August is still here!

Ripley, MS

But we did live to tell about it, my sister is so germ crazy she scares me sometimes, I think it is a phobia to her now.

Central, LA(Zone 8b)

Well between Brooklyn's toe and now every time Mary is cut on!!! I'm with your sister Sandra!!! I'm starting to think I'm becoming a phobia too!!! Of course that is after spending the last 4 hrs cleaning!!!! I can barely move!!!!

Thumbnail by jeri11
Central, LA(Zone 8b)

This was called Hoya Multiflora when I purchased it years ago. They changed the name but I can't remember what it is called now!!!

Thumbnail by jeri11
Central, LA(Zone 8b)

This is my rootbeer plant. They are almost as tall as the GH.

Thumbnail by jeri11
Central, LA(Zone 8b)

Charlotte this is my morning glory bush. It is taller than the outside light fixture. It was glorious with blooms this morning.

Thumbnail by jeri11
Ripley, MS

I try to keep things clean myself, but there will always be germs. They are like cockroaches I think, they figure out a way to survive.

Central, LA(Zone 8b)

I know this summer I have had it with infections!!!! They say it is getting worst!!!!! I can't imagine how Brooklyn got something that nasty and nobody else has had that. She goes from home to daycare to home.

Fayetteville, AR(Zone 7b)

You never know where things come from. Where did these staph infections come from anyway, seems 20 years ago they were unheard of. It is funny how we worry about things we never thought of 20 years ago, I mean seriously, I bet Salmonella was around when cavemen roamed the earth.

Well I know it's smoggy, my throat is all clogged up. I used to do this in Modesto all summer long because of the smog. Blah!

Jeri those plants are gorgeous!

Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

When my son was born he got staph in the hospital. He had these blisters that they told me how to treat, but didn't tell me it was staph. It was a couple of months before I found out. Back then they were trying to keep it quite but had to close down the maternity ward for a short time to get rid of it. For the next year all three of us constantly found infections. We started getting boils. One of us would get rid of it and the another one would get it. Finally we got every thing cleared up. Just don't think we were as aware of the problem back then.

Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

We had a great time at our get together today! Lot's of good fellowship, laughter and yes we were loud. Such fun! There were 10 of us including 2 guest. Sarah we no longer consider a guest and Gina. Gina is a serious gardener, living on several acres. She loves doing bog gardens and uses a back hoe to make her bog. She is the operator.

Several others took pictures also so I'm sure they will be sharing their photos also.

Ripley, MS

Everyone looks so good and so happy--I am glad you all are able to get together as often as you do. WooHoo Janie scored a shovel !!!

Central, LA(Zone 8b)

Charlotte that looks like so much fun!!! I wish I could have made it but believe it or not Mary is still running fever. I can not imagine where the infection is this time. Everyone looks great!!! Looks like some really nice loot too!!!

Isabella, MO(Zone 6b)

We had a great time. I'll post my link here, too, because I took quite a few photos of Charlotte's beautiful garden. Thank you, Charlotte, for a lovely day!

Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

I do hope Mary can get rid of this infection soon!!! I know it is really disheartening for her!!

We did take aways some nice loot!!! Lot of fun!

Isabella, MO(Zone 6b)

Jeri, I meant to say how much I enjoyed your photos. Do you know why they call that plant a rootbeer plant?

Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

Glad you asked that question Marilyn. I wondered the same thing.

Central, LA(Zone 8b)

Marilyn the root beer plant is an herb and if you rub the leaves it smells just like root beer.

Isabella, MO(Zone 6b)

Ahh, that explains it. :o))

Fayetteville, AR(Zone 7b)

Yes, had a great time yesterday at Charlotte's! Thank you so much Charlotte, you are a wonderful hostess! The loot was wonderful, thank you to whoever brought that sprayer, Dave's out there using it right now! LOL

Booneville, MS

Loved the pictures! Everyone looks so happy!

Sure hope all you Arkansas girls get to come to the RU at my house!


Judsonia, AR(Zone 7b)

That's because we stuffed ourselves senseless Terrye!! Food was FABULOUS! as usual.

We gardeners can sure cook lol

Charlotte's gardens don't look heat stressed at all. I couldn't get over how good everything looked.

I need her sprinkler system ;0)

Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

Thanks Kathy Ann, but they are heat stressed. Somethings have just withered up and gone away right before my eyes. There one day - gone the next!

Ripley, MS

Kathy Ann-it takes a 300 dollar water bill to make your stuff look as good as Charlotte's-LOL
Did you get any relief on that bill ?

Booneville, MS

There are some great cooks in this bunch! And you have to have just a taste of everything...then another one.....then another one! lol That's what gets me in trouble.

Me too, KA. An irrigation sysytem is on my Wishlist for Santa! (Ain't gonna happen!)

We had a few days break from the extreme heat but it is back with a vengance. And no rain with it. I'm tired of pulling water hoses!! Especially when it's not doing any good.

Our skeet shoot went great. We had 57 shooters which is good for us. But , boy , it was hot! That was one day I was glad to be on the inside taking registration and cooking. One more to go next month and we will be done for this year. Hunting seasons start soon.

Ray's high school is planning their 35th reunion. It's hard to believe we have been out of school that long. They had their meeting here and Ray volunteered me to put together a slideshow for the reunion ( I could just kic....kiss him for that! lol


Judsonia, AR(Zone 7b)

That's not charlotte's regular water bill. I hope she didn't have to pay all of that one bill. Her regular water bill is still high dollar lol

mine is l00 a month and that's way too high and now we have a second water meter in place so we'll have 2 water bills.

Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

My regular water bill is not much different than yours Kathy Ann. The month before the 300.00 bill it was 132.00 and that includes my garbage and outside trash (limbs, leaves, etc.). I did call the water company and they told me to just send them 100.00 this month and to send in the bill showing my repair had been made and then they would look at adjusting it. They said it would probably take at least a month to make an adjustment.

Terrye if you think 35 is a long time - what about 50! I'm having my 50th reunion the 8 and 9th of Oct. in El Dorado. The last one I went to and I think the only one, was my 25th. Somehow, and I'm not quite sure how I ended up on the decorating committee (kind of like you and the slide show). And then I got put in charge of favors! I think we are going to do a little survival sack. A sack with our Wildcat logo printed on a label and will say something like I Survived 50 Years from EHS. Will have a bottle of water with a label, some candy and other little stuff.

Booneville, MS

Charlotte, yours is probably like Ray's, it's usually the same ones putting it together. The ones we always have come are the ones that live off and the ones that live right down the road don't come. The years just go by so fast!

Well, I cut my Persian shield down before I saw your post about yours perking back up. Maybe it will come back from the roots. if not, I have another one from a cutting this spring.


Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

I have 2 persian shields. I can bring you a cutting if you want.

Booneville, MS

Thanks, Charlotte, but I have one. I took a cutting from mine this spring and it has took off. I guess my momma plant decided it had procreated and it was time to go! lol

I quit taking a lot of things in last year, but I love my Persian Shields and hate to give them up.


Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

I've been out spraying with Miracle Grow and noticed my green fern I got at Rita's is sprouting new growth all over the coco noir basket it is in. Really cool! Now the problem is going to be keeping it alive through the winter!! Still hoping to get Richard's car out of the garage soon. The guy that is interested is in San Antonio waiting for someone to bring a baby back from China before he comes back to LR. The guy at the Mustang place here has talked with him and given me this information and tells me he is VERY interested. We'll see!

Judsonia, AR(Zone 7b)

That is odd having it sprout growth on the coco noir basket like that. neat though.

I got off early today, first time in about 3 to 4 weeks I think, I made use of the windy day and worked out in the back flower garden for 2 hrs everything got a REAL GOOD drink of water and weeds got pulled like crazy, I feel like I got something accomplished .

I got chewed out royally by a customer today, One of those NO WAY you can please this woman customer. Then later she called and chewed on my boss for a while. We both just shrugged ou shoulders and said there's no way we can please them all. She was being very tedious about some patches I had sewed on a letter jacket for her, I did exactly what she told me to but she insists I didn't. I worked the front desk today since there weren't any embroidery to be done. I don't like it up there. Dealing with customers is not something I like to do.

but I have the rest of the day off, and am making good use of it since I can't make soap, no lye yet. I'm not walking tonight so I'm going back out in the garden later on this evening.

Several things going on out there, A new buddleia popped up from seed, it's lavender, go figure. it's about l2 inches tall, and a huge camilia bush that burnt down with the greenhouse is coming back after 2 l/2 years , it's about l2 inches tall also. weird.

Lots of new growth on plants that I cut back to the ground which is making me happy, and I gave my back yard a shower for about 2 hours today, I think that will work for about a few days lol Now I need a drink myself.

Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

You can't please every body that's for sure! There are just some difficult people in this world - some I don't think can please themselfs!

I had the same thing happen with a gardenia years ago. I had 2 big gardenia bushes side by side and we had one of those horrible winter with below 20 weather for a long time. Both bushes were killed. I just cut them down to the ground. Then to my surprise a couple of years later, one of them just came back. It's the one just outside my kitchen window.

This message was edited Aug 24, 2010 4:05 PM

Judsonia, AR(Zone 7b)

Remember a while back I was looking for that insurance company who offered low insurance to self employed? Well, I found it today, is the place, 25.00 a month per person, you have to file less than 30,000 on your taxes, and it's l,000 deductible, they pay for 2 perscriptions a month and up to 6 doctor visits after the deductible is met. 2 emergency room visits and up to 7 days in the hospital. this is what I w as looking for.

and i'm going to morrow to fill out the paper work to get this insurance on me and Danny, I think it will be better than the one offered through work, I remember him saying that the deductible at work was 2,000.

i'm thrilled that I found the place, I knew it exsisted.

I was looking through the list of doctors and my heart doctor is on there which is fantastic, I have to check to see if the emergency room at the hospital is on there though, all I saw it mentioning was the urgent care centers and not the emergency room. I can't imagine it not being on there though.

Ripley, MS

I sure hope you are able to get that, it would be great to have some coverage at that price.

Booneville, MS

KA, some insurances only pay for ER in the hours after the Urgent Care Center close unless you are admitted. That may be the way they are listed.


Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

Found some more bargains today! Did I need them NO! Did I buy them YES!
I was in Conway and went by Plant Outlet and they had their tropicals for 90% off. I got a couple of pink mandeville's (really big blooms), a yellow mandeville a couple of hibiscus, and a couple of Dantura's. I paid .80 cents for one and around 1.00 for the others. Could I pass that up? NO!

Fayetteville, AR(Zone 7b)

Charlotte what a bargain!!! I wouldn't be able to pass that up either. I bet you were in heaven! I need to take a trip there someday, or not! LOL!!

My mom needs tons of prayers today.

North Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

Sorry I missed your post, Crissy. How is Mom doing?

Charlotte, I am beginning to think something is eating the hardy begonia! The pink one disappeared but the 2 white ones were doing great. However, when I went out this morning one of the white ones is gone!!! No dead leaves, dead stems or anything dug...strange! I really love those plants, so I hope they return next year!

Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

That is strange! Could it be a rabbit? What else would eat them? Maybe between the two of us we can keep them going. My alba has just not grown much at all since it came up this year. I'm going to move one or two of them to a different location and see it that helps. Like you I just love the plant.
I discovered a green grasshopper on one of my brugs. I can only find him at night. Thought sure I have gotten him last night but missed and just ended up with a leaf. They are fast - but I'm in war! He has already eaten a brunch of the leafs and left lots of holes.

North Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

Well, I was just interviewed for our Master Gardener news letter. I told the gal that called that I am actually quite shy and routinely would not participate...I know y'all don't believe it but I am!!! Anyway, she asked what is my favorite plant....beat you can guess what I said...yep, hosta ;o) I also said EE and coleus but I had to pick one.

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