CHICKSS Sulking Queue

Joplin, MO(Zone 6b)


Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Indeed we have so decreed that the Dahlianut Dictionary is ideal for certain situations, many of which involve livestock and poultry, and more of which involve Canadianness. It is a fallback position for me at times, when English just doesn't allow me to be fully expressful.

Joplin, MO(Zone 6b)

old english is better than today's english.. very old english.. :) even better... the dutch I'm learning. They have interesting words that sound very pretty but mean not so pretty things when you wish to discuss someone's disposition with a smile on your face. They assume you are complimenting them. :)

Richmond, TX

I would like to see a return to the days when english spelling was was more free - form. I never have been able to spell.

D-nut, I have a pet javalina who would be happy to lead the charge. His name is Pshammy because he is a sham pig. (All our pigs have names beginning with "P")

Kingman, AZ(Zone 7a)

I could sit and listen to Dahlinut talk all day, she has that soothing voice and that lovely accent...

Southern NJ, United States(Zone 7a)

Kyttyn, lol! Can you give us eggsamples?

I do NOT like misspellings! I am a visual speller so seeing an incorrectly written word messes with my circuit boards. Switching languages doesn't help either, especially when the words are close but not exactly the same. I am an excellent editor, though. People send me things before they're published or emailed out to a larger audience to make sure they're correct. I have a very bright friend who probably has a mild learning disorder, but together we make bootiful text....

What is Dahlianut's accent like, MissJ?

Clarkson, KY

I'm thinkin' her accent is most fleuribeautifimous...

Southern NJ, United States(Zone 7a)

No no no, Grow! I'm asking for a factual and not a subjective rendering. I am certain sure that it is most mellifluous, but is it the typical Canadian broad-Scots "o" or something else entirely?

Clarkson, KY

Now I worked so hard to avoid the standard "mellifluous" and you go and throw it in there...POO and harRUMPH.

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Being from Alberta, it is unlikely to be at all influenced by the lovely Francais tones, but of course as a Canadian, I can pick out the western Canada accent compared to central and eastern. It's a skill we are born with. ;-)

Joplin, MO(Zone 6b)

hmm... what do I sound like to all of you?

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

Um dear Claire I am from Toronto. I sound like a northern NYer to most with 'ehs' thrown in. My true luv is from the prairies. He sounds more Dakotian. This has confused many from the SW except the spiders cuz spider whispering is accentless.

(Audrey) Dyersburg, TN(Zone 7a)

Wren, surprise me! I DO so love purple, and pink, and red, etc.! I also agree with the spellers, I don't like misspelled words or wrong terminology, and it is NOT Wal*Mark! Drives me up the wall! I could go on!
aiting impatiently, my ears are cold! LOL

This message was edited Jan 8, 2010 12:23 PM

Richmond, TX

I hate misspelling and botched grammar too, it's just a struggle to spell; I have no instinct for it. "-ance, -ence, -ense", ? How do I know which it is? They all sound the same. And that is just the tip of the iceberg.

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Whoopsie Dahlianut, I didn't know you were from the big smoke. I was from Guelph before I moved to Iowa. I was from Nova Scotia before I moved to Guelph. Now I know what you probably sound like though. :-)

Porkpal - one tip I have given to others is to pretend to be the Queen and speak with a fake British accent. Sometimes this helps people realize how a word is spelled. For example, the Queen doesn't say "budder", the Queen says "butter" and so if you pretend to be talking like her, you would probably say it that way.

Incidentally, -ense is relatively rare.
Sense (or words including it like nonsense) incense, tense.....I can't think of many others that are commonplace words.

Kingman, AZ(Zone 7a)

well I would say that D~nut does not sound like a Yankie, and yes I would use the word most fleuribeautifimous to describe it.

My spell check is broke, and sometimes my fingers over run my brain, and I cant see the errors until I post the dang blasted thing... UGGG

By the way, my Daddy was a Yankee, born in Peabody Mass, my Grandmother on his side was from Nova Scotia and my Grandfather was from Germany

My Mother was Full Blooded Texan, her daddy and momma were from there as well... Now I know where I get my drive from...

This message was edited Dec 30, 2009 9:52 AM

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

Sensical. Whence.

Clarkson, KY

hmm...what I was attempting to convey, with all too much obliquity (la!) is that I feel Dahlia's native accent must be delicately overlaid with multiple delicate flourishes of this and that which, while making it not subscribe to any recognized pattern, does tend to give it a grace, beauty, and flourish that us mere mortals might envy...taking her far beyond the reach of simple geographical designations...(neener, now I'm tired...)

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)


Jacksonville, FL(Zone 8b)

Doe I get your address written down so if you wish you can edit it out(might be a good idea) I will get it out to you as soon as possible.

My spell check ran away and the substitute spell check keeps giving me very strange spellings for the words I need help on. And I mean very strange.

Portland, OR(Zone 8b)

My keyboards at work and home both spell incorrectly......LOL. I had our IS Tech almost believing me that I needed a new keyboard....heheheh.

Richmond, TX

Recompense ? Actually I don't speak too very differently from the Queen, my father was British, and I am a reluctantly transplanted Texan, so fortunately I don't speak in any really identifiable local tone. Pronunciation is not the problem; it's the fact that there are many ways to spell the same sound. I often know when it's wrong, but it may take me several tries to fix it. (It also doesn't help when a cat helps me type.)

Rankin, IL(Zone 5a)

wow, go to bed early and look what one misses. Thank you for working on me Loreen.. I can't wait.. so much is happening with us all.
I am so happy for you ms J.. you made me cry..
greyK, ohh the hands, they do hurt so... you must learn to spin.. and spin some unwashed sheep fiber, get your lanolion the natural way. But I really did find crack cream, it comes in a little round cantainer, it smells like a lite vicks.. which made me remember when I was sick my friend told me to put vicks on the bottom of my feet.. oh my, not only did it kill off the coughing.. my feet ended up as smooth as a babies bottom. So I have tried the plain vicks on my hands at night... yup.. clears up the cracks overnight.

Joplin, MO(Zone 6b)

i'd forgotten that one! i knew that you put vicks on the bottoms of your feet to kill a fever.. & the chest & back for a cough. but i forgot to put it on broken skin. :) thank you.

Kingman, AZ(Zone 7a)

oh Vicks on the bottom of the feet for a fever or cough? Hummm I should try that.

Loreen you had them going cause your keys were worn out? LOL I got a wireless keyboard for my home computer since I wore the letters off the keys...There was nothing wrong with it, so the company bought me a new one and I got to take my old one home... LOL A little whiteout with a coat of clear fingernail polish and it works like new...

Thanks Frans, I am happy too, so is Billy.

Joplin, MO(Zone 6b)

bottom of feet for fever. Great grandpa swore by it.. i always thought it was just something he said.. but when one of the kids I was babysit had a 103 temp & his mom left him with me I tried it & within 30 minutes he was down to 101.

Clarkson, KY

makes sense...we lose heat most through heads and feet. I use rubbing alcohol on elbow and knee pits, but...

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

what about armpits Grow? That would be a luverly sensation... (not...)

Rankin, IL(Zone 5a)

moxie.. lol, not if you haven't shaved them... silly girl, isn't only on broken skin it hurts.. if you have a fever and your trying to cool down.. seems to me rubbing alcohol would work great.

Clarkson, KY

It does, and quickly...but there are occasional horror stories about it. Haven't researched at all. I use it when I don't WANT to use pills (which is frequently) and the fever is high enough I don't want to let it run its course...

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Ah well, that would be OK for winter....when summer comes, I have to start bothering with that nuisance razor again....(I'm a true hibernator in winter, hair keeps me warm! LOLOL!) Actually, the truth is, I can't be bothered when nobody can see it...

Portland, OR(Zone 8b)

Fran - I forgot to ask, fringe or no fringe for your NWD? When I do put fringe on NWDs it's usually no more than 2 inches in length. I should have it done this weekend.

Anyone - is a watchcap same as a plain stocking cap? I could do an internet search but I find it interesting to see what definitions people here come up with.

Would anyone be interested in a fancy, maybe sparkley , scarf? I'm in the mood to be fancily (is that a word?) creative. Just don't be in a hurry to get it. Color is negotiable.

Lodi, United States

I always thought a "watch cap" was the smaller cap with a fairly thick fold up. Like this:

Kingman, AZ(Zone 7a)

Cmoxon Oh Boy I am so glad there is someone else like me....

Kingman, AZ(Zone 7a)

A watch cap is a tight-fitting knit cap worn in cold weather, typically issued to navy personnel. The watch cap is usually brimless, but some models include a small front brim. Government issued watch caps are 100% wool, but other textiles may be used for commercial products. A watch cap is also a fairly simple knitting project, and you can find instructions on making your own at a fabric or craft store or online.

a heck in my terms it is a beenie cap.. I had a cool one that was red and white like cat int he hat and the top was so long it came to a point and hung down with a pompom. My DGD had a cold head so I borrowed it to her and never saw it again... I miss that hat.

Joplin, MO(Zone 6b)

slight meandering away from topic for another question... I need an organic cook book.. website for recipes.. something. I do not want to use sweetener.. so diabetic & low carb books are out of the question. Anyone have any ideas? i want nice, organic recipes.

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Loreen, I think Dahlianut is most apt to be super sparkly, but I will let her say for sure. I am presently spinning (yes, are you ready for this everybody?) some sparkly purple yarn for my Ravelry swap partner in the Winter Solstice Swap. She loves purple. Kelly made a no-tax exception since the fiber was only going to be in the house a short time.

Kingman, AZ(Zone 7a)

I thought of dear CMoxin when I saw this... LOL

Oh I finally found it...

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Actually MissJ, that looks pretty darn warm and cozy! I am not very fond of the colour, but the hat itself is quite acceptable!!

The scarf on the other hand....ummm...not so much.

Kingman, AZ(Zone 7a)

I loved my cat in the hat beanie, I haver pictures of her wearing it and riding somewhere, but it did not come with the scarf...

I liked the one that was you, it would cover your ears and tie on for protection.

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