Rock Swap

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

I like to use rocks in Succulet and Cacti gardens. They don't have to be huge either.
Got to go looking for rocks on the back hills. We need to know how many, I am
so looking forward to this.

Here is a picture of one source of my rocks.

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Close up of a few.

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One more. It is way to cold out so will get better pictures of individual rocks with something to show scale of each maybe tomorrow. Brrrrrrr

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Lynn, I could spend an enjoyable day going through those rocks! Here are some photos of the rocks I have in the yard and some that I have that are not sorted yet, which I can send people.

This is a centerpiece for the outdoor table. You can see we got below freezing last night. These are all from beaches in the Gulf Islands of British Columbia.

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These are around one of the beds up front. sorry about the dead hosta leaves.

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These are all from places in Washington.

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These, too, are all from Washington.

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Some of my favorites. A big hunk of petrified wood from a beach, and a fossil from Racehorse creek up by Bellingham. One can find fossilized palm leaves in that area. I found some, but they are very soft and break easily. My biggest one is broken in three pieces. If I had large machinery, I would have moved a boulder I found at the edge of the creek. It had a complete palm frond on the side.

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Here's the fossil you can't see in the last photo. It's the rock on the left that is only barely in the photo.

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Here are some I can trade. You know, photos just don't do rocks justice do they?

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And here are more I can trade. They are in a fabric bucket. These all look great in bowls.

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Pixy, they are all beautiful. You are right, as beautiful as they are in the pictures they are more so in person. What a selection. That's a lovely piece of obsidian, what is the other rock in the same picture? I have some obsidian that is red & black mixed.

I have some of the red and black obsidian,, too, but I don't know which part of the yard it's in. I think the red rock in the photo is an agatized red jasper. I love that rock. Red jasper is one of my favorites. Actually, I like all of the jaspers. I found some large hunks of yellow jasper at a beach this summer. It was like a treasure trove.

Dallas, OR(Zone 8a)

O.K. girls, I'm in.... sign me up for the swap.

I got my rock all loaded up, where do you guys all want this delivered to ?


Thumbnail by CreeksideFarm
Dallas, OR(Zone 8a)

Oh, hang on, I just noticed the back tire's gettin a little low. I'll have to take a look for the Jack and the spare.... Be right back.

Pepperell, MA(Zone 6a)

Diana now we are talkin! that is a rock!!!

it is going to take me some time to gather some rocks from the sea shore of the atlantic to swap. i have some small cool ones that are either water or glaciet worn that i will include. this does not have to happen tommow does it? as soon as i have some rock i am willing to give up - i will chime in.

(Pony) Lakewood, WA(Zone 8a)

LOL! I love that rock! Bring it on over, I have just the spot for it! ;)

Buckley, WA(Zone 7b)

Hey You Guys! Don't forget me! I love rocks, too. I will look to see what I can find to trade.

I knew Lynn would find us!!
Darn, I wish Pony hadn't seen that huge rock first. She gets all the cool ones.
Wha,, I don't think this is going to happen tomorrow. We don't even know yet how we're doing it! LOL!

Dallas, OR(Zone 8a)

OK, Pony, you get the rock...

But you might have to send a whole team of ponies over with a cart to pick it up...

Seein's how I can't find the spare tire and the jack is broke ;^)

(Pony) Lakewood, WA(Zone 8a)

LOL I have a truck, and Oregon isn't that far... ;D

(I'm picturing my poor little truck collapsing under the weight of that rock... oh, lordy.)

Well, pony, you've moved a ton of rocks already... what's one more??

(Pony) Lakewood, WA(Zone 8a)

*snicker* Yeah, just one little rock... how heavy could it be? ;p

Bardstown, KY(Zone 6a)

Count me in. I'll have to look around for some of that beautiful KY sandstone or limestone.


I am so laughing. I'll up the anti, a bucket of Apache Tears, one of the neighbors Bassett Hounds (can't bare to give up one of my Rat Terriers), Golden Chain Tree, and 1/3 of my rock pile. Does the car come with it Diana?

Dallas, OR(Zone 8a)

OK, I'll throw in the car too, but bring your tow truck...

Can't seem to get it started...

Newport News, VA(Zone 11)

Ha! It looks like a dolphin. We can't trade him! I say we make him our forum mascot. The Big Red Dolphin Rock.

Sorry Lynn. The neighbors get to keep their dog.
Pony...unhitch the ponies.

He's a keeper :-)

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

Better get a mule!! Oh, I gotone. Where you want that rock dragged too???
That is neat. A neightbor up the road had a huge rock inhis yard I would love.
DH said "you are all a bunch of rock heads" when I told him we were trading rocks.
Nothing surprizes him much what I'm going to do.
Durn, forgot I got the mule but not the wagon??? Bummer...

Okay, so we don't all sell our home and children to aquire this rock, I think Jada is right. He should be our Mascot.
My neighbors will be relieved. And actually I would miss the Bassett big time. They both are so sweet and make me laugh.
RRM, that's a long way for that mule to travel, how long do you think the trip would take?
Can't wait to see a picture of Doug's sandstone/limestone.
I am so glad we are waiting until Jan to trade. It gives us all time after Christmas to plan and trade. : )
Wahoooo!!!! Rocks Rule.

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

Hey, you all I took a pic of some rocks.
My mule wasn't anywhere near so I had to
use what was handy. This is my girl, Missy.
Germ/Lab mix. She is a really good dog.
When I go for walks in the woods, she is with me.

Thumbnail by ridesredmule
Newport News, VA(Zone 11)

Awww. I love big dogs! Wish I could hug her. Labs are so loyal. She'd ship the rocks if you asked her :-)

Well, I guess RRM is not going to trade that one for the rock, so quit planning airline schedules Diana. She sounds way to attached. : )
Besides your two would feel you didn't love them anymore.
Here's one of mine.
Caption: Hey Mom, there's a big rock in all this green stuff.

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Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

Oh, it is so pretty!!! Was it born without it's little legs,
Is it a rescue? It is so pretty. That is a beautiful pic. of your baby.
Missy stands still and helps me get up, if I sit and get stiff. He is a
good girl. Very protective, but she is not mean. She's my baby.

Newport News, VA(Zone 11)

LOL! Love your rock hound. Doe he stand like that on his own? He looks so intelligent.

He is a rescue, was 3 years old when I brought him home. Very long story. He is very smart and now very strong. He also finished training for CGC and Certified Therapy Dog. He does volunteer work with special needs children and even makes visits to the rehab hospital. We had him for almost 3 years now. You should have heard the cheers when he completed is obedience test. We were all in tears. He couldn't figure out what all the fuss was about. : )
He was born with incomplete front legs and blind in one eye. He doesn't seem to know anything is different for him.
Here he is with our other RT going golfing with Dad.

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He walks on his back feet like a little person now, he couldn't do that when I brought him home. He thinks he's is 10 feet tall now. : )

Newport News, VA(Zone 11)

How wonderful of you to take him in and invest so much into his well being. You are an angel and he is a lucky dog!

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

Yes, you are an angel, and the dog is priceless, both of them.
See, I told you, you girls ROCK!!!!

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