This years order from Silver Star Vinery

Toledo, OH(Zone 5b)

No wheels Loretta, it does get heavy if you fill it up. I make a gallon at a time, less heavy. Your spray solution really goes far when you mist, also gets the bottom of the leaves really well.

Did you order any clematis this year from Debbie? or anywhere? time to get your order in!

I might have a trip planned for us in June... Hardwick Hall sound familiar. I think I'm gonna get an invite. I hope.

I'm gonna make my umbrella's taller this year

New Richmond, OH

Hey Dan, of course you are gonna get an invite! As a matter of fact EVERYONE is invited to Hardwick Hall in Delaware, Ohio for an "open garden" the weekend of June 12 - 13.! YIPPEEE!!! Deb said it was ok for me to extend the offer to anyone interested, especially those of you out there within a few states! I have her email address for anyone interested who might need directions. She has added many more clems...up to around 600 or so at present. As most of you know, her gardens are simply gorgeous. For those of you who don't, just take a look at the Hardwick Hall posts from last year. Stunning is an understatement! She singlehandedly got me hooked on SSV! Can't wait to get my picture taken standing next to that VdL and Margaret Hunt!! Kinda like getting your picture taken in front of the Perle de Azures at Sissinghurst! :-)


Toledo, OH(Zone 5b)

Really!! wow, that is so exciting, are you sure, did you say everyone!! well that is so nice of the "clematis guru", she has it down. Well, I hope to meet a bunch of you there. I, for sure, will be there. I really enjoyed reading about the Hardwick Hall and the "Guru's" clematis. A very knowledgeable person on the clematis. Did you say she is up to 600 varieties. I can't wait. I bet she got most of them from Silver Star Vinery, she loves that nursery. I know she made a trip there once to see Debbie in person. Wouldn't that be great if both Debbies were at Hardwick. I can't wait to meet everyone.

Nancy, I will take the e-mail so I can confirm and get directions, I can't wait.

Thank you, Thank you "Guru" (Debbie) for opening up your home to us.

Lincoln Park, MI(Zone 5a)

Hey Dan question here did you order the Indicator 3???waitin on a answer b/f I order it..thats what I will do is just fill it to a gallon..might try putting it on the wheels I got from another place..think it was from Messenger thats out of business now..that one leaks

Did'nt order from SSV yet..did get other kinds of plants from on line..

Thanks Nancy for letting us know..Dan should we meet up at your house???I want to go to the nursery where she bought those nice trellises by her house the lady ships..wonder where Janets at..she knows where we can get big bags of worm castings..Nancy you close to Dans house??/you need to see his gardens they're are sis still can't get over his gardens and how much money he spends!

Would be fun if both Debbies were there,plus our buddy...

Toledo, OH(Zone 5b)

Yes, I use the indicator3, it is a spreader. A little goes a long waaay.

We will meet at my house, it's on the way.

Thanks for the compliment on the yard. Makes it worth it.

I'll take some of those worm castings.

Lincoln Park, MI(Zone 5a)

You deserve thanks needed..don't you put that stuff in that jar???gonna e-mail Julie when we know the date and hope shes on the mend...I love those markers she gave know where she got them??

Okay your house and will bring snacks and Mikes!!!

Trenton, MI(Zone 5b)

Ok, someone fill me in on this 'Hardwick Hall' business.
Sounds beautiful!

Toledo, OH(Zone 5b)

Deborah Hardwick's garden. Deborah lives in Delaware, OH. She lives in a beautiful home with a lot of acreage that is planted with the most georgous clematis and plants. She has over 300 well established clematis planted all over with various different other plants and trellis. This is a trip you won't want to miss. Deborah is also into sedums, so you will see a lot of those also. If your into clematis and beautiful gardens, this gal knows her stuff. Come along with us Sharon! you won't be disappointed. All michiganders who want to go, can meet at my house, it's on the way. I should have a nice rose show going by then with some of my own clematis. We'll make it a caravan. If you talk to Dori, (notmartha) let her know what's in the works.

Kingsport, TN(Zone 6b)

Gee, that sounds so great. I just tried doing a search here on the clematis forum for Hardwick Hall and the search feature is still dissabled - rats! When I tried the search on Goggle I just got references for a garden in England. I hope you guys post lots of photos when you take your trip for the rest of us!! :-)


Kingsport, TN(Zone 6b)

oops - just cross posted. Thanks for the information diamond!


Toledo, OH(Zone 5b)
Here is a couple of pictures, really not representative of whats to come.

Kingsport, TN(Zone 6b)

Thanks diamond! That makes me really anticipate the pictures to come lol. lovely!

Trenton, MI(Zone 5b)

Dan, thanks for the information. If I can get that weekend off work I'll come!
I'd love to see your gardens too.

New Richmond, OH

Dan, Deb H. (ClemGuru) estimates she has well over 400 varieties and with duplicate plants it pushes that total to around the high 600's! She has hundreds of well established clems with dozens and dozens going in this spring! She does have every clem that SSV carries and absolutely loves them! She is a collector, obviously, and searches them out, but SSV is always her first choice. Yes, you are correct, she did go to visit Deb F. (SSV) last summer and learned so much from her. She said it was absolutely gorgeous and that visit alone convinced her to add more Etoile Violettes to some of her own displays. Thankfully, both Deb's are gracious and continue to share their wealth of information and experience! Hopefully, we can all meet up for the "open garden" and peruse the viticellas and atragenes...hubby says it sounds like a disease to him! He thinks I have a bunch and I only have around 100!


Lincoln Park, MI(Zone 5a)

Everyone mark this date down tour of the gardens are June 12 and 13..what a fun time it will be..

Sharon you must see Dans gardens,but do think it takes a little time to see everything hes done...really nice plants and ideas...will get in touch with Dori and Julie to see if they can make he shares plants have to go to his shop and see his set up that he has for over wintering plants..hope he has some for me>>AGAIN!!

Pearisburg, VA(Zone 7a)

Nancy thanks for the invitation - guru has sent me a personal invitation and I haven't been on DG since my last post - to tired when I get home and I'm on the computer all day at work. I not sure if I will attend since we have a west coast trip planned for the end of June. But I can make the trip there later in the summer and stop by Dan's and hang out with notmartha and the group in that area.

I have my work cut out for me this year. I removed the stream and pond - just couldn't deal with the work - if I had a gardener I could but - it had to go. Now I have so much rearranging to do and trying to think of ground covers for spaces to kill out the weeds. I need to add lots of evergreens after seeing this yard now that the snow has melted. The clematis are loving that soaking, slow melting snow.

I've sprayed my roses once with disease/bug stuff and need to get the volik oil on there. Need to make several new trellis as well. One will get started today. I'm making a pillar for the Lady Betty & John Huxtable since it out grew the 9 foot trellis. I've google rose pillars and found one which will have a 6 inch round post with rebar 'arms' at various heights which I can put chicken wire around to make a circular trellis. I think that will make for a stunning show.


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