This years order from Silver Star Vinery

Athens, PA

Evey -

I have ordered from Klems - it has been quite awhile - Klems Songsparrows' clematis quality are just like Dan's at Brushwood - at least they used to be. They come in the same pots and packaged the same way. Klems also has probably one of the most gorgeous catalogs that I have ever seen. Klems has a few that currently on my want list. You can find them on

Toledo, OH(Zone 5b)

Here is another shot of the above trellis. A little better shot

Thumbnail by diamond123
(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

Shitzu - the Jackmanii is probably around 17 years old. It was sited, on purpose, to hide the side of the compost bins and does a good job. If we were to build another copper trellis it would be against the house and not in the open where the winds we get often enough in summer storms would destroy it.

Lilyfantn - you might want to check your local HD and Lowe's (and fence companies) for either leftover or odd pieces and they could be used at interesting angles in the garden for double duty - garden art and growing clematis.

I can spend time today at Songsparrow thanks to Carolyn.

That is such a uniquely shaped trellis!

This message was edited Aug 23, 2010 11:40 AM

Kingsport, TN(Zone 6b)

Hi Blissful - This is the first time I have ordered clematis from Klehm's Song Sparrow. I have ordered daylilies from them before and they send very large healthy fans. And I agree with Carolyn, they have one of the best garden catalogs around! They are one of the few I keep year to year. They specialize in daylilies, peonies, clematis, hosta, woody plants and conifers and have some perennials too.

Hi Pirl! - Thanks for the idea about checking HD and Lowes for odds and ends for trellises! You have given me another idea. There is actually an ironworks very near my house. I am going to go and check them out for odds and ends too. Maybe they will have something trellis worthy!

Absolutely LOVE that trellis diamond!


(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

You could also consider a visit to Habit for Humanity's Restore to see what you could use for the garden. Even thrift shops sometimes have pieces meant for totally different purposes that you could adapt for growing clems.

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

Love the site and all the ideas that could be adapted to Evison's shorter clems!

Baton Rouge, LA

Susan, thanks for the info on Klehm's. They sound like a good place to do business... and there are some things on their site that are calling to me now! =)

Northern California, United States(Zone 9a)

Dan, I love your copper trellis design!

Trenton, MI(Zone 5b)

Carolyn, I planted 2 Montana's last year. It had zone 5 listed as the lowest zone. I do hope they come back this spring. Yours is just beautiful!

I went and looked at the Rustic garden site. Wrought iron chairs by the way make great trellises. Here is a pic of a wrought iron chair a Polish Spirit Clematis took over by mistake. I finally put the chair into the garden (with hubbys approval, it's broken and now he doesn't have to fix it). I've seen wrought iron chairs for sale at a few garage sales also. Wish I had bought them now.

Thumbnail by toofewanimals
(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

Thank you very much! Now I'll have four new trellises since we're about to order a new set!

Pearisburg, VA(Zone 7a)

Toofe - that is beautiful. I hope they come back too. I really want to try a Montana.

That is 17 years old? That's amazing. I never thought about the life span of clematis or roses for that matter.

Glad you taught me about the ease of copper trellis making. Everyone should try it if you have a husband who has the few tools needed. It is very easy to do and takes little time.

This message was edited Feb 15, 2010 2:21 PM

Kingsport, TN(Zone 6b)

Hi Blissful - you're welcome for the Klehm's info.

I am going to check out the copper tubing instructions. That trellis is lovely.

Thanks for the tip on the Habit for humanity store Pirl. I decided since I am off work fro Pres. day I would check them out! Well, it turns out THEY are off too lol. But the good thing is that on my way I thought I would pop in to Hobby Lobby and see if they had anything on sale and EVERYTHING IN THE STORE is at least half off except the fabric!! So I came home with 5 trellises. I know they are too small to support any of the big sprawling clematis but I thought they would be good for the young ones and the smaller ones.

Thumbnail by lilyfantn
(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

Terrific buys! You could anchor them with rebar and pound it in deeply. Any of the Evison's should do fine with them.

Pearisburg, VA(Zone 7a)

Those are lovely. I wish we had a Hobby Lobby near us. The trellis will do nicely for a year or 2. I often get creative and put twine from the top of a trellis to a tree or nearby structure so the clematis can climb up (looks like it's growing in thin air).

Kingsport, TN(Zone 6b)

I figured I could put the two smaller ones in pots with the small clematis that are coming. I have a climbing hydrangea that I am going to use as a trellis for the Triternaria Rubromarginata which sounds like it grows up to be a biggie. This hydrangea looks great when its leafed out in the summer but for some reason it has never flowered. Time for the TM to take over in the flowering dept lol!

For gardening stuff I love Hobby Lobby. We also have a Michaels which doesn't have much of anything interesting for the garden that I can find.

Thumbnail by lilyfantn
Athens, PA

Lily - we have a new Hobby Lobby. I have not been in there yet. Would the gardening things be out now, or do I have to wait until March or so?

Twofew - how are you? I have not talked to you in quite a while. Love your Polish Spirit -that is one I do not have. It is supposed to be quite a vigorous plant....

I have been using shrubs for trellises, the stockade fencing around the yard and I saw a neat idea somewhere - cannot remember where, but I really like this idea. My son the wire up for me - This wire attached around the downspout on the right front corner of my house. I put Ruutel there - I love the velvety red of Ruutel against my white house.

Thumbnail by Carolyn22
(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

Great idea!

Kingsport, TN(Zone 6b)

Hi Carolyn! I never really bothered to check Hobby Lobby out last year but this winter I REALLY got excited about some of the garden projects and ideas I saw on the container forum here and the garden art forum so I popped in there about a month or so ago to see what they had. At that time all theri metal work and all the ceramic stuff was half off so I came home luggin lots of stuff for the garden. I have since been stopping by every week or so and they keep getting new stuff and then selling it for half off! Most of it is decorative though so if you are looking for functional plain terracotta pots I don't think you will find them there (unless they show up later in the season).

You know, I have been thinking that one of those metal Baker's racks (at half off lol) might be another option for one of those larger clematis to ramble over too.

By the way that is a beautiful photo of Ruutel Carolyn. Plus I love the way you have the wire fixed for it to climb on.


Pearisburg, VA(Zone 7a)

Another good idea is head boards from metal beds. I have seen several good head or foot boards at local thrift stores. Some treatments to the metal would help with rust but they are often very cheap. Put them vertical and cut off legs or put the legs in the ground or over rebar for stability. I found metal twin beds at the thrift store and almost got those - that way I could make a V with the head boards but I passed it up and later wished I had purchased them.

The Ruutel is beautiful against the white house. I sure hope I can do well with a Montana - you have me interested in trying. Where did you find your Montana? Maybe getting it from the same place would be helpful. Do you think it would work on the wall of my house I posted up on the thread?


Athens, PA


I bought Mayleen from Brushwood. I was just looking and it is listed as a zone 6, although I have seen it as a zone 7. I think it would be beautiful on the side of your house. Mayleen has such a wonderful fragrance too. In the Spring, her foliage is a wonderful bronze color. I say go for it, all you have to lose is the price of the plant. One thing though, Montanas get to be very heavy monsters - so your trellis needs to really be heavy duty.

Trenton, MI(Zone 5b)

Caroly, Hi to you too. lol
I really like the idea of the wire around the down spout with a smaller Clematis.
We have a brand new Hobby lobby here. Havent been in it yet. But a friend just went yesterday and I asked her if any of the garden stuff was on sale. No it wasn't.

2 years ago in April, I noticed that Lowe's had some metal trellises on sale for $15, 50% off. I got 2 for my Birthday present. They weren't the greatest, but will do fine for the smaller clematis. So keep an eye out at Lowes this early spring too.

Kathy, I love the metal beds. If I found one, I would have it in my house, not my garden. Well, if it was a double bed.

Portland, OR(Zone 8b)

lilyfantn - you mention that you were going to put a clematis in a pot.

How well do clematis do in a large half barrel. Is that enough room for them?

Athens, PA

I emailed a copy of this picture to Dan at Brushwood. He thinks this clematis is Minister. Mine seems to be a deeper color than what I have googled - but mine is rather shaded....

Kathy - please post pictures of your Montanas' progress this summer..

Thumbnail by Carolyn22
Toledo, OH(Zone 5b)

How about a short video on pruning??
If you never met or heard of Raymond Evison, he is in this video. A popular clematis breeder, we have been talking about him lately and his shorter clematis.

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

I've heard him here on Ralph Snodsmith's radio gardening show several times and they seem ideal for either small spaces or pots (with supports) and even hanging baskets.

Pearisburg, VA(Zone 7a)

I wondered about the hanging basket Pirl. But seems like they would need to be very large hanging baskets. I enjoyed the video. Can someone recommend a patio clematis for long bloom and vigor?

Does the Montana have long bloom time?

Toledo, OH(Zone 5b)

Here is a video on the patio clematis, they say they are long bloomers.

Murfreesboro, TN(Zone 7a)

The guy from Hines must be really tall. He held his hand up chin-height when he was describing 6 feet tall. I would have my hand way above my head if I were trying to estimate 6 feet! Good video - thanks for sharing!

Toledo, OH(Zone 5b)

You are Welcome!
I'm a shorty too! Short people are really cool!! LOL

Murfreesboro, TN(Zone 7a)

From where I stand, they're amazing ;o)

Athens, PA


Mayleen bloomed for a good month or so. I do remember she flowered longer than I would have thought. I know we also had snow in April last year and I was concerned the snow was going to kill off all the flower buds on Mayleen and it was not an issue.

Pearisburg, VA(Zone 7a)

It's been an awful winter in Va. Worst snow in 20 years. It was in the high 50s yesterda and same for today. It's going to take lots longer for it to melt. Rain on Monday. One soggy yard yet to come.

I saw buds on my clematis yesterday. I can't wait to see my new additions. I've added Cezanne to my order and 2 more Lady Betty Belfours. One LBB is for my mom (Betty) to put with the New Dawn from Palatines that I planted for her last spring after she lost my stepfather. The pair will climb over her white yard swing - should make a great color combo.

I hope my Crape Myrtles make it. To much snow and temps down to 12 or so with high winds.

I think I'm going to pass on the Montana this year. I need to get my thoughts together on the Freelander roses from Palatines and the new clematis ideas planned as well. I really want that trellis of Pirls.


Pearisburg, VA(Zone 7a)

Is the copper trellis above that was damaged in high winds flat? My husband and I were just looking at it. In some respects it appears to be 2 sizes with the smaller behind it where a top could be put over it or plastic to make a mini green house. But other views make it look like it could go against the house - for example, making it flat.

I just love it. He did a great job.

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

The copper one?

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

We cross posted. It's flat.

Pearisburg, VA(Zone 7a)

this is a very good source for used but good to like new condition books. They are running a sale on garden books - I'm heading there to look for clematis and rose books - wanted to share.

Toledo, OH(Zone 5b)

Wonderful prices! Thanks for the heads up!!

Lincoln Park, MI(Zone 5a)

Guess I got here to late did you guys buy them all??

Hey Dan do you still have that magazine page where you got the directions for you copper umbrellas??if you do can you post it here???nother question what happened to your rose thread cold winter roses??/was at a master gardeners home and wanted to show her your can findem!!

Need the name of the sprayer you used on your flowers,plus what was in there??!!I'm tired of all the junk ones I have,,need a good one like yours...

Toledo, OH(Zone 5b)

Hi Loretta, the copper umbrella you are talking about is not in any magizine, I made that on the fly. the other trellis is here.

I have a short rose parade with some pictures over in the rose forum. It didn't include just cold winter roses. Cottage Rose has a list in the sticky at the top of the forum.

I bought my sprayer from rosemania. It's the Atomist sprayer.

Lincoln Park, MI(Zone 5a)

Thanks Dan..thats the one I will order...was'nt yours on wheels???did you order the Indicator 3 stuff??free shipping so before I order want to know?

What I was talking about is your hers but want to show a friend she can grow most of yours..she does have lots of rose,but lives by the Detroit River and loses some every year:(

yes thats the did good on those umbrellas..I bought those big heavy ones a few years ago,looks good when the clematis climb up them...

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