CLOSED: '09 Fall Frenzy Swap # 10

Winchester, KY(Zone 6a)

Danita, I'm tossing packs of Shirley Poppies and Larkspur in your trough :-), those are some of the ones I have extra packs ready for. How big is the spot? I can toss another pack or 2 of each in if you need. I have about the amount you'd get in a commercial seed pack in each.

Delray Beach, FL(Zone 10b)

Thank you for the link to orgami seed packets!

Now I know what to do with my extra and outdated seed catalogs.

I have Russian Sunflowers (the tall edible kind) on my list if you wish. They are so easy start and grow.

(Zone 7a)

Star - regarding this post - - where you talk about seeds being tagged and for trade and for extra - are you talking about 3 different categories? The thing that has me confused is that I'm wondering if you meant for tagged seeds and trade seeds to be two different things?

The reason I'm asking is that I had lots of folks say they could not accept seeds that they wanted from me because they had too many oinks already. That really cut into what I wound up sending, which is mostly extra seed that I had in relative abundance. Up until this piggy swap, what I used to do was go through everyone's wishes and match with what I had and just send the seeds tagged for them. No oinking was involved. Sometimes, someone would have something unusual or rare that I wanted, so I would offer a trade of something I had of which I had few seeds and would be unusual and not something I would list for the general piggy swap.

If I have misunderstood anything, let me know so I can get it right next time around. It would have been nice if I could have included trades along with oinks in this piggy swap.

Hope I haven't added to the general confusion. I appreciate how flexible everyone has been with my other hurdles in this swap.


Southborough, MA(Zone 6a)

It's the most unbelievable weather day!

It's Dec 3rd, I'm near Boston and it's 68+ degrees today..
We have have no hard freeze yet, and it's been so unseasonably warm that I haven't even dumped my rain barrels yet. The mums and calendula are still blooming. I have never, ever seen calendula blooming this late so far north (we are zone 5-6).
Normally we have a hard freeze in early Nov, and it would be in the low 40's on a good day. Last year we had record snowfall in Dec. In 2007 on this day, we had a foot of snow.
What is going on here? How will I ever wintersow? :)

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

Ther e is three parts. The oinks. that folsk cna oink to 125 packets of seed. Part two is th loose packets of up to hunred packets of seed for a one to one swap. You send me say 40 packets of loose seeds and I pull from all the seed and giv eya back 40 packs for them on top of the oinks. Then ther e the genral swap bottom of barrel, wher e I find things for wishes and extras sent in to pass out.

Now i somebody wante d something that wa son their wish list and you seen it, you could include it in their tagge d seeds and it would have went into their troughs. That why folsk incourage d ot put thinsg on their wish lists if they ran out of oinks.

Now if you sent yoru seeds and somebody wante d somethign ya sent me and it in the loos e or the extras I have said folks cna let me know and I wil pull it out and toss it in that persons trough for them.

You sent yoru tagge d seed and then a bunch marke d extras. I wil take up to the first 100 packets of yoru extras for aone to one swap part and if there more than 100 packets the rest go to the extra piles trough.

I don't think any piggy has ever gone hungry. If they have than please dmail me and let me know, if folks don't say somethign than don't know.

Herb.. enjoy it whiel ya cna. I got rain and cold winds and more days of frost down here and I in the south!!!!!!!! If this keeps up we'll be havign snow liek the south never seen before.

Hope that helps. ya some.

Jamaica Plain, MA(Zone 6a)

Good morning folks. Thanks, Patricia for our weather info. I just opened my windows, and think I'd better get dressed and out there to take advantage while there's still a chance.
Yesterday I went through the germination info on the seed site, and was surprised how many said start at 65-70 for 2-4 weeks, then move to (winter temps) - or they said sow in fall or winter. So I started my wintersowing early, hoping that whatever temps we have will substitute for the warmer temps. I'm also thinking about starting some of my wintersowing indoors for the first few weeks before putting outside, which means I'd better start now if I want to have enough room under lights later. Last year I didn't begin til the end of December. - Of course the piggy seeds will have to wait, but it'll be great to get a lot of the others started before those arrive.

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

Ya got your seeds tagged for folks . you got your one for one trades and any extra ya sending.

Sorry Ella... i just had to edit that... me being slightly dyslexic myself... i get turned around a bit ... as I did not even catch with Karen was referring too.

Karen-- what i'm thinking is that she meant.... "You have seeds tagged for folks" ... then in another breath.... "You've got your one for one trade AND any extras you send."

But - since you've sent your seeds already - it doesn't effect you anymore.

IF this is NOT what Star meant... totally disregard...

I only sent in the "earmarked" seeds and a few extras. I figured, who needs 40 baggies of Morning Glories....

I'll be MIA most the day....


(Zone 7a)

Herbspirit, I like to wait and wintersow while it's still very cold early in March, but not too far away from the Spring equinox.

Having said that, I think that hardy annuals like poppies and larkspur are self-regulated, in that they'll adapt just fine to fluctuations - and probably perennials that are root-hardy to a zone or few colder than yours or that self-sow in your area.

A list of plants that have been successfully wintersown in your zone can be found here: - Go to the right column and click on "Seed Lists and Database" - there's a list for most zones
Any that don't easily fall into the above categories should probably be sown in small amounts as in a test to see what happens.

Notice that some plants that germinate well at warm temperatures like zinnias have been successfully wintersown in your zone. I think it would be worth an experiment - I find wintersowing so much easier than a bunch of pots in the house fighting off damp-off, fungus gnats, etc.

For myself, I hope to make up a list of my seeds organized with respect to how close to the spring equinox to sow them. Tom Clothier is a great help there - , and so are Rob's Plants at , and the Ontario NARGS website at .

I agree with Star that kcqrna (spelling?) and others in the DG wintersowing forum are extremely helpful. I do like the way kcqrna's experience and ideas are complemented by those of Paracelsus and Blomma in this thread - . I think I might try to wintersow some seeds in vented containers, and others in a cold frame, and the merits of both are well presented by groups.

There are so many ways to wintersow, and as long as I have failures, I'm going to keep trying to expand the techniques I use.

One thing I think applies to all of them is: watch out for slugs.

So much more to say - hope to see lots of chiming in when I return later on - it's balmy today - one of those pretty post-storm days


Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

Ella -- we crossed posts....

Herb -- I saw Boston on the Weather Ch this morning... WOW almost 70°
we will be 30's today and for the rest of the foreseeable future.

Off and running... got a train to catch.

Southborough, MA(Zone 6a)

Hi Sharon-

I think I'm going to take Bluespiral's suggestion and winter sow on the solstice. Might be a good thing to do with the kids when there is no snow. Usually my solstice traditions have a lot to do with snow.
I guess the good news is that I can still fall sow at 68+ degrees!!

Maybe we will get a hard freeze and snow on the same day. We had that a few years ago, and it was great for the plants, as it provided great insulation, and no frost heave.

(Zone 7a)

Star & tcs- thanks - you two said what I thought you were saying. I did go through everyone's wishes and sent what folks said they were able to accept. I think that if the third dimension (me playing a horticultural Santa Claus) to which I was referring had been allowed (as in past piggy swaps), then that would have messed up Star's limit of 125 oinks. But when you have a swap with so many participants, I understand why Star has done this.

Southborough, MA(Zone 6a)

Karen -

I said earlier- "...I think I'm going to take Bluespiral's suggestion and winter sow on the solstice"

This was from an older posting you did. Cool ideas on both the solstice and equinox, I may borrow them. Thanks!


Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Yes, if somebody has already oinked their limit, you can still include something for them from their wish list. I'll be looking at wish lists and digging through my stash before I send my seeds in... I knew I didn't have time to list more things this year, but I do have time to read wish lists when I'm putting seeds together for people!

So... if you haven't posted a wish list yet, please do so, whether it's for specific cultivars/colors or just generally what sort of stuff you like to grow.


(Zone 7a)

Herbspirit - I learned about wintersowing with respect to the solstice and equinox from the websites I listed - not my ideas - but I love their celebratory aspects. And I gotta thank Shirley1md and kcqrna and others on the DG wintersowing forum for pointing me in that direction.

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

Know tcs runnign for her t rain, but yep that what I said, is what she said. : )

The biggest problem with wintersowing in the south is the flucuation in temps. They cna get so radical. we cna have frosts and freezes and then temps of 60-70 for aew days which gets evrythign to spouting and growing and then zap we down in teens and single digets for a coupel of days and back into shorts weather . Make s it real hard onthe plants . They grow on the warm and then die back on the cold and haveto try again and they expand so much energy with shooting and dieback.

(Zone 7a)

Critter - that is a great way to look at would-be Santa Clauses among us piggies - next year, when I tag seeds for others, I'll put "Oinked for" and "Unoinked for" on tagged seeds. It'll certainly save me from using extra postage for seeds I send via my personal reindeer instead of through the piggy swap - thank you

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

I celebrate Groundhog's Day by winter sowing! My first WS article for DG was on Groundhog's Day... although information in the WS forum is much more detailed, if "winter sowing" is a new term for you, it's a good introduction...

(We also celebrate G Day with a dish of fried potatoes and sausage... LOL)

Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

I'm waving my little piggy tail and saying hi :) I missed you all lol I've been so darn busy and just read thru the thread to try and get caught up for today anyway I'll still be off a couple more days looking for paper work AGAIN :)

I just use the soil less mix for my WS then come spring for the ones that have their second set of leaves then I give them a bit of fert. I haven't had any problems other than slugs I have way too many of those and try and put old shingles down under the jugs to deter them and it seem to be working I've had a lot more seedlings since then I thought I was doing something wrong too so it must have been the slugs for me after I pitched the dirt I would find slugs in the bottom of my jugs not so many since I've been using the shingles. I put about sixteen holes in the bottom of my jugs and then when it starts warming up more but not enough to take the tops off I use my glue gun and go around putting another hole in the top of the jug to let what little heat is in there out more of course when it gets really sunny I take the tops off a while.

Terese, I agree with PM I think lol I have red rocks and it isn't red it's a pinkish color which I was really disapointed because they weren't red but they are still pretty :) The one I'm offering off of my list was suppose to be red too I forget what it is off hand but most of the pictures I've seen of that one are red too but they are about the same color as red rocks maybe a bit darker.

I'm back to paper work need to find some things for Fri. morning for my lawyer and having NO LUCK lol

I've dmiled everyone that has requested something but haven't had time to go in and change my list hope to get that done this weekend bare with me please :)

Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

Oh, I wanted to tell you all:

Kim_M had been kind enough to inform me that the candylilies that I have listed aren't Candylilies they are Blackberry Lily so for those of you that got them keep that in mind would you please I just don't have time to go in and change my list right now maybe if I think of it this weekend if I go in there :) Sorry little piggies! Thanks Kim :)

Maybe you all can discuss this and talk about what the difference is, I have no idea I'll come back and read this later :)

Browns Mills, NJ(Zone 6b)

Hello all!

tcs... I have Red Rocks here and yours looks just like mine. Mine is a pink color. Darker pink. It's not red. I wish I had a picture for you but my computer is down... but your picture looks exactly the same.

Danita... I have two varieties of Breadseed Poppies if you'd like me to put your name on them.. I'll shoot you a D-mail also.

Browns Mills, NJ(Zone 6b)

Lol, I just saw Lebug's post about the Red Rocks. I'm in agreement with them both! :-)

This message was edited Dec 3, 2009 1:45 PM

Camden, AR(Zone 8a)

I would love some of the sunflowers please...... thanks for the info on them not being pollunated - I would have never thought of that!


Jamaica Plain, MA(Zone 6a)

Oh what a fabulous day! I've been cleaning up the beds, then had a sit out on the front steps with a friend/neighbor. People walking down the street in t-shirts. Still have a few gaillardia and rudbeckia blooming. Echinaceas about to do another round of flowering. Is this really December?

Patricia, I'll probably be wintersowing from now til the end of January, so I guess I'll see what, if anything works.

Southborough, MA(Zone 6a)


I'm at work so I didn't get out much today, but I did go out at lunch when it was 70 degrees. Unbelievable!


Jamaica Plain, MA(Zone 6a)

Patricia, we'd better enjoy it now, as it probably won't be around again for the next 5 months.

Buckley, WA(Zone 7b)

Gen, They are already marked for you!

Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

I put a few gaillardias out a few weeks ago and have one trying to bloom I know I probably should cut it off so the roots will grow for next year and to prepare it for the winter BUT I want to see a bloom, we have had several real hard frosts and it still has that flower getting ready to show me what it will look like.

My castor beans finally bit the dust this morning but I still have all kinds of rudbeckias looking as happy as can be, my white swan seeds that I planted year before last are still blooming like nobody's business of course they look exactly like my Magnus coneflowers but they aren't blooming still :) The little tinker bell like tobacco plant I got in the swap last year doesn't even look like they have been cold yet but the lime green ones have been gone a couple of weeks now isn't that strange being in the same family. My malva zebrina is still blooming like crazy too and I still have a few very few calendulas in bloom.

It's cloudy and 30 degrees I want our summer back!

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 9a)

Hi Everyone ...

Sorry I haven't had a chance to jump in here and say hello.... my nose has been in the slop throth ... trying to sort out everything for everyone.

Just to let everyone know I will be closing my list out early. As of this Sunday the 6th. so if ya want anything thing please come and get it....

I have a lot going on and need time to sort and make sure everyone gets what they oinked from me. Please check the list to make sure I have you down for what you asked for :D

Starlight - I have tried to keep my piggy list of wants small within your #'s... but I've been a hog ... but still am having some cravings ...

I have also re-arranged my list and have added satsuma orange seeds and Morning glories and a few other seeds.
I have a bunch of seed heads also of rudbeckia mix, gaillardia, Zinnia, marigold,
I still have a ton of Red & Green Castor beans.

D-mail me if interested in any of these or anything on my list :D


Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

Maxine.... Got yoru second package today. it's hanging up all over my cutrain rod in the bathroom drying. Have no idea cuz it was delivere d today and the outsid eis bone dry , but the inside was soaking soopping wet. Got yoru postage that wa sin the card and your page s of lists. Wa s there anythign els e insid e the envie? Just want to make sure. Got the first envie with seeds in it already.

Hahahah Brandy! I am too. I haven't oinke d for much certainly mroe than the ten I was gonan limit myself too, but I tell ya I try to hold out big time, but it no good, need some satsuma and castor bean seeds. Oink! LOl

Jackson, SC(Zone 8a)

closing my list out so i can get it done and sent.

oinkked probably beyond the limit but am done i hope too. been a hogette

anyway need to get this done as things are hetic with hubby and stuff. talking about shipping him to alabama for a month. then i would get to see him at all. just heart broke. so closing my list.

Vashon, WA(Zone 8a)

I'm done. no more oinking, the box is packed. I believe I got everything in, except for some of the very last oinks. Some of my motherlode seed bags went missing. Good luck everyone.

Canton,IL &Dent Coun, MO(Zone 5b)

wow didn't take you guys long to respond to that! LOL
Nah having them all seperated isn't the problem Ella, my family just needs to quit having surprise surgeries and major ER visits...I've spent more time at hospitals in the last 3 weeks than I ever care to do again!

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

Lea & Andrea... thanks for the info on Red Rocks.

Had a fabulous day downtown... but my feet are tired from all that walking.

Got this beautiful glass [pyrex] bracelet and these cool things to make a bun [yanno the bun out of hair] and DH got a bunch of marbles [glass art]

This show was all hand made 'stuff' -- over 500 exhibitors... show is called "One of a Kind" at the Merchandise Mart. It was awesome... may have to make it an annual thing.

Should get to the PO Tomorrow..


Canton,IL &Dent Coun, MO(Zone 5b)

ok everyone if you oinked for seeds from me double check and make sure your name is up there....if not just send me a dmail so I can get it on there and get these mailed to miss Ella...thanks

Southeastern, NH(Zone 5b)

Hi everyone, I just wanted to pop in to say hi and I haven't forgotten about you all. I sadly couldn't participate in this swap but hopefully there will be another? The first year I participated I was in the 'Last Chance Swap' which I think our seeds were due in sometime in Feb. That is more my type of time frame. (Last minute - Lol) The fall is so hectic for me and then right when I think things are settling down bam it's the holidays! Please don't be mad at me. I have a bunch of seeds I collected in paper bags and on paper plates, in buckets and such. I just will probably take until Feb. to get them all packaged up. Somaybe they'll be another swap, if not I can always send stuff to my piggy friends as we chat. I knew you all would be real busy on this thread and i just didn't have time to keep up with all the posts for a little while. Sorry again, Luv all ya Piggies. Oink Oink : )

Buckley, WA(Zone 7b)

I still have lots of different seeds left to share. Here is a picture of the Nicotiana.

Thumbnail by LynnPhillips
Buckley, WA(Zone 7b)

Marble Arch Rose Salvia

Thumbnail by LynnPhillips
Buckley, WA(Zone 7b)

Vista Purple Salvia

Thumbnail by LynnPhillips
Buckley, WA(Zone 7b)

Love Lies Bleeding

Thumbnail by LynnPhillips
Buckley, WA(Zone 7b)

Hobi Red Dye Amaranth (or is it Hopi?)

Thumbnail by LynnPhillips

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