Free Seed for Newbies!11/18/2010 Directions to get your seed

(Ang) Bremerton, WA(Zone 8b)

I don't know Mekos but I hope it comes to me soon. I'm hoping to get my extra seeds in there before I go seed shopping ^_^

Florala, AL

Last i saw it was headed to OK ;)

Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

I was ANXIOUSLY waiting and watching every few minutes for the mailman, when I realized there is NO mail delivery today! ACH! It's like Christmas night when all the presents have been opened and the tree stands there all alone .... downer! Hopefully it will land tomorrow.

(Ang) Bremerton, WA(Zone 8b)

Hi all, the Robin landed at my house. My dog is sniffing it like mad.

Yippie!!!!! Have fun sniffing and looking and dreaming of spring flowers!

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)


Hey Arejay! Good to see ya, has the snow melted any yet?
OK ANNOUNCEMENT of a SURPRISE for everyone who helped this Robin fly this trip so when she finishes her trip and goes back home to Arejay, everyone who was involved gets their name put in for a drawing for a surprise bag of bulbs to plant in their garden from the Robin. So this is just an added bonus to all the wonderful seeds everyone donated to everyone and the newbee cause. If your name is drawn to receive them, and you don't want the bulbs you can donate them to one of the others playing in this RR. Good luck.

(Ang) Bremerton, WA(Zone 8b)

The Robin left this temporary nest and is off to Karen in Cali

Yippie, she is looking for warmer weather this snow and ice is too cold for her. Let us know when she lands! And have fun.

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

Update...everyone that is waiting for seeds...No mail I cant get to the mail box!!

Thumbnail by arejay59

Robin has landed !!! yippeee !!!

Cocoa Beach, FL(Zone 10a)

It's so pretty when you're sipping an iced tea and sitting on the patio, looking at your lovely snow!

Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9a)

It's even prettier when it's in your yard and not mine;o)

Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

I'm with you arejay!

Thumbnail by Crit
Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

Oh Crit that is worse than mine....I expect what I have I am in Maine!! tea on the porch ..oh..It was just a couple of weeks ago it seems I was doing the same thing

Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

Think SPRING...........

Thumbnail by Crit
(Ang) Bremerton, WA(Zone 8b)

Crit, I'll be right over with a pair of ice skates ....

Sundance, WY(Zone 3b)

Love that picture! Awesome photography Crit!

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

THat is a great shot Crit!!!!

OH Arejay! Sure hope you keep your power on. That looks COLD! (eyes bugging)
We've had winter mix(mostly cold rain) for a week and it is still going strong. I'm about to get a boat and just row on over to visit all my buddies.

Crit did it freeze hard enough to walk or skate on the water? Could be fun after all! Hmmmm
But keep thinking Spring, surely it will arrive soon.

Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

Thanks everyone! That is one of my favorite pictures.

Haven't checked the depth of the ice but I would expect with the temps we have had for so long, it probably would be ok to skate on. DSS and his friend skated on it last year. I chopped a piece out of it and it was over 2" thick!

Thumbnail by Crit


Sundance, WY(Zone 3b)

Crit, that just made me smile and laugh! So funny how our perspective is so different! We typically have our ice ponds like that freeze solid, and our lakes will have 10-12 inch thick ice. We have a lot of people that ice fish, and have to auger threw 1-2 feet thick ice. Heck, they even drive their vehicles out onto the ice, and set up houses to fish out of. Some of them will have recliners, and wood stoves even. It amazes me how fancy some of them are!

Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

I've seen those little 'ice fishing mansions'. Being from here, I would never be brave enough to drive a vehicle out on the ice. I wouldn't go ice fishing 'without' a house and a heater though. Fishing is for summertime. LOL

We just don't usually stay below freezing long enough to have anything freeze more than a couple of inches.

Sundance, WY(Zone 3b)

I'm with you Crit! Got to spend too much time out in the sub-zero temps working, not my idea of a fun place to play. I'd much rather be home in front of the fireplace! But I do love fishing in nice weather, even if the fish aren't biting, lol!

Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

Oh ya. Mental picture. Blanket on the lush green grass under a sprawling shade tree. Birds singing, light breeze blowing just enough to keep it from being too hot, line in the water............ ahhhhhhhhhh. Now THAT is fishing!

Sundance, WY(Zone 3b)

Picnic basket full of food too, lol! Sounds way better than a recliner in a little shack at 10 below on the ice!

Florala, AL That was my house.. :( everyone got out safe, but lost all plants and seeds :(

Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

Sorry Garry, couldn't find the pic/story, but if you lost your whole house to fire I am so sorry for you. I went through that 27 years ago December 18. I still feel the affects from it. Praise God that you all got out safely. Plants and seed can be replaced, people/pets can't! Will hold you and yours in my prayers!

Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

I was able to find the article by removing everything after and then searched for the article. Again, I am so sorry. I remember seeing a list like that after our fire. We too lost everything, but we and our pets got out safely. I was 8 months pregnant and had a 5 year old, plus 2 dogs. 1 was a puppy we had just gotten that day. Prayers sent up to God to take care of you all and give blessings beyond your belief!! Don't let it get you down!

Oh Gary, I am so sorry to hear that about your house. But as everyone said, God bless you and it is a miracle you all made it out safe. Seeds and plants can be replaced. I'm sure we all would be happy to help you replace seeds and plants as it warms up a bit and you have settled somewhere you will be starting over at. I know I will. I have more than I will ever use.
Prayers for you and your family to find a new place and all the help you need to start over. God bless you.

thank goodness you are all ok! when you get settled i would be happy to share any seeds/plants i have with you, just let me know.

Sundance, WY(Zone 3b)

Oh Gary, I am so sorry for you! I also went thru that many years ago, (1978) and the family and pets we saved so were so blessed by that. Count your blessings that only material things were lost. Those can be replaced, as they said. And as for flowers, plants, and seeds, you are going to have the best gardens ever, because we will all help by sending things! The worst part of me is the loss of pictures really. My kids were 1, 4, and 5, and I have begged pictures from all the family so I can have pictures of the kids when they were young. Course, the kids could care less, lol! Please try not to let it get to you and bother you too much. Spring will bring exciting new beginnings for you and your family, and we will all be here to help! Take care! I'll say prayers for you and your family.

Mekos, I'm praying for you and Wesley too, and Doris, and hope all the rest of you are doing good. But I'm including all of you in my prayers. You all are the best!

the robin is on the way . hope it survives the snow !

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

Annette from NY if you see this. Would you dmail me? Thanks

Los Alamos, NM(Zone 6a)

Well I am a Newbie / Paid Member. Wanted to stop by say Hello to everybody. Not sure how this all works out or what to do so if anybody could help as I learn I would appreciate it. All suggestions welcomed. I've looked over alot of what the site offers and read alot of forums and seems I am going to like it here. Had 3 strokes in past 1 1/2 so I am slow in understanding so Please bare with me as I learn all over again what I have spent my life doing. Well its nice to be here so I will go read more and Happy to be with DavesGarden

Hi Tonya-

Welcome from Calif. lots of us have health issues and patience


Sundance, WY(Zone 3b)

Hi Tonya! Welcome! You will love it here! We are always happy to welcome new family members! And sherman is right, most of us have some kind of health issues, and we all have patience and some here are truly experts and love helping us that need it! Don't forget to send your envie you arejay so you can get some freebie seeds! And please, don't be a stranger! We love chatting too, so jump in anytime!

Cocoa Beach, FL(Zone 10a)

Just to recap, take a bubble pack envelope and put your address label on it. Cover that label with clear tape. Now make out a label with arejay's address. ( Robin ). Look on the home page for extras and click on it. Then scroll down until you come to address exchange. Click on A. Look under A for arejay, click on it and her name and address will come up. Put correct postage on the outside and correct number of stamps for return on the inside. Make a list of what you'd like back, flowers, veggies, herbs, what ever. Do not seal the envelope, use tape to close it. She'll put your seeds in the envelope and seal it closed. She'll peel her address label off and Voila! there's your label all ready to mail.

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