Rock Swap

I am a lucky person. I was just suppose to do physical rehab with him for the Humane Society so they could adopt him out. When his rehab was over and time to take him back I had a melt down. I realized I fell in love with him.
You should see him trying to dig around the rock pile. I'm sure there are mice in there and he wants them to come out and play. : ) He has caught 2 so far under my potting bench. He doesn't play very nice with them however. He keeps having to find new mouse friends.
Here he is at school with his very favorite kids, he really loves these kids and they love him. They are 'teaching' Petrie the art of reading. : ) He gives them such confidence.

This message was edited Dec 5, 2009 9:33 PM

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What a cool dog! I'll bet he is just great with kids, and I'll bet he would be quite the role model for kids and adults with disabilities, too.

Newport News, VA(Zone 11)

Welcome to all the new interested persons!

So far I think we have agreed that after the holidays would be a better time frame and give us time to rock hound for goodies.

We will use the flat rate boxes for shipping to cut down on costs.

Individual swaps or one lucky volunteer hostess?

If we have a hostess I think we should limit the number of participants to make it manageable. Maybe 10 persons? Then the hostess will not be overwhelmed, or pull a muscle:-) and maybe we will get a volunteer?

Then we would be mailing a set number of rocks, one for each person. Each person would then get ten. We could then post pics, as many as you like, and a list and select from each persons list, which we would like to receive so everyone gets what they like. Since this is not like seeds, in that every rock is different, personal preference would have to be done from the pics posted.

The shells and coral should be shipped separately and pics posted same as the rocks for individual selection.

Also, if a person has all one kind of rock it will still work.

Whadaya think?

Yeah Jada. Great planning. I think limiting it to 11 persons (that's how many are on here now) is a good idea, otherwise it would become overwhelming.
Does everyone on this list want to participate? If so how, jada how do we close this list?
I am not familar with the proper procedure on DG.

Pepperell, MA(Zone 6a)

i would like to participate although waiting till the spring might be best - there is snow on the grond here now.

I didn't even think that some folks would have snow by now. That's a good point.

Also, even if we do flat rate boxes, sending ten boxes is going to be 50$. People may be fine with that, but seeing it in print might put some folks off.
I was wondering if we might trade individual lots. We could post photos of groups of rocks that would be sent together and trade for other groups of rocks if the rocks are fairly small. Others could be traded for individually or in smaller groups.
I like the idea of posting what is available and letting people choose what they want.

Newport News, VA(Zone 11)

Sorry about the snow, wha. I hope it is gone by mailing time, somewhere in January. Can you still get pics?

Good idea! Individual "lots" would be better. Even better is a hostess volunteer to send them all to. Any takers??? Come on...don't be shy :-)

Pepperell, MA(Zone 6a)

i do not have rocks to share yet

Newport News, VA(Zone 11)

Did I hear wha speak up?? You said you want to be the hostess? :-)

Pepperell, MA(Zone 6a)

not me - i would prefer that everyone post pics when they can and dmail who you would like to trade with and work it out individually

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

Not me, no hostess. I don't know what to
do to keep ME organized, little own a hundred rocks!!!

Newport News, VA(Zone 11)

That was the original plan but it could get costly.

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

What about if we didn't set a date just keep track of everyone and mail them when we got them. I am on a fixed income so I can only
mail around the first of the month. I will get everyone their rocks they just have to be patient. I know about not being patient, but you sort learn to get patient as life moves on. I don't know. I want to send nice rocks to folks. Got into a lot of "first time I've ever done it's" here on Daves, but I love trying. Don't you all?

Newport News, VA(Zone 11)

RRM I think when we set a date it will give everyone plenty of time to mail out the goodies. Don't worry :-)

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Maybe we've got 2 different things going on here... a round robin sort of thing involving an assortment of smaller rocks, and also arranging for individual trades of larger specimens.

We could do a regular round robin where the box is forwarded to one person at a time, and that person gets to take out rock(s) and put in other rocks (like the tomato seed round robin that zztop has hosted in the past)... but the problem is that sometimes life happens and the box gets "stuck" with somebody and doesn't complete its rounds. Better I think would be to do a "virtual round robin" where everybody sends rocks to a hostess, who posts photos of the rocks, and then we take turns choosing rocks for our return box. Postage would be around $20 or $30 to participate ($11 if we used the smallest flat rate boxes and did fewer or smaller rocks).

Even if we have 11 participants, we could just do, say, a 5 rock box... everybody would get 5 turns to pick a rock from the rockpile... and we just wouldn't end up with 1 rock from each participant. I think it would be more fun to have a rock from everybody in the robin, so I'd rather do a bigger box. We'd randomize the turn taking, so the first person to pick from participant A's pile wouldn't be the first person to pick from the other piles.

I don't think the rocks have to be huge, just big enough to be a nice accent in a container. And to me it makes sense to allow shells or coral pieces to be mixed with a participant's rocks... if somebody doesn't want a shell, they can just pick a rock.

There's snow on my rocks now, also. :-)

Would we want to concentrate on local rocks (interesting everywhere, but prettier from some places than others), or are we digging into our rock stashes for this? The closest we get to "fancy" rocks around here are chunks of mostly-white quartz... but I could sweeten my offering with a handful of NC seashells! LOL

I might be able to host after the holidays, but I'm reluctant to volunteer for sure because life with an infant is uncertain! :-)

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

How is that new baby doing?? Bet she is growing.
She grow up to be a RockBaby.
O.K. I will try not to worry. I just don't want anyone to feel cheated.
Do we clean the moss off the rocks or leave it? I have some moss on
a few of them I want to take a little rake I got to see what I really have.
Do we want to Wash them?
Oh, girls, I do ask questions.

HELP! RRM, don't clean the moss off. **
That's GA moss and the rocks are so beautiful with it. : )
I'm like RRM, on a fixed income, so can't afford to send a bunch of boxes. Oh, so maybe the host thing would work, I could just send one great big (under 70#) box to the hostess with return postage? Remember, 'If it fits, it ships'. That's what the commercials say. : )
I also think shells and coral or fossels can be included. They all will be great in the garden or home. : )
We have plenty of time to work it out. YEAH

Vancouver, WA(Zone 8a)

This looks fun, is it full or is there still room for more rock lovers? If it is, can I still lurk? I like rocks enough that I've even got a pair of earrings made with Columbia R. Rock and sterling silver. I don't have a picture of them, but I could take one if anyone wants to see them? They were my BD present from DH-I can't say he's never given me big rocks for my ears anymore, lol.....They came from a local art festival.

As far as my "native" rocks go, I've got lots of palm-ish sized river-y rocks, lots in a reddish tone, some more ocher (first time I think I've ever used "ocher" to actually describe a color). I've made myself a very non-functional dry stream bed sort of thing to show off lots of them, but I'll need to get all the doug fir needles off to show them to best advantage, and they look even better wet. No good pictures of it, either, though. Then there are the various inhouse piles, etc....

And, like everyone else, no time before the holidays for anything new, but something to liven up the January doldrums would be fabulous!

RRM, love your channel-y rock-I can see why you & your sister have kept it that long. Valleylynn, what a treasure trove! I'd love to know where to go to actually find some like that "In the wild", so to speak. Melissa, one of these days I'd like a "rock tour" of your gardens, more specifically...maybe winter would be good?

Y'know, it's interesting, it's almost like there's two groups here- east coast and west coast. postmandug is the only person from the middle? (And we all know there are some very,very, very large rocks right in the middle.....maybe those folks don't need any more???)

Critter, shells in with rocks doesn't seem like a happy thing for the shells unless they're super-well padded?

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

Everyone else can send bubble wrap for the shells. How about that? Got to protect the rocks...☺
Yes, send pic of the rocks I might be able to make some. I am rather crafty.
Especially if I get the right glue. Guess we are into everything, You might say.

Thumbnail by ridesredmule

Would love to see your picture susybell. : )
Sounds like a gift of love to me.

RRM, that is beautiful, and you made it?

Newport News, VA(Zone 11)

LOL! Hi susybell. Yes, welcome. You are too funny. Sure, post pics of whatever you like and start collecting those palm size rocks for us. They sound like the right size.

Critter! You have snow too! I think you got the picture just right. We will either do individual picks or divy them up from a hostess if and when we get one. We have another month to think about it and collect our specimens. Good luck with the new baby! Remember, get your sleep when they sleep :-)


Newport News, VA(Zone 11)

Thats really nice RRM. You are rocking talented :-)

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

Thanks girls. Yes, I make them They are made of copper wire,
Love to make them. Got some made up for Christmas too.
Already made some for some of the girls here. They like them.
I wear these all the time. They are tough.
Who wants a bracelet?
When I rade I usually include one.

Dear darlin' rock lovers,

Would somebody be kind enough to send me a huge rock? I'll tell ya what it looks like. Here, followin' is the description:

1.) See through, usually.
2.) Is sometimes described as broken glass, ice or even metallic glazed (like aluminum).
3.) Dirt doesn't "stick" to it like other rocks.
4.) Has been described as having an internal fire.
5.) Can be found in Murfreesboro, Arkansas.
6.) Has different grades.
7.) Can also be found with lamproite, amethyst, banded agate, jasper, peridot, garnet, quartz, calcite, barite and hematite
8.) On November 28th, someone found a 86 point white beauty!!! (Wish that had been me!) Actually, I wish I would have found Uncle Sam...40.23 carats uncut. Whoo hoo. I was born to late to find that one.
9.) Need a clue?
10.) Here is a link to yellow, brown and white UNCUT ones. See how pretty they are even uncut?!? (Click on the 2nd picture down on the right).

So, ya'all game? It ain't gonna take much moola for postage as these babies are small.

LOL; thought you rock hounds would enjoy this as much as I do. I've got a few jaspers and misc. from my travels to the diamond mine.

World's best rock swap! Pay a little and walk away w/ a diamond. (Or wish you had, in my case!)

This message was edited Dec 6, 2009 3:47 PM

Newport News, VA(Zone 11)

Not a problem Aunt A! All we need is for someone from Arkansas to check in and join the fun. Give them your request and walk away a happy camper :-)

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

Aunt_A that was great. Maybe when it warms up.
Have to try out NC they have mines there too. But think that
is mostly for the rock hounds. Is my tongue hanging out? ☺
I love rocks. Plants , animals, too much .

Port Norris, NJ(Zone 7b)

Are you sure what you have is a plain old rock & not an artifact ?

It truly is an unusual shape, the curves almost look carved.

If you have this swap next year I may be tempted to join - I collected
rocks for many years - had to leave many of the larger ones behind when I moved (no room in the van) but still plenty to share!

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

I believed it to be sort of a sandstone, I just know we got that big heavy rock up that riverbank and after I moved to Ga.; I brought it with me.
It is a beautiful rock. My sister passed away in a car wreck but i still have this rock to remember her and the fun we had getting it up that bank. They are carved by the Grand River in Missouri.

This message was edited Dec 6, 2009 6:51 PM

I watched one of the adventure programs on tv about diamond hunting in Murphysboro. I was great fun just watching it. : )

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

I think it would be neat to go to a diamond mine. Probably all I'd get would be a neat rock.
but That would be great. Guess it doesn't take much to amuse me, huh??? ☺

Pepperell, MA(Zone 6a)

thought i would post a couple rocks i collected this year - not for shipping though - these weight over a hunderd lbs.

Thumbnail by wha
Pepperell, MA(Zone 6a)

here's an arch

Thumbnail by wha
Pepperell, MA(Zone 6a)

and last a cool one with very intricate grooves all over it - not sure what kind of rock it is - same as the first pic - very heavy and dark brown to black

Thumbnail by wha

I'm addicted. Sometimes for a present, I'll tell my DH that I just want to go to the Arkansas Diamond Mine.

It is really just this huge bare field of dirt that goes on and on and on. It seems to be sticky and almost quick sand (LOL) when it rains, horribly hot and dry in the sun and freezing cold in the winter.

Someday, I'll find a huge diamond. I'd like to find one of the rare colors, like green or sunshine yellow. But, I'll sell it so I don't have to worry about keeping it safe. Then, I'll pay my bills off. winning the lottery but so much better because no one else looses a bunch so I can gain. (Unless you count the ones that didn't find the treasure first.)

Love all these rock pics this thread. I'm not going to join in this exchange but maybe another one once I have the chance to go back to Arkansas and get some pretty stones.

Union, WA(Zone 8b)

Oh I was hoping to join in but just got to the bottom of the thread. I have a collection of heart shaped rocks and a couple of oddities. Will get a picture tomorrow. If you can take more people I would like to join. I have many large rocks placed around my garden. Had a backhoe bring in one from up the road. Lugged some home with a hand truck. Fun!

(Zone 1)

Wow! Y'all have some great rocks! I have always wanted a garden with a rock wall and I've always thought it would be great to have a rock fence around the yard! I guess I should live somewhere else other than Florida, which is all sand! My love of rock walls must come from my Irish heritage ... I've only seen pictures but have always dreamed of Ireland!

wa: Love, Love, Love that arch as well as that hunk of what looks like granite!

I will be watching this thread to see what the final details end up being for this swap. I tend to agree with whoever had the idea earlier in the thread of the less expensive way, with the hostess making a list of names of the participants and matching one person up with another. And I think the cheapest way to ship would probably be using the large USPS Priority Flat Rate box.

If we go the route where everyone sends a box of rocks to the hostess for her to divide, re-box and label ... we will all have to send the hostess enough $$ for postage to ship a box back to us. So, we'd be paying for postage two ways. If we each have a swap partner it would be postage one way to that one person.

I will be watching to see if this is a go for next spring ... it would be a fun swap!

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

I'm game for a 1 way swap, too... but I'd rather pay postage 2 ways and end up with rocks from a bunch of different people.

Could be we've got the start of several different swaps here, depending on what people want to do. :-)

Newport News, VA(Zone 11)

Welcome Willowwind2 and Plantladylin! Keep checking in for updates. We will definitely be making this happen:-)

Oh wha! I love your rock wall and the arch! I want one!
How long did it take to do that? Did you have someone come in with a shipment and then assemble them?

I am of the same mind Jill. I don't think two way postage would be so bad. Not considering the many different kinds of rocks you will be getting.Swapping with one person limits you to rocks from that one area.

RRM, those are awesome bracelets. Everyone has such cool rocks. I would love to go to that diamond mine in Arkansas. That state is full of great rocks.
One of the best, most fun rock collecting trips I've done is to an opal mine in Australia. I could have spent days and days going through the tailings. We did find some opals, but not big ones. Still, they are really cool. That diamond mine reminds me of a place up in British columbia that I'd like to go to some day. Here is a link:

I've been playing with making some jewelry out of some of the washed limestone I got this summer. It comes from one specific beach on San Juan Island, one that can be reached only by boat. We go to that beach just so I can get these rocks. They are so smooth, it's like they are polished. Plus, you can watch the Orcas from there.
I got silver covered copper wire and wrapped it around the rocks. The agate in the middle is one I found at a bead store. Wish I had found it on a beach somewhere, but nope.

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