Athens, PA


I am interested in some Jacob Cline. On my way outside, so I'll let you know what plants I find to bring to the swap.

I found a nice article on cherry juice - one other thing I take that neglected to mention is the glucosime and msn. This helps with my issues - don't know if it will help with the gout or not.

Mount Bethel, PA(Zone 6a)

Potting up your Monarda, Carolyn. Great that you found something on the gout site!

Athens, PA

I found a few things I can offer... I'll pot them up if there is any interest. I know it is a tad early, but I am already excited about the swap!

Salvia Rose Rhapsody
Phlox Starfire
Heuchera Cancan
Heuchera Purple Petticoats
Violet Silver Sumurai
Tollius - Lemon Queen
Heuchera Vesuvius
Reblooming Tall Bearded Iris - Immortality
Campanula Pantaloons
Phystotegia Summer Snow

edited for spelling

This message was edited Apr 17, 2010 7:35 PM

This message was edited Apr 17, 2010 10:58 PM

Denville, NJ(Zone 6b)

aster Jenny is pink -

Denville, NJ(Zone 6b)

I have to look up your plants Carolyn... but you have the drool flowing!!!

Mount Bethel, PA(Zone 6a)

I'd love to have some of your campanula pantaloons. I had them once but I didn't see them come back last year.

Athens, PA

Allison -

I'd love a slip of Aster Jenny, please. Googled her and it said she is a nice raspberry color.

Athens, PA


I'll pot them up for you.

Saylorsburg, PA(Zone 6a)

I would love some of your
Salvia Rose Rhapsody
Phlox Starfire Reblooming
Tall Bearded Iris - Immortality
Trollius - Lemon Queen

Moved my list to the Haves and Wants thread!

This message was edited Apr 18, 2010 11:07 PM

Athens, PA


I will pot them up for you tomorrow. I would be interested in your Japanese Anemone Hadsen Pink.

Your posting reminds me, I have plenty of the Phystotegia Summer Snow too that I need to add to my have list.

Denville, NJ(Zone 6b)

you got it Carolyn.. will look over your stuff tomorrow.. too pooped tonight

Mount Bethel, PA(Zone 6a)


Sounds like you've been busy, busy. Thankfully you are finally working in cooler weather, since you had enough heat on your trip and were greeted with it when you arrived home.

I would love some of:

euphorbia fireglow
campanula glomerata

Carolyn, may I have some of your:

phlox starfire reblooming.

Thank you.


Denville, NJ(Zone 6b)

Carolyn I would love some of your Salvia Rose Rhapsody
Gardadore your Euphorbia Fireglow would be great

Mount Bethel, PA(Zone 6a)

I thought that we should post our tradings in a thread especially set up for this. The new thread is here:

This message was edited Apr 18, 2010 8:06 AM

Denville, NJ(Zone 6b)

lets try that link again

Mount Bethel, PA(Zone 6a)

Thank you Onewish. You take such good care of me!! (Lil' Darlin')

Denville, NJ(Zone 6b)

LOL... Lil.. LOL


Mount Bethel, PA(Zone 6a)


Thank you,



I have printed that cherry and gout page. We were already doing some things right. Thanks. The situation now in a week of treatment is improving nicely.

AS AN ASIDE: Being the non-conformist I have always been......I will if coming to the swap June 5th just grab a little of this and that. Most will have NOID tags but gurarenteed to be the best in the West. LOL My guess at this moment would be some Spearmint, Stevia, Violets for sure, Christmas Cactus for sure. This I can do with no additional work excepting loading out for the trip. Holly and a few others can attest to my NOIDS being kinda nice. I only thieve the finest pretty flowers.

This message was edited Apr 18, 2010 9:56 AM

Denville, NJ(Zone 6b)

your Christmas cactus are doing great Doc... thanks again!!!

Athens, PA

Teri and Gardadore - gotcha both on the phlox starfire. I posted everything on Teri's link

Mount Bethel, PA(Zone 6a)

Will be looking forward to Violets, Stevia and Christmas Cactus, but mostly Docpipe for sure.

central, NJ(Zone 6b)

Doc, Love some Stevia

Saylorsburg, PA(Zone 6a)

I would love some Stevia as well! Thanks!

Mount Bethel, PA(Zone 6a)

Some stevia for me too, please.


I will need nearly one hundred percent transplant success to fill the above three requests. I will try. I got twelve seed for $2.50 and I believe I have seven germinated. I will be transplanting seedlings tomorrow.

Mount Bethel, PA(Zone 6a)

Not a problem Doc. I was really disappointed with the amounts in some of my seed packets from Summerhill, and felt ridiculous sharing half of a packet of 5 seeds, and now offering only 2 plants in the swap.

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

In fairness, I'm pretty sure SummerHill gave seed counts.. and those numbers are typical for Stevia packets. I'm not sure why, as the plants seem to produce abundant seed when they flower (maybe flowering is infrequent, or maybe the demand is just that high), and it's disappointing because germination is typically low. Don't count on getting more than 1 plant from a packet of Stevia, LOL.

Doc, I'm glad to hear you're doing better! I'm going to be enjoying your CC in every mixed hanging basket I create this year... I don't think I lost a single cutting!

Denville, NJ(Zone 6b)

Holly I would love some of your perilla, chocolate mint, black pussy willow, and SPV.. if that's not asking for too much... and if you have any of the marigolds for me :::: cheezy grin::::

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

I'll put you on the list. Not sure about the Marigolds but if there are any extra you will get them. I was thinking we could swap some coleus, too. I'm sure you will have different ones than I will .

Denville, NJ(Zone 6b)

I will have to try and make a list of the names I know... there are quite a few I don't have names for... maybe I will just post some photos.. LOL.. I have lots this year


Denville, NJ(Zone 6b)

I added the geraniums & coleus I grew from seed... here are some last week... not sure how they are going to grow .. but I am hoping for the best.. as you can see.. I have lots

Thumbnail by onewish1

onewish1...................I like your light green edge with deep red in the bottom right of your picture. Look at mine from cuttings. My reds become more brilliant red and mixed blacks in real half day sun. If you can handle one for me I would like to try and grow one of your's as described. Think these two would be very complimentary.


Thumbnail by docgipe
Saylorsburg, PA(Zone 6a)

Carolyn22 - please check the want and have list as I added another request!! Thanks!

Denville, NJ(Zone 6b)

you got it Dwaine .... I will go look at the tag and see which it is

Athens, PA

Gardadore - gotcha covered. Thanks for the heads up!

Denville, NJ(Zone 6b)

I just added 2 walking onions if anyone wants them... I haven't dug them yet... and there might be more babies .. hard to tell what is grape hyacinth and what is walking onions right now... soon will be able to tell though

Mount Laurel, NJ(Zone 7a)

...just where is Mt. Bethel?

Mount Bethel, PA(Zone 6a)

My daughter lives in Audubon, NJ and it takes about 2 hours from there. We take 295 north to 95 south (I think), to 31 North and from there either 22 west to 611 North...which brings you to Mount Bethel; or stay on route 31 North with good directions.

Hope to see you here Wind.

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