CLOSED: '09 Fall Frenzy Swap #11

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

I know i've already sent in my seeds... but if no one else has Echinacea ... i do have some seeds.
off the top of my head.... Bravado, Merlot and one more... summer sky??
I WS'ed them last year, so i'm hoping for blooms this year.

OH I have then Tennesseeeeee, it's Tennessee with a lot of extra "e"s in it.

i'd have to do it separate of the swap... but if someone really needs them.

(Becky) Colmesneil, TX(Zone 8b)

sorry gen.. I already listed you... hehehe

Port Norris, NJ(Zone 7b)

Ella, I will certainly make sure I have the correct zip code for the seeds I'm sending out to you.
Just found out the zip I used for a cheese cake to my sister-in-law is actually in Italy.

I'm closing out my have list today and in its place will be uploading the seeds requested list.
So if I've made any mistakes please correct me as the package will be going in the mail tomorrow


Buckley, WA(Zone 7b)

I still have seeds for Echinacea Pink Double Decker and Pink Double Delight. I don't know if they come true from seed, as I bought the plants last year. But they were so pretty. I am still sorting my seed packets. They have moved from the DR table, to my office, and are now in the FR on the coffee table. I figured if I had to look at them everyday, maybe I would spend less time on DG and get them finished. So oink away!!!

Southborough, MA(Zone 6a)

Lynn- can I get some of the echie Pink Double Delight?

Southborough, MA(Zone 6a)


You must have been on the rain side of the rain/snow line. We got 6 inches of wet snow. 495 was down to 40 MPH speed limit.
I spoke with someone in Taunton and they said they only got rain.

On top of all this- my internet connection and ALL my phone connections were down for a while this morning. A billing mistake by Verizon. Took them an hour to get it back on after figuring out it was a billing issue. (Fortunately for me, you can call verizon customer service on your cell when service is disconnected, as I don't have a regular land-line phone, only cell and VoIP). Then picture 2 kids complaining that they are absolutely bored and miserable with no TV, phone or internet- just like what the rest of us had when we were kids, and we lived through that horrible misery :)
That finally came back on, and then an hour later we lost power for a couple hours.

I finally decided to cut my losses on working and listening to their complaints and just took them out to lunch. Came back, power is on, everyone is fed and happy (for the moment).

Canton,IL &Dent Coun, MO(Zone 5b)

ok the issue last night was my 15 yo step son Blake, was told to clean his room, he wasn't going anywhere because of the storm...he instead decided to hit me, I am slow to anger but when I get there I have a very bad temper, and I was afraid I would hurt I left...not realizing he had in fact landed his punch and broke my nose. we have only had Blake in our home a little over a year(his mother died 3 years ago), it was a very long and hard fight to get custody of him away from his very abusive grandmother. Since he has been here we have repeatedly tried to get him help, but usually he acts out by stealing things from other people, so our local police were more interested in simply arresting him than helping him...Ok, because I am on disability and we get a death benefits check for blake, Social security stepped in this morning...he has been moved to a residential treatment facility. also after a year of fighting with the state's attorneys office to get a restraining order against Blakes grandmother (she's 87 and lives in Iowa they didn't feel it was necessary) Social Security got one for us this morning. They are also going to file a lawsuit against the state of Iowa, Iowa DCFS, and the Judge who kept giving Blake back to her, on ours and Blakes behalf. they did however, have to sedate him this morning, he is understandably upset and this morning was confused thinking I was his mother, Kelly. but FINALLY we are getting him the help he's desperately needed since Rob got custody of him.
we knew that DCFS had 218 FOUNDED reports of Shirley (grandma) abusing him...but until this morning we only had partials of those reports, we now have them is a complete miracle that this kid held onto his sanity for as long as he has. And SS was horrified that ANY judge would continually put this child back in her home, instead of sending him to his father

Winchester, KY(Zone 6a)

(((((((Trina)))))) Hugs to you! So sorry such crud has hit for the holiday season- but you hold onto your Piggy seeds, and until you can get them sown, go look at those seeds when it feels like too much, and remember all your Piggy friends who care and are there for you. Hopefully the silver lining is the boy will get the help he needs.

Southborough, MA(Zone 6a)

Trina- That is horrible! The poor kid!
You are a very strong woman to take that on. I'm glad he has some one on his side like you. Being a formerly troubled kid that turned out ok, I was also sent to live with my dad and step-mom, I can tell you that you are in for a long haul, but it is worth it.
I HATED my step-mom (and my mother too for other reasons) and it took a few years for me to come around and listen to them. I can say I'm a fairly well adjusted 40-ish yr old adult now, that is as normal as I can be :) . Keep up the good work!
(and get some karate or tae kwon do lessons- it will help with your self-defense and keeping the anger in check)


Canton,IL &Dent Coun, MO(Zone 5b)

my step-dad is an ex marine and my grandfather was army...and I did my 4 for the air force....I may be tiny but I pack a powerful punch...which is why he only hit me once...I'm just glad it was me and not one of the younger 3 kids or the 19 yo...because I don't think they would have stopped because they can't relate...unfortunately (or maybe in this case fortunately) I have been where this kid has so I knew it wasn't a personal attack, but a cry for help

Trina, that is so sad and now maybe he will get the help he needs and can turn it all around. Hope you are ok now.

Canton,IL &Dent Coun, MO(Zone 5b)

face hurts, but otherwise okay....not the first time I got a broken nose, and with the way I am, won't be the last...after all the first thing I did this morning was shut my fingers in the door!

Oh my. Take a deep breath and drink a cup of coffee and relax girl.

Canton,IL &Dent Coun, MO(Zone 5b)

I decided my best option for the day was just sit in one place and wait on the mailman! LOL he's supposed to be bringing me some stuff I bought on ebay...more seeds, gee what a suprise...LOL

Hope your hubby don't shoot the mail man. LOL

Canton,IL &Dent Coun, MO(Zone 5b)

nah we have an understanding...I have plants and seeds...he has expensive hot rods...LOL
ok the other kids want to watch a movie so I'm gonna go join them.

Pittsburg, MO(Zone 6b)

Well I can say this for you, you are one gutsy gal and you seem like the type that never gives up. That kid is one lucky little dude to have you on his side. All my love and prayers go out to you,

Same here.

Monticello, KY(Zone 6b)

Trina you are someone to look up to. You give that boy a hug a kiss and tell him you love him next time you see him.

Canton,IL &Dent Coun, MO(Zone 5b)

that's the part that sucks we can have no contact with him, just his doctors for the first 2 weeks, but we'll get through I'm gonna shoot the people at the Medicare office....trying to get things done, but I have to pay for it? yeah here ya go we'll give $1000 a month to live but we're gonna take $250 a month back for insurance

Canton,IL &Dent Coun, MO(Zone 5b)

gonna go play with my new seeds and then try again tomorrow...maybe then I can talk to a human!

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

Like my suntan everybody? Well I can dream can't I. It was a beautiful day for a change. Yep out I went this mornign in my pink robe and clod hopepr s and wtere d the gh and puttere d aroudn a little bit and then it got warm and off they came. That the one good thign abotu coutnry living. The neighbors nor delivery peopel think yoru crazy with what ya wear .

Trina.. Hope for evrybody sake that evrythign goe s well. Won't be e asy all things take time. but ya part of the pigy family nd ya got all a bunch of new friend s here anytiem ya need em.

heheheheehe more seeds. I tell ya becareful or ya gonna be joining seed -a holic classes with us : )

Vashon, WA(Zone 8a)

Trina, so sorry for your troubles, as the Irish would say. I hope that your stepson gets all the help he needs at his residential facility. My own eldest son was shocking during his teen years. He finally came around with residential treatment aka the navy! Boot camp did more to straighten him out than all the lectures and pleadings. I had even thought of military school when he was 16.
Good for you for sticking to your guns. We're all with you, and hope that your little package comes soon.

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

forgot.. Gemini-sage.. Yoru seeds arrived today! : )

Jamaica Plain, MA(Zone 6a)

Hi guys.
Patricia, it was a pretty dreary day here too, in fact it's still raining now. Glad your kids have cheered up. We used to read books when I was a kid, if I remember right. And play in snow, and stuff like that.

Everyone, I'm taking last oinks. Getting ready to pack it in, and will probably pack it all up tomorrow, so LAST CALL! Oink now or not til next year. There's still some goodies left!

Does anyone have those moonshine Asters? I really want some of those if there is any around.

Jackson, SC(Zone 8a)

its still very windy here. took me 40 minutes to get my daughter to school this morning when its usually a 15 min ride. the rain and water was so bad. now we have winds and tornadoe watches. we had one rip through here a few months back. so kinda on the edge tonight.

here by self hubby in south ga 3 hours away before he crosses to ala. fun. at least they say he will be home for christmas a whole week. yea

(Becky) Colmesneil, TX(Zone 8b)

Katrina.... glad it's out and now you can take a deep breath!! Hopefully it's over and he'll get the help he needs desperately! I also think it's a good idea that y'all can't communicate for the 2 weeks. It'll give him time to hopefully understand the consequences for his actions

Buckley, WA(Zone 7b)

Trina, so sorry that you have to go through such pain and torment within your family, especially at the holidays. Cheer up and keep the faith. It's a good thing you are such a strong woman.

Polkton, NC(Zone 7b)

Good morning all and happy thursday. Wow its nice to see the sun shine again. So much going on here. Trina I am sending a dmail to you. I had a similar situation once.
KL your shed is drop dead beautiful, now how about building me one just like it hehe. The only thing I could tell you is to take the time to put up the tracks so your shelves will be adjustable. Thats one thing I have learned over time because your needs will chance and that means your shelves will need to change too :)
Hope everyone has a great day.

Delray Beach, FL(Zone 10b)

My list is still open. The weather has been snowy/icy here this week, much too icy to walk to the post office. (I am disabled from an accident, working part time from home and taking classes online, unable to drive for the time being).

I plan on sending extra marigold seeds to the swap anyway, so if anyone wants either yellow French marigolds, matching yellow African yellow, or orange-yellow African marigolds (which I got from a swap mislabeled as Calendula) you can send me a dmail. I have tons and would love to share them. Since they are going to be sent as extra-bulk seeds anyway, It should be alright if they push you over your count. Doing it this way would be much more efficient than sending SASE separately. I started seeds (other than tomatoes and sunflowers) inside this winter for the first time. I had the garden all planned out, but some of the seeds didn't germinate! I am growing to appreciate plants like my marigolds that you can literally just dump in the garden and they grow!. (I put the seeds in an empty parmesan shaker and sprinkled them everywhere).

I also have extra morning glory seeds, beyond my 10 packs and claimed packs. The sent packs are 100%star of yelta purple morning glories. I have a separate bunch of seeds containing mostly star of yelta plus a few "bright eyes" hot pink morning glories from a separate area of the garden. I will be glad to send extras of these to anyone who wants them. I didn't offer this batch in trades because it may have a few stray bright pink ones (which look nice together). I got the hot pink ones from the newbie swap and thought I would try mixing them. I liked the look. I plan to mix a few more next spring. I probably have to keep pots of separate types to gather seeds. It is too difficult to find separate plants in the tangled vines. People can dmail me for either or both the star of yelta or the mix.

I save everything, then complain about the clutter. I read Picasso was a packrat, also, so I justify it as my creative nature. The seeds will be better used in someone's garden than in a jar in a cabinet.

I hope to get everything rounded up and sent early next week, weather permitting. I'll set a tentative date of Sunday to close my list. Happy oinking!

Simpsonville, SC(Zone 7b)

:0 Was windy here yesterday too. I need to look Imzadi and see where Jackson is...

Well, I went outside to pick up the bird feeder pole, which had fallen over yet again, and noticed something seemed strange. Then I realized, the umbrella from the patio table, a big heavy one, set in a granite patio table, was missing! Looked all around the back yard, nothing. Then started praying that it wasn't through someone's window somewhere. Tiptoed around the house. Almost sank to china from all the rain we've had. Yuck, and in my good shoes too. Discovered it around one side of the house. Must have been a site to see, that thing flying around the yard! It often stays outside at least for December, because we'll still have some nice, really bright days where you need a break from the sun. I think maybe this year it stays in the garage...

Well, looks like we get 2 sunny days in a row here, so hopefully I'll be busy painting a shed tomorrow!

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

KL... talk about 'things flying around'.... one year, late 90's I"m sure... my mother's house was hit with the neighbors trampoline ... and they were all on one acre lots... so that thing flew a LONG way.... but ... high winds are nasty.. i really hate them.

and speaking of wind.... our house in 'on the end' so we have no wind break from the howling winds.... that side of my house always seems COLDER, especially on days like today with 26mph gusts .... just checked the weather page.... 1F with 26mph wind = -21F !! Brrrrrrrrr

I'm not leaving the house for a few days..... hopefully we have enough food... LOL ... at least i just cracked open a fresh half and half... as long as i have my coffee.. .I'll survive.

Ahhhhhh... Star of Yelta... that is a pretty one. While I love purples, I'm trying to get some "Whites" going for next year. I have S-of-Y growing on a north fence... gets late day sun but still does fine. Have some ditch lilies over there, which i'm trying to irradiate ... but the orange and purple looks so nice together. Last year it grew over my Shasta Daisy's... again, looked very pretty.

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

I've been entering data into my spreadsheet for a few days now.... trying to get it all up to date, so when the seeds come, i wont have that much work to do...

Lala --- I'm getting Tiger Eye Ruds from you.... were they OP or commercial? and when i google it... i get a page that states they are a hybrid, annual ... and the link on Daves has one called Tiger Eye Gold, which is a [P] in zone 6+

any ideas??

and... I'm finding i'm way over 200 seed varieties again.... where am i going to put it all??

OH -- I found a seed in the bottom of my basket... it looked like a cream colored 'caplet', about the same size. Didnt' know what it was, so i stuck it in some soil, and it just popped up out of the soil this morning. I have absolutely no idea what it may be. I've never seen that shaped seed before... something looking like a "pill". I'm thinking it came in a "Wild Flower" seed pack.... anyone have any ideas??

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

**twiddling thumbs ** Where is everyone??

ok... i just finished entering all the data... now i have to go thru the seed basket and compare it to the spreadsheet ...

I have a question though....

if something is a Perennial or Bi-Annual and it says z6-10
what will it be in zone 5?? will it even bloom? i'd hate for it to be BiAnnual, but not survive the winters.
or would that be... Perennial in zone 6 and up, but Bi-Annual in colder temps?

Winchester, KY(Zone 6a)

Terese, I think that does refer to the cold the plant can tolerate. It would probably be a good idea to offer it some protection.

Buckley, WA(Zone 7b)

Good morning, tcs. the cat and I are here. It is 10 degrees right now. Brrrrr

Our pipes must have frozen last night because we have no water this morning. Fortunately, I was able to drain enough water out of the faucets to make a pot of coffee. DH is not going to b e happy when he gets home this morning (he's a fire fighter, and is just getting off 24 hour shift.)

I went into the GH yesterday to putter around, and to my dismay, several of my favorite plants were frozen solid in their pots. I keep it heated, and had put BW on the glass, but obviously, not enough. The plants close to the wall and the ones sitting on the floor are the ones that froze. I didn't even think about the cold coming from the ground. All of my EE's, Bougainville, Calla Lily, and Tropical Hibiscus are frozen solid. I don't know if they will recover, the EE's and Lily are now mush.

I would like to try your mixed MG, Garden Quilts. Hot Pink and Purple are right up my alley.

I would like a few extra marigolds. They are such happy little flowers. The GK can plant some and be successful.

Beware of flying trampolines and patio umbrellas everyone!

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

OH Lynn.... that stinks about your plants. 10 is COLD... we are at 2°
and nothing worse than frozen pipes... though i have to say.. it's never happened to us.

Jackson, SC(Zone 8a)

took my list down all thats left up is seeds promised to me.

fixing to send out.

star sending 7.00 as have bulbs and might be different. also wanting priority box.

Winchester, KY(Zone 6a)

Star, I ended up using the medium flat rate box to send, I just couldn't squeeze everything into the small one, but use whatever works to send seeds back. I'm thinking it won't need to be as big, and I included some extra postage $ to help with storm survivors boxes, so just use whatever is cheapest and the left over postage toward the rest.

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