August is still here!

Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

I love persicaria! My red dragon is doing really well. I have a tall pot I also grow it in. The cold this winter almost killed it in the pot but it is coming back and I dug some other up and added to it. Terrye the Painter's Palette you gave me last fall is doing great. I love it. Would like to get some more varieties.

Booneville, MS

My Red Dragon is the only one that comes back in place. The Lance Corporal and the painter's Pallette reseeds and jumps around everywhere. Mine look pretty rugged right now and several have died down. But I have 2 PP that seeded themselves in a pot I have sunk in the ground and they look great. Still bright and the varigation is not even burned. Go figure...
I want the "Superbra" too when I can find it.

Marilyn, if it grows that easy you should be able to find some seed for it. It might be easy to get started that way.

I would like some zinnia seed. I'll be starting over with them. I do have one big tall pink one that I will have seeds from. That is my only survivor.

I put out some hollyhock seed in the middle of the summer in that long bed that I don't water. Most of them came up and then Ray got some with RU. But I did have 5 that have survived and are about knee high right now. I thought that was something as hot and dry this summer has been. The only water they got was when I first put the seed in the ground.


Ripley, MS

I must have missed something, Terrye, you want a "super bra" ? I must have gotten too hot outside this morning-------------------

Booneville, MS

LOL All right , Sandra. Now I am hot!

The "Superbra" Persicaria is what I was talking about, but now that you mention the other, I could use that too! Do they make them? lol


Ripley, MS

Oh what a crazy name for a persicaria-LOL I hope you get it. I think the only zinnias I have are mostly pink too, but will save you some of those if you want.

Isabella, MO(Zone 6b)

My purple sweet potato vine is doing well in spite of the heat and the drought. It is blooming, too. I think this is an annual. Does anybody know if I put some of it in water and get it started and then put it in a pot, can I keep it over the winter inside the house?

Thumbnail by marsue
Isabella, MO(Zone 6b)

Here's a close-up of the bloom:

Thumbnail by marsue
Isabella, MO(Zone 6b)

Even most of my petunias have bit the dust but this one is still going strong. It is in the bottom pot of the tippy-pot stand and the water from the pots above drips down into the bottom pot which is probably why this petunia is doing well.

Thumbnail by marsue
Isabella, MO(Zone 6b)

When these white crepe myrtles get bigger I will probably have to turn this flower bed in the front yard into a shade bed. Sandra gave me the pink phlox in the center of the photo.

Thumbnail by marsue
Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

I had a garden club over for a tour late this afternoon. So while I had every thing cleaned up I decided to take a bunch of pictures. I need to do this more often so I can see the difference year to year. These were all taken today.

Central, LA(Zone 8b)

Charlotte as I stated earlier!!! I really enjoyed touring your garden this morning!!!! I appreciate you sharing it with us!!!

Ripley, MS

sure, Marilyn, you can keep that tater vine over the winter inside. Lots of people grow sweet potato vines inside in the winter, don't you remember sticking toothpicks in them and putting the end only in the water and making vines??

Now I am going to take the garden tour !

Ripley, MS

WOW what a beautiful garden tour, thanks for showing your pictures. I hope you will save some of your zinnia seeds. I love the white ones, I never seem to be able to get a big white one. only the smaller ones.

Judsonia, AR(Zone 7b)

Nice garden tour pics, looks like your rice paper plant has been doing well, looks like it's even multiplied. better watch out next year lol. I do love it though, i'ts so tropical looking

Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

Thanks you all. Kathy Ann that is the rice paper plant that a friend from Arkadelphia gave me. He just pulled them (no digging - just pulling) and put them in a gabage bag with some water. They were bone dry when he pulled them up. When I got them home I soaked them in water overnight before planting. Everyone he gave me lived and I planted them in the hottest part of the summer. I also have the plant you gave me in a different spot and it is doing well. So yes I'll probably have them all over the place but that's alright. I'll just pull up and share the ones I don't want.

Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

Sandra I'll save some of the zinnia's and bring to Terrye's.

Ripley, MS

Thanks Charlotte

Isabella, MO(Zone 6b)

Your gardens are lovely, as usual, Charlotte. I'm glad you took some pics of your front yard--I didn't get any photos of the front when I was there on the 21st. I'd like some of the zinnia seeds, too, please.

Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

Will bring you some seed also Marilyn. I found some one last night that grows Plumaria's and wants to trade plumaria cuttings for some brug cuttings. I have 2 plumania's (sp) now. Can't get too many more collections going.

Northeast, LA(Zone 8a)

Wow Charlotte that is beautiful. All of your hard work really shows.

Central, LA(Zone 8b)

Hey Cindy!!! How have you been doing? The injections giving you any relief? I sure hope I make it in Oct to Terrye's!!!! I will be sad sad if not!!!!

Isabella, MO(Zone 6b)

Jeri, if you don't show up at Terrye's we will be sending a posse after you! LOL

Ripley, MS

And how is Mary doing now? I hope she is all better now-her picture you posted on FB looked really good !

Central, LA(Zone 8b)

I'm taking Mary back to the Dr. today. Maybe I will have a clearer idea of my schedule once she gets over this infection. She popped back open in another spot draining yuck Friday night. She takes her last antibiotic today so we'll see. Now Jim is trying to go down. I won't know the outcome of some of his test until later next week. It seems they are lining up on me. A shame I don't get paid I could buy a lot of plants with the hours I put in.

Ripley, MS

Is Jim not working now? He sure looked skinny in those pictures, I meant to say that too, is he still trying to lose weight?

Central, LA(Zone 8b)

Yes he is working 4 or 5 days a week. He has lost 100 pounds and he has really worked at it. He needs to stop now.

He said his bones are really hurting bad and his Dr has him scheduled for a PET scan Tue.

Fayetteville, AR(Zone 7b)

Good grief Jeri, I'm just hanging out waiting to see how Mary's dr appt went, poor gal keeps getting hit with all of this stuff. I bet your schedule is hectic. Good for Jim losing that weight, I hope his PET scan goes well.

Charlotte thanks for sharing your garden tour! I think we need one of those every few weeks or so, just to keep up. I wanted to tell you when we were there that I love what you've done to the front, it looks great the way it encompasses that tree in the middle of your yard. Very nice!

Marilyn I let my sweet potato vines go over winter, I didn't dig them up or anything so I don't have any this year and they do look great! I might do something around the mail box, it would be easier for Dave to take care of as far as mowing around it goes. hhmmmmmmm

Thumbnail by crissyr
Central, LA(Zone 8b)

All went well!!! The Dr said it wasn't infection. It has to heal from the inside out and she doesn't see the Dr for 3 weeks!!!!! Yea!!!!

Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

Jeri great news about Mary! I guess it just takes a while for things to heal. I know both of you are ready for everything to be healed!

Marilyn I dug up my potato tuber last year and was going to try and save it and see if I could grow a new plant from it. I had one in the ground in the front flower bed and you would not believe how big that thing was!! I had several potato tubers I dug up (I also had some in pots) and kept in the storage room in the garage. I put them on a shelf in a dark area and just forgot about them. They were shriveled looking come spring and I decided it was just too much trouble to fool with. They grow so fast even when you buy a very small plant.

Isabella, MO(Zone 6b)

That's right, Charlotte, they do grow fast so I will probably just not bother with digging up the sweet potato vine and keeping it inside for the winter.

Jeri, good news about Mary! Tell Jim congratulations on his weight loss--I'm sure he feels better without that extra 100 lbs. I hope all goes well with the PET scan.

Sandra, just look at what has survived the summer! I couldn't believe it actually came back with the heat and drought that we have experienced this summer.

Thumbnail by marsue
Isabella, MO(Zone 6b)

The Joe Pye Weed has just about smothered out the sedum.

Thumbnail by marsue
Isabella, MO(Zone 6b)

This hosta is getting ready to bloom.

Thumbnail by marsue
Isabella, MO(Zone 6b)

Turk's Cap

Thumbnail by marsue
Isabella, MO(Zone 6b)

Tippy pot plant stand with snowball bush in front of it. Charlotte, that is the correct name of that bush, isn't it? We both got one in LA.

Isabella, MO(Zone 6b)

forgot the photo--LOL

Thumbnail by marsue
Isabella, MO(Zone 6b)

unknown plant in the foreground (next to the little girl statue) that I got at Jeri's RU. I don't know what it is but I like it.

Emily gave me one of the EE's in the background at Jeri's RU. I think Becky gave me the other one or maybe Sandi. I'll have to go look at the tags to be sure.

Kathy Ann gave me the Lemon Daddy hydrangea and Charlotte gave me the two azaleas. I bought the Japanese Maple on the left at Forest Hill in May.

This message was edited Sep 1, 2010 6:19 PM

Thumbnail by marsue
Booneville, MS

Charlotte, your yard looks great. I would love to see it in person. I really like all the walks.

Marilyn, your EEs are doing great. Mine have just burned up this year. The ones not burnt are just sitting there.

Jeri, I sure hope you get to come in October. Sounds like your hands are full and overflowing right now. Thanks goodness there was no infection in Mary's incision. Now if it will just heal... Hope Jim's scan goes okay.

It's a mess around here right now. I decided to paint my cabinets so my kitchen is turned upside down.


Northeast, LA(Zone 8a)

Jeri my back is much better thanks for asking. I sure hope Mary continues to improve. looking forward to seeing all of you at Terrye's.
My Plumeria blooms

Thumbnail by Riverland
Isabella, MO(Zone 6b)

Terrye, those EE's are in my shade bed and I have kept them pretty well watered this summer, which is why they look so good. My Big Dippers are out in full sun all day but they are still doing pretty good, too, although some of the leaves have turned brown from the sun. I haven't watered them as much but when I do water them I soak them really good. A lot of my plants have burnt up, too. There are only a couple of stalks left on both my Jacob Cline monarda and also the Stone's Throw Pink. Even my purple coneflowers are looking pretty sad. It's been a hard summer on all these plants!

Northeast, LA(Zone 8a)

Marilyn that shaded place is so pretty.
My variegated Brug recovered from being eaten to the stalk by the army worms.

Thumbnail by Riverland

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