Beaver Falls, PA(Zone 6a)

Thank you SO much for all the work you and your DH did to get all the seeds out to us. I received my seeds today and I couldn't be more pleased. Everyone that was part of this swap was very generous. Thank you everyone and especially Theresa. Thanks also for the adorable Christmas ornament. I love it!


Vashon, WA(Zone 8a)

Yay! a seed package arrived today and I couldn't be happier! I can't wait to start some of these babies out! Thanks to everyone in the swap but especially you, Theresa, and your long suffering husband (like mine) who put up with all the wee envelopes all over the house! We must send photos of our babies

I got mine today. Holy moly! I had no idea how cool it was going to be to get such a huge package of seeds! I've been having fun sorting them and am astounded at how many were on my wish list, too. Thanks for your hard work on this fun swap!

Lazlo, there is no way I can plant these beautiful acorns from the Burr Oak! I've never seen such acorns in my life! These are going to be decorative!

Austin, TX(Zone 8b)

pixy - go ahead and plant them - - i'll send you others for decoration . . . they are the largest oak tree seeds in the whirled.

All About Burr Oak Trees (video) - - »

how to grow oak trees from acorns (video) - - »

lots of other links - - »

(Pony) Lakewood, WA(Zone 8a)

Aww. Mine aren't here yet. Maybe tomorrow! :)

Canton,IL &Dent Coun, MO(Zone 5b)

I think everything Lazo grows is twice as big as everyone else's! Is it a Texas thing? LOL I almost broke my toe cause my package came open faster than I expected and some lovely (and dare I say large and heavy) King Sago seeds fell out on my toes! hurt like the dickens for a minute! but it was also kinda funny!

Vancouver, WA(Zone 8a)

mine aren't here yet, either, wah! Hope mine are here tomorrow, too.

I would love to have a box of these acorns. The shape is outstanding with the little 'hats' on. Plus, I would love to put one out to see what the native squirrels would do with it LOL!
Pony and Susy, I probably have your seeds because my envelope was so packed!

Vancouver, WA(Zone 8a)

Pixy, hmmm, maybe I should say yes, you do.... (lol) But, no, the USPS confirmation FINALLY updated and my seeds are in Portland. Yay!!!

(You're very lucky to have actual native squirrels, btw. )

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

Theresa, My seeds are great. I didn't ask for acorns but I got the most beautiful little Mexican Buckeyes. I may have to make a Necklace out of one. They are just Beautiful. Reminds me of my Daddy. He always carried a Buckeye in his pocket. It was larger, but a buckeye.
Thanks, all the seeds are great.

Southborough, MA(Zone 6a)

Got my seeds last night.

Thanks so much Seed Santa!

Goldthwaite, TX(Zone 8a)

My seeds arrived today, and I too got quite a few of the seeds I had hoped for. Thank you, Theresa and DH, for all your work!

St. Annaparochie, Netherlands

My seeds arrived today also. They are great!! Thanks for the gift.

Thank you everyone for the seeds.

Theresa and all those that sent seeds:
Thank you so much for the wonderful miracles waiting to come to life.
Theresa thank you to you and your DH for all the thought a care that went into this Seed Swap. What a great experience for me.
Hope everyone has a Christmas filled with blessings.

(Pony) Lakewood, WA(Zone 8a)

Pixy, gimme my seeds! LOL!

Montrose, AR(Zone 8a)

I received my seeds today... Wow.. Im still over whelmed with emotion...So many different seeds... So many beautiful flowers just waiting to happen....I couldn't have been more pleased with my selection.. You guys did a wonderful job...Thanks everyone who participated... There are some wonderful seed selections... If I grow all of these Ill have way more things than the local nursery...Now I have to figure out the best way to organise them to prepare for winter sowing... Thanks again... Merry Christmas All...

(Pony) Lakewood, WA(Zone 8a)

I got mine... Wow! So many from my wish list, and a cute ornament too! Thanks so much! :D

Theresa, just a quick question. Diana and I want to know if you have dogs? Both of our dogs had a fit when we brought the envelops in from the mail box. : )

Vancouver, WA(Zone 8a)

My seeds are here!! Happy Dance time! I'm amazed at how many things from my wishlist, plus even more I didn't ask for, and even a cute little Christmas ornament! Thank you so much Theresa, Allen, and everyone for such a great seed swap and so many interesting new things for my garden. Happy Holidays!

Belton, TX

The seed box arrived today, Theresa...thank you sooo much!

Wonderful selection...except maybe for for the Texas Mountain Laurel from Lazlo...kinda like 'coals to Newcastle!'..but then it is Lazlo after all so they must be special...

Best wishes of the season...MaryAnn

Emory, TX(Zone 8a)

I recieved my seeds today! They are wonderful! I am very happy with your selections. Like the others, I never expected to get so many on my wish list, but then I had a huge wish list... LOL Thank you so much Teresa and Allen for all of the work you have done! And thank you also for my surprise. It is very cute!


Dunmor, KY(Zone 6a)

Ok, I have to ask. Did we all get the same "suprise"? Not that it matters, just wondering.

Marine City, MI(Zone 5a)

no dixielol, there were several different gifts.

hickory, NC(Zone 7a)

i got my seeds thxs so much for all you have done to make this possable,i need help a few of my seeds please
snow on the mountain -looks like 4oclock seeds,so im not sure what they are
purple cotton-cant find need more info on them to look that up please
red thai papaya-cant find this either please help if you can and thxs again i loved my seeds those acorns are huge cant wait to grow them
plmk and thxs again for all the hard work you and your hubby did

Dunmor, KY(Zone 6a)

Hi Moretz. Does your Purple Cotton say "Lazlo" on the bag? If so, you have the same kind as me. If so, here's the info for it:

"Gossypium hirsutum, or Purple Cotton, is also called Upland Cotton
- - »

WebShots pic - - »
another - - »

btw, any time DG lacks a photo, you can usually get one with the Images part of Google . . . just FYI."

****This info is from Lazlo. That is why I put it in the " "s. I copied his word for word. I emailed him a few days ago & asked for info on the purple cotton. Hope this helps you & hoope Lazlo don't mind me copying his info. ******

gieten, Netherlands

hello theresa and allen
mine seeds arrives today
thank you so much for al the wunderful seeds and the christmas present ,mine little son have immedely hanging in his bedroom so beautiful he finds it

thank you
marjolein from the netherlands

Marine City, MI(Zone 5a)

Whoever sent in the pumpkin on a stick, there was only one and almost everyone asked for it!
Im always happy to see the overseas packages arrive. Im always nervous they wont get there and I would feel terrible....but so far in all the years I have been doing this they have always arrived!
Happy Holidaze to all.

Canton,IL &Dent Coun, MO(Zone 5b)

Pumpkin on a stick?

Dunmor, KY(Zone 6a)

Trina, Pumpkin On a Stick is almost the same thing that I sent you labeled as Pumpkin Tree. Except the one that I sent you don't have purple steams. Also, the fruit was somewhat differant. I bought it labeled as "Pumpkin On A Stick/ Pumpkin Tree) But am not so sure they are the same thing now. The leaves & blooms look the same but the fruit & steams look differant on mine. Then again, maybe it is because this is the first year that I grew them. Who knows, maybe next year when mine is older it will look like the plantfiles pics of Pumpkin On A Stick. Anyhow, they are similer if not the same thing :)

Canton,IL &Dent Coun, MO(Zone 5b)

ooooh...okay I get it now...duh blonde moment

Dunmor, KY(Zone 6a)

Don't worry Trina, I'm blond too & have oh so many blond moments :) My SO always says "If breathing wasn't natural, you'd be dead" (you know, cause I'd forget to do it). Or "good thing your heads screwed on or we'd spend all day looking for it"

Canton,IL &Dent Coun, MO(Zone 5b)

yep I've been doing that all day, but my favorite I think was walking in to the closet door a little bit ago!

Orangeburg, SC

Teresa, I was finally able to go get my seeds from my friend who held them while I was away. Like everyone else, I couldn't believe my eyes when I opened it and saw all those seeds. Some of which I didn't expect to get. I am so thrilled. I have stopped my happy dance long enough to let you know I received them and to thank you for your kindness and generousity & hubby for his patience and understanding. Thanks for the ornament. Thanks also to all the other gardeners who shared so generously. This is my 1st seed swap and I'm sure to join another. And, oh by the way, my friend was a little jealous that she missed out on this swap, so I had to share my treasures. I was quite happy to do so. Now there are 2 more happy gardeners. Well, gotta go. I'm off to inspect my loot further.

Delray Beach, FL(Zone 10b)

Thank you Seed Santa and Unusual Elves!!! I love my seeds and surprise ladybug key chain.

This is my first seed swap, also. It will be fun researching, wintersowing and planning for next year's garden!

OSAKA, Japan(Zone 9b)

Teresa,I just received the seeds with surprise.
What are heap!! It's a moutain of a treasure !
I 'm so greateful to you ,your hubby and all the participants.
I'll sow them one by one.
Thank you so much again.

Tomtom from Japan

gieten, Netherlands

every one from the unusual seedswap
a merry christmas and a happy new year

from me from the netherlands
for the fiist time in years whe have a white christmas

Thumbnail by bartjestuin
Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

bartjestuin, the picture is so cute. I know the little boy enjoyed making his
snowman. It is so very cute. Merry Christmas to all peoples and their wonderful families.

Chillicothe, IL(Zone 6a)

Merry Christmas to everyone. I hope you have a wonderful holiday!!!

Orangeburg, SC

Teresa, I just wanted to let you and the others know what a great job you did with my seed selections. I didn't get everything I wanted. Of course, I knew that wasn't possible. But everything I received was what I wished for. All of the ones you chose to add were on my list at one point or another. You gave me my "most wanted" seeds and I am so thrilled beyond belief. I know it wasn't easy to fill everyone's order, but you did a wonderful job with mine. I hope everyone else feels the same way. Anyway, I just wanted to take a few minutes to send an extra "Thank you".

I'll be WS(ing) this weekend, if the rain ever stops long enough.
Everyone, stay warm and safe during the holidays!

How fun to see your picture bartjestuin.
From me in Oregon, May all of you have a blessing filled Christmas and New Year.

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