CLOSED: '09 Fall Frenzy Swap Page #5

Emerald Hills, CA(Zone 9b)

Of course you did...I just didn't read them that part :-) Like I said, I can do drama...

Jamaica Plain, MA(Zone 6a)

Just an afterthought - I guess I understand why people say "LOL" a lot. I guess it can keep you out of trouble, but I just can't get myself to say it.

Jamaica Plain, MA(Zone 6a)

Hey - unfair treatment, guammy. My reputation will be ruined!

Port Norris, NJ(Zone 7b)

TCS, there is a Summerhill Co-op going on. So you may want to reconsider
purchasing that grass.

Critter - I planted Lisianthus seed back in March and the darn things didn't sprout until September. Saw somewhere that it can take up to 5 months to
germinate. I now believe its true. However, also planted well over 100 seeds and only 6 came up!

Thats why I nudged so hard at the trough toofew. Sorry about your
squiggly TALE.

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

yes Cris... i've already browsed... I went thru her web site, found 3 seeds I thought i'd like to have... and 2 of them are on the "list". not worth it when i have to add s/h.

also -- even though i LOVE co-ops, been in a bunch of them... why buy seeds when i can get them free [just shipping charges] in these swaps ... and i can get a ton of varieties this way.

Baytown, TX(Zone 9b)

I just added to my haves

12 pkg lavendar rose of sharon 15 seeds and
3 pkgs of jewel of opar roughly 30-40 seeds

I also added my want list. I am sure I am not done yet. ;o)

Port Norris, NJ(Zone 7b)

LeBug - Oinking for your #7 Snow Nymph Salvia, #10 Ostrich Aster
#12 "Kew Blue #17 Blue Bird, #21 Monach's Velvet and
#32 Pasque Flower.


Port Norris, NJ(Zone 7b)

Very true TCS :)

Vashon, WA(Zone 8a)

le bug , can't believe I'm still at it. Plus cleaning seeds still!
Could I please have your blue lobelia syphilitica and helenium mardi gras? peakcock asters, too, if they're still available,

Emerald Hills, CA(Zone 9b)

As far as your reputation..."But watch out scarfie guam, if ya don't want to find your fat little snout buried in the mud!" says it all
:-). But I'm sure this can all be put behind us when you have seeds for those 10 different varieties of toad lillies and you offer them to me :-)

Jamaica Plain, MA(Zone 6a)

Oh, I see, guam......................... blackmail is it then?

Baytown, TX(Zone 9b)

Lebug you have a dmail

I am oinking and squealllling for

May I have
2--1. Pineapple Sage ~ salvia elegans~ 2009 ~ annual ~ 6
2--7. Snow Nymph ~ Salvia coccinea~2009 ~ annual ~ 10
1--8. Forest Fire ~ Salvia coccinea~2009 ~ annual ~ 10
1--13. Salvia ~ Subrotunda ~ 2008 ~ annual ~ 7
1--17. Blue Bird ~ Rose of Sharon ~ Hibiscus syriacus 2009 ~ Z 5~8 ~ 6
1--18. Jester’s Jacket ~ hardy geranium ~2009 ~ Z 4~8 ~ 10
1--20. Artemis ~ Salvia argentea ~ silver sage ~ Z 5~8 ~ 6
1--25. Wild Blue Indigo ~ Baptisia australis ~ 2009 ~ Z 3~10 ~ 5
1--26. Great Blue Lobelia ~ Siphilitica ~ 2008 ~ Z 3-9 ~ 6
1--28. Perennial Wallflower ~ Orange Flame ~ Erysimum ~ 2009 ~ Z 5~9 ~ 5

I am confused did I see you had 2 different white sage/ salvia? Your list is so awesome it melted my brain. ;o)

Thank you

Emerald Hills, CA(Zone 9b)

well, I prefer the more sophisticated term of extortion :-P

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

Mornign all. Just a quickie post her e for the moment.. The rains have been heavy and noin stop all night and gonan be all day too from Ida. T station down already. But wante d to get this up quick.

Have everybody seed that opinked and dmailed. Wil edit list late r when I can.

What I wante d ot make sure cuz ha d piggy ask me a question and am just hoping that what she got is from some othe r trade and not piggie s ending seed to her early.

NO Piggy should be sending there seeds to individuals now. When the timeis right you all wil be sending all your seed to me. Thoses notic e refreshers wil go up proabbaly aroudn the first of December.

I beliv e what she ha d arriv e is form othe r folks she ha s traded a oen to oen with, but want to make sure.

If you have accidently alreayd sent yoru sed to folks. Pleas e let me know what and who ya have sent seed too and Don't Send anymore out. PLEASE!

Gonan try and quick put up a few more seed , but may not be abel to answer dmails til storm over. Don't nee d to take achanc e on blowing a modem. So don't panic. I'll get to yoru oinks.

Guam.. heheheheh don't worry all piggie s have to have good snot cleaning bath befor e they get their feed boxes. Gott a be able to sniff the pretties when they grow. hahahha

Ok, wil be poping in and out as weather allows. Waitign for sun to coem up to see how bad water level is outside.

Oh one other thing. Whiel huntign in boxe s last night, I found soem mroe Zinna Pola r Bear. Ther e was somebody who I had to tell I was out that had really wante d them, not goign back through all the dmails now, so if it was you, pelase dmail me again. I got soem of the Zinna Pola r Bear for ya. : )

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

breakfats time piggies. roll out of the hay and grab ya some. Just adde d a fe w mor e things, in the the Part 2 of my list section.

Lebug.. Wil look and see if I stil have any red petunias form last year around. I stil have few seed s her e and ther e that didn't get planted hope I cna fidn them for ya, which reminds me.

Huntign in my boxes last year ha d shared some Salvia Hot Trumph from Germany with somebody. Did it grow at all. neve r did get my seed sowed the few I ha d saved, wa s just wondering.

Montrose, AR(Zone 8a)

goodmorning oinkers...

Kannapolis, NC

Morning, porkies!

Carolyn_Cropper: I have you down for canna, blackberry lily and bronze fennel. I've replied to your D-mail.

I keep going back and reviewing the lists and seeing things I would like to try, pushing my snout in again and again!

Kannapolis, NC

Danita: I have oinked for some of your Penstemon Red Rocks and Violet Dusk! You have D-mail, too.

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

Star I would love some Zinnia Polar Bear, if you have a lot to go around.

I hadn't specifically asked for them, just stated somewhere I wanted White Zinnias.

regarding Hot Troump.... I did WS some and managed to collect some seeds. The seed pods are very slow to mature. Most of my - here in November - are still on the green side.


Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

Tcs. Got enough for you and whoever els e it was that aske d for them pola rbears.

Cool. If ya get enough of the Hot troump. Save me a few frehs seed s if ya can. I got fiv e seeds here and don't know if they coem true or not, but if ya have a few to spare want to try and hyrbidiz e hem with what I have to see what mystery plants I can get.

Oh geez, finalyl looke d otu windopw. Not pretty out there. Gott a get flip flops rooll up pant legs to get trash up to end of road if it let s up enough to do it. Looks liek this piggy gonan be walkign in the mud this morning.

Hate when ya get that wet muddy feelign under the toenails. Just hope somethign icky and squishy don't swim roudn my toes. The ponds on back and sid e have already floode d and overflowed, so can have fish and frogs and turtles all all ove r the yard.

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

I'll keep watching the seed pods... ya figure, i've got weeks before this swap closes.

Simpsonville, SC(Zone 7b)

Morning all! What a picture Star... hope it is over soon and not too many fishies out of water!

LeBug, you have an oinkin' dmail... if there's anything left ;-)

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

I wonder.... has everyone who stated they are in the swap, showed up yet?

I wanted to wait until everyone was 'around' before I start pimping seeds.

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

I was just scanning the 'participants list' ... i see George, ansonfan, is not on it. I thought he was doing this again.

gonna go look around....

I double checked the threads, and he hasn't been in the Swap threads, but was still in the CG forum... so i dropped him a Dmail.
He's always got great seeds.

This message was edited Nov 10, 2009 7:03 AM

Simpsonville, SC(Zone 7b)

Ella, you have dmail... again ;-) Oinking for your asparagus fern!

Anyone have advice on which milkweed is best? I've heard some are difficult to germinate, I think I tried that one last year! Some are invasive (not thrilled about that option)... are there any that are perfect?

Jamaica Plain, MA(Zone 6a)

Good morning piggies. I see y'all are up and at it early this morning.

Star, hoping your weather settles down soon.

Guam, attempted extortion it is then, but ya can't get seeds that haven't formed yet. We'll just have to wait and see what becomes available ......... to well behaved piggies.

Carolyn_Cropper, you're quite quick to learn the piggie oink! I've got you down for 6 liliums, coreopsis, oriental poppy, clematis, liatris and silver dollar plant.

I'll be taking off for the day in a couple of hours, so hope you piggies take care not to get tummy aches while I'm gone.

Simpsonville, SC(Zone 7b)

Got you covered ilovejesus and carolyn_cropper!

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

Kelly -- all MW's that i have done have been pretty easy. I have not tried "Purple" yet, but will do them next season.

I was reading in a different thread that the "common" Asclepias syriaca can be invasive, as it sends "runners" underground.

The Pink/Swamp Asclepias incarnata, i WS'ed 2 years ago, and they bloomed this year... very pretty pink blooms. [but did not save seeds]

the Scarlet/Blood Flower ... Asclepias curassavica is considered more tropical, as it is only hardy from zone8... I assume the Silky Gold is the same... so those you wouldnt have to worry about being invasive.

all that being said... if you are growing them for the Butterflies / monarch Cats.... I would not do the common MWs if you are concerned about evasiveness.

Simpsonville, SC(Zone 7b)

Thanks TCS. Ok, now if I can just burn that info in my head... no Syriaca... no Syriaca... no Syriaca... ;-)

Definitely want to try the others though :) I think butterflies might just be my last hope in getting my daughter out of the house and into the garden! If there's even a remote chance that there's a bee around, she won't go out :-( She's never been stung... so what's up with that? But, she does love monarchs!

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

you do have zinnias, right?? i do not get too many butterflies, but when i get them, the flock to the Zinns.

the MW's are host plants for the Monarch Cats. I've never seen a crysalis, but one year i had a lot of baby cats munching away on my MW's.

the Swallowtails seem to like the Bronze Fennel and parsley.

My climate may be too cold / short seasons, for a lot of cats... as i dont see that many... but i'm providing what they need, just in case.

This message was edited Nov 10, 2009 7:30 AM

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

Nope not all the folks are with us yet. We stil have a few dealign with family emergencie s and hopefulyl they wil able to join in this week.

Not sure what happenign with George this year, btu did get a message that he wasn't gona make it this year, but have told him if thing s change and he wants in he got a place.

I think I a tad bit wet this morning. Whole yard looks liek this and it aint over and lot s deeper places. watchign the water just racing all over the place wil eb coupel days before I cna see what came to my yard via other folks yard. This why I grow evrythign in container s on pallets.

Thumbnail by starlight1153
Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

New raise d Daylily beds on a slope goign under water big time. Wishign now would have left in containers. teach me. Got abotu 8" of water sittign on top of the ground and mulch.

Thumbnail by starlight1153
Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

WOW Star... that's a bit of water there.

at our old house, anything in the basement [of value] were up on skids, or concrete blocks. we were in an OLD home that always flooded... so glad to be out of there.

been watching the weather channel.... looks like the brunt of the rain has past you and gone north... they say its up to Atlanta already. Hopefully there isn't a part that will spin back around to you.

Winchester, KY(Zone 6a)

Woah, I'm finally caught up with bagging and labeling everyone's oinks! Now, having said that, I'll mention that I've added stuff to my list, including a list at the bottom of seeds from KimM to add to the trough.

Simpsonville, SC(Zone 7b)

Oh man, Star, what a mess! Well, if it would just drain, I'd guess the daylilies might appreciate the soak?

I do have Zinnias! The goldfinches and hummingbirds love them too. I've gotten some seeds for rue, fennel, and a few other herb type things to add to my butterfly garden. We have a nice science center here with a great butterfly garden. Everything's labeled, so I can go and study up!

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

Gemini.. Oinking for Gaura Whirling Butterflies, piggy pelase. heheheheh

Monticello, KY(Zone 6b)

Star oinking for Tomato Adkinson and Lotus Nelumbo please

Winchester, KY(Zone 6a)

Kelly, do you grow Verbena bonariensis and Liatris? Butterflies love those, especially Frittilaries.

Star, gotcha covered on the Gaura.

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

how easy is Liatris to grow form seeds? and do they bloom first year?
those are those tall purple spikes, right?

Winchester, KY(Zone 6a)

tall purple spike, that's right. Usually blooms the 2nd or 3rd year from seed, and easy to start. I find seedlings here and there.

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