Canton,IL &Dent Coun, MO(Zone 5b)

Ok Theresa I sent you my tiny little wish list ***** means pretty pretty please with Cherries and whipped cream on top...LOL

Marine City, MI(Zone 5a)

The last of the seeds arrived today. Please take a look for the last two additions. Accepting additions to your lists until Wednesday.

Canton,IL &Dent Coun, MO(Zone 5b)

Theresa, Did I put postage money in the box?

Marine City, MI(Zone 5a)

yes you did Trina. :)

Canton,IL &Dent Coun, MO(Zone 5b)

yeah for once I didn't have sometimers disease! LOL

Marine City, MI(Zone 5a)

Looking over my notes I see Karen W aka Kwolflady from KS package hasnt arrived yet.
I'll keep ya posted. :)

Marine City, MI(Zone 5a)

#37-Karen's package arrived today. Here's whats in it. Feel free to add anything from it to your list. You can just post here if ya want and I'll hand write it.
25 Northern Sea Oats
4 Adeniun Obesom "Twister"
4 " " " Treasure of World"
4 " " "Dance of Butterfly "
4 " " " Black-Red "
4 " " "Super Black"
4 " " "Black Emperor"
3 " " "Heaven Star"
2 " " "Ultra Double Wave"
4 Dature Double Yellow
5 Stevia
3 Silver Lace Vine
8 Sunflower "Teddy Bear"
10 Pennisletiun Setaceun "Fountian Grass"
7 Lemon Cuccumber
9 Echinacea "White Swan"
3 Purple Fountian Grass

Beaver Falls, PA(Zone 6a)

Theresa, could you add these to my Wish List:
Adenium Twister or Heaven Star
Lemon Cucumber

Wow, Karen. What an interesting list of seeds!


Canton,IL &Dent Coun, MO(Zone 5b)

ohohohohoh silver lace vine for mine please...LOL usually only passies get me that excited

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

Black Emperor, for me please.
Silver lace vine would be nice too.
......Dance of Butterflys also.

This message was edited Dec 9, 2009 10:03 AM

Canton,IL &Dent Coun, MO(Zone 5b)

Theresa could you please pass any seeds I wished for or what you were going to send to me on to someone else who could use them as I will not be needing them anymore...I do not know when or if I will be back was nice to have met you all

Newport News, VA(Zone 11)

Nice selection Karen!

I'd like to try some lemon cucumbers please. The pics look delicious!

Trina, where are you going? I was just getting to know you. : (

Marine City, MI(Zone 5a)

I received a dmail from Ella. She is hosting the piggy swap. She is gonna hold Trinas seeds for her, and I will do the same. I dont have any details. Maybe Trina will come online again.

(Pony) Lakewood, WA(Zone 8a)

Ooooh. I would love to have Adenium 'Black-Red' or 'Super Black', please. (of course I will take both if they don't get asked for... LOL) ;)

Emory, TX(Zone 8a)

Please add for me...
Silver Lace Vine

And any of these adenium...
Adeniun Obesom "Twister"
" " " Treasure of World"
" " "Dance of Butterfly "
" " "Heaven Star"
" " "Ultra Double Wave"

Vancouver, WA(Zone 8a)

I'd like some lemon cucumber, too, please! :)

Canton,IL &Dent Coun, MO(Zone 5b)

Adenium is that a desert rose?

I'd like the purple fountain grass added to my list, thanks!

Emory, TX(Zone 8a)


Hi again! Yes it is... I have one pink one. I never got seeds from it though. I have some seedlings that i grew from seed someone sent me. They seemed to germinate well and they stayed alive all summer despite the poor care I gave them since they were put on a shelf that I tended to neglect, out side the greenhouse.

Dunmor, KY(Zone 6a)

Hey can you please add these to my want list: (Not that it don't have enough already :)
*Any of the Adeniun Obesom
*Purple Fountian Grass
& Of course the Silver Lace Vine if there is any left over

gieten, Netherlands

i want very much from karen 37
Northern Sea Oats
" " "Black Emperor
" " "Super Black
Pennisletiun Setaceun "Fountian Grass"
Purple Fountian Grass

Newport News, VA(Zone 11)

I just looked up those Adenium. They are Very unusual. If there are any left I'd like to try one. I couldn't find those named ones listed, so any would be ok.

Montrose, AR(Zone 8a)

please add this to my want list .. Adeniun Obesom which ever one may be left if there is one left will be ok

Purple Fountian Grass
Pennisletiun Setaceun "Fountian Grass
Silver Lace Vine
"Dance of Butterfly
Super Black"
Black Emperor"
Heaven Star"
Ultra Double Wave

Snellville, GA(Zone 8a)

Hi Theresa

Happy holidays too everyone.......just would like too know if you recieved my wish list?

Canton,IL &Dent Coun, MO(Zone 5b)

ok the issue last night was my 15 yo step son Blake, was told to clean his room, he wasn't going anywhere because of the storm...he instead decided to hit me, I am slow to anger but when I get there I have a very bad temper, and I was afraid I would hurt I left...not realizing he had in fact landed his punch and broke my nose. we have only had Blake in our home a little over a year(his mother died 3 years ago), it was a very long and hard fight to get custody of him away from his very abusive grandmother. Since he has been here we have repeatedly tried to get him help, but usually he acts out by stealing things from other people, so our local police were more interested in simply arresting him than helping him.....Ok, because I am on disability and we get a death benefits check for blake, Social security stepped in this morning...he has been moved to a residential treatment facility. also after a year of fighting with the state's attorneys office to get a restraining order against Blakes grandmother (she's 87 and lives in Iowa they didn't feel it was necessary) Social Security got one for us this morning. They are also going to file a lawsuit against the state of Iowa, Iowa DCFS, and the Judge who kept giving Blake back to her, on ours and Blakes behalf. they did however, have to sedate him this morning, he is understandably upset and this morning was confused thinking I was his mother, Kelly. but FINALLY we are getting him the help he's desperately needed since Rob got custody of him.
we knew that DCFS had 218 FOUNDED reports of Shirley (grandma) abusing him...but until this morning we only had partials of those reports, we now have them is a complete miracle that this kid held onto his sanity for as long as he has. And SS was horrified that ANY judge would continually put this child back in her home, instead of sending him to his father

(Pony) Lakewood, WA(Zone 8a)

OMG. I hope everything turns out okay. What a nightmare for everyone.

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

How's your nose. Are you alright?/ I hope Blake gets the help that he needs.
He has had a rough beginnings.

Orangeburg, SC

Teresa, I'd like any or one of each, if available:
Adeniun Obesom "Twister"
Treasure of World"
Dance of Butterfly "
Super Black"
Black Emperor"
Heaven Star"
Datura Double Yellow

Karen, I think you just made my day. I always wanted an adenium, but couldn't afford it. Thanks.

Orangeburg, SC

Trina, I wish you the best in your battle to save your step-son. I hope you can rejoin us again.

Canton,IL &Dent Coun, MO(Zone 5b)

Nose is sore...probably look like a raccon by tomorrow, but if it gets him the help he needs it's a small price to pay...In this case I KNOW exactly what Blake's been through, his dad had ALMOST given up the fight from exhaustion and lack of results, but I've been where this kid was, and knew if we could get him help it would be a broken nose is a tiny price to pay if it gets him the help he needs

Canton,IL &Dent Coun, MO(Zone 5b)

I'm sticking around...I was just so mad last night...I thought leaving would be best, as I may be tiny, but I am a natural redhead and I KNOW my temper when riled

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

Hang in there girl, that is the best thing since you have gone this far
a little farther won't make any difference.

Canton,IL &Dent Coun, MO(Zone 5b)

I see that now last night though I had to leave at least to cool down...Tbirds disgusting looking now but still in one piece

Snellville, GA(Zone 8a)

Hello Theresa could you add these seed on to my wish list pretty please.

Adeniun Obesom "Twister"
Treasure of World"
Dance of Butterfly "
Black-Red "
Super Black"
"Black Emperor"
Heaven Star"
"Ultra Double Wave

Trina, I am so glad you are mainly okay : ). And what a blessing that your step son is finally getting help. Good luck on the law suit, you guys should win that.
Hang in there. I will keep you in my prayers.

Orangeburg, SC

Teresa, please add echinacea white swan to my list of wants. Thanks.

Delray Beach, FL(Zone 10b)

Trina, I am so impressed with your kindness for your stepson, and so sorry that he broke your nose. I can understand your situation.I went through a similar situation with an abusive, substance abusing brother. Unfortunately, he hasn't gotten help and I haven't seen him in years.

Glad you are back. Gardening may be good therapy for you. Making the world around you more beautiful does lift the spirits.

Orangeburg, SC

Trina, I too am impressed with your love & kindness, which is beginning to become rare today. Welcome back! Not only is gardening good for the soul, you will need the social network especially during this stressful time. We'll be here for you. Just keep us posted, as we are concerned.

Montrose, AR(Zone 8a)

Trina we are glad to have you back and we are glad you feel you can share your problems with us, for that is what friends are for....Your step son doesnt realize yet how fortunate he is to have some one who cares... I can imagine what losing a Mom at an early age, and an abusive GM could do to you mentally, so stand strong for him...You guys will be in my prayers...

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