Compassion for Handicapped Gardeners #10

Ozone, AR(Zone 6a)

Leaf,lots of love hugs and prayers for you.Try to take it easy to help that body heal. I recommend you go visit the sherrif and tell him you're going camping alone and just talk to God alone a couple of days.I sure can relate to emotional family problems. My youngest DD still has'nt talked to me. Which is probaby best.
Am praying for J and kids to stay away from the jerk too, Jim, GRUMPAS HUH? SOUNDS GOOD.

My councilor told me this morning there were probono lawers for the elderly and is going to look some up for me.She thinks i'd be better off just going to town and leaving things alone up here.I'm not at all sure about that.

mulege, Mexico

Do not trust a councilor for legal advice. She probably means well but you need a lawyer.

I am gradually getting better. Still very little energy. It's been just over three weeks and I'm having trouble remembering that I ever felt better. I was off my anitdepressants for a couple of months but I started them again. They help a little. It takes so long to recover. I can remember when I used to bounce back in no time. Not now.

Tony is here. I have been able to help him a little doing the non-fence half way down the arroyo. My arms hurt so much that it's hard to do anything that requires concerntration. I can vacumn a little but have no ability to continue organizing and putting things away so I put on my mental blinders and don't look around much.. Tony and I both had big water bills, caused by neglecting to pay for a number of months. The water company started turning water off so I had Tony pay mine yesterday and gave him enough extra money to pay his. With two children still at home he needs water. The medicine for his father is so expensive it takes a big chunk out of his pay, which is not a lot. I am willing to let him take a lot of time off (with pay) to work for other Americans but most of the americans who have much money have gone home for the summer. A lot of them didn't come back after the hurricane last Sept.

I did get up just before seven this morning. With the flu, I've been sleeping late. I hope that waking up early means that I'm recovering. I didn't crash yesterday afternoon. I've been taking naps (actually sleeping hard for a couple of hours or more every afternoon). Gradually I'm getting back on my regular schedule.

Praying for EvaMarie to survive the famly problems. I still have falshbacks about my family. Wish my mind had an "off" switch. Wouldn't it be nice to be able to choose whether old memories could pop up. Better memories than currant problems. I have contact with an adult niece, no one else. It's sometimes painful but much better than risking more gossip and back-stabbing.

Time to go help Tony. Moving a lot of rocks often wears me out enough that my mind takes a vacation.

hugs all around, katie

Lena, MS(Zone 7b)

Hello you guys, I have been busy in the yarden and have not checked in on you and low and behold you are all in need of hugs and Prayers. I hate I have not checked in but I have gotten alot done outside and come in each day ready to pass out.

Vickie, you are a smart one to figure out before hand what the DD would do and put a crimp in her plans. I love it. I so hate you cannot just be happy. She should be ashamed of herself. I think the Granny Goons are going to stay busy. LOL. For anyone who does not know what I am referring to we are starting a gang of sorts and we are just going to go around straightening out problems with whomever is in need. We are going to take our canes and scooters and such and whip the folks into submission or whatever they need to get them thinking our way.LOL. We are joking of course, but you have to laugh and keep your spirits up. I would like to go camping too I think. I have never done so but I think I would like it about now myself. But the hubs says he lives too close to the river to sleep in a gritty tent. I may just go myself and try it out. It would be nice if I could take a little time to myself. I have never been with him so much in our 20 years. I stay busy just cleaning up behind him.

Leaf, I hope you feel better by now. Hugs and Prayers. Do you need to get the Granny Goons on some family and get them straightened out. I think if we charged this week we would get rich. My 2 DD's are hormonal I think this week and both have called in tears about something personal not going right. I wish we moms did have all the answers.

Katie, I hope you continue to heal and get stronger everyday. Tony sounds like a real Blessing. I could use an off switch sometimes too.

I hope you guys all have good news next time I am on here. I stopped by a niece's house on my way home from picking up my DD from college and played with her kids awhile and it helped my spirits a little just to hear them giggle and see them smile. They are 7months for the girl and 2 years for the boy. Both are adorable.It did me some good to see them. So I hope each of you have a happy moment to cheer you up. But just in case I am sending big ole sloppy kisses all around. The baby slobbered on me instead of giving me sugar but hey a kiss is a kiss.
Love you guys, scraps
(member of the Granny Goons)

Ozone, AR(Zone 6a)

How nice it would be to have the mind take a vacation.Sometimes when i listen to soothing music it helps but not when i'm upset.
Years back i did some self hypnosis and that worked wonders for awhile.I listened to a tape that said relax your right foot than relax your left foot. While i was doing those excersizes I automatically knew my right from my left but not before or after. Strange thing.
Ya know i just realized i'm deprived. There are no little kids in the family at the moment. Everyone is between ages.I may have to come borrow some little ones.

Midland City, AL

I would be happy to lend you a couple of those sometime, Vickie. Would little boys be okay? I would even throw in Stella-dog to make it REALLY interesting. I was cleaning up the boys room today and noticed the toy box wasn't where it should have been. When I moved it to its normal place, I found it was hiding an impressive little mural. Evidently, one of them found the colored markers. LOL. Oh well, I was planning to paint that room again anyway. Already had the paint on hand.
Sorry to hear things are so rough, Leaf. I can sympathize. The doctor put Kay back on the anti-depressants she normally only takes in the winner to counteract S.A.D. He said the return of her sleep problems was depression brought on by stress. Stress creates a witches brew of chemicals that can affect health in all sorts of ways. I pray things improve for you soon.
I read a SF story where they did find that memory off switch in the brain, Katiebear. The character who had the memory wipe went back to his planet after the treatment and made the same mistake that had made him seek out the treatment to begin with. Something to think about. That memory off switch would certainly be a boon for people with serious P.T.S.D. though. (Jim--Founder of the Grump-Pas)

mulege, Mexico

After just over three weeks I think I am over the lfu. I've been able to work with Tony on the "non-fence" in the arroyo. Lots of moving rocks and digging dirt. I've been quite worn out by the time he leaves but have gotten a second wind each of the last two days. We are getting what we can done before the really hot weather gets here. And that will be soon. It's already warming up.

I have little pomegranites and there are more flowers on the tree. Jasmine is blooming and one of my new epi's has it's first bud. My schotia tree is still putting on a how and lots of birds are coming for the nectar.

Tony and I went to the dump today and got a bunch of tires for the non-fence. Tony doesn't much like going to the dump but he's lots of help and I know he's really glad to see me feeling so much better.

If all goes well, I'll be making a quick trip to San Diego next week. Mostly to pick up stuff for the house and medicine which I can't get here. It will also give me a chance to sleep. Finish recovering from the flu.

My house is in serious need of a deep cleaning - the endless challange of living in the land of dust and spiders. In exchange for my having come up with the extra money so Tony could pay his water bill, his wife is going to do the ton of laundry that has piled up while I've been sick. I have kept most of the dirty dishes washed but haven't had the energy for laundry and now that I have energy I'm focusing on the arroyo. There is a natural level spot about half-way down and we are expanding it a bit, leveling it and getting it ready to be a garden next winter. I may be able to grow some okra and peppers there this summer. The main idea is to landscape it so that when we get our occasional torrential rains the water will soak in, instead of running down to the bottom of the arroyo taking all my soil with it.

I'm really glad to be well enough to be more active physically. It helps to cut down the nattering in my head.

hugs and prayers for all, katie

Milton, MA(Zone 6a)

Plus, you are definitely thinking more clearly, Katie, I got a very clear visual of what you are doing with that arroyo. Glad you're feeling better.

I got a package from Armagia! There was a bunch of un-labelled stuff in there - now I understand why people say "what on earth did you send me?" It's perfectly clear to me which one is the coreopsis and which is the phlox - it must likewise be clear to Kay and Jim what the big red leaf is and the little green ones and that gigantic root thing - but
i have no idea We planted everything except the root - just no space! Tomorrow.

Midland City, AL

LOL. Sorry, I forget those are plants people in other parts of the country aren't familiar with. A package contents list is not enough. I'm sending something out to zone 5 Monday, I will remember that. The large root is just a second year Canna indica purpurea. Now you know why we are expermenting with the idea of sending them north to be annuals. (Of course, You could be the brave soul who finally finds the courage to eat one. They are said to be edible. LOL. You can slice away the excess (or talk Ray into doing so) and just plant a part with a few fibrous roots and a growing node, that knot opposite the roots shaped sort of like a Hershey's kiss. Any piece of the root will grow that has a fibrous root attached, it will just take a little longer than the piece that has a growing node. You can trade the excess to those up that way who are into "exotics" to get plants more suited to survive long-term in your climate.
Purple leaf canna is more reddish when it is grown in full sun as these were. Shade will produce leaves with the violet tones that will probably look better in your garden.
If the plants with green leaves have an edge of lighter green or white, they are hostas. If they are solid green and look like the red leaf, they are 'Florence Vaughan' (flame) cannas. Hope that sorts things out. (Jim)

Milton, MA(Zone 6a)

THANK YOU! Can I plant the whole thing? Should I save it year after year?

Milton, MA(Zone 6a)

Jim, the one in PF is 48" tall and orange! Is that what that root will be? I love orange (more than yellow, at least)! I'd rather have an orange/coral flower than dinner.

Midland City, AL

Sure, Carrie, if you can talk someone into digging the hole for you! LOL. The flowers on that one will be an intense coral. Starting with a root that size I think it will be a LOT larger than 48 inches though even in a short growing season. That is, in fact, why its ID is in question around here. People say Canna indica purpurea does not get as tall or have leaves as broad as these do. The flowers are often nose high for me and I’m a tall guy.
The story behind the purple-leaf cannas is Miss Helen’s husband would bring back gifts when he went out on extended fishing trips to keep the peace with Miss Helen. Mr. V. was not impressed by flowers. His philosophy was if you can’t eat it why bother growing it. The purple leaf cannas were the only flowers he ever gave Miss Helen. She always laughed that the only reason she got the cannas is because the roots are edible. LOL. All Kay remembers is that they came back with him after a fishing trip in the Ten Thousand Islands (the many small islands off the coast of Florida between Everglade City and Key West.) many years ago, like the 1950’s or around then. And, knowing her father, it is highly unlikely he bought them. He probably just found them growing wild.
The blooms of the green leaf cultivar are a tangerine orange with a little yellow along the edges which I assume is where they got their common name, flame cannas. (Jim)

SE/Gulf Coast Plains, AL(Zone 8b)

Yes, Carrie, you can lift the roots and save cannas from year-to-year in the north.. Or, if you decide you like the look of canna in your garden,you can save yourself some work and just let your gardening buddies down south send them to you "for your b'day. LOL. They stay in the ground all year here.
That sounds like an ambitious project, Katie. I read somewhere the actor Dennis Weaver (of "McCloud" fame) and his sons built a house in the desert using old tires as the main construction material. I use them myself to make large plant pots. Glad you are feeling better.

Ozone, AR(Zone 6a)

Grump pas, Was that memory wipe out sci fi story from Twi-light zone?
Kay, The found mural brings back fond memories of my little ones.Wait till you find peices of missing cookies in the toybox.
One of my cannas has a new leaf.
Carrie, If you want to save your cannas, you'll have to dig it up and overwinter it in a cool garage or something. Here in Z6 about every third year the bulbs freeze.For those who can grow them.
I had a super surprise today. I found rosebuds on 3 roses i'd given up on.I'm still going to get rid of them tho.(They get a fungus ever year,)except for my pink wild rose. I did'nt know canna roots were edible.How wonderful. My Fairy Bells look like they've been here all their lives.
Steph called me this evening after hearing we had tornados in Ark.She had some in Miss. too. We seldom have them here in the mountains. They seem to form and follow the Arkansas river valley.How has Ala. fared?
Katie, You keep up the health improvement. Ilove to hear you describe the things you are doing.I would like to know how deep your arroyo is. I've got pictured you climbing down and down than up and up.Remember i live on a 2000ft mountain.I would not like to climb up or down it.
Everyone have a great night.

mulege, Mexico

Good morning everyone,

It's another beautiful day here. Cool enough that I'm earing a bathrobe. In amonth or so our hot and humid summer weather will be here so I'm enjoying this while I can.

When our full summer weather gets here it reminds me of winters in upper Michigan, where I grew up. Instead of being barricaded against the cold, we hide from the heat. Living here year-round is one of the ways I bond with the locals. I think it gets me more respect than speaking better Spanish would.

Tony and I got a lot done on the arroyo this week. By yesterday we were spending a lot of time leaning on our shovels and admiring our work.

One funny thing. I pused a tire to roll it downhill to the area where we are building stacks of tires for the wall. The tire rolled, then hit a log, bounced, flipped and landed on its side right on top of the tire that was there for the fence. W#ish they would all do that. It would be a lot less work. If only I could teach them to fill themselves with earth.

My little vetiver plants that I bought a couple of months ago are growing will in their plastic bags. Some of them are big enough to go in the tires. We also have several bouganvilla plants which grow well here and are beautiful almost all the time.

I am still experiencing that euphoria that follows recovering from three weeks of an energy-draining flu. Yesterday I moved my bed so I could vacumn under it and find lost items - this is a chore I do once or twice a year whether it needs it or not. This time I was spurred by the loss of the dvd player's remote control. An emergency. Luckily the dogs had not found it and tried to eat it, a fate that has befallen a few others.

My body is aching and my arms are sore from lesions on them but I feel very good mentally. I am so grateful for my life here and the ability to keep getting some work done. When I wear myself out down in the arroyo (not sure how deep it is but there are about ten steep steps down to where we're working) I have Tony go up the steps ahead of me so I can use his arm to help me get up. Better than an escalater.

People here talking about going camping alone reminds me that here I have Sundays alone. Tony is here six mornings a week. The arrangement gives me a lot of time alone and I enjoy it. I seem to need a lot of time alone and a lot of space around me. I have both here. Who needs indoor plumbing?

Wishing everyone a great day.


Midland City, AL

Sometimes, Katie, I think things would improve if more women were as comfortable as you seem to be alone. It looks to me like women put up with more nonsense than they should from the men in their lives because they are just afraid to be on their own without a mate. Not physically afraid, but somehow emotionally afraid.
My former in-laws were originally from Mexico. When my former MIL cut loose on me verbally, I was glad not to know more Spanish than I do. LOL. Funny, but my wife was born in this country and her Spanish wasn’t much better than mine.
That story would have made a good Twilight Zone episode, Vickie. But, I overheard it while Kay was listening to one of her science magazines on tape. I’ve become much more widely “read” since being married to a blind woman. I could do without the Danielle Steele and the Fern Michaels novels, though. LOL.
Just some much needed rain for us this weekend. No bad weather. Scraps part of the country seems to be getting a lot of that lately.
With Stella, the 4-leg eating machine, around I don’t have to worry about cookies in the toy box and the like. Nothing even marginally edible gets passed her. LOL.
Oh, that reminds me, Vickie. Only the Canna indica (the purple ones) are edible as far as I know. So don’t go munching down on the “Florence Vaughan” cannas (Canna x generalis), if you decide you don’t like them. LOL. (Jim)

mulege, Mexico

I know I would have a lot more trouble without Tony. Most of my married friends sigh that they alos would like to have a Tony. I say he's better than a husband because he goes home to his wife. She assures me he's not as compliant with her as he is with me. However she'd a yeller so I know Tony appreciates that I'm not. I really don't know how I would manage without him. His being here six moronings a week helps to keep me on a schedule which is important, especially with major issues with depression (sometimes).

I did a lot more work yesterday. Tony was impressed when he got here today. He's working down there now while I wait for my pain killer to get to my knees. One big advantage to the work we're doing is that we will be down to about four wide steps whne we're done. Tony has put in posts at cruciql points so I can manage when he's not here.

For those of you still handling yukky weather, I'll tell you that ours is perfect right now. One thing we have most of the time is clear blue skies (something my mother once referred to a "this beautiful blue weather"). Nights and mornings are still pleasantly cool. Afternoons are starting to warm up. I treasure this because when the heat and humidity get here I have to remember that is isn't permanent.

And, yes, I can't believe the time and energy I spent (and still feel was mostly wasted) on relationships with men. I seem to have a penchant for hyper-critical men, often alchoholics. There is a lot of good literature (i.e. Melody Beatie's books) tapes and meetings (both Al-anon and Co-dependents Anon) that can help. But I must admit that the best solution I know of is to find a Tony!!! Seriously, another thing that helps is having a home that I own. Being a tenant you are always vulnerable. I really empathise with Vickie dealing with her DD and DD's BF. I think it's the Bible that syas something about "worse than a serpent's tooth" referring to people like DD. The Granny Goons could bit her with their false teeth!!

Also, the Weaver's tire house was built by Mike Reynolds. There is a whole community in Taos. They call them Earthships. I have three volumes written about constructing them. I loaned one to my neighbor the contractor who looks down his nose at the low-tech cheap (in $$) work that Tony and I are doing. I suggested he look at it if he got a chance. His wife told me he has actually not only gotten absorbed in it but has said to her that there are some good ideas in it. For anyone who can affort a piece of property but not a house, it's a good referrence. Also, has amazing ideas for realy inexpensive construction. The man who founded that was truly a visionary and it's inspiring to read about him.

As Tony and I work, one things that happens is that local people who tend to think that the only beautiful things here are done by American's with lots of money can see how much can be done with local resources and not much money. In the last house I rented, where I did a lot of work on the land, I was told that my work was sometimes the topic of discussion at a regional ecology group.

My schotia tree has lots of flowers so I should get lots of seeds. They germinate well and I'm looking forward to lots of trees. They are heat-lovers, originally from South Africa. And my vetiver plants are doing well and will be ready to go down in the arroyo when we are ready for them Got two bouganvillas in this weekend.

Thank you all for being here. The hardest part of my situation is the occasional lonliness and you are the ones who make a huge difference there.

Hugs and parayers all around,

Lena, MS(Zone 7b)

Hello everyone, I had a rough weekend with those old sinus headaches but I had a good day today. I managed to go without a headache. I skipped my chores and went fishing with the hubs. I did not catch but 2 puny little tadpole looking catfish. I hate when that happens. he caught several good ones and made me feel ashamed. The same chores still await me but I wanted to check in on you guys.

Katie, We all get lonely from time to time. I love my DG friends and I have that to look forward to each day if I feel like getting on here to chat. I think the differences make it interesting. We are from different places and grow different things. We all have different situations at home, different aches and pains,etc. So we have something to chat about. I would love to see what you have been working on there. It sounds so interesting.

Vickie, Shhh! Don't tell Jim and Kay but I am going to stowaway and come with them to see you! I hope they have a big cargo area cause I can't ball up like when I was younger.LOL.
I am glad the bad weather did not get to you. I saw some pretty bad damage on the news. I got baseball size hail sunday afternoon. It scared my dog and he thought I was throwing it at him. I cannot remember if I told that already on here or on cubits but he looks at me with fear in his eyes ever since then. Poor thing. I was just Praying DH would get home safe because he had made a run to Walmart to get me some sinus meds. I am so glad that he did not get in it. I was so scare it was going to break my windows out or worse. I have never seen it so big. It was still golf ball size when the hubs made it in 10 minutes later laying in the flowerbed. It sounded like big hammers hitting the roof. I like the tin roof but I wondered if it was going to hold up to that. Well, this is not getting chores accomplished but maybe I can comeback later. scraps

Ozone, AR(Zone 6a)

Katie, What i think makes it so bad for me,Is this is my land,Al and i moved here over 20 years ago. It was nothing but woods and brush. We both cleared a small housesite and garden areas. We built the soil up. I don't know how many pickup loads of sawdust we shoveled up at a local sawmill and unloaded here in our garden spot.I did my flower beds by myself. Yvonne told me that she did'nt belive i even helped any.That hurt beyond beleif.No i can't do much now because i can't breathe on excertian.But i did. It hurts now because i can't do much of anything.But i do the best i can. My other daughter Nita that is here and also my
grandson are always telling me to sit down for awhile cause i can't catch my breath.
I don't know what i'll do when she goes home. I can handle just about anything but verbal attacks tear me up. I had too much of that when i was little, Along with a razor strap. Any one know what that is?LOL
LOL biting with false teeth.Maybe i could gum someone to death.
Steph, I'm with you i'd love to see Katies arroyo. Carries cottage and the Boston street where she can't park. Amargia sounds like a never dull moment kinda place. I want to see your Catfish hole.I saw some great sounding stateparks near you too. That Kyntucky home on top of a mountain sounds good.
Steph, your tin roof may have held up better than shingles would. I know after hail storms here roofers clean up.
This group seems like more than friends to me too.Does it make sense,That yes, we are all different yet there is a something that makes us all alike yet different. I know i've learned to look at some things from a different point of view from all of you.
Night all,

Milton, MA(Zone 6a)

All alike yet dfferent! That's us to a tee! Or all different yet alike.

My DH just tripped over my power cord and bangd my poor laptop on the floor. Waaaaaah! It seems to have disconnected the HD which is basically useless. He galantly loaned me his but the keys are all in different places. So I'll be not arounfd much for a few days, doublw waaaaaaaaah!

Midland City, AL

Forget stowing away, Scraps. I'll let you have the driver's seat and kick back in the passenger seat. Can you drive a Dodge Dakota? LOL. Kay always makes herself a little nest in the backseat . She inevitably offers to take a turn driving when we are on a trip, but my truck is paid for and I would like to enjoy no car payments for a while so I graciously decline her offer.
Yep. the Granny Goons and the Grump-pas are coming to your rescue in August, Vickie. LOL. We don't have to worry about getting lost, we've got a GPS system. So what if we have to make lots of bathroom stops. We big! We bad! We tough! We just have to remember our medications. LOL.
I think I remember seeing Schotia trees in the Middle East. I don't remember exactly where I saw them. I was bounced around a lot between Kuwait, Saudi and Israel. But, I remember they were a startling sight. They must be tough.
Carrie, that may not be too expensive a repair if the blow just caused the HD to disconnect internally. Hope that is the case. (Jim)

Lena, MS(Zone 7b)

Hello everyone, Has anyone heard from leaflady/ evamay? I hope you are ok eva we miss you.

Vickie, She will get her just reward for treating you that way. We all find out as we age how stupid we looked when we said stuff like that. I hope you get alll that straightened out soon. Love ya and you can come here if things get any worse. We will start us a community garden/ grannygoon/grumpas retirement home.LOL. BBLscraps

mulege, Mexico

Had a slight relapse and slept all day instead of leaving for Ca. Maybe tomorrow.

Vickie - I had three sisters - each one of them could rival your DD. I ended up in Mexico with my mom after they conspired with some attorneys and a judge to rob her estate and dump her in a nursing to die. This was about fifteen years ago. After my mom died and they had divided up the estate I was out of the country where it was not worth their while to come after me - they already had they money. Within a year or so my youngest sis - perhaps most like your DD - committed suicide. The oldest mad a serious suicide attempt. Didn't die but her mind went shortly thereafter and she died a few years later. The one surviving is, when I last heard, drinking and smoking herself to death. No good deed goes unpunished.

Haven't heard from Eva.

Schotia tree continues to put on a show. Orieles love it.

hugs, katie

Ozone, AR(Zone 6a)

OH oh Jim forget GPS when you get to Clarksville. It's been tried before. You'd end up in some forsaken place in the forest.For some reason CR 5590 does not compute right.But it's still easy to find by map.If i can find the traveler info for ARK again,I'll get it in the mail.It's gonna be so great to meet you guys.
Next time Kay asks to drive tell her as soon as it turns dark.
Those Scotia trees sound beautiful. As soon as i get some extra energy i'll google them. My iris is in full bloom. Makes me feel better about life. Daylillys show no signs of blooms but they will be next.
Katie my other DD has turned into a snake in the grass too.A big time alcoholic too.
I'm thinking about having a garage sale downtown and getting rid of a bunch of junk. and finding a beach somewhere and becoming a beach bum.Or just another homeless person. Maybe in Arizona and wait for the ocean to arrive.LOL. Maybe it'd be better for us to part ways for good also.Guess i'm just down and out but i'll be better.

mulege, Mexico

Vickie - We have great beaches here. Remember you have choices. Mine is to live where the medical care is so-so which may cost me one day. But I don't have nasty/crazy family members bothering me (except for the occasional voice in my head).

It's interesting to see how dirrerent people handle life here. We have no movie theaters or much of any other outside entertainment. Some people get into alchohol or drugs or sex or whatever. I have lots of craft material as well as my garden. I am absolutely blessed to have Tony as a helper and a friend. If I didn't have him I'd probably muddle through anyway but it would be much harder. When I need more company I have friends I can go visit but I don't do that much. Several of my friends own stores so I see them when I go in to town.

I watch "Survivor" and notice how thelack of things to do gets to many people. I love the seasons with people who fish or know about plants - who can find ways to keep themselves busy with no electronics. I'd have trouble without mine but I think I'd survive.

My dogs are also good company.

I have a niece whot is the only family member with whom I still have contact. I told her once that the extent to which I tried to get along with my parents/sisters/other crazy family members ( and it went on for many years) was the extent to which I threw my life away.

As Bob Dylan said, "Lost time ain't found again."

A friend who used to live here just wrote me that they are asking $1,00 for their home which has been flooded several times. There are lots of places for sale here, many because the last five years have given us a lot of bad weather. Lots of land for sale cheap.

I'm still kind of groggy from napping all day. Hope I can get to sleep tonight. I do feel better.

Here is something I appy whne I'm struggling with a nagging problem. I call it the six month question. I ask myself what it is that I know now that I don't want to look at but that I know in my heart will still be going on six months from now? Problems don't usually solve themselves. As I once said to a boy I was restraining, "Your question has been answered; you just don't like the answer."

Much love and hugs to all, katie

Milton, MA(Zone 6a)

Katie what a wonderful post! Actually just the title of this thread makes me feel goo d tonigtht, as does the "laughing with joy" title. Jim, I hope yiou andDH are right that the HDcan be reconnected easily - I'm too old to learn how to use a newer, fancier, "upgraded" computer, I just want that one back. If and when i decide to "uograde" it will be a thought-out decision, not an emergency desperate sitution! Unless this is that situation.....

Winston Salem, NC(Zone 7a)

Carrie - when I read this "So I'll be not arounfd much for a few days, doublw waaaaaaaaah!"

It reminded me of an ex BF who was a guitar player. he had a "Wah-Wah" peddle, come to think of it so did Peter Frampton---His use of it is probably better known.

maybe one of those could help you!!

ROFL ^_^

bad, I'm bad, but just couldn't resist that one!

amominus hehehehe

Ozone, AR(Zone 6a)

Carrie, i hope your puter can be easily fixed also.
Katie that was a beautiful post. I've been thinking for sometime that was probably the answer to my problems too. Right now in my "condo" I've got 3 very drunk people who want to fight. a very drunk SIL next door who wants to fight. One DD next door who is on constant pain killers. She don't drink but she sure takes up for those who do. My GS had his GF and her 2 kids up to meet his parents. She wanted to go homeand he was trying to restrain her with the 2 kids right there. I WILL ALWAYS PROTECT KIDS. I told her to get in her car and leave while i held on to my GS. He was going to follow her and i told him if he got in his car i'd call the Sherrif.He knew i would and he stayed here and let her go. Guys i cannot take this. My nerves are shot and i hurt. Tomorrow i'll tell them all to leave and not come back. They will all make me out to be the bad guy. That hurts alot but i will take up for kids and i have had quite enough. Katie, You just might have me for a neighbor. I'm going to sell what i can and leave.
I have an hispanic friend also in Harlingon Texas. Maybe i'll get in touch with him. He was my SIL and he came to see me last year.I told my next door DD. I had had it and i was going to move to Canada. She told me i'd never make it. The opposite direction i'm going.
Katie, DH and i went primitive camping alot. We were country folk. I know how to live off the land up here. But i can read and learn how anywhere. I don't need much either.I love crafts too and really have a lot of stuff to get rid of too.
Jim and Kay ,I'll still be here in July and August. I'm aiming for september to move out.Hope you have plenty of room cause you can empty my flower beds.
enough for tonight, tho this is going to be a sleepless one since i don't know what anyone will do much less because i'm so upset.

Ozone, AR(Zone 6a)

Sheri, You're always bad. LOL and we love you for it.

SE/Gulf Coast Plains, AL(Zone 8b)

Katie, your post always gets me thinking. We have put off construction until the land is completely paid off. But, we sure could use some extra space NOW. I think I will look seriously into alternative construction methods.
I see most of my siblings every year or twol. That is enough for me. I love them, but we are all just too different. We don’t even share basic value systems so there is just no common ground. My relationship with my daughters is good, but we tend to keep one another at arm’s length. Occasionally, going in for big hugs and then re-assuming our usual position. I love my children dearly, but I don’t always like them. LOL. I’ve come to the conclusion that is okay.
Don’t worry, Vickie, if they were to find some way to get you locked up in a nursing home, we would bust you out. Do you remember ‘The A Team’, that early 80’s TV show? You can be like the Granny Goons version of Howlin’ Mad Murdock. (The character played by the actor Dwight Schultz.) It seemed like every episode of that show started with the others breaking Murdock out of wherever he was being held because they needed his skills. I was thinking a Hannibal sort of role for myself. But, Jim says he thinks I’m more of a Ms. T. LOL. I wonder how I would look with a Mohawk.
Lots of children here until Sunday night so I may not be around much the next few days. Jim took me out for a Mother’s Day dinner tonight since the next few days will be so hectic. J. has a good job, but she has to work nights. Meaning, a big part of the child care will fall to me. The lawyers arranged it so that J. and her ex- literally meet halfway to exchange the children. That’s good. It will only be a two hour trip tomorrow to pick them up. Traveling doesn’t have the same appeal when it is a stretch of road you have driven 100’s of times.
Oh-h-h, Sheri. LOL. I had to read that twice before I got it. Definately, time to get some sleep. Kay*

Ozone, AR(Zone 6a)

Kay, I truely loved Murdock.Yep i can really identify with him. I can kinda see you as a mr T but more so that guy that worked with the Boston detective. That tall dude that had all the right connections. Can't think of the show or the stars.
Everyone is still wandering around outside. Wish they'ed settle down. Someone is going to get snake bit.

edited to say. Eva Mae posted on cubitz a short note she is OK but can't talk right now and will post again later.

This message was edited May 6, 2010 4:02 AM

Lena, MS(Zone 7b)

Hello everybody, I loved Murdock on the A team also. I would love to play a crazy character like that. I am good at acting crazy.LOL. I wish I could go see Vickie tomorrow. Until then Vickie I send big hugs. If you can't come see me this fall then I will come see you if I can afford to.
My hubs starts to work tomorrow. YAY! he will be making minimum wage to start but he will be out of my hair for a few hours anyway.LOL. I am getting too sleepy to type. I peck anyway so goodnight all.Love and hugs all around. scraps

SE/Gulf Coast Plains, AL(Zone 8b)

Here’s one option to consider, Vickie. Buy a travel trailer and go on the road. I know a lot of older people who are doing it. Jim’s Aunt calls her lifestyle “turtle-ing.” She doesn’t go all that far often and never goes fast, but she has a lot of fun on a little money. She has a “home base” in Naples (FL) where her sister lives. That is where her doctors and bank accounts and such are. She uses her sister’s house as her permanent address which is evidently all she needs to receive her SS checks.
Some people have a deep need to be rooted in a place, but if you are not one of those it is an option to consider. I lived several years that way when I was a tree planter for a re-forestation company. I had a driver who was a co-worker. He had a nice tent. He drove for the luxury of regular showers and sleeping in my kitchen (The table booth transformed into a 2nd bed.) when the weather was too cold and wet to be comfortable in a tent. He was a deeply religious man with a wife he absolutely adored so it was never a problem. He owned a small farm and tree planting was a way to make good money in the winter so he could keep his farm going even in bad years.
There are always ways to do something you really want to do. The hard part sometimes is finding out what that is.
The boys are still hyped from the trip but have settled down with the movie “Avatar”. The visuals on that one are spectacular I’ve been told. They’re good enough to hold a 2-year-old’s interest. That is what matters to me. What did mothers do before TV? LOL. Kay*

Ozone, AR(Zone 6a)

I do have a camper trailer but it has'nt been used in a long time and is not in good shape. Put if like you said"If i want to i can fix it up." If my DD does'nt say it's hers.Thank you for he idea.
My phone is still blocked so i can't call Yvonne. She is always telling people that she calls and checks on me twice a day. My caller ID says not.Lucky if every 3 or 4 days.
Anyway it will work out. I'll try to sneak back up here to check my computer and mail. Know i'm thinking about you guys even if i can't post.
hugs Vickie

Milton, MA(Zone 6a)

Oh Vicki!!!!! Gentle, virtual hugs from Boston. i love where you say "I will always stick up for the children" or something - yes, that's how I feel. I am jealous that you guys will get to see each other!! I'm having finghts with all my kids right now,but not as bad as yours.

Yay for Steph's DH! Finally! My DH worked his way up from min. wage and now is bossing everyone else around, and he started at age 50-something, so never give up!

And I love the A-Team! Kay, absolutely see you or maybe Jim as Hannibal. You can be Ms. T.- braid your hair in a french braid like a mohawk. Can I be Face? The other show you-all are thinking of is Spencer for Hire and the character Hawk - he was baaaaad. I'd want to be hmmm I read all the books before I ever saw a single show and nobody looked like i expected. I guess I'll be Susan. Very slow eater.

SE/Gulf Coast Plains, AL(Zone 8b)

When my daughter, Melinda, was little she entered a Little Miss beauty contest. The little girls came on stage said their names and told the audience their favorite TV show. All the other little girls said things like; “My name is _______ and my favorite television show is ‘My Pretty Pony’ or ‘Strawberry Shortcake’ or ‘Rainbow Brite.’ When Melinda came on stage in all her fluffy, petticoated glory she said: “My name is Mindy, but when my Mom is ticked off at me she calls me Melinda Joy. My favorite TV show is The A Team. They kick butt.” I kind of slumped down in my seat and assumed an I’ve-never-seen-that-kid-in-my-life attitude. LOL.
Big hugs from everyone here, Vickie.

Winston Salem, NC(Zone 7a)

ROFL ... this reads like the comedy zone show. You all have got me in stitches!
maybe because, not having any kids or spouse I don't understand half of what you speak of. Sure sounds funnny though!!

Milton, MA(Zone 6a)

I have kids and spouse and it's hysterically funny.

Lena, MS(Zone 7b)

hello you guys, this is one very tired scraps checking in. I got up at 10 after a bad night with a sinus headache, cooked lunch for DH on his first day back at work. He is working at a park a half mile away so he will come home for lunch. Then I drove 30 miles to a small town nearby with my youngest DD where we shopped for several hours then bought groceries because the cabinets were empty and so was the fridge. I got home and had to rush 20 miles to take some plants to my SIL from the river for her goldfish pond. Then I rushed home to mow grass I never got to yesterday. I then had to sweep and wash the carport. Then I get a call from my brother the alcoholic saying he needs to go to the ER because he cannot breathe. I am exhausted at this point and dirty from mowing in dust. So I tell him he will have to call an ambulance because I am too tired and dirty. I feel so guilty but I had to bathe. I call later to check on him and he is getting released and needs a ride back to his girlfriends house. So I drive 25 miles to hospital and 20 to the GF and 45 back to mine. ( That is guessing on miles but close to accurate) The reason the Dr said he was smothering was because he was malnurished. It does not sound correct but I am no DR. Needless to say the ole body is tired but I just took my meds so maybe I can rest and try again tomorrow.

For his first day at his new job the DH got to use a weedeater on a huge hill almost straight up. They call it the bluff. He has not worked in months and so they tried him out good. He has two female bosses, one is the main boss and one is his supervisor. Next week he will have to learn how to cut grass on a huge zero turn lawn mower. he does not cut grass here because he has always had more "important" things to do like work on the tractor or back hoe or cut wood. There has always been something to do that came before mowing. No matter how sick I have been it has been my job. he has cut it a dozen times in 20 years. I think that is just kind of ironic. He will also get paid lousy for doing it.

Kay, your story was precious. Go "A" Team.

Vickie, my Prayers are with you. Come stay with me awhile. We will go fishing. Love ya,

Birdie, It is good to hear from you we miss you when you do not pop in and chat with us much. You might learn something from us granny goons.
Goodnight everyone, scraps

Lena, MS(Zone 7b)

Hello and Happy Mother's day to you ladies and hello to jim and the other gents.Have a good day. scraps

Milton, MA(Zone 6a)

It's Birdie's birthday today!!! I am still limping along with DH's computer - no pretty pics in HD to download. But HAPPY BIRTHDAY anyway - the rest of you can supply the flowers! Have a lovely, sunny day.

Here it's back down to 47* - the canna looks a little confused.

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