Marine City, MI(Zone 5a)

You asked and here it is!
From now until Sunday I will be accepting wish lists. Please get yours in asap so I can start packing up the goodies!
You may also make additions to your wish list by submitting a new wish list with only the added selections no later than SUNDAY.
Please use the name and number from each list to create your wish list. example:
#1 Theresa big daddy hosta, plum poppy, #4 Patricia molten fire amaranth, etc. etc. etc.
This method makes it so easy for me to divide up the goodies :)
Have a wonderful monday everyone.

Thumbnail by Theresa
Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

Thank you. We needed this.
Helps speed things up.

Montrose, AR(Zone 8a)

ok I am sending my seeds off to you this AM.. DO you need me to send you a list of the things I included online so you can have them ready and dont have to wait? I contact you with the confirmation number and send the postage to you via paypal... Thanks Trish

Marine City, MI(Zone 5a)

Trish, a list would be wonderful. Please include a small return address label if you can.

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

Did I send you a return address?? I can't remember
Let me know and I'll fix you one.

Marine City, MI(Zone 5a)

Everyone that sent already doesnt have to worry about the return address label Charleen.

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

DUHHH!!! Sometimes, I wonder
about e. Thanks, Girl.....

Goldthwaite, TX(Zone 8a)

My seeds are also going in the mail today. I am including a return address label and will PayPal postage plus $1.00 and PayPal fee and d-mail you a list of exactly what seeds are in my envelope and my wish list. If I am forgetting anything, please let me know. Thanks, Patricia

I don't know if any of you are familiar with YardGlove. It is an amazing hand & nail cream you put on before going out to garden. When you come in and wash your hands all the dirt washes away and leaves your nails and skin soft and clean.
Anyway, I just got an email saying that they are going out of business, the economy finally got them. If you decide to get it here is the code for the 70% off: 70Glove
I have been using this for about 8 years. A tube will last about one growing season. Here is the link.

Newport News, VA(Zone 11)

Thanks. I just ordered some. Nice price with the discount.

Yeah. : ) I ordered 10 tubes, at my age that is pretty much a life time supply. : )
I'm just bummed they are going out of business. They are such nice people.

Newport News, VA(Zone 11)

I only ordered 3 because at my age I will forget to use it half the time anyway :-)

I am sitting at my computer all by myself laughing. LOL
That might be why mine has lasted as long as it has. : )
I really love that stuff when I remember to use it.

Newport News, VA(Zone 11)

Ha! I know the feeling. Can't wait to get it thou. Thanks for posting the discount!

You are more than welcome.

Too bad they are going out of business, but i buy this stuff at the local Safeway in the pharmaceutical department. It's called Gloves in a Bottle and looks like the same thing to me.

I don't know about the price at the above website. I paid about 10$ for an 8 ounce bottle at Safeway.

Hi Pixy, it's $2.68 for a 4 oz tube. You just use a small dime sized amount on palm of hand, work it into your hands, around cuticles and then scrape your finger nails across the palm of your hand to force the cream under nails. It works better than anything I ever used before. I did not know about the Safeway one.
Thanks for the info, good to know.

Greensboro, NC(Zone 7a)

Thanks--just ordered 4:lol: I have those nice nitrile gloves from the Atlas co-ops but I just don't like wearing gloves:lol:

Happy gardening dmac. : )

vally, it sounds like the same stuff. I love the Gloves in a bottle. It lasts forever. Supposed to be really good for skin conditions such as excema, too.

Delray Beach, FL(Zone 10b)

I finally got to the post office with my trades today. I hope that people like my seeds, they aren't as exciting as some of the fab things people are sending in, but they are pretty and easy to grow. This is my first year at Dave's and I am a novice gardener.

I sent Star of Yelta purple morning glories which reseed themselves reliably in zone 5-6, two coordinating varieties of yellow marigolds in different heights (a 6-8" French and 12-18" African variety), and a 1'+ Calendula which I hoped would match, but was a tangerine-yellow-orange color. (A pretty color, but it clashed with my roses). I plant the marigolds as borders and accents to tie my plantings together. I collect the seeds and turn the plants over into the soil to, hopefully, deter insects especially nematodes. They also seem to deter the neighbor's cats. I am not certain if it it the height or the scent they don't like. (I also add coffee grounds around my roses and any newly dug area).

GardenQuilts, the coffe grounds are wonderful. Our local Starbucks puts them out in big foil bags for customers to take. I have been sprinkling them on my raised beds getting them ready for Winter.
Your seeds sound great.

Canton,IL &Dent Coun, MO(Zone 5b)

Theresa I've been away dealing with family issues can I still send in my seeds?

Marine City, MI(Zone 5a)

yes, send them asap trina!

Canton,IL &Dent Coun, MO(Zone 5b)

Ok Thank you!!!!

Pixie, thank you for that info. If I run out of the YardGlove I know where to look so a replacement. : )

Emory, TX(Zone 8a)

I ordered 10 also.

I'm so glad pixie told us about Safeway having something similar just in case I run out of the YardGlove. But you just can't beat this price. At my age 10 tubes will probably last the rest of my gardening life anyway. : )
Wish I would have had enough money to buy a big case of it to give as gifts.

Emory, TX(Zone 8a)

I am definately giving some to my son-in-law who has a skin problem with his fingertips.

Emory, TX(Zone 8a)

Is page 7 the last page with the available seeds listed?

Marine City, MI(Zone 5a)

yes, so far page 7 is the last page. I will be adding more tomorrow sometime. I expect several more packages to arrive this weekend. I will list as I am able, I have a real busy weekend.

Munden, KS

Theresa is it too late for me to get mine in. I was with out service ofr a few days and I just got it back to get your address. I have it ready I just need to mail it tomarrow. If not I understand.Thanks Karen W in KS.I can also send you a list of what I'm all sending in too.

Marine City, MI(Zone 5a)

Karen, please send yours out tomorrow....dont forget to send return postage and a return address label, a little one...I would appreciate a list too Karen, it really helps alot.

Delray Beach, FL(Zone 10b)

The BF has been getting coffee grounds when he takes his mother to Starbucks. She has glaucoma and knee troubles, and is having trouble getting around. I think I make better coffee/espresso/cappuccino at home. I have three containers by the kitchen sink-coffee, egg shells, compost. I use plastic containers with lids. The combination of coffee grounds/earthworms from the fishing dept at Walmart/ compost has really helped my garden. Before I got here, no one ever gardened. I had compacted dead dirt and lots of rocks.

Sounds like the way mine was 10 years ago. Big dry fissures, no grass, plants etc. I so love walking out in my yard now. Our place brings a whole new meaning to rocks. The people that lived her for 50 years were rock hounds so everything was covered in rocks. I went to plant some hardy Amaryllis bulbs and about 5 inches down couldn't go any further. Ended up with this huge hole and came up with a very large chunk (20 lb) of petrified wood and a piece of quartz crystal (about 5 lb).
Keep up the good work Quilts. : ) I love those free coffee grounds.

Dallas, OR(Zone 8a)

5 pound Quartz Crystal! Wow.... If I found that I'd feel like I struck Gold ;^)

I'd just toss the plant aside and go screaming to show everybody what I found!!!

Seriously Lynn, those rocks are beautiful, maybe you could make a mound and plant a rock garden.

Oh, I have the ultimate slide show for you, I met a rock collector that lives in Portland and he has been all over the world seeking rocks. I have a copy of the slideshow from his powerpoint presentation.

Come over tomorrow and I'll show it to you, you might get some ideas on how to use those rocks.


Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

Durn, I wanna see. Everything the wood and the rock.
Sounds beautiful. Can you take a pic?

Diana, you are making me laugh. Those bulbs were precious to me, had to get them in the grounds.
RRM, I'll wash them off and take a picture. The man that grew up in this house came by yesterday. While we were talking, he said his dad had a big hole dug in the far back yard and buried a big pile of rocks. Is there such a thing as witching for rocks instead of water? : /
Going out to get that picture, be back in a bit. : )

Here is some pictures. The first one is our front porch. The others are of what I found this week in the flower bed.

Thumbnail by

Front porch.

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