Free Seed for Newbies!11/18/2010 Directions to get your seed

Yup, it is gonna be packed to the brim.
I'm trying to find a plant called devil's claw. Does anyone have any seeds to it?

Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

mekos, be sure that you REALLY want the devils claw. It grows wild in Western Kansas and is VERY invasive!!!!!!

Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9a)

Mekos - I posted on the SW Forum... I know it grows wild near Tucson so maybe those peeps can help us out;o)

It is a medicinal plant. I'm trying to grow and get info on medicinal plants. I REALLY want one. I am planning to keep it in a large pot on the fence line. I have 4 acres so not a problem here and I'm zone 7 so winters will probably keep it killed off except my pot in the greenhouse.

Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9a)

Friend, I found some seeds from a friend here in AZ... I'll keep you posted on the details;o)

(Ang) Bremerton, WA(Zone 8b)

Arejay, good to hear that you aren't surprised. Maybe it's because it's only my second year of gardening or mentioning my Dad a lot lol.

Oh and random, according to my phone it's only 265 days until my 30th birthday.

Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

The seeds of the devils claw are shot out when the claw dries out and pops open. W. Kansas is in zone 7a and it doesn't kill the seeds off in the winter. It is abundent. Good luck with it!

Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9a)

Oh goody - it should grow well for you then mekos... My friend will be sending the seeds to me this week and then I'll send some on to you;o)

Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

My ex-husbands Grandpa about had a stroke when he saw I had brought one of the claws back to eastern Kansas, cause I thought they were neat. LOL

Sorry for him but I found some seeds on the DG seed traders forum, I ordered it already Loca, but thanks my friend. I just found them and already put in the order.
Got 5 babies tonight so far and still going strong. 4 girls and 1 boy-- 2 cinnamon like Mom, and 3 black and tan, like Gizmo.Here is first 4 but haven't taken a picture of 5 yet figured to wait till tomorrow for them ALL to be here so I don't bore everyone.

Thumbnail by mekos
Everett, WA(Zone 8a)


Congratulations on becoming a Daddy. They are beautiful.


Everett, WA(Zone 8a)


I just got my newbie seeds - Holy Molly! That's more like a BUSHEL than an envelope! And many things I was particulalry looking for!

Thank you thank you! Wow!


Thanks Corey, I'll just claim Grandma statis and let DH get the happy grandpa place.
Here is proud daddy.

Thumbnail by mekos
Everett, WA(Zone 8a)

Sorry Grandma! The proud daddy does indeed look proud.

But Mom and the kids are adorable.


Good night, think I'm gonna try to catch a nap while she is quiet. That Might be all, not sure.

Thumbnail by mekos
Palm Coast, FL(Zone 9a)

Mekos, they are gorgeous! Wish I had known you were expecting, I would have waited to get my baby from you... but we just got a beautiful chihuahua from the humane society. He's a Teacup that we named Casper (as in Casper the friendly ghost)!

Thumbnail by cue_chik
Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

Ohhhhhhhhhh mekos!!!!! Look at all those beautiful little babies. Pictures, pictures, pictures ........ won't bore me with them!!! What a good little momma, she looks so much more comfortable!
Cue ..... you have a cute little fella too. Nice that you rescued him. I have a Rat Terrier 'pound puppy' myself! Miss out on that cute 'puppy stage', but so rewarding to you and also the little new addition!

OH CUE! What a darling! Mojoito had one that looks just like it. He is awsome!
Seems 5 was the majic # for us and they are all doing great. Mommy rested some and going in for a check up later today. WHEW! 4 girls and 1 boy. What a house full it will be for a while.

Thumbnail by mekos
Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9a)

Congratulations Grandma! Beautiful pups!

Kudos Oh Dark One for the rescue of that adorable little Casper;o)

Vet gave us all a great check up and go back in 2 weeks to start the deworming process so that was good.
Casper is just adorable! You did good CUE!

Selinsgrove, PA(Zone 5b)

I received the robin today. Took out what I wanted and added 125 packs. It will be mailed tomorrow morning and will be headed to Christine in TX.


WOW! This robin might get too fat to fly, she might need a bigger box! Thanks Don!

Palm Coast, FL(Zone 9a)

Thanks Angelic Sis and Mekos. we are sooooo glad we brought him home (though everyone was wondering if I had given up my 'dark ways' for bringing home a white but... we fixed him right up with a 'spooky' name and its all good now. in fact, he and my female cat curl up frequently on the sofa together. she is the smallest of my two cats and still twice Casper's size... he only weighs 3 1/2 lbs and is full grown.

For such a tiny little creature, he sure does have a TON of personality. Thinks he's a Great Dane, he does!

you have just got to love those rescued dogs/cats ! they come along and take over your heart. i so love to hear that someone got a dog/cat from a shelter, or took in a stray. wonderful to save a life when others throw them away. and casper is darling !

I totally agree! Bless you for giving him a life!

(Ang) Bremerton, WA(Zone 8b)

I got the package Arejay and thank you so much!! I was baffled by how many seeds were in there. The sub mail person was going to stuff it and 4 other packages in my small little mail box but thankfully my timing was great.

I do have to ask, what is the scent I smell in the package? It's familiar but I can't think of where I've smelled it. I keep sniffing the envelope and my Dad is giving me weird looks lol.

OK where is everyone? You guys eat too much turkey and go to sleep for 2 days?

Deep South, TX(Zone 9b)

It may be a bit late but the Devel's claw found in the South West may not be the ones you are looking for. They are of the Proboscidea genus and appear to me to be a diffrent plant.


This message was edited Nov 26, 2010 10:20 PM

I've only seen info on one, where do you find another?

Deep South, TX(Zone 9b)

I couldn't make it work before, maybe this time. If not stand by.

be sure to scroll down

I think the one your looking for is Harpagophytum procumbens


This message was edited Nov 26, 2010 11:11 PM

Wow, that is weird. They have different colored flowers. But all of them say devil's claw and unicorn plant, and have the same cautions and growing suggestions and descriptions.
Now I'm all confused.

Deep South, TX(Zone 9b)

That's the disadvantage of using common names.

Can I help unconfuse?

OK I'm not sure which one I need to find, it is the medicinal one. I just googled devil's claw and read the info and wanted some seeds. Do you know which one that would be and where to find some seeds?

Deep South, TX(Zone 9b)

Harpagophytum procumbens

You might also try Grapple Plant, Wood Spider or Harpago.

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

Good Morning Everyone,
I hope you had a wonderful holiday.

Jan here are a few links for you.That was a good catch Dane!! Especially if you are going to use an herb for consumption ...check and double check.....
Tiki...I dont know which scent your smelling. Lori makes candles and other scented things. She is a friend of all of ours from here and other garden sites we visit. Her business cards are in the package each one is a different scent.
Snow has arrived...

Thumbnail by arejay59
Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

Jan here on DG

Selinsgrove, PA(Zone 5b)

Has anybody heard from the Round Robin? When I mailed it last week, I used Delivery Confirmation. It was delivered in Texas on November 26.


Everett, WA(Zone 8a)

I have not yet heard the flutter of Robin wings, but I have seeds ready to feed her..


i think it has been mailed again

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