August is still here!

Olive Branch, MS

Nice pics everyone. Kim when you come in Oct you can bring me a start of that ear incase we don't have it. Some how we have managed not to have any Mexican petunias either. I know we have been given them, but for some reason they did not survive. We are finishing up a new bed we started last week. Hopefully we can fill it up with plants this evening.

Xanthosama Jacquinii

Thumbnail by obbirds
North Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

Kenny, you Jaqui is beautiful. Mine is only about 1 foot tall ;o) Maybe next year they will do better. Of course, I will bring you a start! Just remind me. lol Cannot wait to see pix of new bed.

Central, LA(Zone 8b)

Marilyn I had a pink and giant red turk's cap you will have to see what color the flower.

North Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

We got a little rain. Temp cooled (if that is the proper term to us lol) off about 10 degrees. Maybe, I will not have to water again today...yeah right ;o)

Booneville, MS

Poor Ruth. She just can't get that foot well. Maybe a skin graft would help.

Jeri, glad Mary is better! She need sto take it easy until all of that infection is gone and everything heals.

I worked outside till lunch today. It wasn't too bad until the sun came out! Trying to do some weeding and cutting back. so many things are burnt, cutting them down is the only thing to do.

Had to teach dance class this week. Ray had some oral surgery tuesday and wasn't up to dancing. Hope things slow down here in the next week or two.


Ripley, MS

Poor Ray, I hope he is feeling better now. How did you make the dance class with your ankle?

Booneville, MS

Well, it played out by the end of the night and I've been keeping ice on it before and after. I wore my brace so I was able to make it through most of the night. One of the dancers helped after that.

He's better now. We had Senior Day at the Agri Center yesterday and he was able to work that. the he went fishing so he's okay! lol


Isabella, MO(Zone 6b)

Hope Ray is feeling better now, Terrye. and as Sandra asked, how is your foot?

Ruth, if you are lurking and reading, please know that we are all praying for you!

Thanks for the ID on the plant, Charlotte. I think you gave me some Turk's Cap so maybe it came from you? or maybe from Jeri? The bloom is red.

Kenny, I can bring you some of the Katie Blue Mexican Petunias in October. I only have one white Mex. Pet. and two pink ones and I have already promised part of those to Kim but I can send you several of the blue ones if you want them. They are the dwarf variety.

Isabella, MO(Zone 6b)

Terrye, we crossed. Glad you made it through most of the dance class and glad that Ray is feeling better.

Booneville, MS

Thanks, Marilyn!

I've got the RU thread up and ready to go.


Olive Branch, MS

Marilyn that would be great. Color does not matter.

Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

Yeah!!!! We finally got enough rain to actually wet the ground. I can see a difference in how some things look already. Even watering every day my hydrangeas have really been struggling. My lime light tree form has really perked up!

Central, LA(Zone 8b)

Thanks Yall!!! Mary said that Yall mean the world to her!!! Mary has stayed up most of today. Hallelujah!!! I'm praying that she is on the road to recovery!!! I'm going to clean the house twice tomorrow night!!! I can't imagine why we keep getting infections!!! Maybe I'm cleaning too much!!! Ya think?

I'm glad to hear that both you and Ray are doing better Terrye!!! It is no fun keeping Yall's schedule when you don't feel well!!!! Especially dancing!!!

Marilyn if you got that red turk's cap from me. It originally came from DonnaB's in Ms. It gets really big. I took cuttings when we stopped by to see her and have a bout 4 bushes myself now!!!!

Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

May be something to that Jeri!

Central, LA(Zone 8b)

That was what I was thinking too Charlotte!!!

Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

Jeri I got me a new toy today. I got one of those mops they have been advertising that has a reservoir for water that you can just squirt. The mop part is a pad that sticks with Velcro and you can take off and wash and it is reusable. Don't have to throw away every time. I gave it a quick test and think I'm going to love it. With the Shark you told me about and now the new mop maybe I can get some cleaning done.

On the germ bit. When the twins were babies, we would eat at a salad bar place that also had chunky vegetable soup. My DS and DDIL would get a bowl for the twins and and just dump some of the vegetables on the tray of the high chair at the restaurant. Not on a plate - on the actual high chair tray (they would have probably thrown the plate on the floor). The first time I saw them do it I was mortified but didn't say anything. They were very healthy kids growing up. They also had a sheltie at that time and they usually had a hand ful of dog fur of which a lot ended up in their mouth along with their bottle or whatever. My DIL is very neat and very particular about most things - the kitchen counter tops could only be wiped with a sponge that was just for the countertop. Might spread germs!!LOL

Ripley, MS

I worked in a restaurant and I would have had a fit--if she only knew what all has been smeared on those high chairs----

Mamma used to say the kids that went without coats in the winter were never sick and I got wrapped up all time and still got sick. I was bad to have tonsil problems so bad I would have to be put in the hospital when I was a child.
It is a wonder any of us lived to be grown--Gunny used to thaw ground beef on the top of the hot water heater--left food out all day, just threw the tablecloth over the table until supper--now we are scared of all this stuff that makes us sick.

Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

Isn't that the truth. I remember my grandmother leaving food out from lunch to dinner also. My mother had the habit of cooking all afternoon rather than just cooking it all at the same time. She would cook something after lunch and then just leave it sitting on the stove until dinner time. Then she would turn the stove back on and heat it up.

Slidell, LA(Zone 8b)

Hopping in to say hello :) Found this little guy sleeping on one of my brug leaves a couple of weeks ago. Yea Picassa is working with the new computer!

Thumbnail by Ems_Garden
Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

Looks like he had had a nice snack! This hot weather has not be good for my brugs. I have broadmites on some. I have sprayed with a couple of things and they seem to be getting better. I sprayed with Bayer disease control and then found another Bayer product that was mites and sprayed with it also.

Slidell, LA(Zone 8b)

My largest one is dying and I have no idea why - luckily I have some cuttings of it - actually it's the one in the picture - just started losing leaves and going downhill - no idea what's going on :(

Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

I've noticed on the brug forum a lot of people are having problems this year with broad mites and other things. This 100+ degree weather has just not been good for them. I have one in particular that just wilts every day - by the end of the day the leaves look totally dead. But when the sun goes down and it starts cooling off it perks back up again. I have to just pour the water on it every day. Most of the older leaves have just about come off after wilting and reviving so many times. The new leaves don't seem to be wilting as bad. Strange thing is it has had two flushes and has several buds on it now.

Northeast, LA(Zone 8a)

I am going to have white katie pet to give away at Terryes I cannot believe they have survived all the flood ,cold then heat. My pink died out and I think I have one blue .
Sandra I finally took some pictures of the bracelets. I couldn't get a decent picture of the crystal bracelet that I had on that day. This is the turquoise one I had on that Marilyn loved.

Thumbnail by Riverland
Northeast, LA(Zone 8a)

This is the purple one.

Thumbnail by Riverland
Booneville, MS

I can see why Marilyn loved it. I love that color!


Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

I love the bracelets!!!
Cindy I keep hoping the lantana you gave me will put out some new shoots so I can give you some back. I've never had any lantana like it. None of mine came back this year, but it always grew low and just sort of spread all over. This you gave me is growing straight up. It's about 3 feet tall now. It probably needs to be in more sun but it is still doing great.

The rice paper plant Kathy Ann gave me is doing great. Then a friend in Arkadelphia gave me 5 big mature plants. He just jerked them up out of the ground (no digging - just pulled up) and put some water in a garbage bag and put them in. When I got home I soaked them in a bucket of water with SuperThrive overnight. It's been about 2 weeks and they have all made it and are putting out new leaves!

Northeast, LA(Zone 8a)

They really are more beautiful in person. Being glass they were hard to capture. The purple one is iridescent so it kinda changes colors as it moves. The turquoise I wear a lot because I wear more of that color. The pendant Charlotte made me was predominantly turquoise too.

Slidell, LA(Zone 8b)

The bracelets are beautiful Cindy - great job Sandra!!-

Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

I take it back - the lantana is not 3 feet it is close to 5 ft. It is almost as tall as I am.

Northeast, LA(Zone 8a)

I think I know which one you are taking about. It is normally very hardy.

Judsonia, AR(Zone 7b)

Those bracelets are really nice looking.

Good to see you here Emily! haven't seen you posting in a while.

speaking of frogs, I lifted up the toilet lid tonight and there was a frog between the toilet seat and the bowl. took us about l5 min to catch that bugger and put it out side. What a weird place to find one. lol

Booneville, MS

Now that would have been a surprise if it had come crawling out whe you least expected! lol


Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

Isn't that the truth Terrye!!

Ripley, MS

I would have had to move if I found a frog on my toilet seat--if I had lived through the heart attack I would have had when I found it !!

Thanks for the picture Cindy--but Marilyn only wants hers 1/2 wide. That is peyote stitch finished on the edges with a herringbone stitch. I love making those, I think they are so pretty.

Talking about the brugs wilting--all plants are made to wilt like that to preserve water, it is a survival process for them to do that. Wilting is keeping them from dying as when they wilt, they are preserving water.
My ginger has buds on it, but I am wondering what the flowers might look like if they even bloom. Every leaf tip is burned, every one, I figure the flowers might be dried up before they bloom too.

Fayetteville, AR(Zone 7b)

Cindy those bracelets are gorgeous!
Em what a cute little frog!!
Terrye I'm glad that Ray's feeling better and your taking care of that ankle despite having to teach dance class.
((((((((((((((RUTH)))))))))))))) I'm so sorry your having such a time with that darn foot! Big healing prayers coming at ya.
KA that's funny, and strange!
My plants all look bad, I can't keep them watered, my tomato is even looking bad. Nothing we can do, the water from the hose doesn't water as good as a nice rain does. All my full sun plants have burned leaves, especially the hibiscus.

Isabella, MO(Zone 6b)

Sandra: I liked the width of Cindy's bracelet. I was just guessing that it was 1/2 inch wide. It looked very pretty on her arm. I'm glad to know that my plants are just preserving moisture when they wilt and not dying. Most of them have been looking wilted during the day a lot this summer!

Em: before we moved to Cabot, we had what seemed like thousands of those green frogs in our yard. One of the guys we went to church with moved just down the road from us. He asked Buddy at church one day if we ever saw any of those green frogs. Buddy said, "Only about a thousand a day!" LOL I don't recall having seen a single green frog since we moved from there. Our house over there was on a ridge above a large rice field so we figured that was the reason for all the frogs--plenty of mosquitoes to eat! LOL

Terrye: I am going to go and check out the RU thread now.

Camden, AR(Zone 8a)

Hello everyone! I have been away for more days than i know.... so i just quickly skimmed trying to make sure everyone was ok. Sorry to hear that Mary had more problems, but glad to hear that she is home and doing better. Same for Ruth - I had thought her foot was doing ok......

can't begin to comment on everything I have missed......

The frog on the toilet was funny, but it would be shocking. For some strange reason I am having a lot of wolf or jumping spiders.... the big brown ones that jump everywhere. I have killed 4 in my bathroom and one in the kids bathroom and I have lost count of how many out on my is definitely time to put out some more demon wp. Just need to find time to buy it and get it done.
I have never had spiders in the house before - don't know where they are coming from or why we have so many all of a sudden and they are ALL HUGE!! I just hate spiders!!

I have sure missed keeping up with all of ya'll! Hope everyone is doing well.


Booneville, MS

I have a big Persian Shield by the Trophy Shop door that has been gorgeous then all of a sudden today it croaked. I noticed last night one or two branches were wilted. I thought it was strange since the others weren't but today the whole bush looks awful. Nothing that I can see that might have caused it unless it was just stress from the weather. I have had it for about 4 years.

Most of my brugs have lost their lower leaves and none have bloomed yet.


Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

Terrye a persian shield I have overwintered looked like had totally croaked a few weeks ago. I poured the water to it and low and behold a couple of days later it had just perked back up again and is still doing fine. Most of my brugs have Y'd, some have buds and 3 have actually bloomed. But it is just too hot for them. I think it's going to have to cool down some before they start blooming. One that bloomed was a cutting I rooted this winter. It really took off, bloomed early (about 10 blooms), started forming buds again and then the top leaves started getting really funky. Real thick and brittle and small. Found out I had broad mites. Several other brugs have it. I have sprayed like crazy and they are getting better. I think the weather also had something to do with the mite problem. It's just been a constant battle this summer. My Kong has bloomed a couple of times but the heat affected the blooms - they were not as pretty and didn't all drop the double skirt like they were supposed to. My Kelley
Ann keeps loosing leaves because it wilts so bad during the day. Despite that it has still had blooms on it most of the summer. The other one that bloomed early was a cutting from Gordon Hawk. He just called it Gordon's Best NOID. It did have a really pretty dark coral bloom.

Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

We were talking about germs earlier - I just thought of a Christmas dinner I cooked the first year I was married - we actually lived through it without getting sick.
We were going to my parents for Christmas day, but we had been given a turkey so I decided I also was going to cook a Christmas meal at home. The day before we were going to eat the turkey I put it in the oven that night and cooked it until it was half done or more. Then I turned off the oven, went to bed and got up the next morning and turned the oven back on and cooked it till it was done!! Obviously I didn't know anything about cooking!!

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