CLOSED: '09 Fall Frenzy Swap # 10

Delray Beach, FL(Zone 10b)

triniwich, what are some of the things that you have grown successfully as houseplants? I have indoor/outdoor gardenia, jasmine and herbs. I have been working at adding some more lighting so that the will do better in the winter. I am thinking of trying morning glories in a window box in the front window with fishing wire for climbing.

If you google gourds and click on the link for the wikkipedia it tells you all about gourds and they are from the family of squash and pumpkins and all were brought here to be eaten by early settlers. Later some were used for other things because of their sizes but none are poisonous. Some just taste better than others and some have more flesh inside for eating than others.

Canton,IL &Dent Coun, MO(Zone 5b)

yep morning glories work in hanging baskets too...Passion flowers is a big one right now, and I don't let any of my EE's go dormant I just move them in the house, I have oleander in the master bedroom along with pink jasmine, night blooming jasmine and a growing collection of orchids, as well as cactus and arrowhead vines

I have Chinese wisteria and birds of paradise in the dining room along with brugs, amaryllis, 4 citrus trees pomegranats, caesalpinia pulcherrima and giellisii, 2 sago palms, spider lilies, daylillies, calla and canna lilies, uhm a water hyacinth, some water spider orchids, orchid glads, peacock orchids, hawaiian ti plants, plumeria, hibiscus, several different clematis and a japanese maple, some Redbuds, and 6 rose trees, a growing selection of philos...I don't know there are 1500 houseplants in here

Buckley, WA(Zone 7b)

My goodness Trina. You must have a huge house. I am envious!!! Do you bring them all outside in the spring?

Canton,IL &Dent Coun, MO(Zone 5b)

most of them yeppers, but if hubby would just finish the greenhouse like he promised I wouldn't have to move them around....and hence the reason for so many plants...he said it would be done before summer was over, so I ordered the tropical plants and seeds I wanted, well tropical seeds don't have a real long shelf life so I had to pot them up or waste a LOT of money! and yes I have a large house but with 5 teenagers at home is any house really large enough?

Hey Trina, I have a red (scarlet) wysteria that makes a tree not a vine. Do you have that? or do you want one? I think I have extra seeds.

Buckley, WA(Zone 7b)

I agree with you, Trina. Size does matter!

Canton,IL &Dent Coun, MO(Zone 5b)

No mekos I don't have that one. that would be cool.

I was doing seed packets earlier so I could get my seeds for this and the unusual seed swap in and I almost wrote "I don"t know any more" as the name of the seed. I think I stared at seeds a little too long today...LOL

Haha, you better go to bed and get some rest. I'll find some of the red and send you some. I have one growing in my greenhouse and it is pretty just growing, can't wait for it to bloom. Now I have the white and purple and red ones.

Canton,IL &Dent Coun, MO(Zone 5b)

hey there ya go! alright I'm going to bed...have fun and see ya tomorrow hopefully!

North West, OH(Zone 5b)

For those of you following along with the gourd saga, I'm eating some now and it's delish! I boiled it first, the sauteed it in a little butter, parmesian, and cajun seasoning.

Oh my.

Make sure you post again tomorrow. LOL

Buckley, WA(Zone 7b)

Good for you Lala! Now I am hungry for some squash.

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

Lala... You might post over on the veggie garden forum. Thos e folks would probably knwo more abotu what gourd s are edible adn ways to fix them and such.

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

Lynn -- I'm a hoarder too. and usually when you get seeds, there are a lot, so you dont sow them all, just in case... then you usually have some extras. well, this was the swap that i unloaded a lot of my 'extras'. there are a few things that i still hoard -- salvias for one. Hopefully next year i will have a lot more seeds to swap. I'm hoping my Yvonnes do better this year [2010] . I had a lot of seeds that i'm not sure are viable, so i didnt want to add any of them to the swap.

** silently wishing i could set up an electronic wire around my property, so when my neighbors dog pees on my plants, he gets a mild shock.... ** i think this as i watch him out my window ... now i know why i dont have a veggie garden.


Simpsonville, SC(Zone 7b)

Lol Terese! When we moved in here, no one had dogs. Now, just about every neighbor has one or two. I garden to a serenade of barking dogs, who somehow are disturbed at me being out in my own yard! Thank goodness we have fence/leash laws in this neighborhood! (I do like dogs, but not all, and occasionally resent the noisy ones...)

Simpsonville, SC(Zone 7b)

Oh, got distracted by Terese there.. what I meant to post was:

Does anyone have and seeds that they try to sow all the first year because of older seed viability? I know about Gerberas, but am wondering what others I should make sure to do that with. I too have held back half packs 'just in case' and of course have quite a collection going now.

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

Kelly -- we do have leash laws here too.... but the property behind our homes is State property... that is where we [me and the neighbor] have a lot of plants. we also walk our dogs back there... I just do not let Buddy pee on her plants... tehy have no control over Rocky... .he's a great dog, doesnt get enough attention in my view... big Choc Lab.... but they don't control where he does his business.... my back yard is fenced, or he'd be in my yard all the time too. BUT, he pees on the plants i have bordering my fence, on the outside. and anything "out back" is fair game.... i really need to move all my chives next season... I like to use those in meals.

Sometimes all i can do is just shake my head..... Buddy is so much more well behaved....

Simpsonville, SC(Zone 7b)


Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

>>Oh, got distracted by Terese there..

LOL.... well i did get some seeds in the "2nd Chance seed swap" a few yrs back, and they were marked "old" sow all.... which i did. I know one was the Delphinium, which i did not get any germination from... and there may have been a few others, though i'd have to check my notes to see how they did.... but yes, if they marked "old" I do sow them all. I may do more than one container of them, since if one -- for some unknown reason, nothing germinates, i may have another shot at them being in a different container.

Simpsonville, SC(Zone 7b)

What do you consider old? I know some seeds only last one season, but most are good for a couple of years?

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

that i do not know.... though there is a link somewhere... .i think Ella has posted it... that talks about age and viability of seeds... i know she also posted it in one of these threads.... i just have not yet had enough coffee to sit and look for it.

some one soon will probably pop on that has it. LOL.

more coffee please......

Southborough, MA(Zone 6a)

I just updated my list. Nothing new, but I was behind on adding folks names to what they oinked for. I still have quite a bit left of Calendula, Purple Echinacea, and Sweet William, and lots of stuff with 1 or 2 packs left.
I'll leave my list open up to the end of next week should anyone want anything.
Feel free to let me know if I missed your name on my list.

Oh and by the way, I mentioned the 70 degree weather a couple days ago, we are getting 4" of snow today. How quickly things change. :)

One other thing- regarding germination- those getting angelica from me, sow it THIS SPRING. Angelica seed has a short shelf life.


Kannapolis, NC

Lynn: If you like the Maraschino salvia, here is a shot of mine this summer. It practically made a large bush, it was so prolific, and the bees loved it. So did I!

Thumbnail by Hemophobic
Canton,IL &Dent Coun, MO(Zone 5b)

my problem is I have a lot of tropical plant seeds and well you kinda only get one shot with those because most don't have a very long shelf life at all! But I still love em. even if I have to wait up to a year for some to start growing, but its worth it!

Buckley, WA(Zone 7b)

Hemophobic, your Maraschino Salvia is beautiful. Does it self sow? I MUST have that plant!!!
Trina, you have a lot of patience!!! Can you throw a bit of that in my trough please?
Patricia, 70 degrees and now 4" of snow? That is too extreme. Poor little plants, trying to decide what to do.

Canton,IL &Dent Coun, MO(Zone 5b)

Hey just because they take forever doesn't mean I'm patient! Sometimes I get very aggravated when I don't see anything happening! so I pot stuff up at the same time that doesn't take forever to germinate, that way I get some satisfaction....LOL

North West, OH(Zone 5b)

(I'm alive.)


Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

I'm glad you posted, LaLa! I was starting to wonder if last night's gourd dinner had lingering, umm, effects.

Canton,IL &Dent Coun, MO(Zone 5b)

hey I for one think it was very Brave of Lala Jane to do that, besides now the rest of us know we can eat them and they taste good....LOL

Kannapolis, NC

Lynn: Thank you for complementing the Maraschino. It truly was gorgeous this year and this is the first year I've had it. I also planted some S. Hot Lips first time, too, but I have to confess I love the pure red color of the Maraschino. I tried several times to harvest some seeds, but it must be sterile. Being a hybrid, I'm guessing that's the case and propagation will have to be by cuttings.

Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

I love that Maraschino salvia it's beautiful! I guess I missed out on oinking for that one this year if there were seeds offered I did a search on the list thread and didn't see them but I really like those do you all know if Summerhill sells them I still need to do another order with them, like I need more seeds Ha! There's one seed I can't find there so I'll have to make an order to somewhere else too so that means ordering more seeds sigh I really hate to do that lol

I just collected some tall about 5' Monk's Hood seeds out back the other day and they are dry and bagged just waiting for the oinking I have 7 packs and will keep them in the fridge until I send seeds to the swap who want's to damil me and oink for them. Oh I should tell you I can't tell if they are blue or purple such a slight difference there sometimes!

Please dmail me if you want some I'm multi tasking today but only in seeds but that's hard enough to keep up with seeds here lately I had to do today only for seeds just to make sure I do them right LOL I may even get to the crisper today if a miracle happens around 12 tonite lol Time is getting short!

La, glad you made it thru the night! :)

It is pretty. I have seen some of the most beautiful plants here in the swap this year that I have ever seen. I'm always amazed by all the pictures I see on here because I don't travel and never saw anything other than where we live before. Only stuff hardy here is in the garden centers around here. I just fall in love with unusual plants from other places and it's really been like heaven to see your gardens. Thanks everyone for all the pictures and great memories.

Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

AW so I guess I won't be finding seeds to the Maraschino salvia that's a shame they never offer anything like that around here it took them years to get the black and blue!

OH I want Monks hood! OINK OINK squeel OINK. PLEASE!!!!!!!

Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

Yep mekos if it weren't for DG's we wouldn't have anything different than the same ole same ole I feel your pain LOL

Gottcha on the MH :) I'm getting off of here to do seeds though everyone else please dmail me :) snort snort

Thank you dear.

GA, GA(Zone 7b)

Fyi, I'm pretty sure the pack of "Salvias gone wild mix" on my list contains some red greggii and purple greggii hybrid seeds.

Jamaica Plain, MA(Zone 6a)

Lea, I sent you a dmail. Oinking for your aconitum, please.

GA, GA(Zone 7b)

The pack of "Salvias gone wild mix" has been oinked now.

This message was edited Dec 5, 2009 4:08 PM

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