Rock Swap

Divernon, IL(Zone 5b)

Thanks...this thread illustrates where many of my fossils were collected.

J, thank you for the link. It was amazing and very interesting.

Pepperell, MA(Zone 6a)

very nice - i have never mined for any rock here is what i usually do.

Divernon, IL(Zone 5b)

astonishing wha...fantastic project; the rewards of your labor are magnificent

wha, you do beautiful work. How did you learn to make it so stable? I love dry stacked walls. I also love that type of stone. Great pictures on that thread.

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

I went to get hay this afternoon for the longears. Red rocks, I found.
Thought of our little rock hound bunch. Picked some of them up.
Not as pretty as those above but not bad.

Way to go RRM. : )

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

thought of you, when I was picking them up.
I was out there yelling to my hubby"red rocks, Robert, Redrocks!"
he just went on getting the hay. But that was o.k. I got the rocks.
Have to go get them and take a pic for you.
He thinks I'm sort of "rocky" sometimes. That's o.k.

Newport News, VA(Zone 11)

Ha! I've been more conscious of rocks in my environment too. I saw a very pretty huge speckled one. It was in the Micky D's parking lot. Would I have been

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

I thought that Briefly as I was walking along looking for more than one.
Here they are. One sort of big, 3 sort of little. 4 3/4" long x 2" is size
of large one., so it's not great big. When I go back will look for 6 more,
but I still have the ones down in the woods.
Love it...

Thumbnail by ridesredmule

Rocky is good. : ) I do believe we could have great times together if we lived close by. : )

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

ooh, they've got that great GA red clay color! :-)

Very cool rocks RRM.

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

Got to get some more to share. Need lots of rocks for our
rock swap!!! Thank you

This message was edited Dec 11, 2009 9:43 AM

Ocean Springs, MS

Can I get in on this? Anyone got petrified wood? I have some Jerusalem rocks from the one and only Jerusalem! Beautiful! I collect rocks everywhere I go. My kids keep telling me that I'm going to get arrested one day! LOL
love, julie

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

Sounds like you already belong. We are not steal, merely re-locating them.
We can't help it if it is on our own personal world ☺

It's kind of like when they bring new plants from other countries. They miss there native rocks, so we have to bring them from all over to make the plants happy?
Welcome froggie. : )
I watched The Desert Speaks today. It was a segment on petrified wood and meteorites. Boy so many different kinds and amazing colors.
I have petrified wood.

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

Hey! we all need a roadtrip together to go rock
hounding and everything else that appeals to us on the way.
Don't you think that would be great?? I wish it were that easy to do.....

Newport News, VA(Zone 11)

Lynn..I like your thinking:-)

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Hitch up the team, and let's roll!

Where do we all meet? I'm ready. Well, maybe we better wait for better weather.

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

You may have a good idea, Lynn. We have some rain and sleet chances coming in here today.
But doesn't it sound wonderful to go looking for new rocks?

It sure does RRM. I dreamed about it last night. : )
We are headed to DC to spend Christmas with one of our sons and his family. Mmmm, wonder how many rocks I can get on the plane coming home?

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

Remember,gotta get 10.
Maybe more with our growing family of Rock people.
Isn't it wonderful, We are not the only ones a little "Different"
Think Of how dull the world would be if we weren't. ☺☺

I would love to have some rocks from Jerusalem! I have lots of petrified wood. It's plentiful in this state, being the state gemstone, and I have a hard time leaving it when I find it. When we were up in British Columbia last summer, there was one beach where I could have literally filled my kayak with petrified wood without skipping a beat. It comes in all kinds of colors.

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

Pictures, we love pictures of rocks, please...

Yes pixie, pictures please. The suspence is killing us. We can't get glassy eyed without a picture to look at. : )

LOL! I will do my best to photograph my petrified wood today! If I can get the camera to work in this cold, that is. Meanwhile, here is a photo of one of the beaches where I spent literally the entire day all by myself looking at and collecting rocks. It was heaven, I can tell you. Plus,, I had it all to myself!

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Here is one that 'got away'. You can see that many of the large formations on this beach are caused by glacial dump coming down from the Cascade Mountains and this solidifying. There are all kinds of rocks and pebbles encased in this mass. As it becomes exposed to the action of waves and tides, more of the rocks become released. For this reason the beaches in this area of the Straight of Georgia are composed of literally thousands of stones of all kinds. It is a rock collectors dream, as though nature has washed them to expose their colors, and then deposited them where you can browse at your leisure.
I wanted this yellow one in the worst way (I think it is yellow jasper) but I could not get it out of the conglomerate.

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Here is a photo from another island up there. As I kayaked around the island I could see that this part of the shore was defined by exposed rock that had been pushed up into a vertical position by volcanic activity, most likely. Paddling over to this area and exploring the rock revealed a nice vein of white quartz with pyrite (fool's gold) crystals. I collected some rocks from this beach, but I could not get any of the pyrite because the quartz was too hard for the tools I had and I didn't want to make a mess. I have no problem taking rocks from a beach, but I don't want to mar the scenery for others. I have some interesting, flat rocks from this beach that I haven't been able to identify. I'll do some photos.

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Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

And Barnacles, did you have a
little pick with you . It is pretty. Beautiful pictures.
We need to start carrying little pick axes with us.
Can't wait til it gets warmer.

I'm asking Santa for a small pik ax for Christmas.
Pixie, those beaches are almost magical, especially the second one. What are the beautiful little dark things in the yellow rock. That is a wonderful rock.

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

They look like a tropical Paradise, don't they.
Me too. Got to get me a little rake too. to sweep the leaves out of the way. Don't want any little snakes waiting for me under those leaves.

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

Count me in on the rock swap. I love rocks and stones and driftwood and would love to share with others. Even pieces of granite from a kitchen renovation place are useful in the garden for labels.

Thumbnail by pirl

Pirl! Nice to have you here. That's a lovely beach photo with plenty of beautiful beach rocks.

Here are a few photos of some of the rocks close up. First, some petrified wood. This is one of my favorite pieces. It goes without saying that the photo doesn't do it justice. You can't see how it sparkles in the sunlight. This is from Sydney Spit, BC. It's probably 12 inches long and heavy as heck.

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Another piece with different colors.

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A smaller piece, still different coloration.

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Wish I could make a collage of photos like Pirl did with my program. It would save a lot of time posting. This is a rock from the beach I posted above with the vein of quartz and pyrite. This rock is translucent and has a greenish cast. It has formed in layers, as you can see, but is very hard, not the least bit like shale.

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Hi pirl. Welcome aboard. : )
Great pictures and ideas for rocks.
Pixie, great pieces of petrified wood. I can't wait for next year so we can start trading. Everyone has such wonderful rocks. And all the ideas on how to use them are amazing. I can't wait for next Spring to get outside and start putting some of those ideas to work.

This is another kind of rock found on the same beach. I've never seen one like this before. The copper color sparkles like metal. I picked some up that was under water because I could see the copper glinting in the sun. It's very interesting and I have no idea what it is. I've only found these rocks on that particular beach.

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