What's for dinner? Pt 2

central, NJ(Zone 6b)

On to part 2....

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central, NJ(Zone 6b)

Coming from here

Lower Hudson Valley, NY(Zone 6b)

Thanks, Jen. Ground turkey and Hamburger Helper tonight!

Lower Hudson Valley, NY(Zone 6b)

Oops - no HH, so I'm improvising. Older son is cooking under my guidance!

Southeastern, NH(Zone 5b)

I'm eating Baked Stuffed Haddockwith rice pilaf as I type this. Seems like there's not a lot of fish eaters here, but this is the way to have it in my opinion. : )

South China, ME(Zone 5a)

Love haddock and tuna steaks and sword fish steaks broiled or grilled!!

I'm cheating tonight, belly has been upset all day so tonights meal comes out of the freezer.
Mediterranean Style Grilled Chicken & Roasted Vegetables by BERTOLLI.

Lower Hudson Valley, NY(Zone 6b)

Don't say 'cheating tonight' when we've been bombarded with Tiger stories!

South China, ME(Zone 5a)

Well I just want to FIT IN! hee hee he

Land of OZ, CT(Zone 6a)

I am soooo sick of the whole Tiger thing! The guy hits a ball with a stick for a living--I don't care who he sleeps with, as long as it isn't me! Can't for the life of me see why anyone outside his inner circle cares. Whenever his name comes up on the TV--I change the channel...(not yelling at you, Victor ^_^)

Lower Hudson Valley, NY(Zone 6b)

I don't care either, as long as he loses all his endorsements and admits he's the scum he is.

central, NJ(Zone 6b)

Yesterday dinner never happened so I made the salmon steaks tonight, used the sauce recipe on the bag, came out yummy.
Yesterday I finished my daughter's Princess spaghetti-o's

Land of OZ, CT(Zone 6a)

See...that isn't important to me. I do not buy products by name only--I look for quality, value, function and price. I might not agree with his lifestyle. but if those involved are consenting adults, what difference does it make whether he plays golf, or stands on his head and spits nickles? It would be different if he were a teacher, clergy, ie: someone whose influence might shape a life. OK--I'm done.

South China, ME(Zone 5a)

Funny you would say that Jen, I just noticed them on the shelf at the store the other day. Never knew they had Princess spaghetti-o's and soooo much more now. My kids had to go to their cousins house or neighbors house to have spaghetti-o's or any of those canned things. They thought I was a MEAN Mother because I refused to buy it!!

central, NJ(Zone 6b)

I loved spaghetti-o's when I was a kid, brought back memories.

Oh forgot to say had a banana split for dessert.

Lower Hudson Valley, NY(Zone 6b)

Unfortunately, Phoebe, many people, including, many kids, idolize this guy. Not just because he is great golfer, but because he was supposed to be above reproach - squeaky clean. Your point about consenting adults, is fine if he is single. Would you be happy if your daughter was his wife? Your grandkids were his kids? I would not be surprised at all if he cheated on her while she was pregnant. If he was an unknown nobody, it would not be important. But he is a 'role model.'

Questa, NM(Zone 5b)

Victor, I agree with Phoebe. I could care less who he sleeps with and think the media is a gossip machine and that's all these days.

Lower Hudson Valley, NY(Zone 6b)

So you don't believe the reports?? Would you want your son idolizing him? Treating women like him? Is he a role model?

Lower Hudson Valley, NY(Zone 6b)

As long as women tolerate men treating them like crap, they will continue to do so.

This message was edited Dec 7, 2009 7:59 PM

Thomaston, CT

That's true---even though I'm not interested in Tiger Woods per se, he is a public idol---and many kids try to emulate him----back to food---I cheated, too! Found an Amy's Organic Indian meal for myself, mac & cheese for DH---I did make a salad.

Land of OZ, CT(Zone 6a)

Well, if he impregnated my daughter, then I would be one of those people in his inner circle, and of course, directly affected by his behavior. But I think you've hit on what is the larger problem in current society...The breakdown of the family, and the adulation of strangers to fill the void. I would hope that you, and your brothers would be the role models for your sons, and daughters too--I'm not clear on how many you have, but I am impressed by the way you interact with them, from what you have revealed in your posts on Dave's. For instance, you know I've been a huge fan of the Beatles since I was a teen. However, they had no influence on my major life decisions. We could discuss the various aspects of this for days, but if you think about it, those looking to Tiger as a role model, are seeing that he is receiving a globally negative response regarding his behavior. People do what they do cos they think it is a good idea--don't think that many think what he did was a good thing, and certainly the consequences have been negative. Carrie Underwood is on Fox network....I love her music, but I would never really take a baseball bat to my cheating boyfriend's car--LOL!

Land of OZ, CT(Zone 6a)

Robin, I love the Amy's foods! They taste good and are healthy too!

Eastern Long Island, NY(Zone 7a)

Pork chops with white rice & red beans w/broccoli tonight.

{tiger}... no one is 'squeaky' clean.

Pepperell, MA(Zone 6a)

i agree the media is a gossip machine - and in the old days this would have been covered up - this is not new behavior - it has gone on since forever and will continue.

Lower Hudson Valley, NY(Zone 6b)

Ended up having ground turkey with Goya sauce, garlic, onions and peppers. Also, sweet potato fries and cole slaw.

No one said this jerk invented cheating.

Land of OZ, CT(Zone 6a)

What is Goya Sauce?--I love sweet potato fries!

Lower Hudson Valley, NY(Zone 6b)


Thumbnail by victorgardener
Land of OZ, CT(Zone 6a)

Name dropper!!!

Eastern Long Island, NY(Zone 7a)

They make good 'pasteles' too, find them in the frozen food sect., wish they had more meat in them, but they are very tasty!

Salem Cnty, NJ(Zone 7b)

Leftovers - Yummm!!!

Lower Hudson Valley, NY(Zone 6b)


(Ronnie), PA(Zone 6b)

Meatloaf ,milk potatoes and salad.

Pepperell, MA(Zone 6a)

wife has decided to stop eating my cooking - complain, complain - she has gained a few pounds (can't reveal that number or it would be the end of me) - and has gone back to eating broccoli for dinner - of course this is all my fault and the fact she kept going back for seconds was my fault as well.

tonight I will have flank steak med-rare with sauteed mushrooms/garlic and steak fries - she will have broccoli and i will take some.

Lower Hudson Valley, NY(Zone 6b)

Uh oh!

Pepperell, MA(Zone 6a)

:) she loves steak fries, going to be tough for her:)

Land of OZ, CT(Zone 6a)

Don't suppose you could have a baked potato?.....

central, NJ(Zone 6b)

She may lose some weight but watch out for the gas! Was your wife the one that didn't like fish?

Ziti tonight.

Pepperell, MA(Zone 6a)


South Hamilton, MA

caused by brocoli. Beano is supposed to help that with beans. Broccolo?

Lower Hudson Valley, NY(Zone 6b)

Hee hee. Chewing fennel seeds is great for eliminating gas. Nice flavor too.

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Meridith, I have fish about 1st a week.
iris, Beano works well on about anything, I took a good supply along to Mexico on our trip and was very pleased, Now Holly wants me to find some for dog!LOL
I posted this at 3:58 in the MA forum:
More comfort food on the way. I just finished brasing a 3# boneless rump roast and preping it for the oven, it already smells good. Mixed up some cold water, flour, cracked pepper,sea salt, dried mushrooms, thyme, and red wine for it to drip in with a med.chopped onion. In a couple of hours I'll throw in a # on baby peeled carrots and quatered "jacket on" taters. I just have to make more rolls!LOL Ric

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