(Anita) Fort Wayne, IN(Zone 6a)

Thanks Mary! I would love to have some of your Blue Hydrangea! Thats the one I have been wanting. Someone asked why we posted our "wants"? For example, I want Hydrangea. Mary has those seeds. Mary make an envelope with my name on it. When the Robin makes it to her house she puts the envie in and when it gets to me I take out all envies with my name on it and enclose envies I have for others.

Has anyone ever grown Hydrangea from seeds?

Deep South, TX(Zone 9b)

so what if the robin goes to you before she can put in your seeds?

Morrisville, PA(Zone 6b)

Quote from merrymath :
Anita, Hydrangea ..... from seed?

I recently purchased two nice healthy hydrangea bushes. I can root some for you and send it to you in the spring.

Here is a picture of the type of hydrangeas I purchased..... it is from another site .... I purchased them only about a month ago .... they do not have any blooms on them now.


This message was edited Aug 30, 2010 9:56 PM

Anita .... I will try to harvest seeds from the bushes ..... no guarantee on my success. I will also do some cuttings ... they are suppose to be super easy to root. They are very healty bushes.

Morrisville, PA(Zone 6b)

Here is the picture of my 2 hydrangeas

Thumbnail by merrymath
(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

Sherman This is just a Learning thread for many But Later down the road about NOV I Will Put Up A SIGN UP THREAD>

& After we have so many & Pending on how many want to Join I will then post the route of the robin .

& It IS true the Robin comes to you you will have 3 days to go through the robin Usually takes about 1-2 hrs for some & It goes back out the next day just depends on you as how much time you need .

You take out what you can use or want to try & Then put in what seeds you have to share with others .
there will be baggies in the robin to use if you need them .

as i said before if some of the bagging are filled to the top please feel free to just take out what you can use .
& no you do not have to put a full pack of others types to replace .

The main guideline that i want you all to go by is your DG Usersname BE ON THE PKS YOU PUT INTO THE ROBIN .

No wild Flower mixes we all have them in our area so please try to fine or collect some newer types of plants .
if you are looking for some special seeds make your list here you may be surprised :) .

this is my porclin vine & thought i would see if you can collect seeds from it . any takers ??? :)

Thumbnail by deejay9
(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

here is a weed or plant that i cannot find a name for it but it sure is pretty . can anyone identify for me .
it also is forming seed if any one wants .

Thumbnail by deejay9
Barbourville, KY(Zone 7a)

That's Polygonum orientalis or Kiss Me Over the Garden Gate.
I am looking for a lot of different crested Celosias if anyone has any.
I already have Kurume Corona, Rooster Mixed, Spring Green and Red Velvet and will probably put some of those in the Robin.

Morrisville, PA(Zone 6b)

Alana I have Celosia-Plumosa yellow that I am hoping to harvest seeds from. (I am a first time harvester.)

I need to remember to do the following:

Always carry with me when I go out: plastic zip lock baggies .... some post-its .... and a pen ..... so if i see a nice seed pod on a plant that I like, I can snag it.


Thumbnail by merrymath
(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

TY alana I Thought kiss me over the gaten gate was a vine NOW I Know :) well seeds for this beauty will also be in the robin .

Just came in from collecting more seeds & Now I'm going to tuck my critters into their beds then off to the shower.
will be back in the morning for coffee & Chat with anyone here :)))

Barbourville, KY(Zone 7a)

If that is a photo of the plant you will be harvesting from, I do hope you put some in the Robin!

Morrisville, PA(Zone 6b)

I am fortunate to have a nice garden center within a few miles of my house. Their plants by far are better than I have noticed at Home Depot or Lowes .... and their prices are less.

Two years ago I lost almost all of my landscaping when I had extensive exterior renovations done. I started with the front the house .... then around the new back deck .... the area where the hydrangeas are is my most recent endeavor.

I was sorta kicking myself for not purchasing hydrangeas earlier in the season at the garden center.

Then about a month and half ago after a doctor's appointment that is close to Home Depot ... I stopped at HD just to see if there were any bargains. The only thing that interested me were the hydrangeas ... they were about $15/plant.
But they were no where near as nice as the ones that the garden center had earlier in the year. So I left w/o a purchase.

Since the garden center was on my way home ... I stopped there. And to my surprise they had just received some hydrangeas. These plants were at least 3 times the size and more lucious than those at HD. There were not many blooms .... each of the plants I selected had 1 bloom ... one bloom was about 12" in diameter ... the other had a 10" diameter bloom. The hydrangeas were priced at $17.99/each or 2 for $35. A terrific buy.

I never thought about harvesting seeds from a hydrangea. Tomorrow I will place a paper bag over each bloom.
Please be aware ..... they are water hogs!


Deep South, TX(Zone 9b)

The Coral vine is about ready to start harvesting seed. It grows wild here and can be invasive and can smother a tree. Looking at the plant file it looks like alot of people like it. I could pick a bucket full if enough people want it. Good for bees and butterflies.

Thumbnail by dmtom
(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

Dane I Think in the Northern zones it would proble be an annual Don't think it would be invassive for us .
although they say M Glories are ANNUALS YET I Have many that come back year after year.

Please don't add a bucket full but if you would share a couple baggies of them would be great .

I 'm working on a surprise for you all something i think might help us all here :) going to take me awhile so sit back enjoy your coffee & When i get it done i will come back & Post it .

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)


Deep South, TX(Zone 9b)


This message was edited Sep 1, 2010 9:18 PM

Emory, TX(Zone 8a)

Yes, Dane! I would love some of the Coral vine seeds.

I didn't understand the above post. And I am from Texas...

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

Dane You Really seem to be making this robin very hard on yourself when it is so so easy :))))

The reason I put up a wish list is so that anyone who wants in on this robin can list what they have to share that way you can ask them to put your name on a pack .

& also list what they would like to plant next season & if one of us have it we can put their name on a pack for them . these pks will be in the robin for them when they get the robin .

as for anyone who has seeds for someone who has the robin before them there is 2- ways we can get the seeds to them .
#1 you can mail them directly to them
#2 if they opt to have the robin make another stop at their place at the end they can do so .

dose everyone understand this now Please ask question we want to help you understand how this works it is easy & Fun .

well off to go put on super then off to BINGO You all have a great evening

Emory, TX(Zone 8a)

I read it again, and I think I got it this time.

Last Robin we just put separate envelopes with the name of the "wanter" and put their seeds in. That works only if the Robin hasn't gotten to them before you. In my opinion, a lot of special requests being filled defeats the purpose of a Robin. Maybe it could be done separately. I think some did it that way last time.

Emory, TX(Zone 8a)

Ooooppps! Susie, we cross posted. Sorry!

Deep South, TX(Zone 9b)

Sometimes I do that. It time to just go with the flow. I'm sure y'all make sure I get it right.

Yardqueen will get coral vine.

BTW I'm hearing impared and I'm the one who talks funny. I was just noticing zone numbers. Sorry if I offended anyone.



This message was edited Sep 1, 2010 4:22 PM

This message was edited Sep 1, 2010 4:26 PM

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

Dane you have not offended any of us in anyway i think we were confused as to what you was trying to ask or tell us .

we will be happy to answer any or Questions you may have . Just feel free to ask .
the only reason I put up a wish list or have list is because many of us may only have just a few seeds of certain seeds If I was to have 4 pks of say ECHINACEA " sunrise " & we have 20 players
there is no way the people at the end will have a chance of getting any . so this way by posting what we have
ones who really are looking for them will get them .

you will not have to send your seeds to no one the robin will come to you & You take what you can use & Add seeds to the robin for others to try .
I hope i have not confused you any more :) If so we have about 3 months to straighten you out :) HEHE.
see you are new to DG WELCOME >

well just got home from BINGO & I Got to lay back I have a busy day Tomorrow.

Good nite all

& Thanks Yard

Morrisville, PA(Zone 6b)

I am so tired. I visited my younger daughter (30 miles away) today.

Her plants were so happy to see me. They were in desparate need of watering.

I did harvest a considerable amount of diantus seeds fcrom her front flower bed. I elected to keep the various seperated.

From my own garden I harvested some (and I do mean some) salvia seeds. I kept the different colors seperated (Red, Mauve, Pink, and White)

Picture is DL "Secret Friend" planted end of June, 2010 .... 1st bloom yesterday .... this is the 2nd bloom


Thumbnail by merrymath
(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

I Don't want to sound rude . But If you have a Message or HELPFULL HINT for anyone will you bring it here & Post it & Not Use the WISH LIST FORUM Other wise some of the new members will get more confused
& Use that as chat .

Don Thank yu for Posting the DG Search link for mary & I will also Post it Up top here for all to use .

Mary your Photobuck Link came in clear & Now you have it posted on the wish list forum & You can Delete most of your message & Just use it as posting what seeds you might like to try & If any of us have any we will be happy to share with you.

Forgive any typo's My Glasses broke as I took them off last nite for bed & I cannot see to fix them
so i found an old pair but i need to go into town & get mine fixed this morning .

so enjoy your coffee I will be back later .

(Anita) Fort Wayne, IN(Zone 6a)

I like the way the Robin has gone in the past. Not eveyone has specific seeds that they would like to have. When Susie posts the flight pattern, if you have seeds for someone and the Robin gets to them first, you can mail them the seeds directly. I thought it was pretty exciting to find my name on an envie in the Robin. Sometimes, others would just surprise you with seeds you weren't expecting.

I expressed some interest in a Butterfly and Hummingbird garden. Others chimed in with plants that drew in B&HB to their gardens. So some people included seeds for mefor my B & HB garden.

Here's a picture of my first year BHB garden with seeds from the Robin.

This message was edited Sep 2, 2010 9:30 AM

Thumbnail by diamond9192002
(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

Thanks anita that is a great garden I love getting envies with my name on also & some seeds I would never even think of were there & come to find out it is a plant that looks great in the graden .
there are also many other types in the Robin to go throuh.

I have tripled the amount of Butterflies this year with all the new plants I Have grew.

well I Have my glasses fixed so now i guess I can go make out my monthly checks :) You all have a great
day back later .
Have to share my Blooming Burg :)
this is Called SOLID GOLD .

Thumbnail by deejay9
(Anita) Fort Wayne, IN(Zone 6a)

Beautiful Brug! This is my first year with my Brug. I'm hoping I didn't kill it by neglecting to water it during this dry weather. Mie didn't bloom, what's the secret?

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

I water mine every morning or once a day aliitle not a soaking & Then I feed it once a week & I have it out on my back deck lotsa sunlight . last year I think it Bloomed in NOV OR DEC But The Blooms Looked white
But This year I put the feed to it & It has really PERKED BLOOMS EARLY :)

I have a few others but there are no blooms on them yet but i hope they will . my concern is where to store them for the winter :(
we are getting a nice rain stead but not hard i just hope it keeps up :)
good day to get some some dusting done :( we live on a dirt road & It Is hard to stay ahead of it .

back to chat later

Deep South, TX(Zone 9b)

Well now that I've been properly introduced, I feel I should stand and tell a alittle about myself. I'm really jazzed about renewing my old hobby, since last spring. Last place I gardened I was in zone 5 at 7000' elavation. Now I'm in 9a or b and 55' elavation. I have losts to learn and found a really helpful place for help. TY DG.

Butterfly bushes, I live at the heart of butterfly and bird migration paths. As I find them, with seeds, I will list them.

Thanks to all


Castlewood, SD

Welcome Dane !! You'll make lots of wonderful friends here. 8-) The wealth of knowledge is truely awesome.

Morrisville, PA(Zone 6b)

Since the actual harvesting of seeds is more of a priority with me, and I have had the opportunity to collect seeds, it will be a few days before I post my HAVE LIST and WISH LIST on the other thread.

Has anyone had any experience in harvesting impatien seeds? If so ....please share.


(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

I Would put them on Newspaper or cut open a brown paper bag & Set the plant onn it & see if seeds drop off the same with Million bells & I have done this with all my plants in planters seed can drop on the bag & I can see them :) Better.

well sorry i have not been on much today but I can hardly raise my head for long it is not a good afternoon
will be back tomorrow in a better frame of mind I HOPE .

Here is my sweetpea :) enjoying my plants .

Thumbnail by deejay9
Morrisville, PA(Zone 6b)

A whopper of a sweetpea if you ask me!

Castlewood, SD

sure hope you get to feeling better.

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

Gm all SOrry I Didn't get to have coffee with you all this am But Its Not a good good day for me yet hope the rest of the day gets better , However I Did get daddys pie baked & Now i have to go cut him some for his Lunch :) That is all he wants Applepie alamo :) HEy at his age I Let him eat what he wants :)

& I also was able to collect a few 4 Oclock seeds . we had a huge rain yesterday & So after we dry out a bit there will be many many seeds .

I Just wanted to remind everyone that This Robin is going to be very fresh seeds & If you have seeds Older then 08/09 Harvest PLEASE Do Not put them in the robin .

Anyone here like to try any dogwood seeds ??? well off to get daddys lunch back later to up-load a few pic's


Morrisville, PA(Zone 6b)

Susie, I would like to try a few dogwood seeds.


(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

I've not taken any off the tree yet but will do so this weeken if they are ready .
But I have you on the list .

Morrisville, PA(Zone 6b)

Here is a helpful site.

Today, I harvested seeds from Easy Wave Mystic Pink


Thumbnail by merrymath
Morrisville, PA(Zone 6b)

I like to collect my seeds using a nice size plastic bowl. This way I avoid losing seeds due to clumsiness.

Then I place the seeds in a coffee filter that has the ID of the seeds (do this before placing seeds in filter).

I fold and staple the filter. The filter is place in an area to recieve additional airing. After a week of additional airing ... the filter containing seeds is placed in a small box with other seed fill coffee filters.

next step will be creating individual marked packets of seeds for the next robin.

Each individual packet will contain at least the common name of the seed and my Dave's Garden handle (MerryMath)

Picture of packet of seeds harvested today.


Thumbnail by merrymath
(Anita) Fort Wayne, IN(Zone 6a)

That sounds like a good idea. I have been using a paper sandwich bag. I may collect several times so I'm airing them out on a plant shelf. I'm hoping I will be easily able to seperate the chaf from the seed. Each plant is so different. LoL

Susie, have you ever collected seeds from your Brug? The Datura is easy to collect and start from seed. I rarely see Brug seeds for sale.

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

MARY A DD ME TO A PACK OF EASY WAVE PLEASE :) Great way for drying your seeds .

ANITA: I Don't Know or think the burgs have seeds & I Think that is the difference btw Datura's & burgs but i would be happy to share some cutting with you :) .
when i bring them in for the winter & They are done Blooming I will be very happy to share . JLMK

I have a busy day planned today if the wind dosen't get to bad
happy gadening

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