Free Seed for Newbies!11/18/2010 Directions to get your seed

Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

Tonya ....... hello from Oklahoma! Welcome to our forum. The first thing you will learn about us is that we all are a little on the cracked side ....... but there is nothing wrong with that! :-) There is tons of information on this thread and lots of very smart people willing to share their knowledge. First rule of thumb, if you don't know ....ASK. We use a lot of initials so if you do not know what we are talking about, please ask. I've asked many times when I wasn't sure what people were talking about. You will see DH a lot, and that is Dear Husband. Same for son, daughter, sister, brother etc. Again, WELCOME!!!

Hello Tonya. Tell us what kind of flowers and gardens you grow or would like to find to grow.
Please show pictures when you can of your flowers and gardens. We all love to look at pictures. Tell us a little about your likes and whatnot. We're all from all over the US and other countries too, with different climates and conditions and different plants. Most of us try growing things that normally would grow in other climates so we push zones and share when we can. Lots of friendly folks here that would be happy to share information, seeds, and photos and always ready to help a fellow gardener. Does it snow where you are?
Sandi is ready to share lots of snow right now if you would like some. Seems she got more than she needed.

Thumbnail by mekos
Everett, WA(Zone 8a)

Hi and Welcome, Tonia!

Here is a direct link to the address exchange:

Here is a direct link to "advanced" plant search, fastest if you have a genus and species name:

Here is a direct link to the "common name" plant search:

Two things that save time are "watching" threads of interest, so you will be reminded when someone posts to that thread ...
and, by "watching" forums, your home page will have one-click links to the forums you go to most often.

There are buttons at top and bottom of threads and forums that let you "watch" or "unwatch" them.

Have fun!


Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

arejay -- parcel en route. hope it's a good assortment.

Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9a)

Hi Tonya and welcome from Phoenix;o) We have a chat thread where we hang out too if you'd like to join us...


Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

THank You everyone for pitching in!! Newbies are great arent they???? I want to let you all kn ow...I am so very far behind ..I have envelopes waiting for fill ups and I am playing catch up to everything everywhere!! I promise I will get them to you before the end of the Month so you can plant!! I have a request from a newbie who is a horticulture student , He sent a wonderful newbie donation. He is looking for Manzanita (any), Cornus(Lousa),dioscorea (discolor) any color,Lobelia cardinalis and oxalis versicolor. If anyone can help with any of those...greatly appreciated.
Bronson if you see this please dmail me. Thank you again everyone....I am off...filling ,filling.....Much appreciated hugs to you all!! Robin
I am hearing there is rain coming!! and warmer air...I am hoping it is true!!

Thumbnail by arejay59
Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

PS...the chat thread is here!!

Everett, WA(Zone 8a)

I can split or "trade along" some Lobelia cardinalis I received from tcs1366, LeBug or bluespiral.
Let me know to whom to mail them: you or ???

Red "Cardinal Flower" or "Giant Blue"?
I have more of the red than the blue..

I think L. cardinalis are "upright" Lobelia, not trailing.

I also have some mixed-color trailing Lebelia erinus (Botanical Interests "Cascade of Color", called :
"A cascade of small jewel-toned flowers of
blue, blue with a white eye, lilac, red, ruby, and white
on graceful trailing foliage.
Perfect for hanging baskets, window boxes, or large containers. ".


Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

Corey, could I get some of that Cascade of Color? That sounds beautiful!

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

Thank you Corey Ill dmail you the address I will send you the list of what he sent us and send something you want to you!

Isn't that wonderful Arejay?!?
Where is the R Robin now? Havent heard from the newest recipient so please let us know where she is , if she arrived, and when she will depart also remember to get confirmation # from PO so we can keep up with her.

Everett, WA(Zone 8a)

>> Cascade of Color

Crit, I KNEW there was some reason I was months late in getting seeds out to you and a hlaf-dozen other people. It couldn't be ENTIRELY that I'm a dizzy Space Cadet trying to do three times as many things as there is time for. I'll pitch that in with the others AND SEND THEM.

Twice, now, I've moved the boxes and lists and seeds out of the living room when company came. Once I lost them for weeks. DUHH!


Everett, WA(Zone 8a)

Arejay, you've already sent me vast numbers of seeds, no need to worry about sending back.

But I'm sure that, out of any given list of seeds, there will be some with that magical power to change:
"I absolutely do NOT need any more seeds! I'm overflowing already!"
"Gee, that one sounds interesting, maybe just that one ... and this one is so pretty ... and I don't have any like those ..."

I got into one swap thinking (honestly) "there's four or five things I would like to try", and wound up asking for and receiving 117 varieties - plus bonuses!

I'm out of control, no question!

If anyone stages an intervention, or locks me up for drying out and de-programming, I'm going to blame the generous people at DG and EG for contributing to the delinquency of an addict!

"Hi. My name is Rick. And ... I'm a seedhead."


Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

lolol We knew you were an addict from the start!!!!!!!! Ive done that!! Ive moved the boxes and boxes because company was coming or one of the grandchildren!! I bet some of them are still lost!!I need that rolling on the floor laughing avatar!!!!

Cocoa Beach, FL(Zone 10a)

Try to keep it straight when you have two addresses and seeds in both places.

Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

LOL Corey...... and I still have the walk-on-me in my kitchen window. Just keep watering it. It has several tall purple flowers on it. Maybe the weather will be safe enough for a while to send it, and your seeds.

Hi, I'm Patti and I'm a ......blushing just a little ...... Seedhead!

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

Stuffing envies stuffing envies!! OMG did I mention we have some nice donations!!!!! New Dona-tors!! The thing about seedheads, they give back as much if not more than they ever receive....

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

now if I could only find the stamps and the tape!!If there is anyone left that has not received there seeds please dmail me!!

Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

You are so good about getting seeds out to Newbies. It is a great service to help get started. I was so excited to get my Newbie packet. Thanks for all the work you do. I have a lot of seed dried, that I need to pluck and pack. I should be able to send some for the Newbies too.

Give yourself a pat on the back!!!! I know we all would if we could reach you.

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

Aww Thank You Crit...I do miss one now and then though.....

Everett, WA(Zone 8a)

>> two addresses and seeds in both places.

Ouch! It was hard enough for me when I used two cupboards and a drawer. Now they're all in one big box ... but when i have a visitorr, it can't just sit front and center int he living room. So where IS the darn thing!?!

I don't mind so much discovering a new addiction - I already know that I tend to overdo anything I get around to doing. But this Space Cadet thing is new: I used to be over-loaded with tasks only at work. Now there's more to do in the yard on any given weekend than I can do in a month!

I'd like to think that that is why I get trades out late, not senility.


Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

lol me too Corey!!
Notice notice notice!!!! All envies stuffed stamped sealed and sent!!! YEahYYYYY

Cocoa Beach, FL(Zone 10a)

As I slowly drove past the city sidewalk plantings, I noticed the seedheads on some Indian Blanket flowers, most were yellow or burgundy or a mixture of both. Do you still have them or do you want me to gather more? I missed the red ornamental grass as they have cut it down to stubs.

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

I can use them!!

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

Let the seeding begin!! Im still under snow...

Thumbnail by arejay59
Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

OH MY arejay!!!!!! You poor thing. We are finally all melted off. About 44* but nice in the sun out of the wind.

mittsy....could I get some of those while you are gathering? A mixture of both would be nice. Thanks!

Cocoa Beach, FL(Zone 10a)

You bet. I am looking for ivy leaved morning glories if you have any. I planted cukes and lettuce today, also a few pots of cleome and cosmos. If they do well I'll take to NY for my flower boxes.

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

Im so jealous............thats me stamping my the snow

Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

Love the greenhouse arejay. Are you able to keep it warm with the snow you get? Do you overwinter plants in there? What size is it?

Sundance, WY(Zone 3b)

I'm right here pouting with you Arejay! And I do love your greenhouse. It obviously holds up good under snow, can I also ask, what kind is it? I'm so jealous! I want one so bad!! LOL! But then I'd just want to heat the darn thing and grow stuff year round, and I'm thinking that would cost a fortune in this part of the country. Don't think DH would go for that!

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

Hi Skell!! Fancy meeting you here!! I will look for the name it has slipped my mind this is good under the weather conditions here made for Maine!! Or WY!!

Sundance, WY(Zone 3b)

Thanks Robin! Wow! They've got all kinds of good stuff!

Florala, AL

great news guys... We will be moving a 36X48 onto our property this weekend... Sooooo if anyone could spare some seeds :)

Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

Congrats Gary...... you need to get into some RR seed swaps. I'm sure you could get some great seeds earmarked for you there. Also, get hold of arejay and see if she has some extra's you could get.

We got a RR suppose to be flying still, but seems to be MIA. It is full so I can send it to Gary IF the person who has her can ship her on out again now. We need to keep her moving and for the last couple weeks she seems to be sitting somewhere. ?????
Can you conact me and let me know her status please(the one who has it)?

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

Did you ask Chrisitine where it went when she finished?

dont know where it went from here but this is where it was delivered when i sent it on:
hope this helps.

Label/Receipt Number: 0310 2640 0001 4779 3032
Expected Delivery Date: February 12, 2011
Class: Priority Mail®
Service(s): Delivery Confirmation™
Status: Delivered

Your item was delivered at 10:22 am on February 12, 2011 in BREWSTER, NY 10509.

Everett, WA(Zone 8a)

>> We will be moving a 36X48 onto our property this weekend... Sooooo if anyone could spare some seeds :)

That sounds impressive ... but what is it? Like a portable raised bed? I guess 36x48 feet ... a greenhouse?

>> Sooooo if anyone could spare some seeds :)

What'cha looking for? Veg, Flower, annual, perennial, Zone ...?
I forget whether "AL" is Alabama or Alaska ... I think they are different hardiness zones.

Too bad I didn't know around the time of last year's year-end seed sales!


Florala, AL

corey i wish it were a greenhouse... it will be our home... we lost our house to a fire on feb 3rd, but didn't have insurance... Have learned my leason on that one tho... veg perennial zone 8a in alabama...

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