Compassion for Handicapped Gardeners #10

Murfreesboro, TN(Zone 7a)

"It hurts my heart that the new ownership of DG is not letting our dear Scraps write in the threads even when she HAS paid her membership."

I'm attempting to correct a false assumption you made: no one was not letting this member onto the site.

We did experience some problems with subscriptions over the weekend; everyone who let us know they were affected were immediately taken care of... All the others (including Scraps) had their subscription issue corrected in one fell swoop by the tech team, before I saw or replied to this message.

Did you send us a note about this problem? It was only by chance that I stumbled upon this thread and saw where she had contacted you.

Winston Salem, NC(Zone 7a)

I won't participate in a public battle or nitpicking over words.

SE/Gulf Coast Plains, AL(Zone 8b)

A fine example of the "aggressive" approach, I think. :-) Kay*

Ozone, AR(Zone 6a)

Sure was'nt assertive.

Winston Salem, NC(Zone 7a)


mulege, Mexico

Enough, I think. I'm too sore to even oberve a disagreement.

My legs are so sore. I finished brownbagging the storage room next to my bedroom-to-be on Sunday. Could hardly move yesterday and I'm still sore today. Tony is putting up shelves so I can put more stuff away. Yea!!!!!

Don't know what I'll be doing today but I don't think I'll spend a lot of time on my feet.

I've got two glads blooming - a beautiful deep red. I've planted lotf of bulbs; these are the first flowers I've gotten. I have papayas blooming. I planted them from seed are are supposed to be the small ones like the Hawian ones. AND I have some small apples on my apple tree. Peaches are blooming.

Wiah I could just spend the day resting on my laurels but my ADD won't allow it.

hugs all around, katie

Winston Salem, NC(Zone 7a)

Hi Katie,
I sure would love to see that brownbag wallpaper result. It must be such a good feeling to have it completed. I sure chear you on hun!
With your recent long trip no doubt took its toll on you. I pray that you can get some good rest (siesta and night) these next few days.


Milton, MA(Zone 6a)

Gosh, I hope scraps is back soon! It has been my experience that one of the biggest changes from NameMedia to Internet Brands is that IB works normal California business hours, without the 24-7 access we've all become accustomed to.

Meanwhile, I'm still wrestling with this new computer. And I've been in SO MUCH PAIN! DH wants me to go to the Pain Mgt. Center but I'm afraid they'll just give me more drugs.

mulege, Mexico

Carrie, I'm with you, girlfriend. Too much pain. It sucks.

Tony called last night cause he has to take his father to the doctor in St. Rosalia today and couldn't come to work. I slept until almost ten. If he'd been here I'd have gotten up around eight so it was good timing.

I'm sore all over. I think it's worse cause I'm still tired from the trip. I did move stacks of magazines onto the new shelves in the storage room.

I might just lie down for awhile. I hate to give in to the pain but I get exhausted fighting it.

I'm not real depressed about it; more annoyed. It keeps me fro doing the things I want to do. Mutter, mutter.

hugs all around, an extra soft one for Carrie.


(Debra) Garland, TX

Carrie, if this sounds presumptuous, I apologize. I was just thinking that if you go to the pain center and they only offer drugs that you don't want, you can decline, right? But if they have a different, non-chemical therapy to offer, and you give them the opportunity to present it, isn't that bit of time expended worth exploring even the potential of a little relief? I have hypertension, fibromyalgia, bilateral carpal tunnel syndrome, a rare hormonal condition that affects the adrenal gland and the heart, MS, some weird other neurological disorder that sits on top of the MS, LVH, torn ligaments in neck and back from a car accident, chronic anxiety, depression, and a few other twitches and such. None of them are too severe individually, they simply add up. :-) Although I don't like them, either, I do take meds, especially for the BP, anxiety, and hormone thing. Some have worked, some have not. (Lyrica and Cymbalta made my poor brain more foggy than SanFran), but I've also used chiropractic, biofeedback, music, tai chi, breathing, yoga, swimming, massage, cooking (!), gardening, of course, and maybe a just little primal screaming :-) as adjuncts and to keep the drugs down. No one therapy worked all the time for every ailment or symptom, and I don't use each all the time. But each has contributed something that helped at least one problem and, together, the combination has been pretty potent. Not saying any of them would 100% work for you, because we are all different. And because I am quite sure you have already tried a few yourself. :-) I just believe that we owe it to ourselves and our own pain management to examine ALL the possibilities. Particularly if doing so makes someone who loves us happy, too. LOL

"If you never ask, the answer is always no."

I do hope you feel better really really soon...


Ozone, AR(Zone 6a)

I hope scraps is back soon also. I tried calling her yesterday but no answer.

Gentle hugs Carrie,Katie,and Debra.
Have any of you tried self hypnosis?I did once and it did help.I just kinda quit doing it.

(Debra) Garland, TX

Vickie, I was always afraid I'd hypnotize myself and not be able to come out. LOL


Ozone, AR(Zone 6a)

Th first thing you tell yourself is i will awake calm and refreshed. Also you tell yourself you will never be hypnotized while driving.A lot of people naturally hypnotize themselves while driving on a long trip, because of the monotany of driving.
I just talked to Steph by phone. She is super busy with her brother and things are getting done. Go Steph!

Lena, MS(Zone 7b)

Hey you guys, I feel so loved, I truly do. I hate that I worried you guys but I have not had spare time. It was not all the fault of the subscription renewal problem. life just got crazy here. It was frustrating that when I got online I could only see one post at the beginning of the forum and i am a computer dummy and did not know what to do. thanks sheri for helping. Thanks to DG Administrators for getting me back to my pals. I love DG.
I have scooted on my stool and given lots of instructions and helped do alot of chores that I could not accomplish alone. I have kept bro so busy he is sleeping very well. The drinking is better and he is not sick in the a.m.. I feel the Prayers guys. If I could keep him here for 3 weeks of this he would give up and cry uncle and never touch the stuff again. However, I might not survive but it would be worth it. I am running out of chores. I am running out of energy and flowers to make him help plant.LOL. My SIL is sending more tomorrow. I am not sure how many but she thinks it is so very funny that I am forcing him to help plant flowers because he will not have any in his yard ever. He also cut down some iris' before she could move them once when he moved his mobil home onto the lot they had just moved from. I hope that made sense. Anyway, this is the state of the union from scraps headquaters. Thanks for all the love and Prayers. I do not have time to go to all the forums tonight maybe tomorrow. scraps

Ozone, AR(Zone 6a)

The state of the union here.
Everything is in a state of limbo.
I did not go to Texas.
I do see a doctor tomorrow about my cataracks. ugh
Someone came to look at the 10 acres for sale today.
No word from any family members to me.
I've been doing extra housework. At the rate i'm going,I'll be through by 2020.
My canna leaves are getting bigger.
Daylilly buds are just sitting there.
I'm glad you are my friends. Its a comfort just knowing you are here.

Hughesville, MO(Zone 5a)

Vickie, you are loved. In GOD's eye you are so very special. I have a plaque in my kitchen that says " GOD, please help me to remember that nothing is going to happen today that you and I cannot handle together".Remember, you a child, a daughter of the KING OF KINGS. A child of the creater of universe and HE thinks of you more than you can ever possibly think of HIM. May HIS love and guidance take you thru this life and let you see victory over your adversaries. Walk in love and forgiveness. Unforgiveness keeps us in bondage, blocks the flow of forgiveness from GOD to us, and the other person/people aren't affected by it at all in most cases.

Scraps, I hope you can find the strength and flowers to keep you DB busy all summer so he will become totatlly sober and not even want a drink of booze again.

GOD bless and keep each of you.

Winston Salem, NC(Zone 7a)

Today I am very frustrated.
the VA has discontinued all of my pain meds. ( I was weaning way down..but still need some for emergencies) My new DR wont budge. He is very against opiates and apparently thinks I am just "drug seeking".
He also has decreased my muscle spasm meds to 1 at night only from 1 three times a day as I have been on for about 30 years.
I don't know what his problem is but I am in misery.
I know where my srength comes from however.
I pray He comes soon as I cast my eyes to the sky.


Hughesville, MO(Zone 5a)

Sheri, I'm so sorry for this mess regarding your meds & the pain you are suffering.. Nothing much more frustrating than a stubborn, uncareing doctor. Can you possibly go thru a nonmilitary doctor? Do you get Medicare and have Plan D? I talked Jack into doing the Plan D about an hour before the deadline and we are so glad we did. We had already been taking him to a local doctor for some things like colds, flu, etc. because it was such a long drive to the VA clinics. Sometimes it made the difference between whether or not he saw a doctor when he needed to. I will keep you and this situation in my prayers. May you have a day of GOD's warm fuzzies and rest today. Just climb up in Father GOD's lap and let him hold you close as I hope your earthly father did when you were a child. HE really wants to do that for you.

I saw a new pain management doctor today. He ordered an MRI of my lower spine and set an appointment for steroid injections. He wrote a prescription for one Valium to take before the injections.

Must go and get some housework done today. It looks really awful.

GOD bless and keep each of you. ~~~~ to Tammy, Vickie, Mickey, Katie, Jim, and any others I may have missed

mulege, Mexico

That sounds awful, Sheri. I am so grateful to have found a doctor who doesn't think that I should "tough it out" when I'm in pain. When a friend sepressed concern about my taking opiates for pain when I'm a recovering alchoholic I explained that before I started using them there were days when I could barely get out of bed. I finally deided that it was better to take one or two opiates a day and be able to do somethings I enjoyed. Being in so much pain that I couldn't even read a book was awful. My doctor agrees. I am almost 70 and with all the health problems of age plus recovery I deided to stop beating myself up and take the pills. They have made my life so much better. I am very careful about dosage because it can be a slippery slope for me but I've been taking them for over a year and so far am doing OK.

Tony and I have worked on the arroyo the past two days. I am not a lot of help but I'm doing what I can. We take a lot of breaks to think and talk. Some parts that I have worked on off and on for several years are now coming together. Our days are heating up so we're getting what we can done now. Soon it will be too hot to work down there.

My neighbors and I are thinking about hsaring the cost of buying a small piece of land that is between our houses. We would like to make it a parking area but if we do too much to improve it when we don't won it someone is likely to come along, buy it and put a house there.

Tony has left for the day. Think I'll go soak in my outdoor tub.

I am so sore from life in general plus the work we've been doing. It means so much to me to have company in this. I've gotten a lot done the last couple of days but I'm sure paying the price.

hugs, katie

Milton, MA(Zone 6a)

Guys, I've learned a new stretch (for my hip flexors) which feels s-o-o-o-o good. Going to the Y feels good, sitting in a tiny car doesn't feel good. Nothing feels good for very long. I am definitely consulting with at least my neurologist. I wish Medicare paid for therapeutic massage!

Lena, MS(Zone 7b)

Hello everyone, I got a few minutes alone to check on you guys and say hello. Wish I could pass out hugs on here. it sounds like several need them as do I. ((((()))))

Vickie, I love ya and enjoyed our chat on the phone so much. I am not a big phone person but it is so good to have someone to chat with when needed. I am Praying for you to just have peace lady. You are such a sweetheart for calling to check on me.

Sheri, I second what Evamay said do. just go into those arms of God and find some peace and love. You have been doing so well that the old devil just cannot stand it and had to rear his ugly head but we are all Praying and rebuking him and his pain. Love ya.

katiebear, Your place sounds awesome. I need an outdoor tub or hot tub. I would love to have a pool too. Swimming is great for fibromyalgia patients. If you do not do too much. That is on my wish list of things I would do if I had a big windfall of somekind. I have no rich relatives to leave inheritance and do not play the lottery so I am just waiting on it to fall out of the sky I guess but if we could not wish and dream we would give up. I had a boyfriend in highschool that said he made out a life insurance to me and he got killed and I never heard from it so in the back of my head I think maybe they just could not find me.hehehe and then he was probably full of hot air.

Bro is gone to his GF house. I am glad to have a break because he is a workaholic too. He can't be still and has to be doing something and I am worn out trying to help. I hate to tell him to do stuff and not try to help. I hate for someone to watch me work. So I feel I have to at least try. He tells me all the time to just sit on my stool and tell him what to do but i hate not helping some at least. He is doing good I think but next week we are going to back off some more. Pray that we have sucess with backing off on the cool ones. He is really a good guy. Love you guys.

Ozone, AR(Zone 6a)

Sheri, I'm so sorry about your pain meds. Every now and then you come across some idiot doctor that has never had even a hiccup much less a pain. We can only hope he has a rude awakening for about an hour sometime. Can you ask for another doctor? Or go to a private one? Gentle hugs for you. BTW Don't ever tell a doctor you're trying to cut down on pain meds. If you don't use them save them for when you do and can't get any.
Doctors are being pushed by the AMA to cut down on prescribing pain and anxiety meds.
Carrie, I wish medicare payed for therapeutic massage too. It'd help my freyed nervous tension muscles.
Katie, I'm glad you can controll your meds.You've already shown you're a disclipined person in other ways.
I found out some good news today. Yvonne said she'd already put all the land in her name. Well she has'nt and Monday i'm going to see if i can stop her from ever doing so. So maybe i can still sell and have money to move to Baja.I would'nt move in on you Katie but i'd sure move a village away. I found out i make enough money to qualify to live in Mexico.
So Katie i have a couple of questions. Whats the water situation? I know it's a desert. But do they have wells or do you have to haul it in. And is electricity on and off like Turkey.We had water and electricity only so many hours a day.and had to buy our drinking water in large jugs.I cannot give up my little dog and cat or yarn and crochet needles.Everything else can go. I've got to check out the Arizona forum.Please pray that i can gt my ducks in a row before Yvonne does.
I've got hope again!!

Hughesville, MO(Zone 5a)

I'm keeping you in my prayers, Vickie. Work fast and quietly. Don't talk to anyone about what you are doing as they may talk to the wrong person.You don't want let her know what you are doing.

GOD bless and keep each of you.

Milton, MA(Zone 6a)

Oh, my fingers and toes and my whole bran is crossed for you, Vickie! Lots of luck!!!

SE/Gulf Coast Plains, AL(Zone 8b)

Prayers for your success, Vickie. Can we move to Mexico too? And, NOT leave any of Amargia's grown children our forwarding address? LOL. It has been a crazy couple of days. J. got herself arrested when Jim took her to pick up the children and some of her things. That was strike #3 so she is out. I’ve been packing and sorting her things and getting the guest area back in shape. We’ve made arrangements so we can have the children visit so they will always have Amargia as an anchor and source of stability in an uncertain future. Ex had moved in his new girlfriend and J. went nuts and destroyed her stuff. Then sassed the police and resisted arrest so she will be the guest of that city’s jail for awhile. That is one of the upsides to being old and menopausal. I’m so happy to have gotten beyond most of that emotion and hormone driven nonsense. I can embrace my boring life with love and sincere appreciation. LOL.
Jim has been trying to wean himself off the painkillers with the help of a VA doctor who herself has serious back problems. (“More pain, but more brain” as someone here once put it.) He may be able to do away with the Tramadol. But, the Methocarbamol, I fear, is a different matter. I’ve talked him into trying the herb Valerian before he gives up. It relaxes muscles, but I just don’t know if it will be strong enough. His back feels like a brick wall. When I talk about relaxation techniques and “flowing” with the pain. He responds with comments that are best not repeated here. I can’t get it through his thick skull that tensing and resisting the pain is making it worse. He tells me he has a back injury. He is not going through childbirth. The techniques I have used successfully don’t apply to him. LOL. But, it seems to me that pain is pain no matter the source and fighting it won’t work. Valerian is the only other alternative method I can think of. We will try a combination of the Valerian and more massage before we go back to the doctor and get the Methocarbamol back; I never thought to consider the doctors might not re-instate the prescription, if asked. Let’s hope this doctor’s personal experience colors her judgment. Kay*

mulege, Mexico

Any and all of you and you dogs and cts are welcome here. Family members who cause problems are not allowed across the border. A few days in a Mexican jail might be in order for some of them. I, too, can barely remember when I had the energy for all tht drama.

One thing about the hot summers here is that few have the energy to do anything but hang on until mid-October when the weather cools off.

Vickie, you are welcome here. You could camp at the beach and come up to my ouse for a hose-shower. It will be very hot until October. Our water is potable; one of the few places in Mexico where it is. Most every town has at least one water purification place. I am a few miles out of the main town but I get city water. I have a tank that fills up so even if the water flow is disrupted I'm OK. Electricity is pretty much the same. I have it most of the time. No regular shutdowns, just occasional problems from a few minutes to a few hours.

I get news and TV shows online. There is one video rental place in town. No movie theaters,etc. It's really a quiet life. If you have you knitting and crocheting and pets and can keep yourself amused, you'll do fine. For people who need to be entertained there are problems available - alchohol, drugs, sex. Since I don't drink or mess around with drugs or men and I like to work on my garden and do crafts I get along well with the "boring" people who work hard to get by day to day. There are really no secrets here; like a lot of small towns. I think there's a fairly clear divide between those who are prone to problems and those who really want to live quietly. We all may speak to each other pleasantly but I experience it as two groups. To a large extent.

Anyway, it works for me and you are welcome to come down and check it out.

My dogs had a disagreement last night - while under my computer table. The computer flew up in the air and landed on the floor. Miraculously, there was only minor damage and Carlos the computer man fixed it.

Time to fix dinner for the dogs.

hugs, katie

(Debra) Garland, TX

Kay, my only children are canine, but my sister and her husband have five kids and 15 grandchildren. One son committed suicide because he and his wife had troubles, one daughter is constantly in jail for drugs and theft, and one daughter now has severe schizophrenia, so her four kids live with my sister. She said the worst thing through all the trauma is the feeling of helplessness when you see the train wreck coming and nothing you try to do stops it. I am very sorry that you and Jim and the kids have to endure the situation. And, as are you, I am deeply thankful that emotional volatility eases as we age. When one is 23, the proverb "This, too, shall pass" has little meaning. When one is 53, it's truth is comforting. :-)

I've read that hops and chamomile can help muscles relax. Don't know if they will mix well with prescriptions, or with the valerian, but it might be something to try, also?

Katie, I think in two sentences you perfectly defined living in a small town. LOL


Hughesville, MO(Zone 5a)

I love the energy Tramadol gives me and the methocarbamal(ParafronForte)does help relax the muscles. I am on Jim's side in this issue. Chronic pain is much different from acute pain. I'm also on Gabapentin, Excedrin, Leva/Carba Dopa, and Percocet PRN.

GOD bless and keep each of you. BBL

Winston Salem, NC(Zone 7a)

Huh? Parafon Forte is Chlorzoxizone. but perhaps I missunderstood and you are on both Chlorzoxizone and Methocarbimol which is generic name for Robaxin. They are each used to treat muscle spasm, pain etc, so I hope you aren't on both.
Mostly, I just hope you are well ^_^ and wanted to prevent any confusion about drug names.


Milton, MA(Zone 6a)

I did get the message to message to my neurologist's nurse that I've been in increased pain recently! Usually she adds another pill. I'm maxed out on Tramadol and Gabapentin (although someone else was taking much more tramadol than I do), so who knows what she'll say. Chronic pain IS different from acute pain, no question.

DD#1 had a big fight with her BF, he threw a crock pot at her (but she slapped him first so she thinks it's reasonable). NO NO NO! She shouldn't have slapped him but he shouldn't have escalated it and it may be sexist but I believe a tall, fit 200 lb man should NEVER hit a woman who is 50 lbs lighter and not able to defend herself, it's not fair play. That's my drama for the week. We've been pretty much leaving her alone this semester (compared to other semesters) since after all she has her dream man now, she doesn't need us so much. (Much more peaceful than talking to her EVERY DAY.)

Hughesville, MO(Zone 5a)

My mistake, Sherri. I use to take Robaxin and recognized the name. No, I don't take both it and ParafonForte. I have to admit that I do have some problems with confusion at times. Is it caused by some of the meds I am taking or by the Parkinsons, Fibromyalgia, or Polycytothemia? Good question, huh?!

I'm probably going to have an epidural in my low spine in a couple weeks so I will hopefully be able to get off a lot of the pain meds. That should narrow down the list of causes of some of these problems.

GOD bless and keep each of you. BBL.

mulege, Mexico

What is tramadol prescribed for?

I'm having a lazy day due to a stomach ache.

Tony has found a trailer I can afford. Very good news as we will be able to haul loads of palm logs, seaweed and manure. The soil here is so poor that plants respond dramatically to a good dose of compost.

I have little apples on my tree.A peach and a cherry are blooming..

Time to lie down for awhile and my stomach relaxes.


Milton, MA(Zone 6a)

Pain, Katie. It's used as codeine used to be; it's pretty much replaced codeine for chronic use.

Lena, MS(Zone 7b)

Hello everyone, I hope you guys are all doing well today. I have had a headache since yesterday. Probably sinus but could be blood pressure. But I have gotten some better this afternoon. However, I have not done any chores so I will start the week out behind.

Kay, I will get your package together in the morning if at all possible. I am so sorry I forgot last monday. I hate so badly that Jim is in so much back pain. I understand that and sympathise. I did the epidurals that Eva is thinking of trying. I got alot of relief from them it was amazing. My insurance was dropped when hubs lost his good job. I will try again when new insurance kicks in and see if it covers epidurals. I have had an awful year without them. The doctor thought of course that I should lose weight and I would not need them and I told him to try running or walking with a knife twisting in his back because that is what it feels like. So I may have to try a new DR to get an epidural. However, they do not come cheap.
Carrie, I agree that a big guy should not hit a woman but he is human and has reflexes. I am not taking up for him but I have learned while living with a big man to not make him too mad either. They are like big grizzly bears if angry. It is best not to slap a grizzly. If you should do so you need to be fast and ready to run. I only made him that mad once. I learn fast. I think of him as a big ole teddy bear most of the time. But bears are easy to anger. I say again I am not saying it is right for a man to hit a woman but women also need to be careful about angering a big man.

Leaf, Vickie, katie, debra, Sheri,I will chat with you later. My head is getting worse. Love you guys, scraps

Ozone, AR(Zone 6a)

Hope all are better. Seems like this last week was not a winner for us but next week is going to be better.
Leaf, As to the confusion...All of the above and with me age don't help either.I agree that chronic pain and acute pain are different.kidney stones are acute, Chest pains(with an occasional exception) are chronic.
Katie,I shall bring my wheelbarrow. I could not survive without my wheel barrow anyway. LOL may leave everything and just bring my planters of daylillys. Gonna check how much a prof. mover would charge to move me? Guess i could rent a truck and find a local espanic to drive me.
Tomorrow i'll start in my bedroom and decide what can go and what to get rid of.
Good night all.

Lena, MS(Zone 7b)

Hello everyone, I had a busy day but wanted to pop in and say hi to you all. I second what Vickie said, I hope everyone has a better week. It would be so nice to have a pain vacation. LOL. Just a week of no pain and no stress. I wish I could take the heat Vickie and I would go with you to Mexico to see katiebear. I could use a cool margarita and I don't drink. But I bet I could rest good tonight if I had one.LOL. I would pass out on my face at the bar I am so tired. That is all it would take. I di the usual monday chores of laundry, cooking and dishes plus I stained a rocking chair and a small table and watered the grass. So this ole gal is dragging tonight. I am off to bed early. Love and Prayers, scraps

Midland City, AL

Hi, All. Pain is not too bad today so I thought I would check in and see what you were all up to.
Kay seems determined to make-up for a month of missed work hours in a matter of days. She was up and out at 7 a.m. and just came in looking like a pretty piglet and fell asleep in the Jacuzzi. Lol. (Far from the first time that has happened, but I swear one day she is going to drown doing that.) My yelling at her to slow down isn’t very effective. She will slow down when her joints start screaming at her though. That will probably be in a day or two. Her joints can't handle the current pace even with the MSM and glucosamine she takes. Honestly, I’m not trying all that hard to slow her down. Aside from the fact that a lot of stuff we were behind on is getting done. I think work is Kay’s refuge when disappointing things happen. Kay doesn’t show much emotion, but I know she is feeling disappointed, and a little betrayed by J. Work and the garden are her solace in times like this. She takes her anger and frustration out on the weeds and is too tired when she comes inside to be snappy with me. lol.
The valerian has got the pain down to manageable levels and Kay has given up trying to teach me yoga relaxation techniques. Both good things. (I’m just not a yoga kind of guy. Lol.) My mind is undeniably clearer without the drugs during those times when the pain is at manageable levels. I was making such dumb mistakes I was beginning to scare myself. But, when pain gets to a certain point it is so distracting I can’t concentrate which also makes me do dumb things. The VA is scheduling me for an MRI. The MRI will determine whether or not my doctor will recommend surgery. I will not get the surgery done thru the VA. When the VA doctor advises not to have it done thru VA, I listen. lol.
I’ve been told as “the inside guy” redoing the guestroom is my responsibility. Can’t figure out what to do with a room this color. (It didn't look so orange in the paint store!) Kay joked that I should put some Texas longhorn horns up on the wall. I don’t really know what possessed me to buy this color. The only serious suggestions I got were to go for an autumn theme or throw in some other “spice colors” for an Indian (as in Bombay) motif. Anyone got any ideas. I hate painting and don’t want to do it again so soon. (Jim)

Thumbnail by seacanepain
Hughesville, MO(Zone 5a)

Scraps, it sounds to me as tho you did a couple days work today. I pray it doesn't backfire and leave you in bed in a great deal of pain tomorrow.

Jim, I agree with you about everything in your post. Pain can take over your mind as well as your body so just take the meds and be done with it. The sooner you take them the sooner you will get relief with a smaller dose. I take pain med prophalatically(?). In other words, I don't wait for the pain to hit because I know if I do it will take more meds than usual to get it under control again. I just take them on a regular schedule every day.

I'm sure you are right about Kay and the work. I do that too. The hot tub is probably dangerous so please do keep an eye on here when she is in there. I take glucosomine/chondrotin/MSM every day too. But there is a limit to how much it can do for you. The warm water will eventually thin her blood dangerously if she stays in the tub too long. Going to sleep and drowning is also a very real possiblity and the thinning of her blood can bring on deep sleep from which she cannot arouse herself.

Go with the autumn or Indian motif in the room. The longhorns would look good too & could go with either theme. Braham cattle can have some impressive horns. There is a woman in the Central Midwest Gardening forum who did her house in those kinds of colors a year or so ago.

A man doesn't have to be big to hurt someone. My first husband was not a large person at all and he hurt me badly many times in our 16 months of marriage. My second dear husband was a large man and never once even threatened to hit me. Of course I had warned him before we got married that if he ever did I'd kill him and he knew I wasn't joking. At that time I could load & shoot a gun as well as he could and sooner or later I'd have the chance to even the score. Yes, he got angry with me at times but he just shut himself in the bedroom and pretended to be asleep until he cooled off. Or he would go to town for a couple hours or get his mind lost in a TV program. I had sense enough to know when I had gone too far. He was truely a gentle giant of a man. Too gentle when it came to disiplining(?)the children.

Sometimes it pays to be poor. I'm on Medicaid as well as Medicare disability so my medical expenses are somewhat more managable for me. I do try to not 'use the system' as I see many doing. I think in the long run it will be less expensive for the taxpayers if I have the epidural done than to keep paying for all these pain meds. I got so much relief when I had them in the '90s that I don't really know why I haven't had them again. Well, yes I do know. That doctor put us to sleep to do them. I mean IV general anesthetic. He is no longer practicing so I can't go back to him. This doctor will give me a valium and use some numbing medication. I must remember to let him know this week about my lidocaine allergic reaction. I'll also be sure I am loaded to the gills on pain meds when I go in too.

It's late, I'm having the MRI done in the morning and need to get to bed.

GOD bless and keep each of you.

This message was edited May 24, 2010 11:23 PM

(Debra) Garland, TX

Hi Jim! Glad you are back and that the valerian is helping some. I was taking Lyrica for awhile and was a space cadet. Can be hard to balance relief against functioning brain cells. :-) My sister's father in law was a VA patient in Dallas for 20 years and he'd agree with you. Get the surgery done some place else. The staff here tries, and mean well, but the end results are too often, um, less than optimal.

Kay's solution seems sensible and good for, too, if she isn't snappy with you! LOL

I like the color. Looks like ripe mangos. I think if you put a lot of green in there with bedding and curtains and wall prints or posters, it will go a long way toward neutralizing the color. Think Gauguin. Very comfortable and practical, and don't have to touch the paint. You could also put a glaze over the paint to tone it down. Still using a brush or roller, but don't have to be anywhere near as meticulous. Just slap it up there.


Midland City, AL

Thanks for the info, Leaf. I will not let Kay spend so long in the hot tub any more. The time has come for her to learn some anger management techniques that aren’t so hard on her body. She didn’t even stir until 10 this morning. Maybe, she herself should be using some of those yoga breathing exercises she is always trying to get other people to try. Lol
I can’t imagine hitting a woman of any size. My father drilled it into me from a young age not to abuse the advantage my size gave me. When J. went on her rampage, her ex- and I just kept trying to talk her down. The police officer, an average size man, made it clear he would not hesitate to get physical if she didn’t get herself under control. I think that was what finally brought her back down to earth. Sometimes, I think small and average size people are more physically dangerous simply because they aren't taught the restraint we economy-size folks are usually subjected to. J.’s attacks were focused on inanimate things. I will admit I would not have hesitated to use force if she had directed that anger toward living things. But, I would have restrained her. Not, struck out at her. But, I’ve had 20 years of training that discourages the use of excessive force. I wonder, if ALL young people (male & female) were subjected to boot camp type training before they were graduated from high school, if that would increase or decrease the growing use of physical violence to resolve issues. (Jim)

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