CLOSED: '09 Fall Frenzy Swap Page #5

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

We came from here.... thread #4

New thread for the weekend....

There are still a couple of regular spots open in the swap, so please post if you're interested in joining us at the "trough." A special welcome to any whose gardens fell victim to storm, flood, or fire... please join us by posting in this thread and by posting a "wish list" over on the lists thread.

Swap guidelines can be found on this post:

Swap posting of have and want list can be found here:

According to the Guidelines... tomorrow the 8th, is the last day to get signed up, if you have not yet. I do believe that does not apply to Storm Survivors.
I think there is only 1 or 2 slots open for Newcomers [ones who did not participate last year]

Thumbnail by tcs1366
Simpsonville, SC(Zone 7b)

Morning All! Yep, I did survive the trip! Actually, we had a group of 149 people, 3 buses worth. Luckily, many of us were chaperones. I had a group of 4 girls to watch, and that was one of the largest. I think they kept the chaperones watching boys to about 2 per group ;-) The kids were awesome. We saw Fort Moultrie, Drayton Hall plantation and the SC Aquarium... a lot in one day, with a 3+ hr drive, but we survived! The weather was beautiful!

Ants and Mitsy, I got your oinks covered!

Now... time to see what you all were up to yesterday!

Brooksville, FL(Zone 9a)

Sorry, edited to delete my posting. I should have read all the rules first, but sorry to say I don't have the time to list all my seeds and really I don't have them on my spread sheet in the same format that is required on DG to list have listings.

Sorry folks.


This message was edited Nov 7, 2009 9:32 AM

Jamaica Plain, MA(Zone 6a)

you can start here:

Jamaica Plain, MA(Zone 6a)

then here:

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

Janet -- also, if you get a chance, drop Starlight a DMail, as she is the host... I do believe there is ONE spot left.

Jamaica Plain, MA(Zone 6a)

There are several people signed up who haven't yet participated. I wonder if they're going to.

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

I did send Star a note this morning that the last 2 were not added to the list... it was Mindy and ants.
so - by looking at the list... i think #12 dropped out as that spot is open... so that was why i said possible 1 or 2 spots.

We'll just have to wait for her to come back. I'm sure she is enjoying every last second with her son that she can.

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

While searching for something else... i stumbled upon the "sheet" that Star requires us to send in with our seeds...

here was mine....

and this is where that "extra" max of 100 seeds comes in. though I do see i went way over on a few ... sending in more than 10 of a variety... though i do believe they were passed out to Storm survivors.

but this is the gist of what she's asking... figured this may be helpful to the newbies.

Thumbnail by tcs1366
Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Good morning! Joyanna's crocus planting party yesterday was lots of fun... and we got through half of the crocus bulbs, 1500 of them! Yahoo!

I'm having fun browsing down through the LISTS thread again, catching up on new additions as well as things I just missed the first time, LOL.

Starlight, I'd love to try the 'Strawberry Sundae' viola, if it's still available. It's so pretty! Oddly, I am drawn even more to pink flowers now... LOL

Perenniallyme, I'd like to oink for a packet of "Dianthus deltoides – dwarf pink w/ thin red circle" please. Also, with regard to the "plump tasty red" tomato on your wish list... I will see what I can find for you... are you interested in pink tomatoes (tend to be a bit sweeter, usually my favorites) also? How long is your growing season -- can you do "late season" varieties?

Trinawitch, I was looking at your wish list to see if I could help... The kind of seasoning pepper you're looking for is actually a tropical plant, so I think you might be better off ordering peppercorns from Penzeys. If you want hot peppers (Capsicum), then I can probably help. Also wanted to comment that you can grow mango trees from the big seeds/pits inside a grocery store mango. :-)

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

In reading over Starlight's guidelines, I think that limit of 100 "loose packet" seeds is a limit on the extras that you can expect a 1 to 1 trade for (that is, you won't get more than 100 loose packs back)... if you want to send in more than 100 packets (beyond what people specifically oinked for), I think that is just fine... the extras will get shared around.

New Braunfels, TX(Zone 8b)

Mornin' fellow oinkers. I just added some freshly harvested salvia coccineas with lavender blooms to my list. they are in alphabeticla order...


Jamaica Plain, MA(Zone 6a)

critter, I've got you down for the dianthus. Thanks for thinking of me, tomato-wise. I have oinked for a pink brandywine and a couple of beefsteak types already, and don't have a whole lot of room for tomatoes. (Also will be trying the super marmande I bought - have extras on my list), so I'm pretty well set there, unless you want to put just a few seeds aside..........oinky woinky......
I think star really doesn't want more than the extra hundred packets, because it would be too much for her to deal with. Extras can always be sent to Arejay for the newbie seed thing she's doing.

Jamaica Plain, MA(Zone 6a)

Folks, it's time for:


Today's forlorn neglected participant is Liatris Spicata:

Different (in a good way) from almost everything else in your garden, purplish-pink tall spiky flowers that will never need to be staked. Forms nice clumps and takes care of itself (except you should divide occasionally or you'll end up with a fused bulb the size of a melon).

4 packs available for the asking.

Marietta, MS(Zone 7b)

Morning All. Thank you klstuart :) I added some 2008 veggies to my have list. Also, next edit, I will be adding more lychnis.


(Chris) Des Moines, IA(Zone 5a)

Good afternoon :) I've been out running around this morning and it's a beautiful day here! Supposed to hit 75 at least, which is VERY unusual for this time of the year. I may try to sneak outside and mess with my plants a little for next spring :)

Mindy, I got your dmail and put the sunflower aside for you.. thanks!

New Braunfels, TX(Zone 8b)

I have been out in the beautiful weather, too and found a nice surprise. Miss Salvia mexicana 'limelight' has chosen to bless me with a few more seeds so I will be adding some packets to the list next time I update. In the mean time, if anybody wants some (I now I turned a few away, so re-oink please), you can let me know now. I think I can put up another 5 packs which will have at least 10 seeds in them.


Southborough, MA(Zone 6a)

I hadn't even put the Asters on my list yet, and got several oinks :)

So I guess I'm going to pull the seeds for you today. I'll try to get enough for everyone who wanted some. So if you haven't done so already, send me dmail so that I know how much to bag up. I think I will have pearly everlasting as well.

Jamaica Plain, MA(Zone 6a)

Thanks for doing the asters, Patricia. I had taken off some dried flower tops from mine, but couldn't figure out where the seeds were, so I didn't bother with them.
Now I'd better get outside while there's still some daylight left.

Southborough, MA(Zone 6a)


They are a small black seeds attached to a white "fluff" part, used to have the air pick up and "fly" the seeds. On the white wood aster, the flower center needs to be purple-ish, they start yellow but then turn purple when pollinated. Plants have quite an interesting dispersal/reproduction system.

So for asters take the white fluff and bag it, you will see the tiny seeds at the end of the "fluff". If you are even more patient, you can remove the fluff, but I'll tell you guys now, I don't have that much patience. I start the seeds fluff and all, and they can be winter sowed.

Southborough, MA(Zone 6a)

I was outside and noticed that I have more Siberian Iris seeds (I was out). Looks like enough for 2-3 more trades. I'll update my list.

Does anyone know if Torenia "Blue Wave" are sterile? I have been looking for seeds on these and can't find them. I think Critter has torenia, any suggestion as were to look for the seeds?

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Torenia seeds look like finest sand -- pale, teeny bits of grit. They form on a little structure in the center of the pod. Pick off the dried pod (if it's still green, wait) where a flower was and crush/open it on a dark colored plate. If there are seeds (sometimes they've already dropped), you'll see them

Southborough, MA(Zone 6a)

Thanks Critter, I'll get the dried pods today and see if I have seeds. Every year I buy this plant for my windows boxes. Would love to find that it has seeds.

ajntexas, cris316, imzadi- I have you down for white wood aster and New england aster.
mamawk- I have you down for New england aster

I have added a few items to my list, look at the end of the have list.

Jamaica Plain, MA(Zone 6a)

Thanks, Patricia. It looks like some of the seeds are developed (dark and slightly larger), but some are still white. I'll let you be the aster lady for now.

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

Piggies!!!!!!!!11 I'm home. LOL. Her e for a little bit anyways. Will be on and off the pute r until tommorrow night aroudn midnight, when I knwo my son ha s made it back to bas e safe. Then he deploys on the 11th. His phoen gets shut off sometie tommorrow and have diap up with oen line so can't be on puter and phoen at same time.

As much as I lov e ya all, got to catch the last p[hoen calls from him.

Critter.. yep got soem fo the Viola Strawberry Sundae for ya. Have no ide a why ya on a pink kick. hehhehee it couldnt' have anythgin to do with havign a beautiful baby girl could it. : )

Tommorrow I wil be updating the list of participants of who all in then anybody else wil have to ask to be let in if I have any spots left.

Ok, when the time comes, you wil be sending in yoru seed s for the folsk that aske d for them, the oinked seeds.

Then you cna onyl send up to hudnred loos e packs for a one to one trade. That for part two.

Now liek last year if you send in more than a hundred packets. That fine. I go through them and some of them will go to surviors . Soem may go to charity organizations in towns that were disaster areas. There were alot of areas hit by massiv e floods and everythign is gone for thes e folks, so if there any extra extra s woudl liek to try and get them to the local Maste r gardener s and clubs in thos e area s to help get some folsk back to lookign at somethign othe r than the mud and bare groudn s they now left with. Afte r that if ther e seed left. Then I take em all and start tossing in to folks boxes. So even if ya sent in 100 loos e packs fo r aoen to oen trade, ya may get a little bit ove r that back.

Thansk fo rpostign that Tcs... yep I go through allthe s ee d and seperate it out by name s the loos epacks and extra s when they get here and the lists are abig help .

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

My most precious seed, gettign ready to get on bus and head back out. : )

Appreciate ya all hangign in here thes e few days. Soon as I knwo he back on base Sunday night. Well, then I be roudn all the tiem again and a pain in yoru pink piggy tails. LOL

This message was edited Nov 7, 2009 3:49 PM

Thumbnail by starlight1153
Lewisburg, KY(Zone 6b)

mindy03, You have your requests. Sorry I didn't answer more quickly but I was out for the day.

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

nbgard... Salvia mexicana 'limelight' for me please!!

Kannapolis, NC

Hollyhocklady and huneybunch_2000: just want to give you a heads up that there is some chaff with the dahlia UD seeds. They're kind of like the asters above. I have done my best to separate seeds from chaff, but it's a hard job!!!

Montrose, AR(Zone 8a)

I dont mind the chaff... I'll just sow it all with the seeds...

Akron, PA(Zone 6b)

I have been away from DG for a few months and I was so excited to see the Piggy Seed Swap again! I see my name on the first list...does this mean I am in because I was in last year? I sent Ella a dmail to see if I can get in...I would love to trade seeds with you all again. My garage is a collection of cups, pails, etc with my seed collecting.

Once I know for sure, I will start my list of what I have to trade, as well as start wallowing in the piggy trough!

So glad to be back. It has been a busy, but good summer in the garden. Hope everyone is doing well.

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

LuAnne.... if you're on the list.. .you're good to go. I know Ella will be mostly OFF the computer until she knows her son is safe back in TX. [being on dial-up, she doesnt want to be on the PC in case he tries calling. ]

From what she mentioned to me was... those who have not popped in [or told her they want to be in the swap ] will be deleted from the list after the 'closing bell' which is tomorrow the 8th... then she will have a true list of participants.


You must SIGN UP before November 8, 2009. Participating Piggies from last year must post to say they are participating again this year to secure their spots.

I'd say since you've already notified her, even though she hasn't gotten it yet.... you're on the list already, so start OINKIN.


Montrose, AR(Zone 8a)

Hey Rather your on the list but you have to confirm your spot by tomorrow, so your just in time... Get in touch with starlight1153...

Montrose, AR(Zone 8a)

ooops we cross posted sorry

New Braunfels, TX(Zone 8b)

Gotcha down for the limelight, Terese, glad to "see" you again ratherb!

Jamaica Plain, MA(Zone 6a)

Luanne, you claimed your spot before the bell, so you're definitely in. So start rolling in the mud.

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

thanks nb... that is a stunning looking salvia... i just wish there were more [OK any ] that were hardy in my zone.

Akron, PA(Zone 6b)

Great! Oink! Oink! to set up my "pig sty".......

If I read the instructions correctly for this year, we need to post on the chat and also in the dmail?

I just LOVE this swap!

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

OH...heavens... i was just checking my seeds... i am adding Agastache rupestris; Sunset Hyssop to my WANTS list... if anyone has that.

This message was edited Nov 7, 2009 8:19 PM

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

go wallow LuAnne. :-)

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