This years order from Silver Star Vinery

Toledo, OH(Zone 5b)

I'm alway's excited about new orders, I spend the cold winter months deciding what to get who to pair with and what's available. This year is no different. I like dealing with Debbie over at Silver Star Vinery as most of you know. She alway's points me to the right direction. I few I had picked she said wouldn't be good for my location, so she helped me pick the right ones. Just another reason I buy from her. This forum has been sleeping a little so I will wake it up with what I ordered. Some of what I ordered are no longer on the site, maybe sold out already. So I have listed the clematis on the web description for those.

I am going to try some of the smaller clematis this year in my containers this is one of them. There will be new intro's over the coming years, one to look for is ooh la la or something like that it's new.

Madame Julia Correvon-

Betty Corning -
This is my second clematis that have nodding bells, I didn't know if I would like them, but my princess diane changed my mind.

Elsa Spath -

Margaret Hunt -

Mevrouw Le Coultre (madame le coultre) -
Debbie tells me this clematis has been on her list to get for some time. It's a wonderful white

Romantika -
Must be new to Debbie no picture yet!

Niobe -

Ascotiensis -

Most of what I ordered will get thier own trellis or post, a few will go with a couple of roses. So far that's the plan, probably will change though

Anybody else want to share what they orderd for spring???

Picture is Eden and Polish Spirit

This message was edited Jan 24, 2010 11:14 PM

Thumbnail by diamond123
Pearisburg, VA(Zone 7a)

Hey Dan,
I'm going with:

Comtesse de Bouchard - planting with her sister I already have - Barbara Harrington

Betty Corning will be planted with a dark purple I already have -

Mevrouw Le Coultre will probably be alone - not sure

Mikelite alone or with a soft pink - will probably go with a soft pink rose - not sure

Romantika may go with Betty Corning but not sure

Warsaw Nike which may go with Iceberg or Eden

That is it for this order. If you run across a nice Eden let me know - Palatines does not sell this one. They are the only mail order roses I've used. Let me know if you have a good source.

I really want more John Huxtable - such a great clematis for me. John goes great with Lady Betty Belfour. Rhapsody is the perfect denim blue and I have it planted with Iceberg.

Going to bed and read some. Good to catch you on thread again. Let's see if this is a better year for clematis threads.

If you don't have Florida Sieboldii you really need this one - stunning. I planted it late last year but boy - what stunning flowers. Hope I've spelled everything correctly - I'm not the best at going back and double checking that part.

Colleyville, TX(Zone 8a)

Sound like nice selection. I didn't know there were ones that had big flowers but stayed short. How are you going to pair them?

Toledo, OH(Zone 5b)

bananna18, I'm not sure just yet what I will pair my container clematis with. I will be starting a ton of annual seeds this year for containers so it will most likely be some of those. I hope to find some more of the new intro's this summer and do some more container clematis. I bring all my containers in during the winter so being cold outside won't be an issue. They say to use a large container for the clematis so the roots don't get baked, so there is a little challange there. I do have some containers with smaller brugmanisa in them that might look pretty cool. I also have some clear wihite black eyed susan vine, that's a possibility. In fact I have four different colors of the black eyed susan vine.

Colleyville, TX(Zone 8a)

I like containers as it adds an other dimension...don't like moving them though. Do you have method to the madness?

Toledo, OH(Zone 5b)

Here's a picture of the new patio clematis I was talking about. I don't think it's in the U.S. yet though.

I think there's quite a few, I'm just not familiar with them yet. I would like to have some though.

bananna18, my containers are kept at my shop, 55 degrees all winter. I have my friends help me move them, then I feed them.

Kathy, I have two Edens one was a cutting from a co-op and the other I purchased from Palatines. They may be building up on stock, this rose became very popular.
I have purchased many roses from David Austin and have been very happy. Here's a link... but be carefull this site is dangerous to your pocket book.

David Austin has some really nice roses for containers, some of the patio clematis would go great with them.

This message was edited Jan 24, 2010 11:40 PM

Baton Rouge, LA

Cherokee is already licensed in the U.S., but is in extremely limited supply still. I had it on order from one supplier, but it doesn't look like there will be enough availability for this year. It was introduced in Britain as Ohh La La, but the name was changed to Cherokee because of a U.S. trademark infringement with J&P, who had already registered the named Ohh La La for something else.

Here's a link to the rest of the Evison Boulevard (Compact Patio) collection. They are all available here in the U.S. already:

Toledo, OH(Zone 5b)

Whos got them for sale Bliss?? I would be interested in some. I understand that he only sells two year old plants and that's what I would want. NO liners for me.

Northern California, United States(Zone 9a)

And I will be ordering a few as they are a perfect size for my small garden and patio!

Baton Rouge, LA

Diamond, some of what I've seen called liners in the forums are two to three year old plants. To me, a liner is a 2-1/2" plant, which is probably only one year old. The 3-1/2" to 4" plants are two to three years old, depending on the cultivar... and that's going to be the age of any of the Evison patio clematis you will see here in the U.S. The quarts you see marketed by Garden Crossings and others have come from the growers early in the season as 4" plants and then are grown out another 6 weeks in a quart size container to achieve bud. So, when you purchase a fully rooted 4" plant here in the U.S., you are typically purchasing the exact same age plant as if you purchased a quart that has been pushed to set buds. It's a misnomer and a marketing ploy by many companies that the quart is a better established plant. There could be exceptions to this... I'm not sure what the age is for Brushwood's 5" plants, as Dan is a grower and not a reseller like some of the other vendors.

Toledo, OH(Zone 5b)

Thanks Bliss, been buying clematis for about three years and know the difference between a grown out plant and one that is just to small for me. I have purchased from Brushwood and have been pleased, however, I would rather pay a little more to have someone else grow them out for me. Debbies plants have been grown out and are a fully one gallon plant. All of my plants from Debbie have survived and it has alway's been a crap shoot at the smaller ones I receive. Just me. I went to the Brushwood site and didn't see any Evison Patio Clematis. He is sold out of alot of clematis. He may be growing out alot of his stock for later in the season. I guess I will wait for Silver Star to pick them up. I know Debbie is going to be in many trade shows this year and will be talking to a lot of well renown clematis experts from around the world. I don't even think the clematis named after her is in the U.S for sale yet. A lot of wonderful clematis are on the horizon for us in the upcoming years.

Debbie only does clematis, exclusivley, she puts her heart into her business and all of her customers know this if they have talked to her. Silver Star is a small nursery, I will support her as long as I have the room for more clematis. Nursery's are closeing right and left, this is a hard business to make a living in. The fact that she is still around speaks for itself. A quality product.

Baton Rouge, LA

Diamond, I agree that Debbie's are excellent clematis. You asked about who was selling Evison's Patio collection, but didn't want liners... so I was just explaining that I don't think you'll find what you are looking for if it's not at Debbie's... even if you find it listed somewhere as a "quart" size. There are only a handful of licensed growers for the newer Evison cultivars in the U.S. One is having supply issues and one sells only in the smaller size. The older Evisons are available at Joy Creek in the gallon size.

Brushwood has a very limited selection of Evison cultivars... there are only 9 different ones on the site.

This message was edited Jan 27, 2010 11:03 PM

Toledo, OH(Zone 5b)

I'm off to check out Joy Creek, Thanks

Toledo, OH(Zone 5b)

Thanks Bliss, of course the ones I would want are not available right now. I left them a e-mail about the availability of three of them. The site says they will be available in 2010 so here's hoping.
Joy Creek has excellent ratings with the Garden Watchdog, that's good enough for me.


That would round out my containers along with the Cezanne I have coming.

Baton Rouge, LA

Glad you could find them in the size you wanted. =)

There will be several vendors who have them available in the smaller sizes, for those who have the time to wait for the smaller ones to grow or those who don't want to sink the $ into the larger plants (like me!).

Louisville, KY(Zone 6a)

My Silver Star order for Spring 2010 is: Ashva, Crystal Fountain, Madame Edoaurd Ardre and Special Occasion. I have always been pleased with the plants from Debbie. Don`t know about you`all, but I can`t wait for spring. I`m not as organized as you`all so if anyone has any suggestions where these might be planted, let me know. Any info is always appreciated. I`m new to Clems and have touch and go luck with them. Thanks.....Lesley

Toledo, OH(Zone 5b)

Hey Lesley thanks for joining in, I have Ashva, planted last fall so it's new to me. The others are new to me also. I'm off to see what you ordered.

Do you have any roses?? Clematis does well with roses

This message was edited Jan 25, 2010 9:33 PM

Pearisburg, VA(Zone 7a)

Hey Lesley, great to have a new member on the clematis thread. You will soon learn I'm all about Silver Star Clematis and have never found root balls like these. I'll post some of my older pictures of the root balls and stunning clematis. I'm up to about 55 clematis now and working on my new order above. How many do you have Lesley?


Toledo, OH(Zone 5b)

Clematis are definately addicting!! wow Kathy!! It's amazing how you can have that many clematis in your yard isn't it!! I have quite a few also and the yard just seems to swallow them up!! I know you are kinda new to clematis like me so we are really going to see some great shows over the next 2-3 years. My oldest is over four years old and that is Ville de Lyon it's a type three and gets hacked to the ground every year, only to fill up the arbor its planted by quickly. I have it planted with a white new dawn but it is doing better than the rose so far. But when the rose finally starts to do it's thing it should look stunning. I have two of them and the other one is planted with the rose Aloha the two look great together.

I will look for some pictures with the two pairs

Taylorsville, KY

Hi all: Lesley, welcome; it's nice to see someone from my neck of the woods. I actually joined DG because of this forum. But I'm also new to clems. I had 3 for years that I was moderately happy with but, now I know what to do with them, I think will make a big difference this year (I hope). I put in 16 new ones last summer. Kathy - wow is all I can say 55 is inspiring, for sure. This week I ordered: Dark Eyes, Special Occasion, Durandii, Kermesina, Mevrouw Le Coultre and Minuet from Debbie. I think I may try a couple in a large container or two. I've been day dreaming about where I will be locating the

Toledo, OH(Zone 5b)

Well I looked and I don't have any pictures worth showing of my Ville de Lyon, darn. I'll get some this year. Hey KimmyCoCoPop! luv the name. Looks like you have the clematis addiction also. Looking forward to seeing some of your pictures too!

I see SSV has a few more that I want to get "Bijou" and "Crystal Fountain" for containers. Then "Josephine" and "Piilu" are jumping out at me also. I have to talk to Debbie and see if these will be right for my area, then push the order button.

Athens, PA

I think part of the reason the clems are swallowed by the yard is because the different pruning groups bloom at different times.....What do you all think?

Here is my VDL growing on a fence. I tried to put him in just enough shade so he wouldn't fade....

Thumbnail by Carolyn22
Toledo, OH(Zone 5b)

Carolyn that's beautiful!! and the nodding clematis with it is really nice!! which one is that?? I ordered a few more nodding clematis this year, I really like them. That color combo is perfect. I need to consider that one! So far, I have Princess Diana it's on it's 2nd year. I ordered Chantilly, and Betty Corning to add to my nodding group for this year.

I do have a couple group one's and two's that are early blooming, but I think I am going to drop back and get more of the group three's, they are more of a begininers clematis and easy to grow. I want some quick results. I don't mind getting a few of the ones where you have to have patiences with but in the mean time give me some bloom!! That's hard to get with a plant that takes at least three years to establish or grow out or mature.
I think your right Carolyn!! having all three pruning types does assure you of bloom from spring until frost, some are green at times where some have bloom at times!!
My yard has many roses, I planted a lot of my clematis as companion plants with roses in the past, that helps swallow them up too.

Athens, PA


That is clematis viticella - I bought him a couple of years ago from Dan at Brushwood Nursery. This clematis is quite a vigorous one. I have him growing on an arch to the right of the VDL with a climbing Iceberg Rose. Another case where the clematis is taking better than the rose....

Toledo, OH(Zone 5b)

Thanks for sharing Carolyn! That ones going on my list to have's.

Louisville, KY(Zone 6a)

Thanks to everyone for the warm welcome! Kathy, Wow, 55 clematis! I bet your garden is just beautiful. I am not really new to clematis, just moderatly successful! I`m not sure what I`m doing wrong, but I`m here to learn. I have a few that have done well. like perled`azur and ernest marcum and princess diana. I have many that I have planted and never saw again! Never give up, right! Live and learn, right? So I will stop by here and soak up all I can. Enjoy all of your beautiful pictures and keep on trying.
Diamond 123, I do grow roses. I have around 110 and counting! I love the pictures of roses and clematis and hope to try that this spring with my new orders.
Kimmy from Ky! Happy to meet you. It sounds like you have gotten a lot of info from this forum and you are going Great Guns with your planting. It will be beautiful and I will look for photos this spring. Thanks to you and everyone. I`ll be checking in hoping to learn lots. Clematis are a challenge, one I`m up for trying!!! Lesley

Pearisburg, VA(Zone 7a)

Actually Debbie says the are not the difficult plant many think they are. She started me on #3s so I didn't have to worry about pruning just right. Planting deep is one thing I learned was a huge part of correct planting. Putting in lots of compost in the bottom of the hole is another. Plant food ! A must and can use the same as rose food. Giving them proper things to climb on is a must. The easy way is a 4x4 post put about 2 ft in the ground and randomly staple chicken wire all around the post - loosely. I have also used rebar in 12 - 14 ft sections and my husband welded cross bars so they are like a rose trellis. Narrow at the bottom and about 4 ft wide spread at the top. They really need height and width (at the top).

I'll post pictures later.

Lincoln Park, MI(Zone 5a)

Hi everyone...looks like its time to think about our gardens...Dan don't understand are you gonna keep your clems,in containers all winter???I know your have lots of us!! your gardens are about showing your copper umbrellas those will give us ideas....your arbors..

Kathy you need to show the roots of the clems from Debbie..I only have 1 of the type 3...Debbie said it would look good climbing up my hydrangea vine...did and it looked good...still my all time favorite is Princess Diana,thats why I have 4 of her..she blooms till frost here..have one of her planted with Prince Charles.

Toledo, OH(Zone 5b)

Hey Lorretta! gonna bring them into the shop. The containers are there now, just going to switch up and plant some of the smaller clematis in them. I'll see what I can do on the pictures a little later. This thread is just getting started. I hope everyone who orders shares what they are getting this year, It's alway's fun to see what others are ordering. It alway's increases my want list.

Lincoln Park, MI(Zone 5a)

I must have read it wrong,thought you were leaving them out in the winter...I know I'll have to go to her site and put in my order soon...yes its fun seeing what everyone orders..I know you ordered Bourbon last year had to go look it up,and I ordered it too,plus Proteus...

Toledo, OH(Zone 5b)

You know what goes really well with clematis and roses? Caladiums!! Bill over at Caladiums bulbs 4 less has a wonderful sale going on for the next couple of weeks. We tried to have a co-op but the co-op committe denied us the opportunity. So check his site out and put your order in!! He has co-op prices listed.

Pearisburg, VA(Zone 7a)

I hope the new owners realize the value of coops in hands of experienced members. I hope they review feedback as well. There could be come major benefits with the new garden site.

Pearisburg, VA(Zone 7a)

Thought I would had some pictures from my orders.

These are REAL root balls and what you get from SSV - not those 4 inch pots from other companies.

This message was edited Feb 13, 2010 9:18 PM

Thumbnail by shihtzumom
Pearisburg, VA(Zone 7a)


Thumbnail by shihtzumom
Pearisburg, VA(Zone 7a)

another clematis from SSV

Thumbnail by shihtzumom
Pearisburg, VA(Zone 7a)

More clematis - I'll add names later. It's easiest to add my pictures first.

This is Semu on it's first summer

This message was edited Feb 8, 2010 2:24 AM

Thumbnail by shihtzumom
Pearisburg, VA(Zone 7a)

another lovely John Huxtable planted with Altissimo rose

This message was edited Feb 9, 2010 11:44 AM

Thumbnail by shihtzumom
Pearisburg, VA(Zone 7a)

1st year

This message was edited Feb 9, 2010 11:48 AM

Thumbnail by shihtzumom
Pearisburg, VA(Zone 7a)

Ville de Lune

This message was edited Feb 9, 2010 11:47 AM

Thumbnail by shihtzumom
Athens, PA


such gorgeous pictures - I know you have more. Please keep them coming...

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