December on the 'Stead

Caneyville, KY(Zone 6b)

Goodmorning to Everyone!

Cajun, beautiful photo. We slept right through the eclipse.

Weather-wise. we are doing pretty fair. Not a lot of sun the last couple of days, but highs up to the mid-40's and lows in upper-30's. No rain or snow, but the air is sure heavy with moisture.

Started cutting back Samson's food. He's not a happy camper. Best food I could find locally was Iams and he really likes it.

Sapello, NM(Zone 5b)

Ah, poor Samson... Iams is fine, Beneful is fine, just whatever works for you. The important part is cutting down. =0) Just remind Samson how much farther, faster, & longer he's gonna be able to run, fetch balls & bug you. LOL

In the mid-40's here, but overcast & chill. Went to a nice solstice celebration last night, stayed the night in town in a hotel w/the dogs... they feel like we've been on a big adventure! They really love traveling.

Caneyville, KY(Zone 6b)

Solstice Sounds like fun.

Sapello, NM(Zone 5b)

It was OK... mostly didn't know anyone, & you know how that is. But the food was good. =0)

Bolingbrook, IL(Zone 5a)

Jayryunen May I please ask how you celebrate the solstice ? I am completey unfamillar with that. Is that a religious celebration??

Sapello, NM(Zone 5b)

Most cultures have some sort of solstice celebration... Christmas is the christian spin on the earlier pagan celebrations. As winter solstice marks the longest night of the year, the turning back towards the light, longer days, growth & warmth, you can see there's good reason to celebrate. =0) It usually has a spiritual side to it, but it's also about gathering & rejoicing in community.

The evergreen tree common in so many households this time of year is an ancient solstice ritual... a big feast to remember/recall the abundance of summer (like brings like), yule logs, lights, candles, song...

We, ourselves, being European-descended American Buddhists, joined some other Buddhists in the Tibetan tradition & did a special guided meditation ceremony that included food & wine offerings, songs, & feasting, then more meditation. In years past we have just made a special meal, turned out the lights, lit candles & rejoiced in another year survived, & the strengthening of the light (inner & outer).

It's really what you want to make of it... but whatever you make of it, you're connecting w/millions of people who have celebrated the light, however you understand that. =0)

Biggs, KY(Zone 6a)

I talked with a guy this afternoon who has some first year layers for sale for $5 each. Some lay blue and green eggs. They are all big stock layers. I am going to see them tomorrow. He has about 14. 2 are bantam roos and 1 bantam hen. I am not interested in them but I may get some of the big stocks to replace my 3yo hens. I have 7 of them. His are laying still. I know I want the colored eggers.

Sapello, NM(Zone 5b)

That seems like a very good price. Hope they're good birds for you. =0)

Caneyville, KY(Zone 6b)

Hope I didn't offend....what little I knew about winter solstice celebrations were more festive and less spiritual.

Cajun, that's a great price on the hens. Ours had just started laying this year, too when I picked them up in October.

Sapello, NM(Zone 5b)

No Robin, no offense taken. I think a lot of folks these days, who aren't particularly spiritual, do celebrate solstice just so they can have a party. Just like folks who celebrate christmas just so they can have a party. Commercialism does that to things. Can't take offense at a fact of life, that'd just be pure silly. =0)

But solstice is an old, old, OLD celebration of the gods/goddesses in the seasons. The mysterious cycle of life & death. From when people were more intimately involved with & dependent on their little patch of soil. Propitiating God/gods makes a lot of sense if you know in your whole being that you will starve if the crops don't come.

Around here, the Catholic priests still have an animal blessing ceremony (tho' I can't remember what time of year, seems like spring) and special masses were said during the worst of the drought. Our little old lady neighbors make prayers to San Ysidro, the patron saint of farmers; they have a little shrine to him (Not that he's done well by them, but...)

It's all a way of expressing something very deep, beyond words. Least wise, it is out here in the back of beyond. =0)

Biggs, KY(Zone 6a)

Jay, are there lots of different "religions" in your area? There are quite a few different kinds of churches here but nearly all worship Jehovah. They do differ in their interpretations of the Bible. Church of Christ, Catholic, pentecostals, Baptists. I had no idea there were so many kinds of Baptist churches until we moved to Ky.

Sapello, NM(Zone 5b)

Beyond all the various christian churches (a lot of mormons), there are native american traditions, various eastern religions (hindu, buddhist) & muslim. Oh, and there's also a small jewish community. With a little effort, one can find just about any tradition in New Mexico. And I haven't even touched on the various new age versions... syncretic stuff that I don't think will last much beyond the folks who made it up. Then again, what do I know. =0)

Near as I can tell, everybody's got a different interpretation of just about everything, from the bible to global warming to parking meters to how to do the laundry. It's only a worry if you're trying to convince others that your interpretation is the RIGHT one. Seems to just start fights & increase acrimony. Like we don't have enough of that already, gotta make more. IMHO

So it's nice that there's so much common ground at solstice time... a time of gathering, rejoicing, & remembering abundance. A generosity of the heart. A relief that the long nights are turning around & the sun will return.

Like the Dalai Lama says... my religion is kindness.
Simple, but not easy. =0)

Caneyville, KY(Zone 6b)

Jay, a wonderful explanation.

Awaiting the snow. Lots of speculations as to how much and where in the area. We're right in the middle of 2 major cities, one being slightly NE, the other a little more SW, so there is a big difference in weather activity and forecasts. Basically right on the line of the weather going either way. Last report for the immediate area is 1" after 4 pm. If that's all we get, I'll be a happy camper. Something pretty magical and peaceful about snow falling on Christmas Eve.

Sapello, NM(Zone 5b)

Got a little rain/snow last night, just a crust of snow this am on the grasses. Looks to be a gorgeous weekend, but not white. It's amazing how rare a real white Christmas is, isn't it? Least wise it is out here. I think I've seen 2 my whole life.

Hope everybody has a lovely Christmas Eve. =0)

Biggs, KY(Zone 6a)

Joyeux Noel!

Caneyville, KY(Zone 6b)

Merry Christmas to All!

It started snowing early yesterday evening and we woke up this morning to about 3" of snow. Absolutely beautiful!

This message was edited Dec 25, 2010 9:30 AM

Sapello, NM(Zone 5b)

Oh perfect! Merry Christmas everyone! =0)

Bolingbrook, IL(Zone 5a)

jayrynen Thanks for the excellent explanation about soltice. Idid not know anyone still did that but I am glad to know some one does. When I read about older (pagan) religions it seems that they make more sense to me than many other religions. What I cannot figure out is why it is forbidden and why even the Bible says it is really bad. Any way, thank you for the interesting explanation. I hope you are having a happy Christmas.

Sapello, NM(Zone 5b)

I'm out fixing my GH where the wind wiggled the purlin through the cover. It's sunny, warm & windless today. =0)

I hope the story of the infant Jesus brings renewal & joy to all Christians today, & his promise is realized in their hearts.

Blessings to all...

Colmesneil, TX(Zone 8b)

Cold and windy here

Hope everyone is having a wonderful holiday

Now I'm off to find dinner

Biggs, KY(Zone 6a)

It started snowing here later yesterday eveing and it's still falling. Between 5 and 6 inches so far. Had to cancel services at church today. Going to be hard to get the work done.

Rocky Mount, VA(Zone 7a)

Church was cancelled here also, everyone please be safe.

So.App.Mtns., United States(Zone 5b)

It's pretty... but hope we don't lose power for several days like the storm a week ago...

Caneyville, KY(Zone 6b)

Good Heavens! Hate to hear all that, as Al left this morning headed to Virginia. Suppose to hire in Monday morning.

Sapello, NM(Zone 5b)

Um... gorgeous weather here. Sorry. I think I'll just go work in the GH & keep my head down... =0)

Caneyville, KY(Zone 6b)

No hard feelings here, Jay. Glad someone is getting some beautiful weather. It's 30 here now, but the forecast is for steady rising temps all week, topping out at 51 on Friday. Suppose to be 45 in western Virginia Friday. All I can say is bring it on...I'm over the warm fuzzy feeling of having a white Christmas. Time to start planning the garden.

So.App.Mtns., United States(Zone 5b)

Where is Al going to work, Robin? Anywhere close to me?

Caneyville, KY(Zone 6b)

Close, about 1 1/2 hours going through Abbington. He'll be staying in Norton, VA. Don't know how long he'll be there, though, because he took the first job that came along. There's lots of work kicking off in the next month or two that pay quite a bit more, so he'll probably move on. If he does stay there awhile, I was going to ask if you wanted to meet when I come to visit in a few weeks.

He's driving just north of Kingsport now and he said it's snowing like crazy.

So.App.Mtns., United States(Zone 5b)

I know where Norton is... I passed through it both times I went to the ORVRU. It's higher... nearer the ridge between VA-KY than I am. The roads between Abingdon and Norton are pretty good just winding up and down, unless it's icy. Of course we should get together if you come and visit AL! I'd love to see you again!

Caneyville, KY(Zone 6b)

Yep, that's a pretty drive. That's the way I drove back home when I was out there visiting a couple of years ago. It's only a 5 hour drive going through Kentucky. Al went down to Nashville today and cut across to Knoxville, then up through Kingsport. Took him a little over 7 hours, but he wanted to avoid as much of the snow as he could.

If he stays there, it will be 3 weeks before we can afford for me to come out that way.

So.App.Mtns., United States(Zone 5b)

So I assume he has arrived, and safely?

Just let me know... and we can try to plan something!

Caneyville, KY(Zone 6b)

Yes, he arrived there safe and sound. I'll let you know when I head that way, if he stays there at least a few weeks. The other 2 jobs he's interested in are Norfolk, Virginia and somewhere in South Carolina.

Didn't get much done here today, other than feed the chickens twice and clean the snow off the car. Takes a couple of days to get acclimated to him being gone.

Biggs, KY(Zone 6a)

Norton is just over an hour from me.

Caneyville, KY(Zone 6b)

Cajun, whoohoo, I may get to meet you too! I thought Biggs was up in the NE corner of Kentucky.

Not sure how this week is going to play out. because of the snow and ice, Only a few guys showed up out there to hire in this week. They did their drug tests and were sent back home (motels) without orientation. Suppose to call in after 4 pm to see if orientation will be tomorrow or put off till next Monday. He's already spent over $200 to get there and one night stay on the motel. If they don't hire in tomorrow, trying to decide if whether he should drive back home till next Sunday or hang out in the motel all week. Both of which we really don't have the money to waste. It's a shame we were both born beautiful instead of rich. lol

So.App.Mtns., United States(Zone 5b)

Robin, he could hang out here. We have an "extra" bedroom since Jess is in FL visiting her boyfriend. That room is cluttered but we have clean sheets!

Biggs, KY(Zone 6a)

Al is welcome to sleep on our couch. It's not the Ritz but it's free. Might enlist his help feeding up. LOL

It's still snowing here but it's light. Couldn't get to 4 of the horses yesterday. Will double them up on hay today. They have water so they are not in danger but I hate to know they are hungry. We made it to the top of the mountain to the ponies but it was iffy and we had to turn right around and go back home or we might not have made it. I pray they will have the plows out today on a regular basis.

DH is scheduled for his heart cath tomorrow. May have to reschedule it again.

Caneyville, KY(Zone 6b)

Darius and Cajun, thanks for the offers, that was really generous of you both. He's just going to stay at the motel. Suppose to go in tomorrow morning, but still not sure about whether or not they doing orientation. He met a couple of new guys last night at the motel that will be working with him, so if they don't work, it will give him a chance to get to know them.

Cajun, thoughts and prayers for Steve tomorrow. I didn't know what the procedure was, so I looked it up. Pretty cool stuff this modern medicine.

Biggs, KY(Zone 6a)

It's run of the mill stuff now since they do so many of them but if it's being done to you or yours it's still a big deal. :)

Maybe Al and the other guys can share a room the rest of the week if need be and save money for all of them. When DH worked construction out of town and was paid perdium, that's what they did. That way they all got to take home the extra money or spend it for nicer food. That seems like ages ago now.

If Al does go to work in Norton and you come to visit, we have to get together. We can meet somewhere for supper. It would be so great to meet you after all the conversations we have had.

Caneyville, KY(Zone 6b)

I'd be a basket case. Let us know how's he's doing tomorrow.

Al is thinking about sharing a room with someone. At least for the first couple of weeks. He wants to actually get hired in first before he pays for a full week at the motel. First paycheck is 2 weeks away and he's already short a day's pay this week. What kind of construction did Steve do? Al does industrial construction, mostly working on power plants.

Meeting for supper near the halfway point sounds great. Assuming he stays out there long enough. I'd like for him to, because I can be there in 5 hours and can visit once a month. The other jobs coming up are twice as far away, but pay considerably more. This was the first job that came up and we couldn't go any longer without a paycheck.

Wish Darius didn't live as far away on the opposite side of Norton so the three of us could get together. Both of you are about 1 1/2 hours from Norton according to Mapquest.

You-Hoo, Jay...what have you been up to,..besides enjoying your beautiful weather?

Biggs, KY(Zone 6a)

Steve was a pipefitter in the petro chemical plants. He worked up off his tools into safety before he had to quit. He had to have knee surgery and couldn't trust it anymore to climb the vessels.

Here is a little story I wrote. Thought you guys might get a kick out of it.

The Cow Jumped Over The Moon

Gertrude wasn't feeling too good about herself as of late. Being different was hard. She was the only Holstein cow on a dairy full of Jerseys. To be sure, she was a perfect Holstein, from the top of her knobby polled head to the snow white switch of her tail. And, mercy, could she put out the milk! Her massive, pendulous udder would have been envied by all the other Holsteins... if there had been any other Holsteins at the dairy. But Gertrude was alone in a sea of beige.

The visitors to the dairy didn't help her cause. All the visitors oohed and aahed over the cute little Jerseys with their big, doe eyes. "Don't get too close to that big black and white one.", teachers warned their students. "It might step on you." It made Gertrude want to step on the teachers. She wasn't a big, clumsy sod. She wanted to be oohed and aahed over too. She wanted little Suzy to gently rub the soft hairs between her eyes too. When the teacher recited "The Cow Jumped Over the Moon", Gertrude could just bet it wasn't a Holstein doing the high flying act. More than likely it was a Jersey.

It was true enough that Gertrude gave twice as much milk as any of the Jerseys but the farmer even took the fun out of that. He always made her wait until last to be milked. He'd give her a hard slap on the rump and sneer, "Topped the tank off again, Big Gertie!" It was hardly a compliment the way he said it.

Gertrude sighed and plodded slowly out of the milking parlor on her way back to the pasture. She'd try to find a dark corner to herself and get a good night's sleep. Maybe she'd feel better about things in the morning.

What was that?! Surely it was a scream. But who, and where did it come from? Gertrude stood still and peered through the gathering dusk. There it was again. All of a sudden the door to the privy flew open and the farmer came stumbling out, screamin' like a little girl. He was swattin' at something around his head and Gertrude realized he had upset a wasp nest. The big, red wasps were puttin' the fear of God in the old chap and he was trying his best to put some distance between himself and the swarm of angry, winged beasts. He wasn't making too good a job of it with his pants around his ankles, bless his heart.

It was inevitable. He tripped on his pants and landed face first on the
ground with his bare behind in the air. And Gertrude saw her chance to make history. She rumbled toward him at top Holstein speed, aimed herself at his bare bottom and launched herself into the air. She felt the cool night air rushing past her ears as she sailed up and over the farmer. She missed him by inches and came back to earth with a heavy thud. She looked back at the farmer still huddled on the ground and shook her head at an angry wasp who ventured her way. Gertrude walked off with a smile on her face and a spring in her step. She was imagining the look on the Jersey's faces when she told them how the Holstein had jumped over the moon.

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