CLOSED: '09 Fall Frenzy Swap # 10

Jamaica Plain, MA(Zone 6a)

good idea.

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

here's another...

Thumbnail by tcs1366
Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

I'm going to go thru my seed basket for single seed packs tonight... but i found one ... Common Milkweed, if anyone wants it. They grow like weeds in my area.

Asclepias syriaca

I really have no idea why I collected them, though some folks do want them....

GA, GA(Zone 7b)

Midnight Madness Oinking Opportunity now on my list! Several new goodies! :)

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

Cheles.... Glad to see ya finally popping up. I took name s off th emaster list especially since we had so many new to the swap thsi year and it helps to let folsk know who is in the game and oinkign and who isn't. But I got abucket I had made with yoru name on it , and it not to late to be oinking. We ha d lots that weren't abel to make it til the last couple of weeks last year.

You cna do some oinkign for thos e that still haven't sent lists in and ya cna do the one for one part too and I would love some of them pineapple tomotilla seeds.

One thign with winter sowign too ya have to remmebr is that rach seed has a living viable embryo insid e of it. Well hopefully it does. Not all seed will. Things like gentics beign messed up and thinsg not crossign right can make them unviable. Soem seed may be comign from a hybrid and while the plants may make a seed they they may not be alive inside.

Actually 60-70% for winter sowing is a good number. Most seed if grown indoor s has from avagerage 70-89% germination rate.

Then ther e are soem seed that just not designe d for witner sowing. That is why they say sow outdoor s when frost is over. Soem seed just can't take the cold and winter sowign it if it a delicate seed the cold will kill it.

If you have evr seen a seed bank or even a gh operation, you wil realiz e that they never store seed in freezer. It always in a fridge, so that the seed doesn't freeze.

One thign to consider too is that eventhough you can't see it. evry seed has a teeny tiny opening which is wher e your radicle (root) is goign to emerge. When that seed receive s water that opening lets water in to feed the embryo inside and to get it germinating. If the seed is sown in winter and it gets alot of water and then the container is frozen, the water that wa s absorbe d inside that seed also freeze s too. Soem seed s get s frost bite from that type of action just liek a human would and so the seed dies.

If you look at yoru yard wher e you have seedlings comeign up all ove r the place, oen of the thing s you might notic e is that the seed s have been dropped and scattere d around , but ther e maybe be leave s or mulch or the soil type such that the seed gets some sort of coverign over the top of it to protect it.

One thing I would do , woudl be to check through the container the top fe w inche s layer anyways and make sure yoru seed is still even there. You would be amazed at how deep or how even far seed can disappear to durign a rain shower .

On the seed ya ha d trouble with , one thing ya might consider is covering the contaienr s with some pinestraw or mayeb some leave s to giv e thos e contaienr s soem extra protection.

Another thing too is if you have only drainage slit s in the bottomof yoru containers, consider making soem slits aroudn the side s at the bottom. Your jugs may not be drainign at fast as possible if ya have slit s on the bottom and the jugs sittign flat. Take s along tiem for water to leave the soil or be evaporate d and that cna drown yoru seed s too.

Ther e just so many variable s when winter sowing. But the good thing abotu it is if the seed doesn't coem up coem sprign ya cna just throw soem mroe seed out on top of the containers and ya have mini gh houses right there. LOL

And ther e is soem see d that oe s have to go through cycles. A cold a heat, a cold again.

Eagle Point, OR(Zone 8a)

Danita, oinking for these if you still have them.

Penstemon smallii ex 'Violet Dusk' - 2009
Ruellia noctiflora - Nightflowering wild petunia - 2009 - Rare native,

Cheles_garden, oinking for some of your pineapple tomatillo.

Thank you!

Buckley, WA(Zone 7b)

Cheles, Great to have you back! If there is anything that I have that you would like, just oink away! You gotta make up for lost time!

Delray Beach, FL(Zone 10b)

I should have thought of checking Dave's for a winter sowing forum. Thanks for mentioning it!

hi good morning all
i will not be sending in my seeds until close to the 15th due date.

i have updated my list with daylily seeds, lavender poppy that is poofy and sunflower seed mix also choc beauty pepper commercial seed and japanese morning glory.

i have lots of pepper seed and melon seeds left.

dmail me with requests please and i am adding a link if i remember to do it right

pam sue

This message was edited Dec 2, 2009 4:37 AM

Delray Beach, FL(Zone 10b)

Another newbie question. Are there patterns or instructions online for DIY seed envelops? I am running out of repurposed envelops such as Alka Seltzer(the bf) and EmergenC or tea bag(me) empty packets. (I know that I can try trial and error or google, just hoping for a tried and true method from the experts).

Bella the cat thinks this is a fun game. She has been tossing a dried marigold head around all morning. She hopped on my chair and stole it from the pile when I got up for another cup of coffee.

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

Hahahahha Garden Quilt. : ) She helping ya.

Ya cna tae piec e of notebook paper, typig paper, just about anythign can find and make to wrap seed s in.

Somebody last year used wrappign paper and made little triangle s out of them with seed and a piece of tape. and a name on them. Don't have to be fancy at all. : )

Winchester, KY(Zone 6a)

GardenQuilts, DG has a bunch of patterns you can print and cut out here:

Simpsonville, SC(Zone 7b)

Ok Danita, I'm trying to resist, but the reviews of the Callirhoe involucrata are too dazzling. If you still have some left, can you toss some in my trough?

Terese, just the foliage on my little Husker's red is so pretty, your full size versions are beautiful!

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

>>But the good thing abotu it is if the seed doesn't coem up coem sprign ya cna just throw soem mroe seed out on top of the containers and ya have mini gh houses right there.

Ella -- i did this in quite a few containers last summer with decent success... i had A LOT of plant still, even with the duds, my neighbor took some [well, i gave them to her and most made it into the ground ... i think next year, i will just plant them in her yard myself] And some will be going to Wisc with me... i have a few beds throughout the Park where i can plant. I started a butterfly garden last year.

GardenQuilts... i make quite a few paper Envies from the link above..i use the "generic" Daves seed packet and edit it with info before i print... and i use a lot of the pretty ones, the toppest link from Pford. His are really good.

I also found a link -- for the folded kind... i'll see if i can not relocate that one.


Fremont, OH(Zone 5b)

Can you put me on the list for next year?

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

I'll make note of it and remind Ella once the time gets near.

Fremont, OH(Zone 5b)

Thank You!

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

Origami seed packets.... found a link.

Jamaica Plain, MA(Zone 6a)

Star, thanks for all the ideas. I think I'll try more drainage holes in the ws containers this year. I didn't wintersow anything that doesn't need cold stratification, unless I was misinformed. I was thinking about digging some of the ws containers into the ground to soil level this year, to protect more from freezing (starting now with ones I already have, before the ground freezes). What do you think about that idea - will they get too wet? (was thinking about it for several columbines and a few others).

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

I do think drainage is an issue for me... i need to make bigger/more holes.

Edmond, OK(Zone 7a)

My issue was that once spring hit....I let them get too dry and some of them dried up. :-(

Canton,IL &Dent Coun, MO(Zone 5b)

wow I missed alot! I will be back on full time again tomorrow, been dealing with some family issues

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

I spent last evening sorting thru my seed basket. I will make a list of single pack seeds i have to offer....

I will be getting my seeds ready to ship to Star .... Much of the "Bulk seeds" [that i have A LOT of] will be sent to the gal running the newbie seed thing... everything else will go to Ella.

I've edited out my list to things that i have available... everything else was deleted.

I'll get up my 'single seed' list soon.....

heres my current list....

This message was edited Dec 2, 2009 3:39 PM

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

My list was updated.... [link one post above]

I'll be gone most the day tomorrow, and hope to get to the PO on Friday.

Kannapolis, NC

Ella: I've sent out my box of seeds and bulbs today via parcel post with delivery confirmation. You should receive it by Monday, latest. I do hope I've done this right. I'd hate to flunk the piggy seed swap my very first time! I've got the snorting, oinking and woofing down pat, just hope my package will be up to snuff!

This has been great fun and I'll be a better piggy next year and start saving seed as soon as things start blooming, so watch out!

Winchester, KY(Zone 6a)

I got all my extra packs done up this morning, so just about ready to pack and ship. Gosh, it sure has gone by fast this time! Hard to believe its just about finished.

Camden, AR(Zone 8a)

Wow - miss a few days and it takes a WHILE to catch up! ^_^ Does anyone know if I can get seed from commercial sunflowers? I purchased some a few weeks back to enjoy on my table and I saved the heads, but now that they are dry, they don't seem to have "seeds" like most sunflowers I am familiar with.................. any suggestions?? Maybe they are tiny and are mixed with chaff?? I am a novice anyway, but I was looking for a typical sunflower looking seed.


GA, GA(Zone 7b)

gen2026, it's unlikely that the flowers were pollinated if they were inside your house. Also, if they were cut flowers they wouldn't have enough energy/nutrients to ripen seed. Sunflower seed is easy to see so that shouldn't be a problem. I bet someone has some sunflower seeds on their list that you could oink. They are very easy to grow.

Winchester, KY(Zone 6a)

I think Danita is right, seems the heads have to stay attached to the plants for a good while to develop, and that's when pollinated. When I worked at the flower shop, doesn't seem they ever produced seeds.

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

Most flower shops onyl get the one s that are pollenless because otherwis e it gets all on the arrangements , just like they pull the filaments and such out of lilies cuz the pollena big mess.

GA, GA(Zone 7b)

Good point, Star. I've worked at a flower shop too and those lily anthers are a mess and stain everything. It's too bad though because removing them reduces the beauty of the flowers to my eyes.

GA, GA(Zone 7b)

Before everyone closes their lists, does anyone have a lot of extra spring blooming, direct sow kind of seeds like poppies, nigella, or larkspur?

I want to throw some seeds in the garden area where the watermelons will go later so I'm looking for easy, direct sow, spring blooming seeds in enough quantity that I can scatter them and have a chance at seedlings. I don't need really huge amounts but enough to scatter about.

Thanks for the help!

Jamaica Plain, MA(Zone 6a)

Danita, I don't have tons, but do have some nigella and icelandic poppy left. I have a lot of oriental poppies, but that's probably not what you have in mind. Have a look at my list and let me know what you want.

i got a bunch of nigella from this year and poppy somniferum from last year..if that helps any.
pam sue

i am looking for fresh seed of larkspur to plant out..also if anyone has any since old seed will not have good germination

Simpsonville, SC(Zone 7b)

I still have larkspur, and they're all from this year. One packet is a divided large commercial, and 4 smaller packets that I collected from my own this summer.

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

I've closed out my LIST. It's just about all boxed up. Should ship on Friday.

Buckley, WA(Zone 7b)

gen, I have some Chianti Sunflowers. WOuld you like me to toss some your way?

Does Columbine self sow? I have a bunch of that if you want some, Danita. How about 4 o'clocks? Calendula?

Canton,IL &Dent Coun, MO(Zone 5b)

holy cow I got to get all this stuff together and get it sent out myself

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

trina.. it easy as pie. Ya got yoru seed stagge d for folks . you got your oen for one trades and any extra ya sending. if ya got yoru wishe s and stuff on the have list ya just got to copy it and send . Add postage back to you and Stuff in somethign mail to me. : )

It not a s much a s what ya think. I have labels and have the boxes to send stuff back in.

Just breath slowly in and out .. in and out.. LOL

I got the fun job : ) LOL

Simpsonville, SC(Zone 7b)

Ok, planning on sending my box tomorrow, so last minute oinks today!

I got Pamsue, Ansonfan on the larkspur, and Gardenquilts all of yours too.

Jsxtiger, you have dmail!

Happy, sunny days! Going to finally get some garden clean up done around here. Been too busy collecting seeds and hauling rocks to get stuff done until now, and then yesterday it had the nerve to POUR all day long :(

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