September Chat, Picutres, and Whatnot...

Clarksville, TN(Zone 7a)

Gosh, thanks all. Everyone is so kind. I don't think I can make this RU but I would love to attend a one day RU sometime ... perhaps closer to my house or if I can find someone to meet up and ride with.

Yes, jeri, I am talking about Parkinson's (early onset type like Michael J Fox has). Hubby was diagnosed at 43. We know about familial tremor and a lot more about all tremors since the Dx. Hubby doesn't have a lot of tremor. Everyone's PD is different.

40% chance of rain here tomorrow and we'd better get it, Marilyn. Ha, ha ... like I can make it happen. I mowed the front lawn yesterday and half of it was crispy. More like mowing dirt with dust flying everywhere. :-( At least it's cooler! My walks these past mornings have been quite pleasant.

I would love to have some Moonflower seeds and am happy to send a SASE. As I said, I am trying to get things going in the yard here. There was nothing much when we moved in last June except the trees and the azaleas in front of the house (below last April). I've gotten a small perennial garden going and am working on the fence line, among other things.

Thanks again, everyone, for making me feel so welcome.

Thumbnail by Cville_Gardener
Isabella, MO(Zone 6b)

Lovely house and azaleas, Carole! I was going to tell you that you will need a fence or trellis for the moon vine to climb but from what you said you do have a fence so that should be perfect. :o)) A SASE won't be necessary for the seeds--just dmail me your address and I will send you the seeds as soon as I harvest some. My garden is only about 3 years old and a large percentage (more than half) of the plants in my flower beds have come from the good people right here on the Mid-South forum. I'm sorry to hear about your DH having PD. You will find a good support group right here so please don't hesitate to lean on our shoulders when you need to do so.

Hooray!, It's raining! We are getting this from Tropical Storm Hermine. Of course, we are on the far northeastern edge of it so we don't have the heavy rains and winds like they do down in south Texas. I hope everyone down in that area is okay.

Ripley, MS

Send it my way Marilyn, we have clouds--no rain yet

Northeast, LA(Zone 8a)

Good Morning all. We are back from the camp.
Marilyn glad you are getting a little rain. Sandra maybe today it will happen for you.
Carol Welcome aboard. Always nice to have new friends.

Ruth I am so sorry for your loss of Angel. I do hope you get the graft on your foot soon. You have suffered way to long with that. We have missed hearing from you and seeing your pretty face.

This yellow bloom welcomed me home yesterday.

Thumbnail by Riverland
Ripley, MS

Oh how pretty ! Even the grass is dying here we are so dry. I lucked out on the Limelight, Cindy, not a one in sight-I knew I should have gotten those last month !!

Northeast, LA(Zone 8a)

Oh well not like we are dying for plants.

Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

Love that yellow hibiscus! I tried overwintering several I bought on a coop last year and they all died. So all I have are just ones I found around Home Depot, Lowes, etc. One has a really pretty different bloom. I have to have tropical hibiscus every year. But guess I'll just keep buying and letting them die at the end of the summer like I've been doing for years. I might try taking in the really pretty one I have this year and see what happens.
WE HAVE RAIN - glorious rain! It is real rain and not just some sprinkles like we've had in the past.

Carole I will have some moon vine seed also and I should have some hyacinth vine see. Mine has just started blooming.

Fayetteville, AR(Zone 7b)

Janie nice shot of that moonflower!

Carole great to meet you! I'm Crissy, or Christine, or Chris, LOL! Where'd you live in CA? I'm from Modesto, CA, I moved here April 2007.

Sandra I hope your back gets better, and Lamar and Ruth I am so sorry about Angel, and Ruth your foot, I really hope they do that graft, staph infections are horrible!

Clarksville, TN(Zone 7a)

Hi Crissy -- We were in CA for almost 40 years ... San Diego, Orange County, L.A. County and the last 17 years in Nor. Cal. (Redding). I've been in Modesto numerous times. We moved back to KY in 2006. Hubby still has relatives there and that's where we were born and raised. We moved here last year as it is closer to Vanderbilt Medical Center and we like this area.

Oops, earlier I think I got 'slcdms' and 'jeri11' mixed up in one of my responses. Sorry. It will take me awhile to get everyone's name down pat. But I will. This is such a great group! So 'Riverland' is Janie and Sandra is 'slcdms'?

Charlotte, I would love to have any seed from you too. I can send SASE. I like both Moon vine and Hyacinth Bean Vine. I have 100 ft. of chain link fence on one side and right now all it has is one new trumpet vine so I've got room for more. Other side has about 40 ft. of chain link without trees so room there too.

It's clouding up as I write and my fingers are crossed. It is so dry and the ground is so hard it's almost impossible to plant. Now we can't have that, can we? LOL.

I love all the pictures. I'm working on finding a photography class and getting a camera that's a bit better. Hopefully.

Thumbnail by Cville_Gardener
Northeast, LA(Zone 8a)

Carole I am Cindy not Janie but we don't expect you to know our names all at once. You got Sandra right.
If there is a University or Community College near you they may offer continuing ed classes beginning now and probably in the spring. They will usually offer a beginners Photo and an Intermediate class. I have signed up for one in Nov.

Ripley, MS

Cindy, that is great, I hope you enjoy it. You will probably get there and know more than the teacher does though, as good as your pictures are

Clarksville, TN(Zone 7a)

Well, 50% right, I guess. Who is Janie? ;-)

Our nearest Community Center is going to have photography classes, I think. I'm trying to find out for sure. That's a good idea about the colleges. We have Austin Peay State here.

Laceys Spring, AL(Zone 7a)

Hi Carole, I'm Elaine and live a bit south of you in north Alabama. Some of us meet in late February in Nashville at the big Lawn and Garden show at the Fairgrounds there. There should be some info coming up online later in the year or after Christmas with the dates. It starts on Thursday and runs through Sunday but some of us try to go the first day or two and pick up some plants, visit over breakfast and shop together. There is an admission charge but it's reasonable and you can get a discount for the whole weekend if you have the energy to go that long! Lots of seminars throughout the days too with good speakers.
I haven't posted much lately...had to travel with my job and will also be gone next week again.
Good to have you join in.

Ripley, MS

Janie is from Arkansas--she is around here somewhere, can't think of her user name right now.

Clarksville, TN(Zone 7a)

Thanks, Sandra. I think I'm going to have to make a list. :-)

Elaine -- Nashville sounds great. I think I could might could make that one, depending on hubby's health. It's only an hour's drive away. Sounds like fun.

Jacksonville, AR

Hi Carole,
Welcome to the Daves and especially to the MidSouth Forum. Nicest bunch of people you will ever "meet". Some of them get kind of wild at swaps/reunions/garden parties, take home way more plants, seedlings, or seed than they know what to do with (that would be me). You need to attend one when you can.
I lived in California for a short time, in the San Fernando Valley in the 70's. Fell in love with the mountains around Mammoth, it was the best part of Ca (that I saw), the worse was Salton Sea. My next favorite place is the Smokies.

Northeast, LA(Zone 8a)

I went out this afternoon to try and clear some of these nasty beds. I had a few things blooming. This is magnus coneflower . I have several of these on my list to give away at Terrye's. It is very compact , not tall and lanky like the species plant.

Thumbnail by Riverland
Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

That is a nice looking coneflower. I have some purple ones that get so tall they just fall over.

Judsonia, AR(Zone 7b)

I always thought the magnus was a real good grower, love the big flower.

Clarksville, TN(Zone 7a)

Janie, I'll try my best to get to something one of these days. Sometimes it feels like I go one step forward and two backward. It's great that there are several from AR. Maybe some others from around Clarksville will join DG one of these days. The more the merrier.

Still no rain here yet. :-(...

Ripley, MS

Good morning I want you to watch this video--it is so sweet !!

Isabella, MO(Zone 6b)

that's amazing, Sandra. I posted it on my Facebook page.

Carole, just hang in there--it might take a little while for you to get everybody's name straight, but you will learn who we all are--eventually. LOL

by the way, kjuddy is Karen; lorettad is Loretta; edenawaitsme is Sheila and there are others who you will meet over time.

Here in central Arkansas there are several of us who try to get together every couple of months for lunch and fellowship, etc. Here's a link to my photos of our recent luncheon at Charlotte's house. Hopefully, these photos will help you to put names with faces.
Here's the link:

This message was edited Sep 8, 2010 7:31 AM

North Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

Nice way to start the day...thanks, Sandra.

Carole, you may want to get a little note pad and jot down the DG name with the person's name next to it. In a short time, you will no longer need it!

Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

I forgot to say - how could I forget! It is raining again today. It just a slow drizzle but keeping everything wet. I have some forythsia that had been looking wilted. It's at the fringe of the sprinklers and I've just not been able to get enough water on it and it is now all perky. Beginning to have that feel of fall in the air.

Ripley, MS

We got a good rain last night, they said today we might get more. I walked around and things look better, but the humidity is so high, just walking and looking made me sweat !!

Northeast, LA(Zone 8a)

Sandra that is so perfect . I have John Paul today and he has watched it several times. As I am typing this he asked. You writing you a name? It smells like corn-dog in here. They can be so funny at 2.

Clarksville, TN(Zone 7a)

Yes, I did start a list. Wow ... I have 14 names already! Well, at least I've got Kathy_Ann downpat. Ha, ha, ha.

I'm so glad someone is getting rain!! Still none here. Another 40% chance tomorrow which means probably not. :-( BUT 95% chance on Friday!!! Surely we will get rain then. I hope it is several inches. Boy, do we need it.

Fayetteville, AR(Zone 7b)

It was pouring when I left my house at 7:30 this morning, and followed me as I drove to the dentist in South Benton, then up to Bryant for my dr appt (every time I see him I have to calm myself down LOL!) then to downtown Little Rock, got here at 10:30 and it was still pouring! My yard should be nice and soggy now :) :) :) :)

LOL Carole! I know a lot of people by face and I still get their names wrong online! Just the way it goes, don't worry about it. I had a Lean Cuisine lasagna for lunch and I'm still hungry.... guess that's a part of losing weight, huh.

Isabella, MO(Zone 6b)

It has rained almost all day! Hooray! It just stopped a few minutes ago. We sure have needed it. Maybe some of you to the east of us will get it this afternoon or tomorrow.

Northeast, LA(Zone 8a)

No rain here. Yesterday it clouded up got dark and nothing happened. Bummer.
This little clematis has never stopped blooming since spring. Do any of you know how to root clematis?

Thumbnail by Riverland
Isabella, MO(Zone 6b)

Check this out, Cindy.

Ripley, MS

I was going to say, pull a limb down and put a brick on it. Their way looks good, that soil really looks good !

Laceys Spring, AL(Zone 7a)

Don't live in the country unless you can share your outside shoes with a toad....

And now for the rest of the story - I have been out of town for a week and a half so haven't worked out in the yard for a while. Put on my yard sneakers to do some pond maintenance, fill the bird feeders, etc the other day and there seemed to be something in the toe of one of my shoes. I didn't think much about it because I have some power step inserts in there. Well I shook them out and a big dead bug fell out. No big deal, right? So I put them back on and I still felt something in the toe. So I shook them again and a toad about an inch and a half long jumped out - toward my face mind you. Now there isn't much that makes me scream. I'm not afraid of snakes or spiders, but this startled me so bad I let out a good one and I'm in the garage so it rattled the windows. DH heard me of course, the dog even jumped, and I'm now laughing my head off once I saw the toad. Check your shoes, ladies!! I know better and I always shake out my boots since I know brown recluse have been known to hide in little-used shoes and boots outside. Didn't ever think about a toad though.

Ripley, MS

Oh my goodness, I would have had a heart attack--I hate frogs, they give me the heebie jeebies--just reading about your frog gave me the heebie jeebies !!!

Ok gang, you all are going to have to cheer Charlotte and I on--we have a place in Memphis to show our jewelry on Dec 4th--I have nothing made--lol--so I have to get to work !!!

Clarksville, TN(Zone 7a)


Ripley, MS

Yes, we make jewelry, I enjoy it and Charlotte does too.

Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

I don't want toads in my garage or any place in my house! I don't want to touch them either. Don't mind them outside so long as I don't have to touch. I even tried to grow some bull frogs this summer. I bought some bull frog tadpoles that already had legs but I never saw any bull frogs. Don't know what happened to them. Years ago I had a house plant sitting outside for the summer, when I bought it in I discovered it was full of little tree frogs. Had the little things hopping all over the place in the house. I was not happy!!! Like to have never caught those things.

I don't have enough stuff made either - but now that we're comitted maybe we'll both get busy!

Fayetteville, AR(Zone 7b)

If the weather's decent I'll talk Dave into making a trip to Memphis, we love Memphis.

LOL Elaine!! I would have jumped out of my skin and took off running without it. I love toads but that would have scared me. I always check my boots or shoes every day for spiders and other what-nots.

Northeast, LA(Zone 8a)

Yea!!!! I know you will both do well.

Thumbnail by Riverland
Fayetteville, AR(Zone 7b)

LOL Charlotte, I wouldn't want them in my house either. Dave found a turtle in the yard not too long ago and brought it in the house, we were letting it walk around and I told Dave to remember, it's not potty trained, he took it back outside lol When we lived in CA we had a Desert Tortoise named Timmy, he was probably 20 years old. I have pics but not on this computer, I'm pretty sure there's pics on the computer at work though.

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