September Chat, Picutres, and Whatnot...

Olive Branch, MS

Candlestick tree

Thumbnail by obbirds
Olive Branch, MS

Banana and candlestick trees

Thumbnail by obbirds
Olive Branch, MS

Nancy's Revenge colocasia

Thumbnail by obbirds
Olive Branch, MS


Thumbnail by obbirds
Clarksville, TN(Zone 7a)

Nice pics, ob. I like seeing what people put on here ... very interesting. Love the Nancy's Revenge ... wonder where the name came from?

North Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

Lovely, Kenny! Do you leave your Nancy in the ground?

Ripley, MS

Things are looking good Kenny, we got some good rain again today. The ground is just soaking it up too.
I wondered the same thing about that Nancy's Revenge. Maybe Kenny know what it all about.

Olive Branch, MS

Don't know how it got it's name, but I would hate to meet the lady it's named after.
Kim this is the first year we've had it, so we will see if it over winters. It's been seeding out runners so we will probably dig a few up and leave a few out. If you don't have one you can get it if ya'll come by.

North Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

Well, I have one but it is tiny! If I can, I would really like to have another...

Judsonia, AR(Zone 7b)

It rained again while I was gone, yay!!

I'm back, only caught 3 fish , saw a whole lot of snakes and alot of drum tried to jump into the boat as we were riding down the river lol that was a sight.

That's amazing Charlotte. he's very talented to build all that tiki stuff like that. his yard is beautiful!!

love the pictures.

the snake was a baby rat snake, they said they look like that when their young. I never would have thought. Darren let it go by the barn. I've probably killed those things before thinking they were bad snakes.

Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

It looked like a bad snake to me.

Isabella, MO(Zone 6b)

Kathy Ann, as my daughter commented on your FB page: "There are only two kinds of snakes--one that is dead and one that is about to be dead!" ROFLOL
You should have seen her going after a snake in her yard last year. She was cutting down some scrubby trees along their fence line and she had rented a chain saw on a pole so she could reach the top of the trees. She discovered two snakes in the pile of leaves that had fallen into the flower bed along her fence. She kept saying, "I can do this, I can do this!" (She hates snakes). and by golly, she did it! Chopped snake was all that was left of one of those critters--the other one beat a hasty retreat out into the pasture on the other side of their fence. I'm still laughing about it. :o))

nice photos, Carole and Kenny.
Carole, your little mystery flower looks like it might be a wild violet. If so, you will have them EVERYWHERE before you know it. The flowers are pretty but they can be invasive. It is your call as to whether or not you want to pull it up.

Judsonia, AR(Zone 7b)

That's too funny Marilyn, I know those types of chainsaws, their those tall tree trimmers, that look like chainsaws my brother in law has one.

that snake did look like a bad snake it was quite confusing, i'm glad it wasn't though.

Clarksville, TN(Zone 7a)

We do have something in the Spring that folks around here call wild violets but it looks a bit different. However, I'm sure there is more than one type of wv or plants that are called that. Neighbors on that side were a bit sluggish with their mowing last year but this year they have picked up the pace. That being said, I fight a big battle as to what comes into my yard (don't a lot of us?). I think I'll let it grow awhile longer and see what develops ... or doesn't. :-)

Thanks for the kindness about the pics but my little digital is terribly unreliable, as is the photographer. I've been practicing a bit for when the photography class begins so I won't look totally ignorant. ;-) And been looking at new cameras .... ai yi yi yi yi. What a confusing array of features and cameras are out there. It's enough to scare off an amateur but once I take the classes, I should be okay. Right now I'm focusing on the cameras recommended by Charlotte and Cindy (no pun intended).

Judsonia, AR(Zone 7b)

LOOK!! My goji berries are growing leaps and bounds and are full of blooms now. these were in quart pots this spring and I put them in 5 gallon pots, I also bought a pollenator plant when i bought these two goji berries but there aren't any blooms on the pollenator plant so I doubt these two goji's will set fruit this year. I'm hoping to get them in the ground this spring, I guess they flower and fruit in the fall. I'm excited that i've been able to get them to growhere, last ones I had, died on me.

Thumbnail by kathy_ann
Judsonia, AR(Zone 7b)

Here's the 3 pots of them,

Thumbnail by kathy_ann
Judsonia, AR(Zone 7b)

my fairy tale cinderella purslane is sure blooming like crazy, I should have put this into the ground but didn't, I'm sure it would be all over the place by now if I had stuck it in the ground. If it doesn't make it through the winter, I'll pick up some more in memphis next year and put it in the ground, it's bloomed so nicely all season .

Thumbnail by kathy_ann
Isabella, MO(Zone 6b)

That purslane is pretty, Kathy Ann. I've never seen any of that.

Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

I've never heard of a goji berry!!! I bought some pursalene and put mine in a very shallow pot. More like an oversize saucer that I poked a bunch of holes in. I pulled it out of the bed yesterday because it really gets too much water and not enough sun. Is it too late to put it in the ground? It is alive and doing ok. Just not blooming much.
Kathy Ann there are a couple of her hydrangeas that I would like to get. Is this the same nursery that is at the exit by the interstate or are you talking about a different nursery.

Clarksville, TN(Zone 7a)

Oh my gosh, Kathy Ann, that is sooooo great!! I didn't know Goji Berry grew around this neck of the woods, but then I guess I've never really thought about it. I have brewed tea from rose hips on my roses and I wonder if the same could be done with the Goji berries? Goji berry is all the rage in health food stores these days, as I'm sure you know. Supposed to be extremely healthy for you.

Where did you get it?

Judsonia, AR(Zone 7b)

Purslane doesn't come back for me like it does some folks. I'm sure it would do just fine in the ground for therest of the season for you Charlotte.

goji berry is also known as wolfberry. their a very healthy fruit. i've eaten them from the health food stores before. expensive to buy,

if you want me to go adn get you a few I listed the varieties on Terrye's thread if you want any charlotte.

Judsonia, AR(Zone 7b)

I got my goji berries off ebay all from one seller, he sells two plants and gives you the pollenator plant it's in the same family but non fruiting. strictly for pollination to set fruit.

here's theguy I got mine from

they were quite small er this spring than the ones he's selling now, I think I got mine a little cheaper too

Clarksville, TN(Zone 7a)

Thanks. I did a Google search and found that you can eat the berries fresh, also dried like raisins, and can make tea and even wine out of them. They start to produce fruit year two and should have lots of berries by year 4 or 5. OK, I've got to get myself a couple. Thanks again for posting this.


Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

Kathy Ann I got the threads mixed up when I relied about the hydrangeas. I do think I want a couple. I'll d-mail you.

Olive Branch, MS

KA I like that purslane also. Especially if it blooms all season.

The Blue Sky vines are finally blooming. .

Thumbnail by obbirds
Olive Branch, MS

Over 4 months ago a turtle came up and laid her eggs while we where working in the beds. Today we decided they where not going to hatch and decided to dig the eggs up. To our surprise we found babies.

Thumbnail by obbirds
Olive Branch, MS

There ended up being 9 in that little hole.

Thumbnail by obbirds
Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

I just looked up pursalane trying to figure out if it is winter hardy. Found out it is edible. In fact most of the information was about different ways to use it in cooking even on Dave's. Good source of vitamins!

Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

That's fascinating! I've never seen anything like it!

Northeast, LA(Zone 8a)

Well we are back from the camp. What a zoo we had all 5 grandchildren there with only 4 adults and 2 of those were men. (not much help there)
7month old, 2 yearold, two 4 year olds, and one 7 year old..Sat we had another 4 year and a six year come down to play and roast marshmallows. We had fun but now I need a week to recuperate. I didn't get any stalking time to get pictures. All I got were the hummers on the deck. I finally put up feeders and within 1 hour I had 3. By the time I left there was 5 more. I went down to a friends camp and we stopped trying to count at 30 hummers because they were at war and moving fast.
When I got home my plumeria was blooming again.

Thumbnail by Riverland
Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

Five kids under 7 and 2 more visiting!!!! I'm surprised you can even type tonight!! They are fun and I know you enjoyed them but boy that many that age can wear you out in a hurry!

Northeast, LA(Zone 8a)

Kenny I hit send before I commented on your wonderful beds. The banana trees are huge and it all looks great.
I love the turtles. One of the kids caught a water turtle this weekend that still had shell attached to it. It was sickly looking though.

Kenny do you dry the cockscomb heads? Are you going to use them? If not I need a couple heads to refresh an arrangement and would be beholding. I have tried growing them and they never make it. I am hoping to bring you another blackberry lily. I had a pure yellow one I grew from seed that the digger got. I am hoping it will come back so I can give it to you.

Thumbnail by Riverland
Judsonia, AR(Zone 7b)

Those turtles are neat, I have some in my flower garden as well, I watched the turtle lay the eggs and bury up the hole, never went back and checked, I guess they dig their way out ha?

I'll pot up some of that purslane to bring to Terrye's Kenny, not sure if it's hardy, some of it reseeds itself but it won't do that for me here. I know it roots easy,

Purslane is an herb and it is edible, I know the yellow flowering is the herb, some of it maybe ornamental not sure

Northeast, LA(Zone 8a)

Yeah Charlotte I am whipped and not far from bed.

Olive Branch, MS

Your welcome to the cockcombs. I will send them to Terrye's if they are still in good shape. Hopefully the lily will come back.

Judsonia, AR(Zone 7b)

hum, your not going to terrye's kenny?

Olive Branch, MS

No we are leaving that day to meet Jim's daughter in Orlando. Hopefully you and Kim can come to Jim's that Friday and I can see ya'll.

Judsonia, AR(Zone 7b)

We wouldn't miss it, it's on our to do list lol first on the list I think ha.

I'll make sure to bring your plants to you this time, lol.

Northeast, LA(Zone 8a)

Thanks Kenny we will miss you both. I am coming back to Jim's again. So peaceful.

Thumbnail by Riverland
Ripley, MS

I had Charity and Faith this week end too, Cindy--I feel your pain-lol
They are not much trouble, but when you only have them for a couple of nights, they want to do all they can do with Granny. I am worn out too, still tired today

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