Free Seed for Newbies!11/18/2010 Directions to get your seed

Anyone heard from Arejay yet? Has she come home yet? I was wondering if she was snowed in with all the snow storms going around. I also wanted to know if it was warm or did she get hit with the cold going through Florida. Right about the time she left news said a cold front swept through.
Arejay iffin ya around, speak up and let us know you are OK!

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

Good Morning Everyone...I am back...lots of envies here !! I had a good trip. It was cooler than I hoped but warmer than Maine!!

Thumbnail by arejay59
Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

Welcome back! Glad you had a good trip.

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

Thank you Crit

Cocoa Beach, FL(Zone 10a)

Sorry we couldn't have given you better weather. But at least we aren't shoveling or scraping our windshields!

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

No complaints here Mittsy!! It was colder than I expected but honestly it was wonderful. The sun came out everyday and I was in it!!

Hi Arejay , Welcome back! Was getting a little worried about you. Hope you found lots of colored glass and had fun. The weather turned colder right after you left, I was hoping your house didn't get snowed in and without power for you to come home to.
Get some rest and we want to hear all about it!

Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9a)

Can't wait to hear all about your trip;o)

Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9a)

Too cute;o) Looks like the fight is on!


Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

Oh mekos. What a thing to wake up to, a snowball in the face! LOL
Here is a cute little game to watch. Arejay and Charleen(RRM)and I are in green and Crit and Marti and Cue_chik are in RED. This is cute. BIG SMILE!
By the way it is Arejay's game.

OH by the way, Seems Arejay had a wonderful time on her trip to the beach. She shared this video with Mitt and he shared with me so I thought you guys would enjoy too. Didn't know Charleen went too till I saw it.
Enjoyed it as much as popping everyone with snowballs!

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

Yes!! we had a great time!! Funny Mitt had the video!!

Everett, WA(Zone 8a)


The Robin landed and took off again. I hope she wasn't sitting in my mail slot since Saturday! She's on her way to Gary in Alabama. Merry Christmas and Super Solstice!

Four pounds, 7 ounces, and the medium flat rate box is full to the point of bulging. If I may understate wildly, there is a LOT of variety in there!

Thank you, everyone who added stuffing to the bird.


P.S. (Is there some other thread I should post this in?)

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

Just here Corey!! GLad to hear its fun to get!!

Well after Arejay's relaxing vacation at the beach she will be hungry for seeds! Big smile!
Yes Mitt told me you sent him some pictures of your trip and wanted to share with us since we hadn't heard from you. Loved the cool suits and dance moves. I did get my widdle wo fweelings hurted you didnt ask me to go. I guess we all know who the teachers pet is now.

Everett, WA(Zone 8a)

I hope everyone had a great Solstice and first day of Winter!

It will be tough for any gift to beat the RR, but one was given to me early, that beat even that. A big statue of and Angel with a bundle of flowers in her arms, for putting into the new "Goddess Garden" I'm planning.

I think she will start out living in an existing bed, and I'll move her to the "Goddess Garden" only after I improve the soil, clean up the area, build a raised bed, and establish some plants there.

I named her "Elizabeth Angel", or "Betty", after my mother, who was always The Gardener (except for chores that she assigned to others).


corey that is so cool.

Everett, WA(Zone 8a)

Thanks, Karen.

It was a beautiful gift, something I had vaguely thought I might do "some day" with a Mary statue - but classier. Holding the flowers in her arms like a baby, in a cornucopia-shaped basket, was genius on someone's part, at least for a gardener.

I almost never plan the way a garden will look, other than putting tall plants in back of short ones, and sometimes putting blue and yellow together, but this calls for some thinking!

(As well as time and work to make soil there, and to keep pine tree roots from coming to the surface and stealing the first good soil they've seen in decades. Do you know if Pines are like maples, with roots that will go anywhere?)


Wonderful idea Corey. I'm sure your Mom would be happy. Love to see it when you get it placed in her new spot.
Our first day of winter brought sunshine and 65 degrees. Nice, but gonna drop to 30 tonight and bring in snow for Christmas day. YIPPIE! Only 3 times on record have "WE" here in my area have we had snow on Christmas. Back in the 40's we got snow on Christmas, but First one I can remember was Christmas of 1963. We woke to about 5 inches and it snowed all day. I and my sister went out and made snowangels barefoot. Was the most beautiful experience of my life to see Snow Christmas morning. Now they say we will get snow again for Christmas.

This message was edited Dec 22, 2010 7:17 PM

Everett, WA(Zone 8a)

"I'm dreaming of a Whiiiiiiite Chrstmas!"


Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9a)

We're in for a rainy Christmas - lol... Getting hammered right now with leftover rain from the CA storms. Supposed to clear out by tomorrow night. We'll take it!

Good for you Kelly. Sure will help to wet the ground deep inside. I feel sorry for the others though with all the flooding rains. Seems it is either raining and storming or snow and freezing weather right now.

Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

Quote from mekos :
Here is a cute little game to watch. Arejay and Charleen(RRM)and I are in green and Crit and Marti and Cue_chik are in RED. This is cute. BIG SMILE!
By the way it is Arejay's game.

I got 150 points. Is that good, bad or just stay DOWN??????

IF you are on the red team, just stay down. Green always win!

Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

Well drat! I don't wanna be red anymore

lovely card mekos

Hahahahahaha, Crit, that is why I chose Green! LOL Hahahahaha. LMAO- ROTFL

Thanks Sherman99. I so love Christmas!

(Ang) Bremerton, WA(Zone 8b)

Hope everyone had a very merry christmas!

Cocoa Beach, FL(Zone 10a)

Santa was very good to me. Here's a lovely orchid that I received. It's called Golden Beauty

Thumbnail by mittsy
Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

Oh very nice Mittsy!! Hi everyone!! How have you survived the holidays??? WHew right it was busy here!! I am just checking in to let you all know I have a stack of envies on my table!! I will get them all filled up and back out ASAP!!

Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

I can't wait!!!!!!!!! Do you have the order of where it is and whose the next receiver? I would kind of like to know when I might be expecting it. I've been making seed packets for special order peeps, and others to add to the swap. Need to work on my seeds more. It just hurts to set up straight and is hard to do it from my recliner. LOL

I guess it is about time to start thinking about getting some of my own seed started for next years gardens. I am just running out of room! :-) Could use hubby's pool table, but don't think that would go over well with him.

Florala, AL

Just got home from our trip to WV to visit family.... Found a wonderful surprise on my poarch Yest :) Will try to get it back out tomorrow :)

Glad everyone had a wonderful Christmas!
Gosh Crit, are you ok? Have you hurt your back? I was gone for a bit and must have missed it somewhere.
Looks like the robin landed at Garys house. I hear it is very fat now!
We got a snow storm last night and 6 &1/2 inches of snow with an inch of sleet on top and more coming tonight and tomorrow. VERY COLD! Brrrrrr. :-|

Altoona, PA

Wow just got my newbie packet~so many wonderful seeds! Thank all of you so much for giving me a great head start!

many blessings,

Where is the Robin resting now? Anyone seen it lately?

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