Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

I was just thinking how much I am looking forward to this swap and seeing all the work you have done.


Hoo Ray!!!!!!!!!!!! The Stevia and Spearmint seedlings are a one hundred percent success. That makes three for thee and one for me. LOL They will arrive in 4 1/2" pots pinched once or twice. The three are spoken for in this thread. One coleus is spoken for.

I will have half a dozen or more mixed Coleus, Violets and Christmas Cactus. No reserves on these. If someone has space for a Miniature Banana that grows to five feet and three wide I will be happy to part with one. They do produce small hands of good eating fruit. It is now about one foot tall and planted in a $14.00 deco pot. They grow outside in the summer and inside come winter. I would need the pot cost. It should not be disturbed. It is good for the whole go in the existing pot.

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

I would love to have that Banana, Doc.

NORTH CENTRAL, PA(Zone 5a) have the Banana subject to your visual approvial and $14.00 for the deco pot. I will get a picture up here tomorrow.

Mount Laurel, NJ(Zone 7a)

Thanks Roses, Harry and I are going to try and come. I can't think clearly until after next week and my last few final exams at Rutgers!!! I'll post what we have to swap asap.

central, NJ(Zone 6b)

Wind, would love to see you and Harry again.

Delray Beach, FL(Zone 10b)

I would love a christmas cactus, docgipe, I managed to kill mine by over watering.

One vitamin/supplement that helped me with back/neck/shoulder pain following an auto accident is SamE. They use it in Europe quite a bit. It has gotten expensive, so I wait for sales. Rite Aid and the grocery stores sometimes have 2 for one sales. I am not sure if it is helpful for gout or arthritis, but it has been really helpful for soft tissue injuries.


You shall have a Christmas Cactus. The pots I have are three or four in one four inch pot well rooted. The cuttings were intentionally mixed color. They will bloom this year if grown where violets are happy. I never move them into dark dark as often is suggested.

Delray Beach, FL(Zone 10b)

Thank you! I kept my other Christmas cactus in a hanging basket by a north window. It was happy there until I over watered, then it rotted at the base of the plant. I have started using peroxide in my water for indoor plants. Plus occasional chamomile tea. It seems to help with fungus and fungus gnat problems, although the gnats needed more extreme measures this winter.


There are now or soon will be between six and eight of us that have the collection of Christmas Cactus I put together and started sharing two years ago. When all of us are a year or so older there should be cuttings or rooted cuttings for all who would like them. The base stock were all named varieties. If someone really cares about names I'm sure they can be found. Sorry I just do not keep records hardly at all. I really like to grow, cut and root them as gifts for the most part.

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Doc, I shared some of the ones you sent me the ones I kept are looking great and I wanted to tell you the AV from last years swap are blooming jut beautifully.


Little things that grow. I lived to the grand age of 72 when I found and purchased five color variations of Christmas Cactus. Last year I started sharing plants and cuttings. As time goes on the old red Christmas Cactus will be a ho hummer and the many variations will appear possibly having been swapped here. I started making mixed colors in a single pot and will be trading a few of them soon.

True they are on the market and available to find using our old friend Google. Yet few have the mixed colors. I suggest that they are among the easiest nicest plants to grow and expand in collection. Christmas Cactus are very forgiving plants needing little special care.

Our Farmer's Market opened today. One of the vendors had a dozen or so Christmas Cactus showing as three rooted cuttings in a plastic pot for $3.99. It appeared that several were sold. They were all the old time red.

Denville, NJ(Zone 6b)

going to add some more stuff to my list now

Delray Beach, FL(Zone 10b)

I am so excited. I can't wait to go to the swap, I was so disappointed to miss the last one. Gardadore has generously offered to give me a ride, new grandbaby's arrival date permitting, so I will be able to finally meet my online friends.

Do we bring a gift table gift this time? I didn't see it listed. Are cookies a good snack to bring or do you need more of something else?

I have to take a good look at my wintersown containers today. (I am taking a lunch/shade break. I am an early morning-late afternoon gardener who avoids the sun.) I know there are hollyhocks and foxgloves and I only need a tiny patch of each. I'll list the details soon. They are still small, their first leaves, so I don't want to promise things that die. They are doing very well in their converted soda bottle "greenhouses" so I am leaving them there until planted. Besides, as per usual, I am running short on dirt and pots. I have a bag of "quick crete" to try my hand at making pots, but I want to do that on a weekday.

Thumbnail by GardenQuilts
Delray Beach, FL(Zone 10b)

Here is a closeup on "snow in summertime".

Thumbnail by GardenQuilts
Denville, NJ(Zone 6b)

I am trying to think if those are the plant I bought at well sweep last year.. snow in summer?... have grayish foliage and little white flowers?... nice ground cover if those are it

Delray Beach, FL(Zone 10b)

I know they are a ground cover with little white flowers. The seedling foliage looks light green. It has been protected by the opaque milk bottle, I'll see how it ages assuming the seedlings survive. Here is my slate walkway. The bf did the level back part, I added to it. There are plenty of rocks around here. I suppose it would be more level with a few strong men and a bunch of sand, but it is fine for me. I had gotten some Irish moss on end of year special in the fall. The clumps have survived and are growing slowly. I also started creeping thyme seeds (a few germinated, but they are small) and some creeping sedum.

You can see the pachysandra on the right. I have to pull some out to make room for plants. I can bring some to the swap if anyone wants some. I didn't originally have a garden in that spot, just shrubbery. I planted the pachysandra to cover the base and choke out the weeds. I tried some in the back garden near the black walnut trees and it has survived. I plan to move some more back there. This strain seems to grow in sun or shade.

I am not a fan of the plastic white fencing, it expands and warps in the heat, but it keeps the weed wackers and lawn mowers at bay. They couldn't resist wacking a daisy and some pachysandra last year. Both survived, no problem. A friend gave me these fences when she redid her garden. If I put a fancy fencing, it would be wacked to pieces.

Tiffany, my Westie, doesn't bother the garden unless she is chasing a rodent. In that case, she plows right thru the fencing....Great White Hunter on the prowl. She got 10 voles (outside, thankfully) this winter. Dead rodents are preferable to chewed plants. Hunt away.

Thumbnail by GardenQuilts
Denville, NJ(Zone 6b)

here ya go

Delray Beach, FL(Zone 10b)

My leaves are the same color as the second picture by Evert. No flowers yet, of course.

Denville, NJ(Zone 6b)

the one I bought at well sweep has almost the same color as a lambs ear... it's not too happy with the water flow on the slope... or at least that's what I think.. but it is barely surviving .. pretty when it blooms though

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Ric and I will be attending both swaps. So if you want something from Bec's swap and make arrangements for it I can bring it along when we come. Now if you want to send something back down we would be glad to bring it back to our house but they will have to come here to pick it up.

Denville, NJ(Zone 6b)

you guys are good!!

central, NJ(Zone 6b)

Oh yeah, awesome!!!

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Oh Jen I will have a chair for you at Roses swap.

central, NJ(Zone 6b)

Thanks, glad you remembered, I had forgotten about it.

Norristown, PA(Zone 6b)

I hope that Teri will be up to hosting the swap, but will certainly understand if she isn't. Hopefully, I will be attending. I don't have a swap list at present, but will post one as soon as I am able. It will be great to see everyone.

Jen, are you still collecting Pachysandra?

Norristown, PA(Zone 6b)

Teri, Is there a food thread up somewhere?

Denville, NJ(Zone 6b)

no not yet...

Mount Bethel, PA(Zone 6a)

ok foodies, the thread is here:

central, NJ(Zone 6b)

Do we have a who's coming list??? It's gettting close!!!

central, NJ(Zone 6b)

Stormy, I don't need anymore Pachysandra. I'm not crazy about it, it doesn't spread here(of course I needed it to.)

Mount Bethel, PA(Zone 6a)

here's the who's coming thread


I will have one nice item for a door prize. All promised items are up and well. It appears that my Gout will be up to making the trip. The Pneumonia is 99% cleared up. All of my plants are offered as friendship gifts. I have no special needs until I see something I just can not live without. Sorry my wife can not attend. She has to be with the grandson while son has fire company duty.

I will need a couple of menfolk to unload my light load of plants plus card table and move them to the back yard or where ever. Setting up my small show is no problem.

Please send or post an address so Google can get me there. LOL

I will be in the neighborhood for several days. The swap is my highlight. Looking forward to meeting you all.

Delray Beach, FL(Zone 10b)

I am planting up bits of wintersown seedlings as I plant or pot them. I am adding them to my list as I get around to each one. They are still tiny, but seem to grow faster in the garden. Yesterday was patio cleanup and the war of weeds. I gave in and put newspaper around the hostas and lilies in the back garden. Then I didn't like looking at the newspaper, so I put cut brown paper bags on top of it. Slight improvement. Hope it kills the creeping white stuff...vetch...and the pokeberries. Those darn things give me a rash!

Denville, NJ(Zone 6b)

I dug a bunch of tradescantia today.. going to add those to my list later on

Denville, NJ(Zone 6b)

anyone interested in agastache... I can take cuttings now and start them rooting

central, NJ(Zone 6b)

Are you doing the apricot sprite?

Denville, NJ(Zone 6b)

yes and a multitude of others.. apricot sprite bloom yesterday

Thumbnail by onewish1
central, NJ(Zone 6b)

I'd like the apricot sprite please.

Denville, NJ(Zone 6b)

I can give you a plant of that one... I grew two tins this year.. I will get together a list of the plants I have and bought this year

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