Congrats on the cart... AND the healed pup!

I escaped the coop today, went to the BIG city of Blacksburg, LOL. Actually, it's a decent size town since there's a university there, and managed a tad of exotic food shopping. "Exotic" in this use only meaning what I cannot get in my town. Would have been more but it's the end of the month (and I went on borrowed money at that) ... but it was great to get out of the house!

So.App.Mtns., United States(Zone 5b)

Almost forgot: Happy Birthday, Caj!

Sapello, NM(Zone 5b)

OMG... Happy B-day Cajun! And many more!

Caneyville, KY(Zone 6b)

I'm sure she will enjoy the sentiments, but her birthday is in September. I had to go back and look, because I didn't remember seeing it listed earlier...but then my mind is only about a minute long these days.

Trying to get my emails sent out to the CSA members I had last summer, inviting them to join us again. Sure have a lot of trouble concentrating sometimes...this being one of those times.

Sunny is on her way up for the weekend. Eta is midnight. She may see my grumpy side, if tomorrow morning is anything like this morning. Al called at 4:30 this morning, then Samson wanted to go outside and I opened the door to let him out without remembering I set the alarm, then it took 3 tries before I remembered the code to shut it off. All that before coffee. :(

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