Things to cheer us up on bleak days...

cambridge md, MD(Zone 7a)

There are things inside the house or outside than can cheer us up make us smile or laught. All this snow is starting to get old keeping us inside or shoveling outside.. Something may be blooming in the house or something funny happens this is what this tread is about .... For me is seeing the Saints winning last night and my cymbidium blooming what about you....

Thumbnail by orchidfancy
Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

--NOT needing absolutely anything from the grocery Store--I am more than well stocked......
--NOT having to really go anywhere. Nice to veg at home.
--The simple beauty of the snow--all labors and shoveling aside--it IS pretty.

Nothing blooming in my "jungle"--but everything is green. Gita

cambridge md, MD(Zone 7a)

the same here I did not have to go to the store all i had to do is have the wood ready for the fireplace and spend a lots of time shoveling the snow . and my longest walk was walking Josh. It is gorgeous....

Fleming Island, FL(Zone 9a)

My African Violets are all in full bloom; a Christmas Cactus has buds; a couple orchids (Sherry baby) have a couple small flowers left.

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

orchidfancy--those orchids are so, so pretty

I have some blooms on a large wing Begonia (Gita's cane Beg.) I am ready to wake up a Brug. I tidied up my plant area the other day and hooked another set of lights to the timer, getting ready for seeds and cuttings, and moved Brug next to that.. YAY! My plumeria is coping with the mites OK. Wiping with alocohol seems to have slowed down the mites. Two early sprouts from the Datura seeds but hoping the rest two dozen will come along in another weeks or so. a Ctenanthe that I did not expect to lie thru winter, is putting on new growth and looks happy. SO I'm glad to see green when its all white outside.
I am happy--that the power has stayed on!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! When I go out, it is quiet and beautiful.

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

WOW, Sally!
You are so ahead of schedule with everything!!!!
I would not "wake up the Brug" until you are ready to put it outside. THEN you wake it up by pruning back all the died back branches to live "flesh"--re-potting if needed--and fertilizing.
THEN--step back and watch! TOO early right now!

Are your Daturas up because you Winter-sowed???? Too early otherwise. I will plant my seeds beginning of March.

The Begonias all do bloom this time of year--no matter what variety. Enjoy!


Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

I am currently without any african violets. Funny how things ebb and flow. Rather, I had a few for years and when they declined, there were other things being offered so thats what I have now. I may get back to them.
My brugs have been trying to make new small leaves all winter. I decided to risk going early with one and just see, with the overflow light from the seed/ cutting area. what the heck. two more are still on hold.
The Daturas seemed so slow last year I decided to ttry early on them too. a dozen seeds each color, in two 4 inch pots. They should not be coming up quite yet--only planted them on Jan 17th. Again- what the heck. I had seed of both purple and yellow from last year.
By th e way, thanks for getting me started on both those!
I do need to get a pelargonium out and pot it up and trim. Or am I early on that too?

Norristown, PA(Zone 6b)

I'm just happy with life itself. The snow is beautiful. I can now see a lot more birds. My new plants out there in my dry as dust roadside bed are getting lots of needed moisture and good insulation. The icecicles that I see out of all of my glass doors are beautiful, although I do look up before exiting and entering. All of the Geraniums that I brought inside have been blooming like crazy. My Begonias are starting to wake up from their winter sleep. A number are blooming. Joyanna's Zombie keeps putting out more and more blooms.

I do have to go into the office tomorrow to do some work and pick up work to bring home for the rest of the week. But life is good and I'm thankful for all of my buddies here at DG. Look at this lovely Orchid that I just got to see!!!

cambridge md, MD(Zone 7a)

Stormila: Do you have a picture of Johanna's Zombie? Here is a picture of my amarylis with my oncydium "Rodgersii". They just started to bloom at the same time over the week end . The amarylis has 4 blooms and 2 more buds ready to open and it also has a second spike. I have 10 or so in the basement still hibernating. The sun is rising turning the snow a pinkish color which is beautiful, this will not last since we are supposed to have another storm ,It is cold the birds are here waiting to be fed.I better go and take care of them...

Thumbnail by orchidfancy
Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

stormyla can you bottle your attitude and sell me some? tee hee I have nothing to really complain about either. We're coping. What else can you do? Shake your fist at the sky? We have some more shoveling to do this morning but will scurry back to our neck of the woods before afternoon in front of any new precip.

orchid- beautiful again. Longwood Gardens orchid room was just incredible but with so many at once you can hardly say which you like. SOme of us did like the ones with many many tiny blossoms--maybe cuz you don't see those very often.

My cheer thing is the cardinals song What cheer cheer cheer! I seem to be noticing it suddenly and wonder if they stop in the fall and start up when spring is near. Thats my theory and I'm sticking to it!

cambridge md, MD(Zone 7a)

Actualy you are right the cardinals start their courting song when they think that the winter is over. They know the weather.. I hope that they dont set their song by the daylight because we have more winter coming. The birds are happy this morning they got left over Sloppy joe from last night's dinner That particular mix was HORRIBLE ! and tasteless the birds found it very delightful and ate the whole thing LOL..I already picked up some wood so we have the fire going in the fireplace , my husband and I are planning to sit there watch the birds, the fire surrounded by a cat or two refered to as the bird watching society.and to finish the day enjoy a big bowl of chilli that has been cooking for three or four hours....And we will sit watching the flakes pile up again creating another landscape , this one taller than the last......

Norristown, PA(Zone 6b)

Sloppy Joe loving birds!! I would never have thought of that. I love that birdwatching society.

Sally, I was born with that attitude. It's genetic, my mom had it and it carried her through 40 years of illness. But I'll glady share some with you!!

Here's Joyanna's Zombie. Orchid, these were gifts from Critter to those of us who helped plant Joyanna's Crocus lawn.

Thumbnail by stormyla
cambridge md, MD(Zone 7a)

What a beauty , nice gift.

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Love the orchid in your start up picture. Alas, my orchids are not doing well. One that Ric gave me a couple of years ago and has re bloomed for me is practically dead and I lost two others. I was so sure that my sherry baby was going to bloom again it has a nice green flower spike but it isn't putting on blooms yet. On the other hand I have very small buds on the Christmas Cactus cuttings that I got from Doc and I saw one lone flower on the Bougainvillea so more are sure to come.
This is a new and much waited for addition to my House Plant collection. It is a "Moonlight" Philo and I have wanted one for quite a long time to go with my Prince of Orange.

Thumbnail by HollyAnnS
Norristown, PA(Zone 6b)

I know so little about tropicals, I've never heard of a Philo.

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Just short for Philodendron.
Just a few years ago I got this Prince of Orange Philo in a 4 inch pot just like the new Moonlight. Hope it does as well they should look great together.
Oh this was taken about a week or two ago and you can see a few blooms on the Hibiscus. Another bright spot most of my plants made it out of the "Room of Death". LOL

Thumbnail by HollyAnnS
Falls Church, VA(Zone 7b)

Ooh, those orchids are lovely!! I've begun to "collect" them sort of. I got one for Christmas and now have two. They are both Paelencopsis (sp?). They've flowered so now I am amusing myself trying to get them to flower again. I have a small collection of houseplants that are the results of swaps that keep me busy and happy during these bleak days. Plus, i have an amaryllis growing!! There's much anticipation there.

Here's the Christmas present orchid.

Thumbnail by Foxnfirefly
Falls Church, VA(Zone 7b)

I shoud also add there's high anticpation about the upcoming Winter Olympics!! I love the Games--ice hockey, figure skating and racing and some of those wild ski jumpers. Strangely enough, the Olympics are in Vancuver, B.C. and there's no snow!! They should move the Games down over here!!

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

We love to watch the games, too. I was just talking to Ric about them starting. Just unbelievable what those athletes can do.

Falls Church, VA(Zone 7b)

Yes,HollyAnn, it is something to watch and enjoy!! I can't believe Vancuver has now snow now, though!! All the snow we will see will be man-made, I think. Of course, if anyone wants to shovel snow into an ice truck and and haul it up North, they've got a job waiting for them!!

Sally-I hear the cardinals all the time!! I think that shrill "Cheer, cheer!!" is their spring song--very exciting to me!! You should be seeing a red cardinal with a brownish-red one together--the females are the brownish-red ones.

Norristown, PA(Zone 6b)

Here's a pretty Orchid. I have no clue what it is. I took this photo at a nursery I was visiting.

Thumbnail by stormyla
Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Quote from orchidfancy :
Actualy you are right the cardinals start their courting song when they think that the winter is over. .....
I hadn't thought about offering meat to the birds. I have some dregs of taco meat that's gotta go.

Lexington, VA(Zone 6a)

stormyla can you bottle your attitude and sell me some?

LOL, I'll second that! Finally made my way to this thread - gorgeous Orchid! Sadly, most of my Orchids are looking pretty pathetic this year. Since they suffer so much here over the winter (too dry?) a friend offered to give them a home this winter. She has the perfect room for them and hers always look lovely. They're still alive and will return to their home on the deck as soon as we're ready for them :)

Most of my plants are looking as dreadful as ever this year but regardless I keep them going because I know they'll be happy once spring arrives. Last year our Nun's Orchid never bloomed but I've got a spike poking up through the foliage this year :) When it finally blooms I'll have to take a pic to share.

Holly, your "Moonlight" looks great! Mine's looking okay but I'm sure it will be much happier when I can finally move it outside.

cambridge md, MD(Zone 7a)

The cardinals are too cold to sing in this area and maybe we should move the winter olympics to the Washington area , the snow reache's my hips and I am not that short. My orchids are due for misting and fertilizing that make's a big difference and at this time of the year, they can handle full morning sun without getting burnt. Another thing turning the thermostat 10 degres down at night will make them bloom... Right now what makes me happy on a day like today is watching the clouds of snow across my yard and hearing the wind howling in my trees... nature is so fascinating... while I am on the computer on DG

Norristown, PA(Zone 6b)

Lots of birdies singing out there!! I keep opening the door and tossing bird seed in the air. They are very happy to come get it. I have little Birdie feet marks everywhere.

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

OOH! I had potted up two dozen little leftover mini Daffs last fall to force. Only one bud shows from all that--SHows you that when they say smaller bulbs won't bloom they ain't kidding. These were the smallest leftovers from thinning a clump. Today --A bloom!

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

It seems that the only thing that really cheers me up by now is cooking something....
The other day--was a big pot of Split Pea Soup
Today--I am beginning the marathon cooking period of basic meat Stock as written in the "Old Farmers Almanac".
12 hrs. or more. Will turn it off--and continue tomorrow....

I also have to admit that i use cooking as an excuse NOT to do some other things that really need to get vacuuming, filing, cleaning, etc....
Cooking is just more "self-serving".....Would be great if I had a bunch of people that I could cook for--but--as I have said before---that is why I have NO room in my BIG freezer......I DO share--with my daughter and SIL and am also spoiling a few people at work.....mostly, a couple of the managers.....NOW! Their Ohhhs and Ahhhs encourage me to do the same thing again. I love having my efforts being SOOO appreciated! Like--Positive reinforcement......

Today is just miserable! Hate to look forward to having to dig out and clear all the access to my car and the street and the back yard....etc.....AGAIN--in less than 3 days!

Just grateful that i am safe and sound--so far-- and that that i have not lost power or anything like that.....

Sorry to end this "UP" thread with such negative comments......All this IS hard on me!

Norristown, PA(Zone 6b)

Gita, Go indulge yourself with some fragrant consume. You will be happy that you did.
Open a good book and read. (Keep your flashlight handy) Turn on your stereo and have a nice glass of wine. Call a friend you haven't spoken to in a while. Start on a cross word puzzle. Work on one of your lovely poems.
Do something fun and don't dwell on tomorrow. It will get here soon enough.

Here's a pretty orchid for you.

Thumbnail by stormyla
Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)


Thanks for all your cheerful suggestions......Makes me feel better already!

Same back to you, my friend!


cambridge md, MD(Zone 7a)

Gitatal I can understand how you feel with this gorgeous weather, I made chili day before yesterday and yesterday I was in the muffin making business, we have enought for a week. made a great breakfast tfor my husband ,(inspiration for shoveling) Of course I was out enjoying the winter thrill of shoveling at 5 AM , the dog needed to use the facilities... the rest of the day I cooked and watched the birds at the feeder. We had 5 male cardinals who had a territory issue , otherwise they all were happy with all the food that I gave them .

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

The bright sun cheeree ME up this morning. its so nice to get some help from Mother Nature. We mobved two vehicles and will let the sun do some of the driveway.
I'm happy that between shoveling and cooking and hanging up wet clothes and putting boots over the heat vents--I have not had *much* time for house cleaning!!! as usual!

Norristown, PA(Zone 6b)

LOL Sally, you'll do anything to avoid that! Looking for dried berries and aging nuts to feed the birds started me on a quest to clean out that cabinet. Gave them some drying shreaded cocoanut too. Back to the conference call.

Falls Church, VA(Zone 7b)

I cleaned house, believe it or not!! What's worse not being able to go outside is staying inside a dirty house!! It feels good now.

I don't know what I'd do without YouTube music videos. This is becoming a bad habit, but I'm able to lose myself in music. Try Percy Faith's "A Summer Place." It will make you crazy and feel good at the same time. :-)

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

Do did birds eat the coconut? I must have 3 bags of it here and there. I know 2 of them are in the freezer. Would be a good way to get rid of them.

FFF--I have only looked at You-Tube stuff when someone sends me a forward.
How do you go to it and how do you choose an artist or songs to listen to. i LOOOOVVVVE! the old Country Western artists and their music. That kind of music will never be again! I CAN get lost in it!

I need to learn how to download a selection of music on a CD so I can listen to it any time I want.
I know a few people at work could educate me on that.....

Today--I am done cooking that awesome, Basic Meat Stock as printed in the "Old Farmer's Almanac"......It simmered a total of 10-12 hrs over 2 days and gave my cooped-up life purpose.
NOW--I have all the bones and junk fished out and I will be going through it all and doing any one of these things:

1--removing the marrow from the soup bones (I freeze it and use it in browning meats--for flavor)
2--bagging up all those lovely soup bones to give to someone at work that has dogs.
3--"Salvaging" any edible meat that I can eat.
4--Putting all unusable "junk" in a Zip-Bag for trash.
5--Putting the big bowl of stock in the fridge to cool. Then i will remove the fat and bag it up in freezer bags and
freeze them all for use as needed.
6--UGH!!!!!! Cleaning up all the pots and pans and dishes....Double UGH!!

Will do all this while watching "Dr. Phil" and "Oprah" IF they are on. Yesterday they were both pre-empted by all kinds of weather related broadcasts.

I would still call this a "fruitful, relaxing day---other than shoveling snow this morning.......
Again, my wonderful back-yard neighbor came over with his Snow Blower and did my driveway and around the car and up to the front door. I offered him some gas money--but he refused!
SO grateful for people like him! What a help! What an upper!!!!! NOW--If only all those young, strong whippersnappers out of High School would do the same--even if they charged a bi for it--many more people would have restored faith in people just helping out those that cannot do it themselves.
From what I have heard--no one is going around knocking on doors and offering to help.

Here's a view of our street this morning.....Will post more pics on "Bearer of bad News" thread.....
Have NO idea when any of this will melt.........


Thumbnail by Gitagal
Norristown, PA(Zone 6b)

Gita, Yep, those little guys are chowing down on the cocoanut as we speak!

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Well, I'm doing the happy dance. I was just giving my orchid (the dying one) a good look over and although it lost it's last old leaf I do see a couple of new leaves sticking out their tiny tips. Maybe I won't have to have an orchid funeral after all. LOL Holly

cambridge md, MD(Zone 7a)

"I rather be gardening than house cleaning" I usually do it before 8:AM. Before that time I am awake enought to read andnot awake enought to start thinking , that's a good time for house cleaning .So I do it without thinking much other than let's get it over with ... I got other things more important to do, transplanting something, checking something for bugs, knitting , sewing and when the weather permits gardening , gardening , and gardening some more. and then i have to walk THE dog....

picture the Dog Josh

Thumbnail by orchidfancy
Falls Church, VA(Zone 7b)

Gita--I don't think coconut is good for the birds. Not sure about that but there are certain things liked dried fruits that they should not be given.

On the YouTube question--if I know of a song I want to hear, I can Google it and it is most likely on a YouTube video and you can link to it. YouTube has a share feature that lets you sned the link to your friends. For example, Google search "Johnny Cash song "Don't Take Your Guns To Town", and it will show you a list of places where that song is posted or where you can read the lyrics. Gee, I've spent whole evenings going through songs. It is a real fun time-killer!! You can also join YouTube and put your own vidoes/music in there to share with people. Downloading music is another ball-game. I am not good with that. We have an MP3 player thing and I don't know how to get music on it.

The cooking is an honorable activity. You can make a lot of people happy with it (or unhappy if you mess up!) I thought of baking some cookies but I started some seeds today instead!! I'm a gardener first.

Holly--my orchid lost it's leaves but it looks like it has some new shoots, too. I want to ask this question: how long of a rest period does a Phaelenopsis have?

Orchid--Josh looks sweet. Does he play?

Norristown, PA(Zone 6b)

Foxy, Some of the bird food mixes that I buy have dried fruit in them.. Many of those suet blocks have cherries, blueberries and oranges in them, and it says "dried" on the package.

cambridge md, MD(Zone 7a)

Playing in the back yard and with his toys that is Josh middle name. I feel like I have another two year old in the house , toys everywhere all the time. Phaleanopsis do not have a rest period like the dendrobriums. They pretty much bloom at any time. I have some that bloom in the summer and some blooming in the spring or in the winter. Figure about a year between blooms or at least 6 months. The orchid that my husband gave me in December 2008 for my birthday lasted five months and it is ready to bloom again this time for Valentines day. The thing with orchids except for some they do not like to be wet, they like good drainage at all the time, for that I use sterofoam peanuts. They need to be a little dry between watering . Also make sure that your water them the day before you apply fertilizer of else you will burn the roots. I have been raising orchids for about 25 years, At one point I had a green house that I gave it up for a sun room , I still have a fair number of orchids.and some tropicals. Here is this morning bloom on my Arum , what a nice thing to start the day a bloom a a cup of java...... Now I am waiting for my Aporocactus flagelliformis , in the next few weeks.

Thumbnail by orchidfancy

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