August is still here!

North Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

A few of my planters still look fair...

Thumbnail by duckmother
Judsonia, AR(Zone 7b)

lol, you shy? pleeeeezzzee lOL That picture is very appealing. love it.

Ripley, MS

This from the girl who gave Kenny that gift last year------------------

Judsonia, AR(Zone 7b)


I made elderberry jelly today. still have 2 l/2 gallons of juice left over.

picked and cleaned two huge bowls like this one today

Thumbnail by kathy_ann
Ripley, MS

My sister used to make elderberry jelly. She would cut the whole head and put them in a paper sack and shake them off. It is hard to find any paper bags now though, did you pick yours off by hand

Judsonia, AR(Zone 7b)

We use a fork and pull the berries off the stems with a fork. it works pretty good

Olive Branch, MS

I am hoping to get more gifts like what she gave me this October!!

Judsonia, AR(Zone 7b)

This october? that's not here yet

Olive Branch, MS

LOL, I mean when I see her in October. I'm water logged from being at the lake all day so I am not thinking right.

North Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

LOL I have lots more for you, Kenny!

When I was younger people made fun of me for being shy. I would turn red and hide behind my hair. I finally learned that people will not tease you if you don't act shy. Ta Da!

Central, LA(Zone 8b)

Well Kim you have that worked out perfectly!!! I have to admit, I never knew you were shy!!!! LOL!!!! A nut maybe, but definitely not shy!!!

What was the gift that you're hoping to get this October, Kenny?

Olive Branch, MS

I'm to shy to say! LOL It's an inside joke.

Central, LA(Zone 8b)


Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

AAAGH come on!!!!!!!!!!!!

Northeast, LA(Zone 8a)

LOok what's happening here. Yea

Thumbnail by Riverland
Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

Rain!! and lots of it! We had a little today - but that was it just a little. It was a really nice cool day however. Stayed in the eighties all day. You can already tell my brugs are liking this cooler weather. I'm starting to see lots of buds. I have Temple Goddess blooming right now and another one will be opening in just a couple of days (can't remember the name without going out and looking). I have really fought the bugs this year. Don't usually have much of a problem. I had broadmites a few weeks ago. I found some stuff by Bayer for mites and sprayed everything and I mean everything really good. The new growth on the brugs is fine - no sign of mites. I have gradually pulled all the small crispy leaves off. But today I found a little tiny green cat on one of the brugs and some other bug that I was going to crush but he escaped my hand. I've also found green grasshopper looking bugs on another brug. It's a constant battle.

Here is Temple Goddess.

Thumbnail by cperdue
Judsonia, AR(Zone 7b)

I'm glad someone's getting rain. It looks like fall around here, all the leaves on the trees are all turning brown.

Love that temple goddess, I guess I just didn't give mine enough attention, it's in the ground also, and does't get much rain, you gave me mine last fall. it's only about 2 foot tall and hasn't y'd yet. but like I said it's not getting alot of water, I pulled several out of the ground and pu t them back in to pots. maybe they'll get better care now. I'm thinking also of growing my hedychiums in pots also, not sure if their going to bloom in the ground or not, not getting enough water either.

Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

As you know they do need lots of water. Even though they get water from the irrigation system, I water my pots every day. I've tried to feed them with MG fairly often. I know some people feed them twice a week, but just can't seem to get around to doing that. All but a couple of mine have y'd and I can see tiny buds.

Northeast, LA(Zone 8a)

Love that Temple Goddess My variegated Brug had buds on it last night and I forgot to look this morn. It has been tolerable here this last week so I have been out as much I can. I've been trying to clean up these beds to get them started again. Making my spots for my trades before I get them. Usually I come home and hastily plant them some where.

These are some tiny spider zinnia volunteers

Thumbnail by Riverland
Booneville, MS

I'm hoping my brugs will start blooming. What buds I have had have just fell off. We got rain yesterday too so maybe that will help, plus these cooler temps.


Isabella, MO(Zone 6b)

Woohoo! we got some rain in the middle of the night last night! It was surely needed. In fact, it wouldn't hurt my feelings at all if we could get a good all-day soaking rain.
Jason went and got a load of horse manure on Saturday morning and then he spread it onto the hummingbird/butterfly bed along the back fence. It has been 3 years since Buddy put that bed in so the manure that we put in there originally is all broken down and it was time for more. This rain came along just in time to water in the manure. I also had Jason put some of the manure into the rose bed--it was time for more in that bed, too.

Pretty little zinnias, Cindy. I was over at my cousin's house for her 83rd birthday on Saturday night. Her daughter has zinnias in one of the flower beds there and they were about 5 feet tall. I had never seen any that tall and the blooms were really big. She also has a plant that I want a start from. It is called "kiss me over the garden gate". I wish I had taken my camera so I could have taken a picture of it. I just love it!

Jason and Zachary and Friday and I went to the "big dam bridge" yesterday. (Jason's wife and her kids had gone to visit her mother.) It was about 82F and overcast and the humidity was fairly low so it was a good day to go walk on the bridge. It is a pedestrian/cyclist bridge that was built over Murray Lock and Dam on the Arkansas River between North Little Rock and Little Rock. Jeri, it is not too far from the KOA campground where you all parked last October when you were up here. Anyway, here is the link if you want to see the pictures I took.

Isabella, MO(Zone 6b)

Here's a link to "Kiss Me Over the Garden Gate":

Fayetteville, AR(Zone 7b)

I've missed this thread, how in the world did that happen? LOL!!

My mom's stubborn and I am not happy with her, neither is her best friend of 40 years, but as mom says, "Oh Well."

My brugs are getting ate up this year. I have those yellowish/orangeish beetles with black spots, they kinda look like a ladybug but they're smaller and way too yellow, I have katydids, grasshoppers, cats, and 3 wheel bugs that are obviously not doing their job, white flies on my Pink Swirl Luna Hibiscus, and who knows what else. It is a constant battle and this heat brought out everything. Hopefully that's gone now.

Cindy that was quite a downpour there! We got enough rain to just get the ground wet, but the cooler temps were so nice I wanted to go dig weeds and what-not but just don't think it's a good idea with this cold or whatever it is.

LOL Kim, shy??

Judsonia, AR(Zone 7b)

That kiss me over the garden Kate, isn't hardy for me. wondering if it would be for you Marilyn. It is a neat vine.

Fayetteville, AR(Zone 7b)

It is neat, and an annual, something I Might want to grow once, if I could find a good place for it to grow for a year. I bet I could.... hhmmmmm

Ripley, MS

From what I have heard people saying about it, if you grow it once--you never get rid of it, all those pretty blooms make seeds. I wanted it at one time and then I read about how it reseeds everywhere.

Judsonia, AR(Zone 7b)

Doesn't everything reseed all over the place though? lol

Ripley, MS

Yes, if you don't put too much mulch on top--ask Terrye about that-LOL

Judsonia, AR(Zone 7b)

I didn'trealize that, I was going to mulch the area that has my moon vine and purple hyacinth vine growing on it, cause it's all rocky drive way and nothing really for the seeds to grab a hold of. I'll have to be sure to not mulch too heavily. I really would like to have my hyacinth vine reseed next year, wonder if it will. It's just starting to bloom now.

Judsonia, AR(Zone 7b)

I've been trying hard to not work over 6 l/2 to 7 hrs a day and still have plenty of time to do things at the house, it's been tough. I've managed though to clean out the back flower garden behind the shop, except for about 3 spots still need to be weeded. have had no time to take pics and play on the computer lately.

Just got a 50# bag of lye in and i'll be making soap again real soon, need to stock up before christmas time. I'm almost out of the amber luxury bar and I just made that stuff. makes me smile though lol

here's a few shots.

Hope your watching Bonnie, remember the pondarosa lemon I had to have this year because of yours? yours is so pretty and I loved the way the leaves smelled. mine was about l0 inches tall this spring or maybe it was may when I bought mine. LOOK at it now!! it's growing so big, maybe i'll get lemons on it next year.

Thumbnail by kathy_ann
Ripley, MS

I did not plant a hyacinth vine this year, I remember how pretty they are in late summer though, I saw several sweet Autumn clematis blooming too, I don't miss mine until they bloom--LOL

Judsonia, AR(Zone 7b)

Here's the variegated eureka lemon I bought at the same time, was about the same size as the pondarosa lemon, and I also bought a bouda hand citron for some weird reason. The one I use to have burnt up in the greenhouse fire and it was full of little lemons shaped like hands. it was so cool.

Thumbnail by kathy_ann
Judsonia, AR(Zone 7b)

Here's cranberry crush hibiscus, all my hibiscus plants are doing well, but i've been catching the blooms at the wrong time, and they are all almost ready to fall off when I see that their blooming.

Love this one, it's a little diff from fireball, a little more pinkish in color

Thumbnail by kathy_ann
Judsonia, AR(Zone 7b)

and here is summer storm hibiscus, the bloom is about done by the looks of it, sure is pretty, reminds me alot of the copper king though. except this is more pinkish around the outside.

Thumbnail by kathy_ann
Judsonia, AR(Zone 7b)

And this might be sugar tip hibiscus with the variegated leaves, but i'm not possitive, I didn't bend and lookat the tag and I have two diff variegated rose of sharons out there.

Judsonia, AR(Zone 7b)

woops, forgot the pic.

been along day, didn't even get to run the embroidery machine, was left by myself to man the store for what was suppose to beone hr , and it turned into 5 hrs by myself, it was a mad house in there. One shouldn't be left at the helm when they don't know what their doing!! lol

Thumbnail by kathy_ann
Judsonia, AR(Zone 7b)

Here's my 2 year old parasol tree Bonnie gave me, or at least one of them, it's the tallest, and huge it is. It's loving it's home out there in the flower garden where I shouldn't have planted it lol will probably have babies everywhere. but I do love it. It passed me up in heighth long time ago.

Thumbnail by kathy_ann
Booneville, MS

I bet it didn't take it long to do that! lol I couldn't help the short joke, KA. You know I AM laughing with you!

Yes, too much mulch will do a number on your seeds. That's why I have only two zinnias this year(one of which blew over and died) and very few cosmos and almost lost my Tiger Eye marigolds. But that bed has looked better this year than before! lol Much less weeds.

I've never had the "Kiss me over the Garden Gate" but if it is like the other persicarias they weed out easily. My Lance Corporal and Painter'sPpallette reseed alot but my Red Dragon and Firetail have never reseeded.


Isabella, MO(Zone 6b)

Terrye, my Red Dragon persicaria comes back every year. I just pulled up a lot of mine because it looked like it was dying but it could have just been the heat. I have watered that bed a lot this summer so it shouldn't have been too dry. I had a heuchera that just keeled over and died, too. Maybe I watered it too much?

The information in plant files on the Kiss Me Over the Garden Gate says it is an annual. It gets tall and should be planted beside a fence.

My cousin is going to give me a couple of the flower heads from her zinnias so I should have seeds if anybody wants some. Her zinnias are huge--tall and big flowers!

Judsonia, AR(Zone 7b)

Yeah, go ahead and make fun ;0) I can take it. lol

you gave me a persicaria one year terrye, last year I think, and this spring it came up 5 and 6 feet away from the original plant, I wondered if it had come up from runners maybe it just dropped seed that far away. I had them everywhere, but they all died down this summer, not sure if their gone for good or just dormant.

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