CHICKSS Sulking Queue

Richmond, TX

Miss J, if anyone takes Billy away from you, I will happily lead the Dave's Garden Vigilantes in an all-out recovery mission. Justice will be done.

Kingman, AZ(Zone 7a)

Thanks all for the good thoughts, it went my way. He will be given supervised weekend visits twice a month, supervised by his mother who lives here in town. As for child support, he is in between jobs right now, and when the judge asked him how would he support him, he said he would apply for state aid and go after the mother for child support. The judge was not impressed. She has awarded me 30 dollars a months from him and when we go back to court in 6 months there may be more. The visitation schedule is based around his outside activities, ie his gymkana and his JR Rodeo that starts back in March. He does have Dilbert days coming up, and that will be considered an event. So I have a week to file an schedule and list all his activities.
He gets him this Friday and will keep him until Sunday. He can not take him back to Phoenix, and the visits must be on the weekends which will allow him to look for a job during the week. It is safe to say the Judge was so not impressed with him and would not take him from the only home he has known. If he can prove in the next 6 months that he is stable and trying to make a bond, the visitation will be increased. But if he does not show any improvement or misses visits, the case will be closed when it comes up for review. That is what she has said, cause she is not going to keep a child tied up in a court case when it is unnecessary.
So he is still mine, to drive me up the wall and get on my (his words) nerviousness....LOL I am curious to see just how long the visitations will last and if I will see any money. That's not the issue, the issue is keeping him safe and making sure he grows up to be a productive member of Society.

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 8b)

Great news!!!!

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

That's awesome news Roseane. I am so pleased for you and for Billy. I know he is getting the best care from you. You must be very pleased and relieved.

Southern NJ, United States(Zone 7a)

I'm so glad that the ruling went in your and Billy's favor! I wonder why his dad suddenly wants to get involved with him; maybe he IS hoping to get support from Billy's mom - or from you, whether court-ruled or just because you want to make sure Billy has enough food and warm clothing. Not that they could touch you for support; at least in NJ no one could do that, however solvent and involved the grandparent was.

Do you think his dad will keep up with the visits? I wonder what he'll do with him all weekend, especially if he can't take him to his house, which is what I assume you mean when you say he can't take him to Phoenix. Are you going to be keeping notes with dates and times regarding anything that Billy tells you about his time there that concerns you? It's always good to shore up your ammunition in case you need it down the line. We've been there.

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Greenhouse Gal makes an excellent suggestion MissJ. Do keep notes. You never know when you may need them. I strongly agree with her recommendation!!

Southern NJ, United States(Zone 7a)

Voice of experience here, Moxie! Judges are impressed when you can give dates and times. I used to keep a running diary, and save emails that were relevant, to remind me of specific situations. It's amazing how quickly we forget that sort of thing otherwise.

Portland, OR(Zone 8b)

Claire - the yarn I used is Noro brand, their Blossom line. I couldn't find the tag so I don't know which colorway it is. They have discontinued some, but still carry others. I found mine on eBay (my favorite shopping mall).

MissJestr - Congrats! Glad everything went well. I'll keep sending positive thoughts.

Joplin, MO(Zone 6b)

Miss Jestr - congrats! I'm so happy things went well.

LoreenH- what patterned did you use? If you don't mind sharing. Its hard to tell which stitches are which & a very dear friend of mine that knits would like to know. I just learned of the Noro brand. I have to say i love the yarn you used in this so I bet the others they make are just as wonderful.

Portland, OR(Zone 8b)

GK - the scarf is first row knit, second row purl, third row knit, then next 7 rows purl. I can send a copy of the hat pattern if you'd like; I modified it....the original has a rolled brim, I prefer the ribbed brim like I did yours. Noro has wonderful yarns, their 'Silk Garden' line is my favorite so far (I haven't tried them all yet). I have a NWD & HWD set in pinks and purples I made for myself.

Clarkson, KY

Loreen -I'd LOVE to know how you did that brim...just to the brim on one now and of course no

Joplin, MO(Zone 6b)

i like the brim you put on this hat.. I"m not overly fond of rolled brims. You asked earlier how it fit, i thought i replied but i guess i didn't. The HWD fits fine. Its not too small & not overly big either. I turn the brim down except for above my eyes so there is no gap for wind btwn the hat & my scarf.. please do send me the hat pattern if you don't mind. A friend of mine knits lots & could use a new hat pattern.

Portland, OR(Zone 8b)

Grow - I did a k2, p2 ribbing. The pattern I have you start with the brim on a circular needle, ending at the top with double-pointed....I've made maybe a dozen with different variations

GK - I will get it in the mail this week.

Joplin, MO(Zone 6b)

LoreenH - you can email it too me if you don't want to mail it. If you want to do it that way I'll dmail you my email.

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 8b)

I get a question for anyone who Crochets. Do you have trouble with the GAUGE??? I can not seam to get the gauge to work. I am starting a baby blanket and even using a hook two size larger I can not meet the gauge size. I think I am going to just wing it. LOL

Joplin, MO(Zone 6b)

My mom & her friend use to just "wing it" and them add thier own edging to make it the size they wanted. Usually the blankets turned out cuter than the originally patterns. You might try that.

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Well, that is one nice thing about blankets is that you can wing it, same with scarves and shawls. More difficult with socks or sweaters. I am a tight knitter and tight crocheter and I find I do have to go up in hook size. I think that also using a bulkier yarn than the pattern calls for helps me to get gauge. I thought it was because I was still new and inexperienced so I'm glad it's a problem for you too because that makes me feel better!! I'm not the only one! yay!

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 8b)

No you are not the only one. Besides most patterns where written by dingbats any way. LOl

Tomorrow I will finish with the last NWD and take pictures of the 3 that I have and see if anyone wants them. One is light purple and white. one is 2 shades of rose and the last is with the multi colored yarn ins shades of green and brown.

Good night everyone.

Joplin, MO(Zone 6b)

What little I knit I am always off on gauge. most everyone I know is at some point I think. I'm knitting a very tiny neck warmer tube for the little boy i babysit.. (if i ever get it done... blasted shoulder is giving me fits again & I've got 9 inches to go on it, but it seems like a mile.) but.. i am off gauge by nearly 2 inches.

i am so very grateful to LoreenH.. i've started scarves but i can never get them done due to my shoulder problems. Smaller projects like gloves are my thing. My mom & her friend make scarves but only 3 ft long. It means the world to me to have one that is long enough i can wrap several times around my head & is wide also.

Clarkson, KY

Thanks Loreen -that's what I'm doing but I haven't quite figured out how to flair the last bit so it can curl up...

Joplin, MO(Zone 6b)

i hate to disrupte this lovely conversation.. BUT... does anyone know how to keep your hands from cracking & spliting. the cream my dad & I used is no long made. My knuckles are split so badly they are bleeding. its not big cracks.. but like someone put thousands of paper cuts all over my fingers. I've been using oil & baby lotion but i burnt two of my fingers and couldn't use it for a couple days. Mom insisted the dishes be done anyways & not i can barely stand to put my hands under anything but ice cold water bc they burn so badly. now i can't use the baby lotion bc it burns. i've tried nearly everything.. maybe you guys know something that people around here don't...

Kingman, AZ(Zone 7a)

I have so much documation that I carry it in an expanding folder. I have tons of pictures that show Billy's life for the last 3 years, most of them with me in it. I have kept a running total of the times both his father and mother have seen him, his mother is up to 9 visits this year including when she spent the night at my house christmas eve. The judge I am sure took one look of the stack of papers that were layed out infront of me and knew I was prepared. I dont know if he will keep up with the visits, I kind of hope he does not so when we go back for review he wont have a leg to stand on.

Ok now I am lost, knit one purl 2, heck I am even puzzled at the gage thing... hummm

Kingman, AZ(Zone 7a)

Try vasoline on wet hands then encase your hands in white cotton socks and go to sleep, You may have to do this a few days in a row,,

Joplin, MO(Zone 6b)

thanks, I'll try it & see what happens.

Lodi, United States

It depends--some people respond better to vaseline...some to lanolin--but putting the gloves on is very helpful.

I can't use petroleum jelly--it makes things worse. Lanolin and/or oils like apricot or sunflower work well for me. I think petroleum jelly is more widely used because some people are allergic to lanolin.

They also sell special gloves that are treated with something to heal your hands--one of my sons had a problem with the skin peeling on his hands and the gloves helped a lot. Same idea--you sleep with them on.

Joplin, MO(Zone 6b)

i have socks like that.. somewhere.. but i can't sleep in them bc i kick them off in my sleep so they do no good. I've used petroleum based creams before & it didnt' seem to help much but i thought maybe it was because they weren't straight Vaseline. My olive oil does well if I don't stop using it.. but it burnt so badly in the burns on my fingers that I stopped that as well as the lotion. I've never seen apricot oil.. might have to look that one up. I make soap & that would be nice to put in a soap. i've got a pair of knit cotton gloves.. i'll try those with vaseline tonight.. maybe it will be harder for me to pull those off my hands.

Lodi, United States

I pull the gloves off my hands at night too--but if they only stay on a couple hours, it helps.

Also--when your hands are really raw the acid mantle on you skin is usually messed up and it is hard for them to heal--it sounds counterintuitive and it stings a bit, but rinsing them in acidified water can help. Just add a little vinegar or lemon juice to water and rinse your hands in it....Just a little--before you put on any creams. There are also creams that are designed to help restore skin acidity.

One of my sons and I have struggled with eczema for years--not the kinds you usually see--but it is really upsetting when it gets out of control.

This message was edited Dec 29, 2009 12:20 AM

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

A few other little thoughts....

When dong dishes, wear rubber gloves, or buy something like this:

These kinds of things are used by people in the labs where I work - people who have to wash their hands a hundred times a day and use chemicals and such. They are generally called barrier creams. They can help prevent dryness but also protect against stuff like heat, to a certain extent.

I use this:

It's similar to the feel of vaseline but it's a non-petroleum jelly and is entirely made from plant oils. Much nicer to your skin. I can get it at my grocery store health products department but you can also find it online. I am picky about products without parabens in them too, and this doesn't have any. I use it at night on my feet also.

It's possible you may also be allergic to detergents. My Mom developed that allergy and she had real problems with any harsh soaps or detergents. She took a long time to get better and now she has to wear gloves or use mild, natural products. She loves the un-petroleum jelly too.

Joplin, MO(Zone 6b)

i can't wear the gloves to do dishes.. the only gloves I can tollerate without breaking out from an allergic reaction aren't good for doing dishes.. i broke more than i washed that day. A barrier cream would be the best bet. I try to do that with teh oil.. put the oil on before i wash them.. but its nto just washing dishes. My hands got wet taking water to the chickens too & by the time i got inside they were already starting to sting. Any amount of having them in water does it to me. my dad's were the same way. BUT i can swim all summer long & not have a problem. its only in the winter.. & the dead of winter.. like Dec thru March. Unless we have a long winter. I can also play in teh snow for hours & it doesn't happen.. its just water. Thanks guys.. i'm definitely try all of this. maybe something will help.

Southwestern, OH(Zone 6b)

GK, see if you can get Bag Balm at the feed store, or Tractor supply, it is fantastic for dry cracked skin

Joplin, MO(Zone 6b)

tried bag balm a couple years back... didn't work so well. Just left my hands kinda greasy & still split open. Gave it nearly 3 months to work too. Thanks for the suggestion tho. I do know lots of people it works wonders for. I've been hunting for something to work for years. The olive oil rubbed straight in & baby lotion worked better than anything i've ever found.. till i had to stop it. i even put neosporne ointment on my knuckles trying to heal them.. nothing.. and neosporne heals everything.

Lodi, United States

Have you tried lanolin? For some reason petroleum jelly doesn't work for certain people and lanolin does. You can buy tubes of it at the drug store. It works best for me--but I am not allergic to it.

Joplin, MO(Zone 6b)

i'll look for it. I didn't know it came in anything but Puffs tissues so your nose doesn't get sore.

Southwestern, OH(Zone 6b)

bag balm has lanolin in it... what about another udder cream? Probably just lanolin too.... and if you're going to do lanolin, might as well just get straight lanolin as Catscan suggested.

Lodi, United States


Southwestern, OH(Zone 6b)

GK, you might also look for Rosebud Salve... I know my grandma used it for everything from dry skin to chapped lips...

I wonder why they took the mercury out of bagbalm? LOL

My dad used it on cow's udders just about every day in the winter... probably the mercury laced one too.

Lodi, United States

I read the reviews on the Rosebud Salve--and I am ordering it at once!

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 8b)

I have the cracking problem to plus I am allergic to most soaps. I found this web site, most of the soaps do not bother me as much plus she has some nice lotions. I use the shea butter or the cocoa butter.

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Also the Burt's Bees salve for cuts....comfrey in it and other good artificial ingredients. That helps my mom too. Oh, and she wears cotton gloves inside the rubber gloves and then it doesn't bother her hands. I forgot to mention that. She can't wear the rubber gloves straight up, but the cotton ones inside do the trick.

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 8b)

Oh Miss Clair (?) I found some special nuts in the freezer-now they have been in there to long but still taste fine. Would you like me to send you some of them? You know the name of those special tree nuts you like so much??? I do not do the baking that I use to do so I need to find a home for them.

Just do not go "thump" onto the floor. LOL

(there many be enough to share with others-will let y'all know later)

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