CLOSED: Seed Junkie Chit Chat - Newbies Welcome 08/22/09

Arroyo City, TX(Zone 9b)


Sorry honey, not been around since I posted last...Fall sweetie. You would plant the bulbs in the fall with your others...If memory serves, they are late spring early summer bloomers but, they are planted in the fall for sure. I'm glad you have them...They won't grow here so I look forward to seeing pictures next year...they really are quite lovely and such a joy because they look like you've done something fancy and they are so easy...

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

Thank You Jamie.

Arroyo City, TX(Zone 9b)


You're welcome. Sorry I've been so absent today. Just sent you a dmail about envy. hugs.

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

Im absent some days myself Jamie. No need for apologies here....thats one of the reasons we love it here no explanations , no problems that cant be turned in to flowerbeds...

Arroyo City, TX(Zone 9b)

:o) do love them posies!

Monticello, KY(Zone 6b)

And if we are really in need of help there's alot of forums to post on where there's always somone willing to help.

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

Always all day and night and isnt funny how we know who is where and how to find them, and there seems to just be an understanding in the old garden.....

Arroyo City, TX(Zone 9b)


Montrose, AR(Zone 8a)

Good Evening all...Hope you had a great day...I went to Lowes yesterday so I spent all day today paying for my sins... Had to work up a new flower bed... Wish I had that lasagna bed done...Now I have all the grass I shoveled out of this flower bed to start the lasagna bed.. So I guess I killed 2 birds with one stone... Is it better to let the grass and roots dry before adding to the bed ? Use it for a brown layer?

Hi Huney

I'd use it as green. It seems that green is harder to get and since it's there I'd go for it. You're going to put brown on top of it anyway. Even if it dries out for a week or more you can count grass as a green. It has the nitrogen. Brown the carbon.

Montrose, AR(Zone 8a)

ok great....I'll use the grass for green.. We have a pecan factory that gives away ground pecan shells (I use it for mulch in several beds) Do you think that would be good to add to the lasagna bed? I have lots of pine straw available.. wonder which would best in your opinion? Heres how the pecan shells look the flower bed... Dont laugh at the lil signs.. my niece bought them for me so I had to display them she even picked the flower bed... I owe my sister in law for that... I was thinking some big pink flamingos or something for her yard lol...

Thumbnail by huneybunch_2000

Both would be good. If you use the pine straw add a little garden lime. They are a little acidic. I love the way the shells look!!!! Maybe finish it off with them and use the straw as a brown layer.

Looking good!!!!

Montrose, AR(Zone 8a)

Yeah, and they are free... How nice is that..

That makes it wonderful. We should have something like that around here. Pecan country! May have to do some searching. Great idea!

Montrose, AR(Zone 8a)

I bet if you check around the pecan plants they may give it away... They sell it by the truckloads here... But they always dump some outside the gates that you can help yourself too...Just have to be willling to the load them yourself..

I'll call around. You never know. Used to loading things myself. LOL

Palm Coast, FL(Zone 9a)

nuttin like a looong hot,soapy shower to wash away the day and just make ya feel....ahhhhhhhhh!

You betcha and I'm off to it. Nite all. LOL

Palm Coast, FL(Zone 9a)

Nite Seray!

Good night seray.

Sundance, WY(Zone 3b)

Lolly, on the allium, they have to be one of the easiest ever. We had them the entire time we were growing up, and my DM has one of the brownest thumbs ever. Can't keep anything alive, but had these always. I am sure that she never did anything with them after they were planted. If she can raise them, anyone can. Also, saw bulbs for them yesterday at Walmart, 15 for $5.00.
Night seray! And thanks again. She is in the ground. We will see.

Florence, KY(Zone 6a)

Thanks Skellogg. I'm going to go by Walmart tomorrow and see if I can find them. I think they are the greatest looking flower.

Sundance, WY(Zone 3b)

No problem. Had a really hard time not buying some, but wasn't sure where to put 15. DM doesn't have any now, as she sold that house and has never planted any at her home. Maybe I should split them with her. I know she can grow them! LOL! Instead I bought 7 hyacinth bulbs for $5.00. Don't have any of those either yet. Both affordable enough at that price!

Florence, KY(Zone 6a)

I have 3 very long beds to be filled in with flowers so I'm sure I can find a place for all of them. I hope my Walmart has them!

Sundance, WY(Zone 3b)

If yours doesn't have them, let me know. I will try to pick some up for you here and ship to you if you need me to.

Florence, KY(Zone 6a)

That would be great. I'll definitely let you know.

Palm Coast, FL(Zone 9a)

LOL..out Walmarts have long since been out of bulbs. and never carry Hyacinth, Tulip and Daff bulbs. Mostly iris and Gladiolus here. but they sell quick and never at this time of year, you guys are so lucky!

Washington, IN(Zone 6a)

Yeah Thats just what I was thinking. I would like to find some of the allium bulbs and a few more hyacinths too.

Sundance, WY(Zone 3b)

For whatever reason, ours gets them in the spring, and the fall. In fall, they only carry a few varieties of bulbs, tulips, daffs, allium, hyacinths, not much to pick from. Of course, no named varieties, but choices of colors usually, and mixed bags. Don't usually shop there, as I don't really like them, but had to go there for paint balls! Only place that carries them here. (Use the paint ball gun for deer control in my yard.) So had to check out the garden center stuff of course.

Sundance, WY(Zone 3b)

Usually our Lowe's and Menards carry fall bulbs too if you have one of those nearby. I'll check if I go to the big city. Or maybe I'll call them first and see what they have. I'll let you know.

Montrose, AR(Zone 8a)

I assume this is some sort of morning glory since it is growing wild in a brush area that I burned off this spring... It didnt bloom last year... Any Idea guys?

Thumbnail by huneybunch_2000
Sundance, WY(Zone 3b)

Very pretty! Doesn't look like any of my MG's. Looks like something that won't grow here! LOL!

Washington, IN(Zone 6a)

That puts me in the mind of one of those clitoris plants. ? Thats kind of what they look like.

Palm Coast, FL(Zone 9a)

mekos - here are a few shots of the Moonbush flowers that I grew from the seeds you gave me :)

Thumbnail by cue_chik
Palm Coast, FL(Zone 9a)

ROTFL.. pornographic plants

Palm Coast, FL(Zone 9a)

and another night shot of the Moonbush

Thumbnail by cue_chik
Washington, IN(Zone 6a)

Cue if that is your hand I love the way you paint your nails LOL
The bush is gorgeous though , I did a trade yesterday for some seed for that bush, so I hope mine will do that good.

Montrose, AR(Zone 8a)

It has tangled vines all thru the underbrush and thru my obedience plants.. I just assumed it might be morning glory tho had never seen one like that before... Its kind of neat looking... If it is controllable ... Looks like something the farmers around here would frown on ....They hate morning glories and any vining plants that tangle up in the crops... This one is open in the mornings but in the heat of the day it closes. Bloom seems to last only one day

Thumbnail by huneybunch_2000
Washington, IN(Zone 6a)

You might try posting it on one or two of the other forums and see if any one on them can ID it.

Palm Coast, FL(Zone 9a)

LOL.. yeah, is my hand with very chipped blue nail polish LOL

Actually, come to think of it, those ARENT seed that mekos sent me.. those are seed that came in my Newbie pack back in march.. that were not labeled. so I planted them.

at first i thought they were some sort of pepper seed, but then realized, thats NOT what they were. Mekos had posted a pic of her Moonbush on the very day i was gonna ask someone what they thought this was, so she actually helped ID them for me!

What a nice surprise these turned out to be!

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