CLOSED: Irises for seeds Auction #2 Named Irises for seed

Snorkels are needed in this weather that's for sure. I found about 500 amy melon seeds that I'm sure Arejay be happy to have also. Black Bat Flower is a goth garden delight. Has whiskers like a cat.

Don't be intimidated by these big bids from the experienced seed savers. LOL One home grown melon has at least 50 seeds probably more. One sweet bell pepper 50 or more. Trade around mix em up and bid them here.

Here's the bat flower. :)

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Here's what will shine in your garden like the sun!!!!!

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Jamaica Plain, MA(Zone 6a)

Quite the ...uh... unusual plant, that bat flower. Nice whiskers.

LOL There's a white one too. Looks a little tamer. Same whiskers :)

Palm Coast, FL(Zone 9a)

LOL.. I dunno why everyone thinks thats such an odd plant...LOL.. I think its gorgeous!!!! But then again, I've been called 'odd' myself.

Jamaica Plain, MA(Zone 6a)

Still looks like one of those plants made for zone 9 to 13.

Sundance, WY(Zone 3b)

Ladybarber, let us know what you decide on for fall interest plants in your zone 5. Inquiring minds, you know. Gotta go find seeds!

Lancaster, OH(Zone 6a)

hmm well I would love to fid a few red twig dogwoods and maybe some pussy willows.. Any suggestions? I forget what grows here in the fall , winter...

Washington, IN(Zone 6a)

Oh ladybaber,I have a pussy willow that I'll send you some cuttings from it if you want.

Palm Coast, FL(Zone 9a)

does pussy willow grow in zone 9?

Washington, IN(Zone 6a)

Well I think it would but you would have to make sure you kept it watered good. They like water not soaking but still lots of it.

Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9a)

Plant Files says through 8b, but I bet you could push it if it had adequate water and perhaps afternoon shade.

They grow all over Maine and are sooo cool to use in dried arrangements or by themselves in an old pitcher or watering can - lol.

Palm Coast, FL(Zone 9a)

lol.. Loca.. Im a zone pusher for sure....LOL..

Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9a)

zone pusher? You?


Sundance, WY(Zone 3b)

Shoot, I try whatever I like. Really like to zone push too. Only thing is, you just have to figure that they won't all work. Then I just find something different to try. My new zone pushers this year are hydrangea trees, kiwi vines, and a magnolia tree. Oh, and a Seven Son shrub. Planted a pawlonia tree 3 years ago, and will be moving it this fall to my mothers, as it dies back too much here, so it can go to a zone 5. Guess I just like a challenge, teehee! Thinking about a wisteria now!

A wisteria? Hummm I can probably find a sprout for you if you wanna try one Skellog. They grow like weeds here. Pretty weeds but too invasive.

Sundance, WY(Zone 3b)

Seray, from what I understand, (which really is very little, teehee), the American varieties are far less invasive, esp. in my zone, than the asian varieties. The blue moon is supposed to be hardier, so would definately be interested. I am hoping that because they are summer bloomers they will have less trouble. Maybe I'll try one under a power pole! Been trying to talk the city into burying the lines anyway. Tired of the poles interrupting my views! :) But seriously, let me know if you can find one, as I would love to try one! Thanks!

Jamaica Plain, MA(Zone 6a)

Hey guys, I'm having a great seed-collecting education here, but am running into things I can't find the answers to. No seed pics anywhere of these, so please let me know if you have the answer!!!

What do helenium seeds look like? Are they the hundreds of little "sticks" that are attached to the hard round middle of the dead flower center?

What about heliopsis "bressingham doubloon? Where are the seeds?

What about astilbe?

Thanks for any help and/or seed pics.

HI Perenniallyme:

Here's what Robin gave me when I asked: She might know but she's picking blueberries in the Maine woods. LOL

Here are a couple of the seed saving sites I use

Skellog: I'll try hunt one up for you this weekend. Not sure about the variety. Maybe the blooms would tell.

Mechelle: Your little guy is ready to go out tomorrow. Watch for the mail. :)

Jamaica Plain, MA(Zone 6a)

Thanks, seray, but I've already checked the seed site, and couldn't figure out how to find anything relevant on the oldfashionedliving. I think I just need to find someone who knows here. I also asked on the seed saving forum.

Leola, PA(Zone 6a)

OMG, doesn't that pussy willow look pretty!

Shepherdsville, KY

I had a pussy willow for 4 years & some caterpillars took it over. Killed the poor thing. I hate using pesticide's because of the butterfly's.

We have only two days left to bid for these beautiful Irises. Newbies are joining this wonderful site on a record basis. The follow up with new subscribers has undergone a reorganization with more emphasis on newbie welcome and followup.

We want them to feel like we do. There's no place like home at Dave's. Send us your extra seeds so we can welcome them to Dave's Garden with the gift of life.

Sundance, WY(Zone 3b)

Why not just put a water feature in your yard and plant the pussy willow at the edge? We all love water ponds, and I know the pussy willow would! LOL!
Seray, I'm sure I couldn't tell the diff anyway, so it won't matter to me! I'll try anything, usually more than once. You'd think I'd learn, but at my age, probably not! teehee!
Pm, try this link for the heliopsis seed :
Sorry, but I don't know much about the others. If that link doesn't work, let me know.

Lancaster, OH(Zone 6a)

O flowerfantasy I would love some cuttings..Would you like me to send you some postage? Im currently babying about 12 Tri colored willow that I got as cuttings. They have done wonderfully but I think they want in the ground now so I need to decided if I need to plant them now or wait until spring and do a cold frame. They are in 1 quart conatianers.

Hollyhocklady I love the butterflies too.. I had passionflower vines in Fl and they were eaten ever year but the fluttering babies on my fingertips made it all worth it. I think clematis grows beter here as I have seen some beautiful ones but the few passies I saw werent doing well..

Zone pusher.. lol I just saw my first two brugs in the ground and have to stop someday and ask how she keeps them alive.. Miss mine badly but I only have alittle sunny room left. So aybe just one or two..

There is a beautiful chinese wisteria over by the park on a photography studio lot. Itsgrowing on a huge arbor and had a few blooms this year.. I soo want to ask if I can have a cutting off it.. Its just breathtaking and I almost thought it would be nice mixed in with a grape vine..

Are you guys Seed Junkie's Plant crazy's LOL Here's the seed junkie link. I want to see the pictures of the pussy willow here:

You hafta pay me in seeds to chat long here. Got any extras? :)

This message was edited Aug 19, 2009 5:47 PM

Jamaica Plain, MA(Zone 6a)

Thanks for the link, skellogg. Yes it did work, except for the right side of the page, which was partly hidden. It said that the heliopsis seed was quite different from echie seed, but there was no picture of the seed. I hate to be a pain, but I don't want to give out "seeds" that aren't seeds and don't work, so til I'm absolutely sure, I can't offer them. I find that it's usually clear as to what are the seeds, but sometimes it's just not clear at all!!! (to me, at least).

It would be nice to know what different seeds look like. MIght be room for another file. I have lisianthus pods I've collected all summer. Can't tell what's seed and what's chaff.

Haven't given up Arejay. Hoping they'll sort themselves out when they get dry.

I did find 23 packs of Amy melon seeds with about 30 seeds in each for ya Arejay. Oh Wait!!! I can't bid. LOL

Spooner, WI

I've been "lurking" on this thread for the past couple of days, wishing I was at the point that I could bid, but I'm just starting out. My SASBE is going out tomorrow for seed, so I should have some stuff to bid next year.

You guys look like you're having so much fun! I love the atmosphere here on DG!

Ladybarber, if you're looking to get rid of one of those Tri-colored Willows, or NickysIris, if you need to clear out some Iris or Daffs, I'd be willing to help you out! ;)

Anyhow, it's been fun. Can't wait to see who wins! Maybe I'll get some of those seeds in my bubble mailer! I'm SO excited!

Washington, IN(Zone 6a)

Ladybarber I'll get some over the week end and then send out on Monday to you. It is raining here today or I would get them today and get them out and tomorrow is one of my busy days so if that is ok with you. No you won't have to send me anything for them

Monticello, KY(Zone 6b)

Good morning everyone. Welcome ptilda. Now think a little harder ptilda. You perhaps have friends, family, coworkers or neighbors who garden? If so, ask if they will share their seeds to help you win the pot you can offer to share the plants with them if you win.

Palm Coast, FL(Zone 9a)

and dont forget... this is the time of year that local garden centers and mail order seed catalogs are reducing their inventory to make way for their spring selections. I just bought a load of annual seeds from my neighborhood 'Big Box' store for 16 cents a pack.. cant beat that.

cuttings are a good way to trade as well. if you already have some plants growing, you can take and root cuttings... I did this in the beginning as well.

And dont forget, there are quite a few gardeners that will trade for postage. Trades dont just happen in the 'Seed Trading' or 'Plant Trading' forums. If you are interested in particular plants or seeds like Brugmansia or Coneflower, or irises... check their forums. There's always someone willing to trade or send excess seed/bulbs/cuttings for postage.

Washington, IN(Zone 6a)

Boy cue, I think I am going to come down your way. Our big box stores don't do that kind of thing.They are afraid they won't get enough money that way. I was at the Walmart the other day and some of the plants are dying out and they were still wanting 4or 5 dollars apiece for them . They would rather let them die and throw stuff away instead of marking it down so people will buy them and try to save them.

Palm Coast, FL(Zone 9a)

I tend not to buy plants from walmart for that reason. They dont take very good care of their stock (not that Lowe's does a better job really).

You wont find Burpee or Park seed marked down because retailers are credited in full by these companies for inventory they dont sell, as long as the retailer ships it back to them. but you will find it on lesser known brands, which in my opinion, are just as good.

most of my plant shopping is done at Lowe's because at least when the new inventory comes in, and they stop caring for the older stuff, they mark it down. A few weeks ago they had marked down some gingers, but i didt get any. ive bought quite a few plants from Lowe's markdown rack.

HD on the other hand, DONT markdown their stock, but they keep a smaller inventory and all seem to be well taken care of.

Washington, IN(Zone 6a)

Well I buy at Lowes also but if I find something at WallyWorld I think is worth buying I do. I have always been ok with what I have bought from them. I have bought all of my succulents and cacti from Lowes and got them all for half price and some were the really expensive ones and they have done beautifully for me. I really like to go to Lowes but don't get to go very often as there is a good drive involved, and everytime I do go I spend a bucoo of money so I try not to make a habit going there LOL

Palm Coast, FL(Zone 9a)

Both HD and Lowe's are closest, they are the same distance, just opposite sides of the

Washington, IN(Zone 6a)

LOL I don't have a HD anyways close to me. I would have to drive a 120 miles to get to one. LOL I wish there was one here closer. There is one that is down south and I have been wanting to go to it when we go see GDs but by the time that is all over I am to tired to drive over there and walk around to see what they have. Which that is the 120 mile drive LOL

This is one of Mitt's beauties. Worth a trip to the "box store" for marked down seeds!!!!!! LOL

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Spooner, WI

It seems to me that WalMart in the more northern parts of the country has better cared-for stuff. I was there the other day and they had some beautiful plants for sale. I was actually very impressed. And it helps that my niece works there, so I "make" her buy them for me and use her employee discount! :)

Part of the problem with collecting seed right now is that it's raining like crazy (good for my hostas and newly planted babies), so I can't get outside. But there are a ton of wild flowers across in the neighbor's ditch. I'm going to ask if I can harvest some (Joe Pie Weed, Goldenrod, Touch-me-nots).

BTW, does anyone have input on harvesting Touch-me-nots seeds without having them fly all over the place? I'd really like to sink a "bog" into my garden to grow some of these. And they would certainly make an interesting trade.

Jamaica Plain, MA(Zone 6a)

Reporting in. Am I the only one still on the seed hunt? Braving the heat and humidity for new seeds for newbies? Where are you all? Hope you're not swimming in a nice cool pond, or I'll be jealous! (Well, I'm still having a lot of fun, even if it's not in a nice cool pond.)

With Jonna's help I've finally discovered the heliopsis "bressingham doubloon" seeds. Unfortunately only a few seeds per flower head, but will be working on it as the flowers die. Also collected some gaillardia seeds - a very tall one that's probably an annual. Still not 100% certain about the helenium, but maybe 90%. If so, I've got seeds from both "mardi gras" and a red one , but they may have crossed. I'm also eyeing the gaillardia "arizona sun" and "fanfare" that I bought last week on Lowe's $2 clearance rack. They've come back to life and are very floriferous. Needless to say, I won't be deadheading them either. I'm about to go back out and bag the pods on several lilium and daylilies, so I don't miss them when they ripen. Will update my bid later.

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