Compassion for Handicapped Gardeners #10

Milton, MA(Zone 6a)

Hello! Good message, Katie. This thread popped up on my thread-watcher - I had forgotten about it too.

Katie, I hope you feel better SOON! I hate to think of any one of us being in more pain than is otherwise normal .... I was going to but necessary but that doesn't sound right. Best wishes and good luck on your new MD, Sheri. Steph, I know what you mean about temp. It's not really warm enough yet for me to go out, and then soon it will be too hot. It seems like I get about a month twice a year.

Winston Salem, NC(Zone 7a)

Scraps- yes I do have Trillium! It is one of the many woldflowers I brought back from Gatlinburg, TN trips years ago. I have about a 1-2 ft patch of them in my shade garden. Thanks for remembering me when you saw them
Such good friends here at DG.


Lena, MS(Zone 7b)

Hello to everyone, I hope each of you had a great day and a better tomorrow. I love my DG friends too Sheri. I look forward to having a few moments to check in on you guys each day and see if you are all ok. I Pray for you guys more than some of my family members. I have decided family members can be alot of trouble.LOL.
Today my DD that lost the baby was having a really bad day so I spent money I should not have spent and said what the heck. I took her to lunch to a pizza hut that is never busy on saturday and we sat and talked for an hour or more. She cried almost the entire time. Her jerk of a husband is on my hit list again, only joking of course. I would not give him the pleasure of seeing me in jail. Please Pray for her. She is 29 and is worried that if she does not have a baby right away she will be at such a high risk for birth defects. I never know what to say in fear that it will make her cry harder. I offered to run him off and she said not yet. She said she still loves him but he is about to push her over the edge. He wants to know why she still cries when she sees a baby. DUH! hers died. Then we went to see my mom at nursing home and she has it in her head she will be coming home soon. She is very mistaken because she can't take care of herself. It breaks your heart to hear how excited she is about coming home. I can't say "no you are not" because then she will lose the will to go on living. What I do is change the subject ASAP.

Katie I hope this goes away soon. It has been too long. Have you been to a doctor. I can't remember if you said. Sometimes flulike symptoms are medication reactions or something else. If it does not get better maybe you should see a dr. I know I avoid them due to money but if it goes on too long you will get dehydrated. I have you on my Prayer list. Along with the rest of the gang. There is nothing worse than being sick on pretty spring days when you want to be outside. It is bad enough in winter but don't go messing with my spring or fall when I can be out enjoying my flowers.

Vickie, you deserve an extra Christmas when you have been really good all year. Not to mention all you have had going on lately.

Sheri, If you send me a picture of your trillium I will see if they are the same or if they are different I will share some. I went to PF and saw a yellow one. I had no idea there was a yellow one. There were several that looked like mine but one said something about being a Mississippi River trillium that looked alot like it. I am never good at determining which is correct.

I need to go eat and so I will say goodnight in case I do not get back. scraps

Ozone, AR(Zone 6a)

Katie,scraps is right about the dehydration,try to get water and liquids to stay down.Sometimes a plain ole coke will help.A big congrats on the 25 years sober achievement.I've got alcoholism in my family too.Alanon is a big help for family members. I went when i lived in Texas.The first thing i learned was there is not a thing i can do about it except pray.
What an awful dream-reality for you. I truely hope they were'nt fire ants.
scraps,You need to have Kay show you how to talk to that SIL. I can only imagine how hard it is on you to listen to your mom.Bless you for going to see her.
Carrie, I'll keep my fingers crossed for an extra long spring for you.
It was cloudy and cold again. I took a walk to see that my flowers were all ok and came back inside.
Sheri,Have you seen any nesting birds yet. My phoebees are back. They did move to my storage bldg instead of my front porch light. thank heavens. Saw a humming bird 2 days ago. I wont feed them because of my cat tho. Did i tell you about finding 2 little snakes.YUK! But i also found my 2 toads. Storys going around about someone seeing a bobcat.
Night all,dream of butterflys and angels.

Winston Salem, NC(Zone 7a)

I do have a Carolina Wren with a nest deep in a stack of old cardboard boxes on my back deck. I was cleaning up about a week ago and was gonna trash that pile. after lifting some of the stack of junk - out she flew- really fast! I don't know which one of us was the most startled! The babies looked to be just a day or so old. Now they have little feathers and big white beak rims. As that is such a tiny bird anyway, and the nest is so deep, I cannot see them very well. I do not want to scare them and perhaps cause a premature fledging, so no more peeking for me.

mulege, Mexico

No, they were not fire ants. We doo ahve those but that's not what these were. Thank heaven. And they are gone now. Guess they decided this wasn't a good place to homestead. Not a sign of them this morning.

Got a nap yesterday afternoon and slept long and hard last night. Feeling OK this morning. Just very low energy. I'm glad that I know that this has hit others here and takes about three weeks to pass. If I was in pain I'd see the local doctor but he once asked me if Ii'd been drinking when I had a fall and smirked when I said no. I'll see him if it weems necessary but not otherwise.

Scraps, I have an idea for your daughter. I have a painfully similar story in my past. I won't go into it but I cringe when you talk about your SIL. Your daughter could get artificiallly inseminated at a clinic that can provide an excellent sperm. Then, take your SIL "fishing" and arrange an accident. I suggest this because of where you live. I lived in the Oakland, Cca area for years and even twenty years ago there were many women who used artificial insemination because they wanted a child but not the hassles of a father. Probaly hard to do in your community but I think my plan would work. Mostly, I hope your daughter will realize that there are options for here.

We have lots of birds here now. I think some of them are probably headed north and just passing through. Some live here. I'm not much of a bird watcher but I like listening to their chatter.

My crisis of the week came when Tony painted a weathered brass swan planter with white spray paint. He's a danger with paint. I was going to let it go but realized I wasn't able to so I told him he'd have to remove it. He did. It was really kind of funny. I think he'll be a little more cautious about painting things now.

Wish I didn't still feel like my head is full of fog. However, I can still vacumn. Or just lie down again.

hugs, katie

Lena, MS(Zone 7b)

Oh Katiebear how I wish that could happen. I would drive the boat. LOL. I really think this is going to end in divorce or death. She is going to lose her mind and kill his crazy self. he was riding his children from previous marriage around the block of a busy neighborhood without helmets. What kind of father would do that, a bad one. I think that really opened her eyes.

Vickie, I have a bird nest on my backporch in a flowerpot on a shelf. It is probably a wren. I do not know much about birds but I think one nested there last year. I hope you are feeling better it sounds like BP is some better. Is Texas DD taking care of you? I hope you get warmer weather soon and can get out and enjoy it. I have had the best time this spring with the hubs and fishing. I have also had fun planting and hope it will be looking good here soon. I wish I had more money to spend on flowers but maybe it will not be much longer. He is picking up little jobs here and there by people who need odd jobs done so it is looking some better anyway.

I need to help youngest DD do rest of her laundry for school. She had several babysitting jobs this weekend. She did good friday night and made $110. Man it must be nice to afford that. I did good as a teen to get $10 a night. Man I am thinking I need to babysit.

Have a great day everyone, scraps

Milton, MA(Zone 6a)

Katie is totally right! I married a total a***ole because I thought you had to be married to have kids. Ended up raising them alone anyway ... first while married, then while divorced. I wish someone, ANYONE, had suggested artificial insemination to me. And now the kids are screwed up because they have a stepfather who takes care of their every need and a birth father who ignores them 75% of the time.

mulege, Mexico

Sometimes common sense has to be awakened. If the most important thing to scrap's daughter is to have a baby then she should consider different options to do so. It is simply not necessary to have a husband/father in order to have a baby and DD needs to look at her options. If haveing an ***hole husband as the father to your children prevented having children, there would be a lot fewer people in this world. SIL is beyond inconsiderate. The problem is why is DD hanging on with h im? Are there codependents annonymous meetings in your area. Or al-anon? If you are waiting for him to wake up and change or leave her child-bearing years are likely to be over before she wakes up.

This is really blunt, but true, if she wants to have a baby she needs to stop crying and THINK about what her options are. When I was a social worker and we had to ask women about the father of their children, I used to recommend that they say "the fleet was in" and deny any ability to identify the father. Harder to do now with DNA but why would DD tie herdesire to have baby with this loser? If she chooses to stay with SIL she is simulaneously choosing not to have a baby (or to have a baby with a lousy father). Every day she stays with him she is making this choice. If she "still loves him" she is still making this choice. Time to ask her how she's going to feel five or ten years from now, when he is still an ***hole and she still doesn't have a baby.

End of rant. Jest remember, DD has a biological clock that is ticking faster than most. This is not a decision she can delay indefinately. And whne her chances to have a baby are gone, they are gone for good. (While SIL will probably still be able to father more babies with other women.)

love, katie

Hughesville, MO(Zone 5a)

Perhaps your DD believes the BIBLE when it teaches that adultry is sin and AI is just as much sin as having an affair with another man. She is torn between her sick 'love' for this sorry excuse for a man and what may be her strong spiritual beliefs. Why don't you encourage her to ask GOD to help her find a child in need of mothering and be the mother it needs. She can find the fulfillment of motherhood being a mother in that way and help some child in ways she may never know. She may make the difference between that child finding JESUS as his/her saviour it never knowing JESUS as anything but a cussword. She may even help that child's parents become the people GOD would have them become. She doesn't need your SIL or DFS to do this. She just needs the leading and guidance of GOD.

GOd bless and keep each of you.

Lena, MS(Zone 7b)

Hello everyone, Just a quick Prayer request and I will answer the messages. Mickey from cubits mom fell and broke bones in her face and is comatose. Her dad just goy out of nursing home for a few week stay because of a fall and broken wrist. Those of you who go to cubits may know her and if not just keep her in your Prayers. She has been having dizzy spells herself.

Ok onto replying to your messages. Nothing I say seems to sink in with my DD right now because she has been so upset but I do believe I raised her right and she is a good girl. I think she is finally seeing how bad messed up he is if he will take his healthy beautiful children on a motorcycle without helmets. But the decision must be hers not mine or she would just go back. I too think A.I. would be last resort for her because she does love her husband even if his true colors are showing through. We older adults can see things that young people can see or understand. We all think we know everything sometimes. I know in her heart divorce is a sin and she is a child of divorce herself and never wanted that to happen to her children. I tried so hard to make it work with her dad because I did not believe in divorce but when AIDS became a fear I had to do it for her sake. I do not think he is sleeping around of course who knows these days. he just has a weird sense of humor and he is not too bright sometimes. So who knows what is best for my DD. She loves him and it is her decision to make. I appreciate all the concern and your listening to me rant and rave about my jerk SIL and my DD and ask that you keep them in your Prayers because I believe that turning to God is the only way I can help her. I try to give her love and advice but a mom's advice is usually not listened to anyway. After all, I told her not to marry him and take on a man with an X and children but she said she loved him so here we are.
Goodnight all, and please remember mickey, scraps

Milton, MA(Zone 6a)

"I try to give her love and advice but a mom's advice is usually not listened to anyway. " Ain't it the truth, but it can be so sad watching them make the same mistakes we made! (I'm mostly thinking of my own DD and her idiot boyfriend, thank heavens they aren't married yet, and I hope they aren't planning to!)

Oh, you also say "the decision must be hers not mine" which is so true. If you make the decisions then you get the blame for whatever happens. She would have to decide to have higher expectations for her man/men (I'm including her biodad, although I guess he's not around at all?). And I'm STILL thinking of my DD and her IBF.

This message was edited Apr 18, 2010 8:36 PM

Hughesville, MO(Zone 5a)

Let's face it, we didn't listen to our parents very well either, did we? If we had, none of us would have children whose parents are divorced. I'm in that boat too. We all have to live with the results of our past decisions and actions.

Your DD and SIL are in my prayers as are you and your DH and other children. All of you are going thru this trial and need GOD to help you.

GOD bless and keep each of you.

mulege, Mexico

I'm off my soapbox and on my knees, praying for everyone.


SE/Gulf Coast Plains, AL(Zone 8b)

I’m not entirely convinced the Bible does forbid artificial insemination. Remember the story of Tamar and Judah. (Genesis) It indicates that God considers motherhood to be a woman’s right, even if she has to use unusual means to achieve that goal. The events described must at least be considered “arranged” insemination. I completely agree with you about adoption though. I see so many children in need of a parent, I lean more toward the adoption option. I’ve heard people say that you don’t know what you’re getting if you adopt. But, really, you don’t know what kind of offspring you will end up with even when you have natural children. All 3 of my daughters have been full of surprises. Some good. Some bad.) And, if bearing and birthing a child would be a health risk, adoption sounds like the smarter idea.
I know I’m bias, especially at the moment. Jim and I could very easily end up as foster parents in the very near future if things don’t go well in court in a few days. (Child Protection Services has put children in mine and Jim’s care before. They don’t have a problem with our physical conditions. We’ve proven our ability to manage it.) I’m not sure at my age, however, how good a parent I would be to two such young and energetic boys long term. We will find ways to do it, if it becomes necessary. But, it will be hard. I wish there were a better solution. The irony of the situation Scrap’s DD is in compared to the one I find myself in, does not escape me.
Here, there are two 30-something individuals who have two small children. Both parents have psychological problems complicated by drug and alcohol problems. Neither of them can handle the stresses of parenthood. They are like hedonistic, self-centered 14-year-olds even without the other issues. (I do think J. has the potential to change her life. I’m afraid ex is a lost cause because he doesn’t even think he has problems. Everything is always someone else’s fault.)
Meanwhile, in the next state over, there is a woman who is willing to put her own health on the line for a chance to be a parent. She not only has the desire, but is academically trained to deal with children. (Didn’t you say she was a teacher, Scraps?) I don’t know whether to laugh at the absurdity of it, cry because it is so sad or scream at the unfairness of it. This is a crazy, messed-up world!
Not sure I have what it takes to put the fear of God into misguided young men anymore, Sheri. I didn’t do a good enough job to keep J.’s ex in line. Now, he has really made a mess of things. If the boys don’t have to spend some time in the custody of the state, we will be lucky. Scraps might want to start checking out where the local alligators hang out. I’m beginning to wish I had just taken J.’s ex out sailing in shark infested waters. O.o.ops! The winds changed suddenly and he didn’t duck the boom quickly enough. LOL. It is a good thing I have Jim to be my heart and conscience. He insists on doing things by the book.
Bigroot Geraniums (Geranium macrorrhizum) are a beautiful workhorse in dry shade, Scraps. Their PF stats makes it sound like they need supplemental watering, but that hasn’t been my experience. I’ve heard other gardeners say the same. (They don’t have many ratings on PF. When more people chime in, I think there will be some change in what it says about water needs). Also, the oxalis Amargia has been sending out does well in shade. It carries the flowers on taller stems in shade, but flowers just as much. Western Shield and male ferns are the best ferns for drier conditions. Christmas ferns aren’t bad either and they are evergreen and easy to find. The most surprising shade plant I’ve discovered recently is Golden Hops. I never thought of hops as a shade plant. The yellow-green foliage really works well to brighten up shade. I’ll have to make sure Jim hears about your apple, Katiebear. He is ridiculously proud of himself for growing apples THIS far south. LOL. Maybe, he will become more humble about his amazing apple growing ability. I guess it is actually the humidity that makes apples difficult in this area. Should I plan on sending you some cannas this year, Leaf? Or, are you recovered enough yet to be gardening? I barely have time to get on DG these days. I’ve only made it over to Cubits once or twice so I’m not up on how serious your condition is. How are you? Kay*

Lena, MS(Zone 7b)

Hey You guys I am back again with an update on Mickey from the fibro forum on cubits, She just updated and her mom is clinically brain dead so she and her family need your prayers.

Carrie, My DD's bio dad is in her life occasionally. Mostly phone calls and he visited the hospital the day after her stillbirth. It was her Birthday and so he came to see her and brought a card. He means well, I think, he is just not the brightest light bulb. However, he could do more if he wanted too.
She is a teacher of special ed right now but she may get moved next year from jr high to elementary but still special ed, I think. She had higher expectations and chose someone she thought also had them but the sheepskin apparently rotted off after a few years.LOL and left the wolf bare and in a bad humor. he does mean stuff for no reason. The other day she heard a sound outside like a loud door banging or something and ask him what was that? he was nearest the window and looked out and said " It is the repo man here to repo your car." She panicked and said, "What have you been doing with the money? How am I going to get to work, What am I going to do?" he laughs and says, "Just kidding" Junk like that just to scare the stew out of her.

Leaf and Katiebear, Thanks for the Prayers. That is what makes a difference.

Kay, You are so right about the 2 situations being Ironic. She brings up the fact all the time about bad parents having a dozen kids that they do not take care of. I cannot say that maybe God knew this was for the best because she could never except that. Especially so recently but at least she is thinking she may have to bow out and that is a recent change in her thinking. It may never happen but she mentioned yesterday that she may have to let him go. I do not know what is best but God does and I am trusting in him.
I really can't afford to buy many flowers right now but if I see some locally I will try them. I am pretending I cannot order online so that I can keep visa bill down. I have not ordered anything this year in the way of flowers. I just picked up a few at the local box store for some color early this spring but I am relying on seeds and perrenials from the old house. If he does not get a job soon I am going to cry. My dream was to get moved and surround myself with flowers. Oh well, I have half of the dream, a new house, so I can wait. I am getting sleepy so I better quit before I get stupider,LOL. scraps

Milton, MA(Zone 6a)

At very least, steph, she should start paying the bills herself or open her own bank acct. so he cannot scare her with stuff like that.

My DH's ex-wife was horrible. He had to pay alimony for ten years to her. He kept doing it with postal money orders and and snail mail, and not saving the receipts. She accused him of owing her tens of thousands of dollars, and because he had no receipts, she won; he had to pay twice. I had been offering all along but I offered again; will you let me put it as an automatic bill pay in our bank account. He felt bad because he felt like I was paying her, but I wasn't thinking about it ever, and he had to think about it every week. And we had a record of every dollar we paid her - a great income tax deduction, etc, etc. I'm not sure how this is relevant, but I would try to get DD some financial control back.

Hughesville, MO(Zone 5a)

The more she takes control of bills the better off she will be. And it will give him fewer pranks to pull. Someday, if he loses enough control over her and the circumstances in their lives, he will leave of his own free will because she is no longer such a good victim, or she will begin to get some emotional strength and hopefully eject him permenantly from her life. It is indeed a tragic story and we all need to keep both of them in prayer. Only GOD can change a person's heart.

Kudzu, your story is also tragic and needs GOD's intervention. I will pray for it to come soon. I don't think I could handle any canna this year. Thank you anyway. I just don't have the strength or endurance anymore to get that much done. I am moving some well established perennial plants into other beds already to make things more compact for the mowers. It may take all summer to get that done. It seems life is passing by so quickly anymore.

GOD bless and keep each of you.

Midland City, AL

I may b getting myself in trouble saying this considering the gender demographics on DG, but I think 6 or 7 years should be the maximum amount of time a man should be required to pay alimony except in very special circumstances. (E.g. The couple has a special needs child or the wife helped pay for the husband’s college education, etc.) I say 6 or 7 years because I believe a woman should have the option of staying at home with children until they reach school age. Alimony made sense way-back-when. I’ve met VERY MATURE women who did not even learn to drive until they were in their 30’s or 40’s. There was a time when women weren’t taught the basic skills of looking after themselves financially. We live in a different world now. The purpose of alimony is supposed to be to make things fair financially.
Child Support is a completely different matter. Don’t ask me what I think should be done to men who have the ability to provide for their children, but don’t. I sound just like Kay on a rant. LOL.
Apples in Mexico! Yeah, I was told about that. lol. It gets cold in the desert at night. I bet that is how they get their needed chill hours. I’ve got a ‘Gala’ and a ‘Fuji.’ I tried Granny Smith but powdery mildew ate it alive. I grew up in an apple growing region. There is something about apple trees that make a place feel like home to me.
J. got a job today. The custody hearing has been pushed back a week. Suddenly, X believes quiet compromise is in the children’s best interest. Duh. He should have thought of that when he traumatized them by jerking them out of a place where they felt safe and secure. The wheels of the judicial system are in play now.
Prayers for all. (Jim)

Lena, MS(Zone 7b)

Hello everyone, I hope you are all doing well and had a great day.
About the DD she has already gotten a seperate checking account very shortly after they married about 3 years ago. He was not good about keeping up with what he wrote checks for and did not write it down. She is not the greatest at it herself. It irks me that she does not keep up with it better. I am adamant about keeping my checkbook up to date and writing them down. She pays all the bills except that particular vehicle because it is in his name. She had already bought her home before he came along so she should not ever have to worry about him taking her home in a divorce. her pay as a teacher covers almost all their bills because most of his goes to child support. He may pay a internet hookup or cable bill but I think she does most of them. She was making really good money where she worked when they met but had been going to school also because she had a huge desire to teach. So she took a pay cut to do so. But she could go back if need be. But I believe she will be fine if need be. There is no divorce yet. Maybe he will meet his Lord and Savior and all will be fine. Thanks for your Prayers.

Carrie, We had a friend get in the same situation with an ex wife who took him back to court and made him pay 10 thousand in back child support because his house burnt and she knew he had no receipts. That is just so wrong. The courts should have understood that nobody could have provided them if their house burnt. Another guys girlfriend did not let him have any of his stuff when he moved out of her house. Then she told the ex that she burnt them so he got took back to court also. Some women are just vicious to men. I hate money grabbers like that.

Leaflady, I am a Christian myself and I hate to see her get a divorce if they could grow up and learn to get along. I have been through a divorce and it is not easy. I Pray they can somehow make it work. I just Pray that God knows the answer because we do not know what his plan is. I think God had a plan for my life and my first marriage prepared me for this one. I learned alot from my ex. Things I would put up with and things I would not ever put up with again. He was a nice lokking fellow and I thought I was Blessed to find one as I am not eye candy myself,LOL. But I learned that no man is worth the junk I went through with him. He was a jerk like I have never known. He wanted his food hot the minute he walked in and I never knew when he would get home. If he got home at 6 everyday it would be easy but sometimes it was 10 at night. Then he started seeing others and that was the end of the line. I am so happy with my hubs now. He is a big ole redneck and he is so good to me and my girls. He is better to my oldest than her real dad. he held her hand recently when she was in the hospital and she said she would never forget that he was always there every time she woke up. he was on one side and I the other. She does not remember me being there but she knew he was. I think God has a plan for her and it will come about when God intends. I just Pray it will be soon.

My youngest DD called home from college at 11:30 this morning and said we want something good for supper, can we come home? I was at the river fishing. I ask how many and she said 3 and then I said what do you want and she said fish, fries, hushpuppies and I will bring dessert. So the hubs cooked and I tidied up and she brought her friends for supper and a cheesecake and banana pudding. But she brought me a beautiful Encore Azalea "autumn royalty" It is a fushia color or dark pink. It is so pretty. I thought it was hilarious. he cooked and I got a gift. His birthday is Sunday. She should have saved her money for him but OH Well. I need to go this is getting long. Goodnight all, scraps
edited for spelling

This message was edited Apr 20, 2010 10:42 PM

Hughesville, MO(Zone 5a)

A mother or father can only do so much for a child. Then it is up to them and GOD. Heaven knows some of our children don't live the way they were taught. Others do but only in some areas of their lives. Scraps, it sounds as tho you did your part. She did hers until the enemy managed to set the trap that ensnared her. Since she knows the right way and you and your husband are there to help guide her and support her decisions when you feel they are the right ones but don't support the wrong ones someday she will make the right one regarding her relationship to this 'man'. I do pray that the husband finds JESUS and lives for HIM. That would be a great testimony and the angels in heaven will rejoice. So will she and all who love both of them.

GOD bless and keep each of you.

Ozone, AR(Zone 6a)

Oh scraps,Carrie,Leaf and Kay and Jim, Seems like the old devil runs loose in this world. There are women out here a mean and money hungry as these men. My DD next door is one of them,Tho i don't think she would be except for her doing what the BF wants.But i'm not sure anymore.

I've setup for an appointment with a lawer. but have'nt heard from him yet.
Strange thing happened today. A man came looking for Yvonne today.She did'nt answer the door,so he stopped and asked all kinds of questions about her from my other SIL. Don't have a clue what that was all about, but SIL did'nt tell him much. I hate all this and wish everything could be open and aboveboard.Sometimes i wonder what have i got into? Just throw up my hands and say you win and go into a nursing home.
I had made an appointment to have my cat speyed today. Poor kitty kat. She is a very sleepy miserable cat tonight.I keep checking on her.Vet laughed at me and says she'll be fine.I'll be glad when she's back to herself.
Tomorrow i'll be home all day and hope to get those plants in the mail.
Take care of yourselves.

Lena, MS(Zone 7b)

Hello everyone, I hope it is a good day whereever you are. It is getting hot here so I am going to have to get my work done or it will be too hot do do anything outside but look at the flowers bloom. I must be a shade flower because I wilt in the mississippi heat. It is almost 80 but it feels hotter to me out there working in the sun. I had to move some iris' because the men folk in the family are moving our big ole storage shed. Not the ugly stupid shed in front of the house but the one from the old house place. It will go in the back yard and get filled with all the stuff stored in my spare room. Hopefully. This shed in front was supposed to go out back but it is still out in the front yard. MEN! ( not including thoughtful ones like jim of course). Sometimes you just do not know what they are thinking. It certainly is not about the looks of the place.

But on a sweet note, my 3 year old nephew came over with the men looking at how they are going to get the shed moved etc. and the little guy said ,Aunt nephanie ( stephanie)you shore got lots of purdy flowers can I pick em all for my granny. I told him you have to let them get big first or he would have cleaned me out. But it made my heart swell with pride for all the hard work sitting on my old stool. That a 3 year old thought they was purdy. All I have blooming are a few iris', some dianthus, left over pansys and snapdragons. But he sure liked em. He is such a cutie pie and always into something so the fact that he took time to look at the flowers was a miracle. But he wanted to know what kind they all were. Just thought I would share that little sweet tidbit for anyone coming in from working hard. Sometimes you think nobody notices but then a little one does comes along and makes you proud. grown ups occasionally say something nice but the kids are open and honest. Love you guys. My break is over and I am headed back out to do some work in the shade. scraps

Milton, MA(Zone 6a)

Wish it were hot enough for me to go outside! When you see me totally stop posting, you'll know it warmed up here. Never had any canna friends - I bought one from Home Depot once but I didn't know what to expect at all and I'm not even sure it ever bloomed.

I was at Marshall's buying DD#2 clothes (again) and what should I find but MORE BLUE POTS! Of course I had to buy quiet a lot of them - actually only three, but there are still more there. Maybe I'll go back.

Hughesville, MO(Zone 5a)

Stephanie, that is such a sweet story about your little nephew. He sounds a lot like our Skyler. Maybe we have budding gardeners?

Today was nice but a bit on the chilly. I spent the day in bed at Brenda's. I was in town to go to work already when I became sick to my stomach. Then I went into a cold clammy sweat. So we went to her house. She called my supervisor for me. Then went to the store to get some papers for me. I came home about 5. Watching the news now. I have a chicken in the counter top oven finishing the cooking it didn't get last night. I have the timer on it so I really don't need to stay up with it.

I have a medication induced stress test scheduled for 7 in the morning. Then to a dentist about 75 or 80 miles away to get a tooth or 2 pulled. He could do it 2 days after I called as opposed to a fews from now with the others here in town. He is also the only one who uses the nitrous gas(laughing gas). I would be put to sleep but that costs $280!!!!

Must go lock up the birds. GOD bless and keep each of you.

Ozone, AR(Zone 6a)

Eva Mae, Hope you are better now.
How'd your stess test go?
And the dentist trip?

mulege, Mexico

Good morning everyone,

I've been much better this week. Tony and I have gotten some work done. He is very good about working without supervision so I don't have to stay with him or watch him.
we are gradually working our way around the arroyo which is around three-quarters of my house (road on the fourth side) with walls that don't look like walls.Lots of old tires, washing machine tubs and prickly plants. It will allow me to build up the soil between the non-wall and my house and put in more plants to prevent erosion. I have a lot of little vetiver growing in little nags, waiting to go out.

I was also able to buy enough material to finish siding one wall which has been unfinished for the past five years or so. It has been secure but not very attractive. It will be nice to have it done.

Also found barbed wire at the local hardware store, after some failure to communicate due to my poor Spanish. I have sand bags I had to buy in Ca. I will use them to cover the sides of the house. They will cover the concrete block and help provide some insulation. You can read about what I'm doing at I am adapting their ideas to my situation.

Found out yesterday about the death of a friend in Texas. She was a year younger than I am. Hard to deal with. and I had a mild relapse of the flu. I won't be getting much work done today.

Time to take a pain killer and see if I can get some laundry done.

Hugs all around, katie

Ozone, AR(Zone 6a)

MY sympathy about your friend. I've lost 2 good friends. It was just like losing close family.
Take care of that flu so no more relapses.
Tell Tony hello for us. Sometimes seems like he's part of the group. Guess thats true of everybody elses family and friends too.
My DD and her BF still plan to get my land.It will go to court. She told my other DD that i would never fight it.
The weather is treatning looking. hope it just blows over.but we could use some rain. It is really dry now.

Lena, MS(Zone 7b)

Hello everyone, I am just checking on you guys to see what you are all into today,

Carrie, I hate that you do not get to enjoy the outdoors much because of the weather. But we will all be sweating and suffering in humid hot summer very soon. We have very short springs it seems. It almost goes form cold straight to hot. But I have lived in MS all my life so it is all I know. Maybe it will not be much longer before you can get out.

Katiebear, I hope you get over this flu for good soon. Tony sounds like the kindof guy I need to do the things hubs won't do. Stuff he does not care about kind of gets put off.Hugs and Prayers.

EvaMay, How are you? We need an update. Let us know how it is going.

Vickie, I hate that the DD is doing this to you. You just never know who you can trust these days. You would think a DD could not do that to her mom. I did not get along with mom but we never had that big of a blowup. She never went more that a few months without getting over what was going on between us. It was ususally her acting like a child. I miss her so much with her being in a nursing home and I hate to see her like that. I hate that your DD is doing this. I hope you get it all settled soon. How is the visit going with TxDD and how is the job hunt going for her hubs. I hope you are enjoying their time with you. I know you have alot going on but I know it is good to have her home. I need to go over to cubits and check in on everyone, so goodnight all. Scraps

mulege, Mexico

Good afternoon all.

I think we need to form a traveling group to visit scraps' SIL and Vickie's DD and a few others. We could be armed with crutches, canes and walkers. Can you hear them trying to tell the police they were battered by crutches, etc?

I was describing a bad legal situation to a firend a few years ago and he said, "We need goons."

How about the "Granny Goons?". I just know a few good whacks would get their attention and then they would listen to reason. If not, we could accidently run over them a time or two. Everybody knows we old ladies don't drive well.

I'm feeling a little better. The pain in my arms is dimished, partly due to elastic bandages I put on and I was able to get a good nap this afternoon. Slept soundly for a couple of hours. What a difference. Depression has lifted a lot. It has been a hard week.

Tony is like one of us. And he will do the "s*** work." One thing that works well is thqt I won't ask him to do anything that I'm not willing to help him with or to do myself if I have the time/energy. It makes a big difference that it's not an ego thing and I don't just point at things that need to be done. Sometimes we work together, somethimes we work separately and s ometimes I'm on the computer or in bed while he works. I also know that if he wdoesn't show up (phone sevice is not too reliable) that there is a good reason. We like and trust each other which puts us ahead of many married couples I know.

I think the flu bug is almost gone. I still haven't done the laundry but I've made a dent in the pile of dirty dishes.. Nothing here "needs" to be done and that's a gift. My schotia tree has gorgeous burgandy collored blooms and the birds are flocking to it.

I think it's going to take a few days to get some energy back but I'm much better.

Hope all of you are well.


Lena, MS(Zone 7b)

Hello everyone, I am glad to hear that katiebear is feeling better and thinking about goons.LOL. You know you are better when you feel like getting in a little trouble.LOL. I love the idea of a band of granny goons. I think we could get a lot of folks in top shape in no time. I'd just be willing to bet Kay could teach us a few tricks since she has been practicing on keeping Jim in line. I would like to wear a mask or paint my face however because I do not want to be so easily recognised by my SIL.LOL. I just love that I am not the only one with evil thoughts about kicking some behind into shipshape. Even if I have never really gotten into trouble with the law before. I would be willing if it got the punk to do better. It makes me feel better knowing I have you guys willing to step up and defend my DD if need be. I have not mentioned to my hubs that I have the desire to rough up my SIL because my hubs is to kind to do anything like that so you guys know more about that than he does. Now that is friendship for you. I think we should have an official name for our group I like what katiebear suggested what do the rest of you think?

I had to stay inside today, I had a headache and we had some thunderstorms so I took a nap shortly after I got up. Then I did paperwork for DD#2 college finacial aid junk. I hate when I have to use this sorry excuse for a brain. Fibromyalgia has robbed me of braincells I think. It is so hard to concentrate or to think clearly. I was a "B" student without trying and an "A" if I put forth some effort. Now it is all I can do to add on a calculator without doing it several times to double check it. I need to do some research and find out if that is really what is happening to my brain. Maybe I just do not use it enough. All I do is work in the yard these days.
Oh well, somebody else needs to tell us something else fun today. I enjoyed your idea katiebear. Thanks for cheering me up.
Love and Prayers , scraps

Milton, MA(Zone 6a)

I agree whole-heartedly, Steph. A "B" with one brain tied behind my back, and "A" if I actually did the work. Seeing my DD with ADD strugle is hard.

Hughesville, MO(Zone 5a)

I struggled to get thru high school and only learned when I acutally read my high school transcript when I was trying to get into LPN school that I have a high enough IQ to be considered 'gifted'. ADHD was my problem back then but no one knew about it back then. I was just called scatter brained and not focused on what I was doing.

The stress test was once again rescheduled. They were going to have to use the old type isotopes because the new type comes from Europe and the volcano has stopped air travel/shipments. It is now scheduled for May 4th. We all hope to have the new isotopes here by then.

The dentist visit was so much a surprise and blessing. I was praying for GOD to calm me and he did. I used the laughing gas. I can't say I laughed but he could have pulled every tooth in my mouth and I wouldn't have cared. He would only poull one of the 2 teeth I wanted pulled. He even told me the really bad one could be saved. I said I didn't want to be bothered with it. Meaning I don't want to spend a couple hundred $$s making a dead tooth look like it is ok. I would rather have this hole between my front teeth than look at that rotten jagged tooth and wonder all the time when it is going to start hurting and how long it will take to get in to a dentist when it does. The bill was bout 1/2 of what I expected and much less than 1/2 of what the office clerk told me the lowest amount would be. GOD was truely with me that day. It also rained really hard with strong winds most of the way up there, all the time we were there and all the way home. I stopped bleeding in about 2 hours. I took 800 mg of ibuprophen 2 or 3 times and that stopped the swelling and pain. I also took my regular pain meds starting the next day.

Katie, I pray you are better now. I'm so thankful you have Tony. Help like that is hard to find.

Scraps, Vickie, don't let these family troubles get you down and keep your from the joy and blessings GOD has for you. Stand tall and firm in JESUS's name. We will be standing with you.

GOD bless and keep each of you.

Lena, MS(Zone 7b)

Hello everyone, I hope you all had a Blessed Day. Today was my hubs Bday and my 2 DD's were here with us safe and sound. We had a good time visisting. The SIL decided not to come, I have no idea why. I really enjoyed being here with them both just talking and enjoying the day. My eldest has taken a liking of growing things and has planted a small garden and some flowers. She has always enjoyed my flowers but not really interested in what they are and only got out to help with them a time or two. It is fun to see her taking an interest in it. We went up and visited a friend of mine from high school for a few minutes and then I had to drive my youngest back to college because her car has something wrong with the tires. Possibly a knot on one and it has started bouncing. I drove it Saturday and boy did it bounce. So we kept it and will get it seen about. She was not happy to be taken and dropped off. Kids today think they have to have a car ready to go at all times. I always got dropped off. IT was an hour or so one way so I am tired and stiff. But I wanted to check in on you guys.

Carrie, I was probably ADD or something because my mind certainly was not on studing but I had a high IQ but you would not know it now. My brain is mush. My youngest DD was not as easy to teach as the oldest who was in the gifted program at school but she is the sweetest by far. The eldest has an attitude like her biodad. The baby probably had ADD but her dad did not want her labeled so or put on meds. So she struggles through it but she absolutely learns only what she hears. She knows she has a problem and tries extra hard to concentrate and get it but she is a b minus to "C" student. She would have done so much better on meds. She can not keep her mind on her work. But her dad/ my hubs is against medicine if you can get by without it. I think it hurt her alot as far as her grades go. But she got by. Who knows what is best in the long run anyway. The meds could have a repercussion way down the road in the way of cancer or something is his fear.

Evamay, I hope all goes well with your test and I am glad the tooth pulling was easy on you.

Goodnight all, scraps

Ozone, AR(Zone 6a)

I totally adore the Granny Goons. I can just see all of us banding together and fighting all the wrongs in the world,w-e-l-l-l-l in the states anyway.I can swing a mean cane,and butt someone with a hard head.
I got fed up Friday evening with the bickering. And went camping by myself for the weekend. Like i knew she would DD called the sherrifs dept to say i'd run away mad.She did that once before.So I went to the sherrifs dept and talked to a deputy and told him the situation. I told him the general area i'd be but not the exact place. Sure enough DD called in. They would'nt tell her anything except i'd already talked to them and i'd gone camping. When i got back she'd not call to ask if i were ok,sick or anything.She only wanted to cause trouble by calling the police. They are now wise to her. I injoyed myself so much. I have'nt been so at ease in a long time.Rain and all,we did'nt have any bad weather just rain.
Tomorrow one of my councelors is coming up to see me. It'll be good to talk to her.She is one of the people pushing for me to stand up for myself and not let DD and BF run over me.
God has always looked after me. He just lets me wake up to the fact i need his help tho. Sometimes it scares me if he had'nt taken care for me to be in the right place at the right time for help.I know i would'nt be here now.
I was a mile from school and walked both ways everyday. I injoyed it. I knew every dog,cat, flower, house,and everything in the park i walked through.
scraps i'm glad you're SIL wasnt there. Am sure it made the day more pleasant.
I had a high IQ too but did,nt know it untill i was 40. Sometimes now i feel like i have the IQ of a 4yr old.LOL
Eva Mae, Glad to hear the dentist report. I was a little worried. I had all my teeth pulled in 2 sessions except my eye teeth. and never regretted it. The same with my toenails. All my toenails started ingrowing.

Milton, MA(Zone 6a)

Yeah, I'm having a lot of dental work done too - not fun. Vicki, I am so glad you had a peaceful camping trip. My kids cannot seem to stand being by themselves for 2 seconds. I think that's a problem (and one which the new administration should somehow address).

SE/Gulf Coast Plains, AL(Zone 8b)

Jim says he likes the Granny Goons name too much to point out it is sexist so he just wants to create a brother organization to The Grammys, tentatively known as The Grump-Pas. LOL. The Grump-Pas will provide believable alibis and other support services to the Granny Goons whenever necessary. LOL.
Vickie, let me know if attorney fees for getting your property back in your name is a problem. There are attorneys who will handle senior citizen rights issues pro bono. I don’t know of any in AR off-hand, but the names of those who do would not be hard to find out. Sad to say, but problems like what you are dealing with are all too common.
Faced with all the info we dug up on him being presented in court, J.’s ex has had a change of heart. He is trying to get J. to reconcile. We told J. if she went back to him, we would not assist her a second time. I know that sounds harsh, but she is still here and still planning to go to court later this week. If she had gone back, it would not be a healthy situation for her, the children or even ex-. (I believe J. and ex- sort of enable one another’s substance abuse problems.)
It is a gorgeous day; I want to go see what trouble I can get into outside this afternoon. Have a good afternoon, Everyone. Kay*

Milton, MA(Zone 6a)

My DH is DEFINITELY a Grump-Pa - terrific idea, Jim!

Hughesville, MO(Zone 5a)

I had a CT scan of my head this morning because of that Tpost incident a couple weeks ago. It came back that I am ok and it will just take time for my brain to heal from the bruise. They didn't do an xray of my skull but I'm sure it would have shown a fracture. Nothing can be done for either problem but just stick it out and let the body heal. Meanwhile my emotional status is very fragile due to some family problems. Nothing I feel I can talk about.

I'm digging hollyhock sprouts to take to Kris's when I maybe go this Thurs. evening. One of her coworkers wants as many as I can bring. I think I have about 10 already. I'm going to take her some Rose Of Sharon sprouts too and maybe some violets.

I have the green bean row along the south side of the bird yard cleaned out pretty well and the tiny seedling weeds sprayed. Many are right in the chainlink fence and I can't get to them so spraying seemed the only solution.

I need to get back outside as it is beginning to turn into sunset and get dusky already. GOD bless and keep each of you. BBL

Milton, MA(Zone 6a)

Oh, leaf, I really hope things heal for you soon, physically and in your family. Prayers from up here.

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