Barbourville, KY(Zone 7a)

Brugs do form seeds, but it takes a long season for them to mature. Many of my brugs were seed grown, but cuttings are faster and more predictable if you are not hybridizing.
You have to grow out a lot of seedlings to get good plants to select from. They are easy to grow and will bloom the same year from a Jan/Feb start for some species.

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

That is Good to Know ALANA I will check see if any of mine will form seed pods or not & let you know .

was out collecting seeds my goodness so so many . well i have to get to town I hate grocery shopping :(
you all have a great afternoon .

Morrisville, PA(Zone 6b)

Outside a local thrift store I was able to harvest seeds from a dwarf snap dragon that is suppose to be a hardy perrenial.

chaenorhium origanifolium

Thumbnail by merrymath
Morrisville, PA(Zone 6b)

My seed harvest endeavors today included harvesting a considerable number of pods fom a blue wave petunia.

I find coffee filters the best way to view very tiny seeds such as those from petunias.

I am gradually adding pictures for the seeds I can feed the next robin to my PHOTOPOCKET.


Thumbnail by merrymath
(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

good job mary : I have decided to take the day & Spend it out & Away , I have my brother coming over to stay with daddy & I'm off to where ever we end up we talked about going to shipshewana indiana just to look around & go for just the ride of it .
so not sure when we will be back you all have a great day . I Might find some great seeds down that way :)))

back later

(Anita) Fort Wayne, IN(Zone 6a)

Wow Susie! U r not fàr from me in Shipshewanna. I would have loved to meet you there. Its easy to spend the entire day there. Happy shopping!

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

Gm All

Anita : We Didn't get down there Just as we were goin out the drive Her Son from NEW York Was Pulling in .
So My Friend stayed Home with her Some & I Went to BINGO .

I would love to meet you there some day I was there about 8 yrs ago's with a friend but we were not there very long . it was cold & Nasty rainy that day . so i would love to go back on a nice sunny day .

its cloudy here today not sure if we are going to get rain or not :) but i have a couple boxes to get mailed
so will check back in later .

Deep South, TX(Zone 9b)

Hermine turned out to be pretty strong. My neighbors tree broke and fell west, taking out the power. The canna lilies in front of the house blew down toward the north. I lost a fruiting banana tree that fell east into the garden, missed the tomatoes. First time I've seen strong winds in 3 diffrent directions.

Saw some downed trees and power lines in town. Nothing serious. All is ok now.


Deep South, TX(Zone 9b)

Just ID'ed a plant for my neighbor. She said I could have seeds when they're ready. Hope Hermine didn't blow them away.

Caesalpinia pulcherrima

Thumbnail by dmtom
(Anita) Fort Wayne, IN(Zone 6a)

Dmtom - I'm glad you are okay and that is a beautiful plant!

Susie, I think I'm only 30 - 40 minutes away from Shipshewanna. I will have to figure out which days the auctions are happening. We can check out all the plant vendors, greenhouses and the stores. Its really alot of fun. I took my granddaughter my first time and she was in the back seat fighting plants and flower all the way home. LoL

This message was edited Sep 8, 2010 8:03 AM

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

Oh PLease Just what I Need ANITA AN ACTION :) HEHE & MORE Plants Girl Just let me know a day or 2 Before SO I can have someone here for dad & Margaret & I will be ready to meet you :) Hope it is soon but not a rainy or cold day :)))

Dane I Would love a few seeds not many but just a few for it will be a house plant for the winter.
Have decided that the LIVINGROOM Is Going to be turned into a plant room since daddy & Margaret can no longer go up & Down the 2 steps ,

So i hope that will be done by the 1st of oct when i have to start bring in plants :)
well off to get my critters taken care of .

cloudy day :( you all have a great one .


Deep South, TX(Zone 9b)

Susie, I'll save some for you.

Got some berries from a Duranta erecta~pigeon berry. I tried to peel the berry off but a little tries to stay on. Should I just dry them that way? I searched DG for an answer. Some say it's difficult to grow from seed, while others seemed to have success, but no help for collecting the seed.

found some useful sites for seed germination along the way

This message was edited Sep 9, 2010 10:54 AM

Thumbnail by dmtom
Barbourville, KY(Zone 7a)

Spread the Duranta seeds out in a single layer somewhere you can allow them to dry thoroughly just as they are and they will be fine.
Yours appears to be a paler blue than mine-hope you include some in the Robin. I would really like to have the white form if anyone happens to be harvesting that one.

Deep South, TX(Zone 9b)

Thanks Alana

I got enough to share with all, got some cuttings for myself too.


This message was edited Sep 9, 2010 11:14 AM

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

evening all Its Been a great day for being outside & I have been out all day so I'm ready to call it a night
I can hardly think to type so you all have a great evening & I Will be back for coffee in the morning & Chat if anyone is here :)))

good nite all

dane is that a tree or bush ??? how hardy is it ??

Morrisville, PA(Zone 6b)

My weather was beautiful today .... high of 74 and a nice breeze all day.

Still no threat of rain in site .... even the plants in the ground need daily watering.

Yesterday, my daughter brought me over 30 pots containing bulbs ..... only one pot did not contain easter type lily bulbs.

I spent a good part of the day going through these pots that my daughter rescued from going to the trash at the parochial school were she teaches pre-k.

Then I had to clean up the mess I made during this process ... not much time for anything else

....tomorrow is another day.


Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

It's great seeing a few familiar faces and having an opportunity to meet the rest of you.

You've always hosted awesome seed Robins, Susie, and I really appreciate the way you've tightened up the rules. Give me a few days and I'll list the seeds I've collected this year, ones in my stash from last year, and ones I'd like to have. I hope we're a GO in November.

Cosmos "Bright Lights" has been blooming its head since early Summer and is one I Winter Sowed from seeds rec'd in a trade.

Hi Diamond!!

Thumbnail by FruitOfTheVine
Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

This is a current pic Homestead Verbena, Susie, that I Winter Sowed from seeds you shared :)

Thumbnail by FruitOfTheVine
Deep South, TX(Zone 9b)

It is a shrub and looks like some has grown them at 7a. The Humane Society uses them as a hedge. It's about 8-9' tall and about 50' long. We had a freeze last year that wiped out alot of plants but this hedge looks like it was not affected much.

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

GM To All I Sure feel better then last night I Was so so tired & I Have another full day of Digging so I May not get back on till later this evening .

Welcome susan I Do hope There will be some New & Exciting seeds in the robin this time around .
yes i planted a few of them from seed & They are still in full Bloom love them .

Thanks dane for sharing Guess that leaves me out I'm In Zone 5 .

30 pots of bulbs ??? Wow Mary you win they will do great for you .
well off to the great outside soon .
Happy Gardening & A SAFE FRIDAY

Barbourville, KY(Zone 7a)

30 pots of bulbs! All of that hard work will be worth it next summer.

Susie, I'm in 7a and I grow my Duranta in a 30 gallon container. I wheel it into a greenhouse in early November. That greenhouse is not heated at all until late January and the top is often damaged by a freeze. I cut it back to about 15 inches tall and it comes back into growth as soon as I start heating. I have a friend who puts hers in an unheated garage over winter. If you have the space to overwinter it and love butterflys, it is a great plant to have.

(Anita) Fort Wayne, IN(Zone 6a)

Hi Susan! You had to feel me thinking about you yesterday! I was wondering how things were going for you. I am getting ready for WS. I have a couple of good performers that made it to the top of my favorites list. One is the Gaillardia Dakota Reveille

Thumbnail by diamond9192002
(Anita) Fort Wayne, IN(Zone 6a)

Where can I find info on the plants that need the first frost and the plants that have to be dug before first frost. I'm getting conflicting information.

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

well I had a Long winded post ready to send took me 15-20 mins & It Flew out into cyberspace somewhere
& My putor rebooted so here i'm again but shorter.

ALANA :I would love to try the bush but if anyone can do a rooted cutting for me :) I'm no good at starting

ANITA : Sorry i missed your call yesterday Sure Love our chats :) But Also wanted to say if you can give us a list
of the plants you are concerned about maybe we can help you with your answers , we sure have allot of smart gardeners her :)))
well i need to get out side i think it should be dried off enough .
happy gardening .

Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

Anita, It's been a lot of yesterdays...LOL Susie's suggestion to list the plants you have in question is a great idea. Here's my two cents worth not knowing what you're growing. I dig Dahlias well before our first frost to prevent the tubers from freezing and dying. Cannas, on the otherhand, I dig after the first frost. That way when the leaves turn black, it makes cutting them back easier before digging & lifting the rhizomes.

Deep South, TX(Zone 9b)

When I get conflicting info I check with the locals. try:

Didn't have time to look for bulbs, but you might find it informative.

Your local nursery can help also.

This message was edited Sep 10, 2010 6:33 PM

(Anita) Fort Wayne, IN(Zone 6a)

Wow, I posted my plants earlier, I'm sure it was sent into cyberspace. LoL I have Lantana, Dahlias, Cannas and EE that I have planted in the ground. I have a Brug, Begonia, Tropical Hibiscus, Lantana. Banana and Mandevilla in pots. I'm pretty sure I can bring those in anytime, I'm just worried about killing them once I get them inside. LoL I'm wondering about the Dahlias. Do I allow the first frost to get to them? I posted a question on the Dahlia forum. I'm waiting on a response.

(Anita) Fort Wayne, IN(Zone 6a)

LoL that's my Extension affiliation

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

I Like FOTV Bring My Dahlias in Before the 1ft frost as for the EE I Thik I would also bring in before the frost
so the BULB Won't get MUSHY, Lantana's not sure if you can over winter them in the House never tried .

Brugs for sure Bring in if weather turns cold . .if it goes under 50* Here , i bring mine in & take them back out when it warms up . My Solid Gold Brug is Loaded with buds
well off to lay back you all have a safe & Fun weekend rain tomorrow they say for here :)

Thumbnail by deejay9
Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

What pretty color variations in your Sorbet. I'm bummed not one of my Dahlias is blooming yet. Never tried overwintering Lantanas either. Around here they're grown as annuals.

I don't have a greenhouse (yet) and dig EE bulbs several weeks before our first frost and store the bulbs inside in a heated closet in boxes of cedar shavings, along with the Canna rhizones and Dahlia tubers. I was able to successfully overwinter a Mandevilla though, gave it a severe haircut last Fall and it had about 1' of new growth when I moved it outside last Spring. To keep your other tropicals happy like the Hibiscus & Bananas, bring them in when your temps dip down to 45-50 degrees. It'll be like a shuffling match for a while taking them outside when it's warm and bringing them back in when it's chilly.

Does anyone have extra Candy Lily seeds, any color?

(Anita) Fort Wayne, IN(Zone 6a)

I believe I still have Candy Lily seeds. I don't think I planted them all last year. I had a very high germination rate with the Candy Lilies. Will check my stash, then send you a dmail.

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

I Hope to I have 2 colors I Have don't Know the names but redish orange with black spots, & The Purple with Black spots , & Then I have just the yellow & I Just love them all so I Never have enough but i will share what I Have & I KNow others will have a few also :)

I Need " LOVE LIES BLEEDING " For a friend of mine

I would like to remind everyone to Please Put This INFO ON Your Seed pks .



They say rain is moving in by noon so i guess it will be a good day to really go through my seeds
& get mine bagged up .

Anita Hope some of our advive is usuable :)))) & we don't tell you wrong . Have a great Weekend.

one last Question , when Mums flowers dry up do they have seeds ??? or is it best just to take cuttings ??

Thumbnail by deejay9

ok beginner question: what is EE? FOTV?

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

ELEPHANT EARS if anyone has extra I would love a couple or just one :) even .

This message was edited Sep 11, 2010 10:09 AM

(Anita) Fort Wayne, IN(Zone 6a)

That's a good question on the Mum seeds, Susie. I have never seen any Mum seeds for sale but if I'm not mistaken "Mum" is short for Chrysanthamum. I believe I may have some of those seeds. I will check my stash. I'm in the process of getting rid of years worth of junk. So my home is a mess right now. If I don't answer you about my stash, please, remind me. My EE had some babies this year so if I can figt howladly send you one of the babies.

Morrisville, PA(Zone 6b)

Yesterday, I harvested several different varities of seed from my garden.

I updated my photobucket ... so you can view most of my offerings there.

Today, I took time to go to a few local (less than 1/2 mile away) yardsales. I came back with a considerable number of large planters.

At one yardsale I collected a considerable number of Shasta Daisy pods and a few Trumpet Vine (ORANGE) pods. I was told the humming birds and butterflies are frequent visitors and the plant can be INVASIVE.

Question .... what classification of attainment does one give for seeds one has harvest from sites that are not their garden?


This message was edited Sep 11, 2010 8:39 PM

Morrisville, PA(Zone 6b)

Susie .... before I forget ..... I will be visiting my older daughter in North Carolina.

This message was edited Oct 5, 2010 9:09 PM

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

Well Mary that is a good Question You have ask :) HHE Guess we will have to come up with another ABBRE<
Like LOCAL GARDEN :))) Unless anyone has a better Idea :))) .
mary as for the trumpet vine I Have YELLOW , & RED ONE Also Besides the ORANGE One

If anyone wants .
well it was a rainy cool day so I did up- 15 pt of pears , Baked daddy his Pie, Made a corn chower soup for super, got our laundry done, Not at all what I Had in mind to do today .

My Frankie is at the door waiting for his Treats so off to him then I'm going to stop for the day .
you all have a great evening .

(Anita) Fort Wayne, IN(Zone 6a)

I'm interested in orange and red trumpet vines.

Deep South, TX(Zone 9b)

Well a few days ago I looked in my journal have list and found something hardy and grows most places, guess what it was, in orange. Oh well.

I'm not going to count my seeds til they are bagged and tagged. The green mower bug ate the flower head of the pregnant onion.

Susie could you please put my name on some butterfly bush 4 seeds? Lilacs aren't suppose to grow here and we miss them. Are the also called Summer Lilac?

Common names are cool. I googled a few and found a band I never heard of and other interesting sites.

Got some seeds in so I need to update my list.


This message was edited Sep 12, 2010 9:31 AM

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