CLOSED: Irises for seeds Auction #2 Named Irises for seed

Palm Coast, FL(Zone 9a)

you can get some of those knee high panty hose , the cheap kind they sell in the little bubbles for about 50 cents... covere the seed pod with it and tie off to secure. when the seed pod opens, the knee highs will prevent the seeds from flying off.. just take intot he house and separate fromt he parachutes and store in a paper bag.

Jamaica Plain, MA(Zone 6a)

I got some organza bags really cheap on ebay, and they work great - even have a drawstring attached. Only problem is I need to get some more larger ones, as I only got the smallest.

Been to Walmart. Raining here too. I found some of the small favor bags made of cheese cloth in the wedding supplies. Just what I needed for some of the seed pods I'm not sure about. Lots of spring bulbs cheap. LOL

Washington, IN(Zone 6a)

Our Walmart doesn't even have spring bulbs left. they get rid of their stuff as soon as people quit buying it and you don't have a chance on mark downs on that stuff.

Palm Coast, FL(Zone 9a)

here too. as soon as summer kicks in, they mark down the Spring bulbs and flowering plants... *sigh*

Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9a)

A lot of folks here check the 99 cent only store for bulbs and seeds. Sometimes they have a lot of different varieties and all 99 cents or less - lol. It's my absolute favorite dollar store! If you all have one where you live check it out!

Washington, IN(Zone 6a)

DON"T have one of those :((((((((((((

Jamaica Plain, MA(Zone 6a)


Gee, where is everyone?

I'm hoping they are under their beds looking for seed packs. Mitt says he's been in the hot sun digging irises for the winners. So there's beauties still to be had.

Robin will be BACK tomorrow..... Hurry!!!

Jamaica Plain, MA(Zone 6a)

I hope they're looking somewhere more promising than under their beds.

I don't have flowers growing under my bed. Might be dust bunnies playing, but no flowers.

Jamaica Plain, MA(Zone 6a)

Oh you disappoint me, mekos. I thought you had flowers growing everywhere.

Lowes $.39 seed rack would be good too. LOL 30 bulbs for $5 at Walmart. :)

Don't you read seed packs in bed? LOL

Jamaica Plain, MA(Zone 6a)

I wonder if our Lowe's has a .39 seed rack. I've never seen it. Sure would be a lot easier than snorkeling for seeds out there, drying them, taking out the chaff, packaging them, printing instructions...........................

Jamaica Plain, MA(Zone 6a)

I stop just a little bit short of reading seed packs in bed myself.

Washington, IN(Zone 6a)

I didn't have to have a snorkel this evening to collect seed heads. I got a bunch of monarda,blackeyed susans, and cone flowers. now i have to give them a few days and then clean the seed off. Job??????

NO, my seed stash is in my computer room, on my desk.

Washington, IN(Zone 6a)

all of mine is on the kitchen table and under it LOL

Easy pleasant job. LOL Like shelling beans.

I know we have to have some veggie gardeners out there who will share their seeds with new people wanting to learn how to garden. The bugs can't be that bad this year!!! LOL

Jamaica Plain, MA(Zone 6a)

You're lucky you didn't have to snorkel, flower. We had a thundershower late today, so I'm hoping that'll clear the air and I won't have to snorkel tomorrow.
My seeds that aren't already packed and in the fridge are in bowls and paper bags all over my kitchen table and diningroom table and counter and all over the place. I've got to get it under control.

Washington, IN(Zone 6a)

Well I have not really had to snorkel lately except thru the humidity. Did have a few showers early this morning but it was to early for me to be out deadheading

Lancaster, OH(Zone 6a)

No Money to go to the store here because if I did I would need at least 20 extra.. lol I found a source for white morning glory seeds in th ealley where I work. The one property owners dont care and th eother is forclosed and abandoned..

I dont put anything under my bed.. There MIGHT be SPIDERS UNDER ThERE!

Lancaster, OH(Zone 6a)

As for snorkle.. I need one..
Its storming like crazy and has been on and off all day.. We even have a tree laying across the alley or at least the neighbor sdo. We trimmed ours back last month or most of it before the chainsaw decided it didnt like us anymore. Then we used the hand saw and circular saw for taking them down to camping size once on the ground...

Lots of walnuts on the ground..

Flora, IN(Zone 5a)

I gathered a few seeds but ran out of packing bags. Will have to make a trip to walmart tomorrow.
I am not very good at folding paper seed packs.

Spooner, WI

So, in the event that I had seed gathering "equipment" such as little bags, envelopes or the drawstring bags you all use for tying around the flower head to catch the seed, could I put those in a bid? It would seem like giving some "equipment" to newbies (like me) would encourage them to harvest, which would bring in more seed to the newbie pot! Gotta think like The Donald! :)

Of course, I don't have any such equipment (yet), so my argument is moot... at least for me. Might help someone else win though & I claim half the resulting prize for bringing the insight and enlightenment! :)

Sundance, WY(Zone 3b)

ptilda, I think that is an excellent idea! Just my opinion, of course, but I'm sure that others more "in the know" will chime in on it. But I really like that idea! Can't ever have too much "equipment" once you start collecting.

Jamaica Plain, MA(Zone 6a)

At least the equipment is very cheap, unlike some other hobbies. I'll add 2 dozen small organza seed collecting bags to my bid.

That's a good idea!!!!! Thanks for the addition Perenniallyme. I'll add a pack of plastic baggies to the pot as well. If I have those on hand I can usually split my stuff easier with Arejay when I buy a seed pack.

GREAT ideas you guys! Those come in handy.

Hi Mekos

Your babies are doing great in the GA heat. Thanks again!

Leola, PA(Zone 6a)

Wow the organza bag for the pot idea sounds great! I went to Dollar General a couple days ago and can't find those. Maybe I'll try walmart. In which section is the bag?

I found them in Walmart in the wedding supply section. Called favor bags. Kinda have to hunt.

Palm Coast, FL(Zone 9a)

my dollar store has those tiny ziplocks perfect for seed saving.. may pick some of those up this weekend too

Getting close to the end. If you are saving your seeds to add at the last moment post them soon. Robin should be home and the pie should be cooling. LOL

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

I am here and here is the pie but it is going to take me a bit to see what all the bids are....unless you have a list that you can dmail me Seray..My daughter made the pie while I was gone!! She is such a good girl...
Ill have to send you the picture in a bit...

I'll dmail the list now Arejay. Just checking it twice. :)

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

Thank You

Washington, IN(Zone 6a)

arejay I sent you my bid so you wouldn't have to run thru the thread to find it.

Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9a)

The clock is a tickin . . .

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