CLOSED: '09 Fall Frenzy Swap Page #7

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

and my giant piggy fuzzy robe dancign away! : )

Thumbnail by starlight1153
Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

So do I get my seeds????????? hold s hoofs together and pleads. heheheheh

Jamaica Plain, MA(Zone 6a)

Great job, Ella - even though I had to use my imagination a bit there. The seeds were already in your trough anyway.

Middleton, TN(Zone 7a)

LoL, go Ella!

Monticello, KY(Zone 6b)

I'm sorry Per Me I had to substitute that video after i sat down on a size 11 steel crochet hook which went in about an inch or so. It's much too sore to rump dance now and I don't know how long it's going to take to heal either.

Mindy limping pitifully

Middleton, TN(Zone 7a)

Ouch Mindy! That doesn't sound good at all.

Jamaica Plain, MA(Zone 6a)

Oh I'm really sorry Mindy. That sounds very painful! Did you see the vet? You're excused til next year then.

Winchester, KY(Zone 6a)

Ouch! Mindy, are you up to date on your tetanus shot?

Monticello, KY(Zone 6b)

Yes it hurt like the dickens went in like a large size needle and hurt coming back out too. Dh waited til I got it out then asked if I was OK told him just ine now I had the darn thing out. Poor man got scared to death. Yep I'm up to date on the tetanus shot I am always doing things like that so it's not a good idea to skip that shot. Nope didn't go to the vet I'm an old hand at doctoring minor wounds. Just very sore in that spot this morning but not enough to keep me from sitting on it. And it helps that my rump is well padded LOL. Don't worry I'm Ok this time around.

Camden, AR(Zone 8a)

OUCH!! That sounds PAINFUL!!
Hope it heals soon......

Kannapolis, NC

Didn't get my DG morning fix today! :-(

Okay, piggies, listen up: I've just added 10 packs of NOID gladiolus corms to my list. They're red, white and coral colored, but I have no idea which is which. Some of them have a red colored skin. Would I be safe to assume they're red? Anyhow, I'm putting 5 corms in each pack for a total of 10 packs. Waddle on up to the trough!

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 9a)

hey everyone ... just a brief hello ... I lost the thread to do updates ... lol ... I'll try to get back in here soon ... SOO much is going on!! grrr ... Life needs to slow down and give me a few extra hours ... lol ...

Will be oinking at everyone REAlly soon ... threat promise ... both hahaha ... j/k lol have a great one everyone ... :D


Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

Brandy -- I try to keep the links for the pages in the very first post of each thread.

1 - is guidelines
2 - is a list of every ones wants/haves ... this is the one you will need to go edit, just search for your post
3- List of links to the individual lists

hope this helps


I have a pot of blue star aster that has gone to seed, but I have never got the seeds before so all I know is cut the whole head off and put in bags. I also have plenty of 3 lobed rudbeckia if anyone wants any. You will get the whole heads though.

This is a carolina snail seed vine and it is full of berries if anyone wants any of it also. Forgot to add it before.
Edited to correct spelling.

This message was edited Nov 16, 2009 8:06 PM

Thumbnail by mekos
Vashon, WA(Zone 8a)

I am sooooo embarrassed. I just realized while I was typing out my labels for seeds that I had put down I had agastache blue fortune, when what I have is actually agastache golden jubilee. I have down Mekos and TCS. If you're still interested, please let me know.

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

Colchie... i already have Jubilee. no problem though... mistakes do happen.

Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

OMG if that is hard dark green leaves on a coral vine I may have pulled mine up for a tree we have trees that reseed here I think they are mulberry? Whatever they are they are everywhere, I've planted two of those vines grown from seed and they just didn't come back I was so disappointed! I bet I pulled them up! Mekos your berries are just beautiful!

I would love to have just a few maybe four they germinate really easy I thought just took the fingernail file to them soaked them in H202 and they sprouted in one day if I recall right.

All I did was put the red berries in a hanging pot with good potting soil and got a pot full of vines. Didn't file or do anything just planted them and hung them in full sun. The vine got thick and woody with dark green leaves and went right up a tree. I love it. Right now it's hanging full of beautiful red berries. Send me d-mail if you want it so I can keep up with them.

I did put you down for some.

This message was edited Nov 16, 2009 10:13 PM

Port Norris, NJ(Zone 7b)

Mindy I'll toss you my old "donut". Got some good use after I fell down
some stairs. But no longer needed here.

Lea, Oinking here for some Dome Asters.

And doing a oinking happy dance that I don't have put back some that I squealed for.
I nearly sunk under the mud in shame when TCS said 20. Thank you GuamsOrbit for straightening that out for me. I can return happily
to the trough.

After 2am & waiting for the meteor shower - anyone see it?

Kannapolis, NC

Didn't get up to see the showers this morning, Cris. It's a workday for me, but we always catch them when they fall on the weekends! How were they?

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

Mornign Piggies!

Don't forget tonight at 7pm EST time will have a little piggy fun game. We'llsee what kind of piggies ya really are. heheheheh

Hoping to get more seed packed some time today. I swear I thinkImakign some headway and turn aroudn and stil see seed everywheres . I think they breeding durign the night.

Winchester, KY(Zone 6a)

mekos, the Rudbeckia heads are easy to get seeds separated from once they're dry. I just put them in a kitchen strainer and shake over a bowl. If you're trying to get as many seeds as possible out of the heads, just break them apart with your fingers and shake some more through the strainer. There's a little dusty chaff still with them, but much better than whole heads (easier to package and ship).

Port Norris, NJ(Zone 7b)

Hemophobic, Saw one bright beautiful streak just before my
eyes wouldn't stay open anymore.
Nice thing living semi-rural.Its dark & few obstructions. I watch the local fireworks over the river every year from the end of my bed.
Quite the change for this Boston gal

Realized much too late that the meteor shower didn't peak til 4am
which is when I usually get up ! I'll try to catch it tomorrow morning

Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

That's kind of like my room Cris, I can see the fireworks from the river in Louisville, Ky. around fourth of July but the meteor showers when they happen here seems like it's always cloudy never have seen them. I used to leave for work around 4:30 in the morning for the first few years that I lived with dad out here so I was up :)

Thanks for putting those carolina snail seed vine seeds in my trough Mekos squeeeelll!!!

It's raining here today and I have to go to the funeral home my uncle, dad's brother passed day before yesterday, same problems as dad then respitory problems like dad had at the last I thought that was so odd...we weren't close about the last of our family except for his daughter, no kids and my son and me. Oh I have a sister too don't I Ha!

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

LeBug.. Prayers goign with ya. Hope this the last for awhile and things settle down.

Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

Thanks Star, I've got so much going on here lately don't know if I'm coming or going every time I turn around here lately something is going on I'm waiting for the nice boring winter for sure!!! I need a break HA! It's just one of those years that it's been pouring trouble :)

Jamaica Plain, MA(Zone 6a)

Lea, sorry to hear about your uncle. It seems like bad stuff happens in groups. Hopefully it's time for you to have a reprieve after this.

Browns Mills, NJ(Zone 6b)

Lea, I'm so sorry to hear about your Uncle also...

Browns Mills, NJ(Zone 6b)

I have a Japanese Morning Glory that I'm going to list. I just loved it this year.

I have enough for 10 packets. 8 seeds in each.

It's a NOID. It has tan seeds. A good sized vine that covered my railing to my stairs that go up 5 steps.
It's a heavy bloomer. It's flowers last longer on an overcast day. If it's sunny, make sure you see it early ;) (like before 9)
I would have had more seeds, but I started this late and It really took off... Of course loaded full of pods and blooms when a frost hit :(
I only collected about 20 pods before hand. So, they are up for grabs now!

Oh.... PLEASE... D-mail me also if you would like these :-)

This message was edited Nov 17, 2009 1:30 PM

Thumbnail by mygypsyrose
Browns Mills, NJ(Zone 6b)

I have a few more seeds I listed as well...

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

Hey Piggies. Ansonfan is back with us again this year! : ) So expect oinks from him and he'll get his list up as soon as he is able too.

Canton,IL &Dent Coun, MO(Zone 5b)

hey Star if the tomato seed offer is sill open I'm oinking! LOL I oink for any veggies! LOL

Ok I have down for the dwarf asters so far:

1. gemini_sage
2. tcs1366
3. ClanCampbell
4. gen2026
5. klstuart
6. LeBug
7. honeybunch_2000
8. Imzadi

Did I miss anyone?

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

thanks trina.

and good to see George back... he did write me back and say he wasnt doing it again this year... glad he changed his mind.

Canton,IL &Dent Coun, MO(Zone 5b)

ok dumb question....does anyone know what this is?

Thumbnail by trinawitch
Canton,IL &Dent Coun, MO(Zone 5b)

well that wasn't very helpful! Nevermind...uhg!

hi all

perennialyme..yes i know i am old ..some days i just cant function lol

mindy..ouch gotta be careful where you put your pointy stuff. hope youre feeling better

lea..sorry to hear about your uncle. i am still thinking about you

star..those are funny pics :)

good to hear george is back with us again this year :)

it rained so much the last few days..i think i went into hibernation

pam sue

Canton,IL &Dent Coun, MO(Zone 5b)

ok I have a dumb question....well several but I'll start with one for now...what's the best way to store all these seeds...and don't say the fridge...I have 5 teenagers nothing lasts in my refridgerator, cause if they can't eat it they throw it out....LOL

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

Ok folks. I here. Give me a few mintue s to get the piggy game done and I wil post it for ya all. : ) My hous e clock seems ot be on different tiem than puter.

Canton,IL &Dent Coun, MO(Zone 5b)

LOL...Star...I look like I'm lost in the never ending pile of seeds....LOL

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