CLOSED: '09 Fall Frenzy Swap # 10

The Christmas theemed auction #8 is going if anyone is interested. Just one of our ways to get extra seeds for Arejay to give out to the newbies and the vegetable seeds (if any bid) will go to cajuninky for the villiage that got wiped out and need seeds to grow their food. Everyone is welcome to go bid.

Lynn you do have some beautiful plants.

Buckley, WA(Zone 7b)


Thumbnail by LynnPhillips
GA, GA(Zone 7b)

You got me Lynn! :)
I'd love some of the Marble Arch Rose Salvia and Tall Green Nicotiana. Your Nicotiana looks just like what I had supposedly bought last year but it turned out to be something totally different.

P.S. Those are some wild "marigolds" you've got there! ;)

Buckley, WA(Zone 7b)

Whoops, here are the marigolds.
The above picture is Rarejem (left), me in the red shirt (before my haircut).
The maroon Harley is mine, the black Sportster is hers. The green Harley is my DH's.

Thanks, Mekos , for the compliments. All of the flowers I wintersowed from seeds that I received in last year's piggy swap. I had never planted seeds before!

I will make a bid for your seeds later tonight or tomorrow. Let me know if I do it wrong.

Thumbnail by LynnPhillips
GA, GA(Zone 7b)

Wow Lynn, you did a great job! Everything looks beautiful!
Nice Harleys too, especially your maroon one. I really like that color.

Buckley, WA(Zone 7b)

Danita, Yeah! I will put the Marble Arch Rose and the Nicotiana in your bucket. Gosh, I can't even give away the "marigolds". LOL.

Agastache I thought it was licorice mint, but I see that I planted Honey Bee White, Licorice Mint, Purple Haze,and also Blue Fortune. So I don't know which is which. Sorry!

Thumbnail by LynnPhillips
Buckley, WA(Zone 7b)


Thumbnail by LynnPhillips
Polkton, NC(Zone 7b)

Lynn could I please oink for your salvias. how'd I miss that?

Buckley, WA(Zone 7b)

Sure, I will put them in your bag.

Buckley, WA(Zone 7b)

Another pix of the Red Dye Amaranthus next to Limelight Hydrangea

Thumbnail by LynnPhillips
GA, GA(Zone 7b)

Thanks Lynn!

I also wanted to say thanks to everyone who offered spring, direct-sow kinds of seed. I think I've d-mailed everyone. ^_^

Simpsonville, SC(Zone 7b)

Lynn, if you have any of the Vista Purple Salvia left, I'd love to try it! Gorgeous color!

Simpsonville, SC(Zone 7b)

Gotcha covered Mindy and Danita!

Boxing up the package now, and hoping the post office is open on my way back from dropping off my daughter at school!

(Zone 7a)

Star - I'm sending in a few more packets - My list is open again if anyone would like to oink for a few seeds of Jasminum grandiflorum & Rosa 'Windrush' here -

Simpsonville, SC(Zone 7b)

WOW! Yes! OINK! A jasmine that could overwinter here! Please... this piggy wagging it's little piggy tail so hard!

Delray Beach, FL(Zone 10b)

I added a few more seeds to my list, and will be adding more as I finish up outside before the first snow (maybe Saturday) and finish going thru my seeds. I am missing a big ziplock of the winter sewing seeds. Its around here somewhere.....

(Zone 7a)

Kelly - gotcha for the jasmine

Winchester, KY(Zone 6a)

Lynn, if you still have some Marble Arch Rose Salvia, I'd love to try some.

good morning
i am up early this am to watch the water to keep it flowing so the pipes do not freeze it is 25 degrees out.
i am looking at everybody's want lists
pam sue

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

Lynn... i was gonna ask for that nive "Burgundy" marigold!! love that color. DH had a beautiful "Liquid black" soft tail custom.

anyhoo... i wouldn't mind to try some ot the Purple Salvias.

Hey Lynn, forget the list, I want it ALL. I can't believe you grew all that from seeds. They are unbelievable. You have all the colors I love. Are they full sun or some shade or how to grow them like that? Anything special you do?

Port Norris, NJ(Zone 7b)

Have company this weekend but wanted to post here some seeds I'll later add to my Have list - got my order from the Summerhill swap and these
pkg have more than I'll find space in my garden for.

Snow in Summer Silver Carpet 3 pkgs of 20 seeds
Hollyhock Queeny Salmon - only 1 pk of 10 seeds
and Xeranthemum Immortal mix - tons of extras - pkg had 2,000 seeds!

Have a wonderful weekend all.


Buckley, WA(Zone 7b)

Gemini Sage, Gotcha for the Marble Arch Rose.

tcs, You made me laugh, Thank you!!! Mine is the Softtail Deluxe. Do you guys ride anymore? I have you down for the Purple Vista Salvia. Do you want some of the Red Vista also?

Mekos, I have your bag set aside to fill with a bunch of extras! I love flowers. And it brings me great joy to know that the seeds are going to other loving gardens, rather than sitting in my seed box. Afterall, most all of those seeds were given to me by other DG'ers last year. DG'ers are so generous!!

Last spring, I went to a fund raiser at a local arboretum. On our table was a beautiful centerpiece made of Ribes. I asked our table hostess (who is a friend of my DIL) if I could have a cutting from her Ribes. (She lives just a few miles away.) She said I could go buy one out in the Arboretum's shop. Not at all like the DG'ers. I cohosted the Roundup here last August, and I invited that same woman as my guest. She certainly had no reservations about TAKING home plants everyone brought to it. I hope the love and generosity of being around a group of DG'ers had a positive influence on her. Sorry to get off topic!!

Lynn, that is so sweet. Thank you and gives everyone something to think about. Wonderful generosity.

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

Sure Lynn... red vista sounds great. with DH's "condition" he really can't ride anymore. Sold the bike a few yrs back.

Kannapolis, NC

Lynn: I'd like any of your salvias that you have left, the purple vista and the marble arch. Thank you. Lovely marigolds!

Delray Beach, FL(Zone 10b)

I added a few more seeds to my list including Prairie grass from the newbie seed pack, Purple allium gigantum seeds and hosta seeds from my garden.

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

Agastache I thought it was licorice mint, but I see that I planted Honey Bee White, Licorice Mint, Purple Haze,and also Blue Fortune. So I don't know which is which. Sorry!

Lynn -- that looks like Agastache Blue Fortune.

I have HB White and licorice mint.. and it's not either of those... and not purple haze... so process of elimination....
btw -- I'd love some seeds if you still have some of Blue Fortune.

GA, GA(Zone 7b)

Speaking of Agastache Blue Fortune...
It is said to be a sterile hybrid between two species and my plant doesn't set seed. Other Agastache like Golden Jubilee set a million seeds. So where are these "Blue Fortune" seeds coming from? Are some nurseries just selling a regular species as 'Blue Fortune'?

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

Ah, i see you are right about that Danita. and it's not even hardy here, so i'd be out of luck anyways.

Canton,IL &Dent Coun, MO(Zone 5b)

I never pay attention to the "hardiness" because I keep growing things as houseplants that people look at me funny for growing as If it's not hardy to my zone I just grow it in the house

GA, GA(Zone 7b)

tcs, according to the nursery websites that I looked at, Agastache Blue Fortune is hardy to Zone 4 or 5. Go for it! :)

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

Ahhh, i think i just checked PF, which isn't always correct. THanks.

North West, OH(Zone 5b)

Hey guys, got a couple of quick questions. Early we were discussing whether or not anyone was able to save any seeds from Lea's beautimous red petunias. Was there ever an answer on that one? I'd sure like to have a few if so.

And the other thing I'm we have any resident gourd experts? I'm wondering if any/all of them are edible. This probably sounds dorky, but I smashed a few in order to save some seeds, and while most of them just resembled pumpkin flesh on the inside, I just ran across one that looks exactly like a spaghetti squash. I'm smart enough not to put anything questionable in my mouth, but I'm sure eyeing it hard. LOL. Does anyone know if gourds are edible? I wouldn't care if I tried it and it was nasty. Duh, ya spit it out and know better next time. But I'd hate to try it and end up sicker 'na dog.

(I posted that on the gourd forum but I don't think they get much traffic over there.)

Some gourds are edible. They look like small pumpkins too. Taste is not much different.

North West, OH(Zone 5b)

Hey thanks! If by chance it's NOT edible, will it just taste nasty or will it make me sick? Man oh man it must be that forbidden fruit thing. I REALLY want to eat it now. LOL!

As far as I know none of them will make you sick just not tastey. But the ones that are edible have flesh inside that looks like pumpkin. The little things that look like pumpkins around the stores for decoration around Halloween and Thanksgiving people decorate with them, are gourds but edible.

North West, OH(Zone 5b)

Huh. Well maybe I'll just take a taste. I swear it's exactly like spaghetti squash in appearance, and even flaked the same with fork. The gourd is a bit larger than a softball and using a fork I scraped an entire strainer full of 'spaghetti" out of it without going to deep into the flesh. I'd say my biggest issue (assuming it won't hurt me) is that it won't be very tender.

I'll make a point to report back tomorrow so you'll all know I didn't fall ill to a mysterious gourd illness.

Buckley, WA(Zone 7b)

Oh my, that High Country Gardens site could get into deep trouble. I love that Marachino Salvia and the Apple Blossom Gaura. I had to stop looking before they ended up in a shopping cart.

I looked back at my records, and I also planted Golden Jubilee. I will go look tomorrow to see if there is a tag next to them with my planting number on it. Some of my tags disappeared or faded. My record keeping just went to heck and I ended up just plunking things in the ground to get them planted. I had over 300 w/s containers. I got all of the agastache from Pyromomma. Maybe she will recognize them.

Hemophobic, I'll put you down for the salvias.
Teresa, I will put the Agastache seeds in your bag. I will also look in last year's stash to see if I saved any of the 'Blue Fortune'. I will send you some if I did.

I had some of Lea's red petunias in a mixed basket, but after they went to seed, I forgot which was which. I will look to see if I hoarded some extra seeds of those from last year. I am such a hoarder, I only planted 1/2 of a lot of my seed packets " just in case" they didn't germinate, I would have a reserve supply. Of course, I never went back and sowed more of the seeds, just kept them.

Lala, be careful of tempting gourds!

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