CLOSED: Irises for seeds Auction #2 Named Irises for seed

Same here Perenniallyme. Can't hold up too long. AC for me. :)

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

I weeded for a bit today my oldest daughter helped I last like 30 minutes enough for me

Washington, IN(Zone 6a)

This message was edited Aug 17, 2009 7:42 PM

Leola, PA(Zone 6a)

Wow, I don't feel confident after looking at all those great bids! But I guess trying never hurts. Sooooo, here's my bid:

* Sweet Basil - 150 seeds (divided into 3 packets)
* Cucumber "Poinsett 76" - 50 seeds (divided into 2 packets)
* Tomato "Black Cherry" - 20 seeds (divided into 2 packets)
* Lettuce "Black-seeded Simpson" (heirloom) - unopened commercial packet
* Cilantro - 10 seeds
* Pepper Cayenne - 25+ seeds
* Beans (Garden) "Bush Blue Lake Symphony" - 10 seeds
* Birdhouse Gourd - 5 seeds
* Red Castor Bean - 9 seeds
* Canterburry Bells (Campanula medium)
* Bachelor's Button "Blue Boy" - 20 seeds
* Siberian Wallflower - 40 seeds
* Calendula "Kablouna Gold" - 20+ seeds (divided into 2 packets)
* Cosmos "Sensation Mix" - 20 seeds
* Cosmos "Seashell mix" - 15 seeds
* Phlox Drumondii mix colors - 20 seeds
* Dianthus Pink Double - 20 seeds
* Sweet William mix color - 60 seeds (divided into 4 packets)
* Hollyhock Double White - 10 seeds
* Columbine mix - 20 seeds
* Rudbeckia - 20+ seeds
* Shasta Daisy "Becky" - 20+ seeds
* Baby's Breath "Covent Garden" - 50 seeds
* Carnation "Giant Chabaud Double mix" - 20 seeds
* Coreopsis - 25 seeds
* Coreopsis "Moonbeam" - 25 seeds
* Money plant / Honesty / Lunaria annua - 8 seeds
* French Marigold - 15 seeds
* Marigold "Crackerjack" - 15 seeds
* Larkspur "Improved" - 10 seeds
* Zinnia California Giant - 20 seeds
* Sunflower "Ring of Fire" - 20 seeds
* Aster Crego mix - 10 seeds
* Californian Poppy mix - 15 seeds
* Belamcanda chinensis "Leopard mix colors" - 5 seeds
* Daylily Stella de Oro - 20 seeds (divided into 2 packets)

Washington, IN(Zone 6a)

Oh you have out did everyone I think siichan. Great bid.

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

Oh my goodness do you see that Seray?

Wow!!! Way to go Siichan! Thanks so much for the bid!

There's some beautiful color for the Newbie's Arejay. Very nice mix. I love the Coreopsis. Easy to grow and blooms all summer.

Leola, PA(Zone 6a)

Hehehe... I was digging through my stash and I have packets of seeds all over my sofa and desk (maybe floor too) now. But I hope you like my bid *crosses fingers*

Monticello, KY(Zone 6b)

Way to go Siichan glad you didn't let those fancy flower bids scare you out of bidding. Bet Robin just loves your bid hehehehe

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

I love your bid bids are a good thing all bids....

I love seed packet messes. I have one of my own from the first contest. They're everywhere. At least you have a good list now of what you have. LOL

Leola, PA(Zone 6a)

Oh, those fancy flower bids did scare me, Mindy, hehehe... I just thought, it doesn't hurt to try.

Alright, now I have to organize the packets back to the fridge. I was having so much fun bidding, I even forgot dinner! lol

Leola, PA(Zone 6a)

I made a seeds database on my spreadsheet lol. My boyfriend offers to create a database software for me. That's so sweet of him. I would have to say no for now, since his work load is crazy. Maybe I can enslave him later lol.

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

Thats what I am trying to do the trouble comes with updating it everytime I send seeds out...

By the time I forced myself to do that the seeds would be too old to use. LOL I'm like Silas Marner I just go through them regularly. LOL Fess it up! That's more fun anyway. :)

Leola, PA(Zone 6a)

Oh, I can imagine, arejay. It must be a nightmare to update all those stuff.

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

It would be if I did it...

Monticello, KY(Zone 6b)

Hmmm now you have me considering ways to make that updating easier for you. I'll work on it some and get one of my BIL's to help me (though I'm smarter than he is GRIN since last time I asked him a question about making the spreadsheet calculate dates for me I figured it out before he did because he didn't know the program would do it)

Washington, IN(Zone 6a)

Boy, You all are smarter than I am . all I can do it type send and answer mail and start up and shut down on this thing.

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

We are chattering on Serays auction thread come over here

You can chat all you want but I needs seeds in payment. LOL

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

LOL you are funny...good idea!!

Jamaica Plain, MA(Zone 6a)

Well I'm back, and don't think anyone has outbid me yet by a long shot! C'mon people - this is for a good cause. Get ready to fork over your seed stashes. You know you're not going to plant one tenth of them!

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

This is great we have a new seed recruiter!! You go girl...

Midday Maddog seed collection duo right here. LOL

Jamaica Plain, MA(Zone 6a)

Thanks, Robin. I'm enjoying it!

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

whats the rest of that song Seray!!

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

I am so glad to have you.

Something about a little help from my friends. LOL I was 12 Maybe

Washington, IN(Zone 6a)

I have a bid and some of the seed is just in pkgs and I won't try to count them as they are to small for my eyeballs but they all have a great amount in them.
Here goes.
Common sage 30 seeds
Daiko radish 70+ seeds
Gala Apple 17 seed
Cabbage lovers Delight mix - PKG
Carrots PKG
Lemon Mint PKG
Hosta Midwest Magic PKG
Amyrillis Unknown PKG
Canna Salmon 4 seeds
Yellow orange Cosmos PKG
Clematis virginnia PKG
Westeria Vine Unknown PKG
Spinach Bloomsdale 30+ seeds
Castor Beans unknown color 12 seeds
Hosta Mix 25 seeds
Hungarian Hot Peppers 20-25 Seeds
Cassia 4 seeds
Grandpa Ott MG 6 seeds
Monarda Purple or violet which ever you want to call it PKG
Mixed Radish Seeds 20
Black eyed susans Pkg
Purple coneflower Pkg
Red Cannas 6 seed
Dill Pkg.
Cantalope Unknown variety Pkg.

Adding a lot of printed seed packages also.

This message was edited Aug 21, 2009 5:08 PM

Thank You Flower! Some of these seeds are small!!!! Lots to spread around Arejay.

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

Yes lots of seed there....

Flora, IN(Zone 5a)

I have been packaging up seeds
MY Bid
numbers indicate... ( packs/seeds per pack )

Morning of Yetta.. 3pks/20+ seeds each
St Johns wort 1/50
Celosia ...all red ..2/50
Malope vulcan..1/50
Coryopsis...Jethro Tull...2/15
Nicotiana tall white 4/50
Nicotiana ..short red..2/50
Dianthus ..sweet william( pink) ...6/50
Dianthus sweet william ''sooty'' 3/15
Alpine catchfly..2/50
Columbine ..Tall (deep purple) 2/25
hardy hibiscus (pale pink) 2/20
Bladder campion ...1/20
Actaea racemosa..fairy candles..2/50
Datura inoxia ( Hindu) 3/50
Cypress vine 2/20
Perennial poppy
Heleniium and gold..2/50
Helenium ruby dwarf..2/50
Hollyhocks..burgundy 1/20
Blue eyed grass..3/20
Calalnula 3/25
Shamrock ...1/50
Liatris..blazing star...1/50
Baptisia false indigo 4/20

Habanero 2/15
Yellow hungarian..2/15
Prairie fire ..1/15
Santa Fe grand 1/30
Tuscan melon...2/15
white cucumber...2/10
Sweet dumpling squash..2/15
Red cherry..2/10
Beefsteak ..heirloom..3/10

Unopened commercial seed packs
1 each
Sweet basil
Spicy globe basil
Dill mamoth

Will be adding more as I pack them

New just added
Salvia - Coral Nymph 4/25
Helenium 3/50
Red Petunia 2/100
Coreopsis - deep red 5/50
Coreopsis - Early Sunrise 1/20
Columbine - pink tall lung spur 3/50
Columbine - Short white 5/25
Morning Glory Mix - Pink / Purple 2/15
Lupine - pink 1/20
Nigelia - blue/white 5/25
Oenothera - Evening Primrose tall 3/30
Catnip 1/50+

Coneflower - Magnus 1/20
Calendula 4/20
Purple Millet 2/20
4 O'Clock - Purple 2/10
4 O'Clock - Pink 1/10
Cosmos - Picotee Sensation 3/30
Dianthus - Spooky (open pollinated) 3/20
Joe Pye Weed 2/20
Anise Hyssop 3/20
Clematis 2/10
Galliardia - blanket flower 5/20
Rose Campion - bright pink 10/20
Rose Campion - white 10/20
Pink Peony Poppy 5/30
Allium Christophii - Star of Persia 5/20
Blue Flax 3/20
Coreopsis - Tinctonia Red Dwarf 5/20
17 packs of miscellaneous traded seeds from 2008.
Seed still ripening - promise when ripe
Blue Lobelia 5/20
Cypress Vine - Red / White / Pink 5/20
Hardy Hibiscus - Disco Bell White w/red center 5/20
Candy Lily- Spotted orange red 3/10
Northern Sea Oats 5/10
Mixed Daylily 3/10
Bronze Fennel 3/10
Swamp Milkweed - Pink 5/10
50 glassine seed envelopes 3" x 1.5"
This message was edited Aug 21, 2009 11:05 AM

This message was edited Aug 21, 2009 7:10 PM

This message was edited Aug 21, 2009 7:39 PM

This message was edited Aug 21, 2009 7:52 PM

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

Wow this was such a good idea Meekos

Gardengus! I just stepped out and look what I found when I got back. Lots and Lots of seeds. Great mix. Thank you so much for your bid Cinda!

Did you see Robin needed a vacation just thinking about all these seeds. Off to pick blueberries in the Maine woods. LOL

While she's gone......... You know what to do. Pull out your stash, look under your bed, visit your neighbor. :)

Monticello, KY(Zone 6b)

And don't forget to pester your friends, relatives and co workers while you are at it LOL

Lancaster, OH(Zone 6a)

Okay Im finally done cleaning my seed box and harvesting seeds from the garden out back.. lol So here goes my bid for those beauties

Little Marvel Peas -1 pk
Sweet Corn -1 pk
Carrot -1 pk
Sugar baby watermelon -1 pk
Cucumber -1 pk
Bell Peppers -1 pk
Yello wdetroit Beets -1 pk
Champion radish -1 pk
Green bush beans -1 pk

Crocosmia - Orange and Lucifer Mix 10-20 bulbs
( these are in a 1 allon baggie with peat moss )

Sesania Punicea / Scarlet Wisteria tree 22 bags (50+ seeds each bag)
Money / Honesty plant 50+
Misc.. Daylily 10 seeds
Purple Wisteria 10 seeds
Pumpkin Mix 8 seeds
Cat claw Vine 5 bags (25+ seeds each bag)
Strawberry Popcorn 50+
Purple poterweed 15 seeds
Amarylis (red) 50+ seeds
Gold Star Esparanza 100+ seeds

Both below are at least 100 seeds probably more on the coneflower..
Purple Coneflower - ? just harvested a few heads
White Hollyhock - ? Just harvested about and am cleaning

Thats it.. Sorry .. Maybe someone would like them but most I cant grow here and after moving from a zone 9 to a zone 5 Im starting all over..

Alright!!!! Thanks a million Ladybarber.

Hopefully you will enjoy gardening in zone 5! I know the Newbie's will love your seeds.

Maybe we can start a trend. Early fall cleanup. LOL

Lancaster, OH(Zone 6a)

Loving being bak in Ohio after 9 years Im re-learning the soil and climate... I have a garden growing and a few flower beds along with my first Tall beardeds growing. We have only been here since May.. Cant wait t o really dig in and have blooms next spring.

Cant wait for fall. I stay clipping and want to get some fall ineterest plants..

Jamaica Plain, MA(Zone 6a)

Put on my snorkel and braved the hot wet air for another seed search and scarf mission this afternoon. Findings: lavender (English, I think, though I should know as it was in my own yard), nigella, rose campion. Thought I had scarfed some monarda seed, but when I took the deceased flower heads apart, I couldn't figure out what, if anything, was the seed. Maybe it had already flown the coop. Same with heliopsis (bressingham doubloon), and I couldn't find any pics of it in the seed database. Does anyone know? Also harvested some more oriental poppy and a few pods of lupine. Quite a bit of the above will be finding their way into my bid for the delectible iris and year of DG and bat seeds, whatever the hell they are.

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