CLOSED: Irises for seeds Auction #2 Named Irises for seed

But Holly

I don't know how Arejay would divide that up with the Newbie's. Maybe she could use it as a prize for something else? What did you have in mind?

Hi Debrene

That picture is gorgeous. Mit has us all fired up with his beautiful collection. I know you have room for a few more. LOL Don't we all.

And we do have a free subscription for another years worth of fun here at DG's. :) Daffodils bulbs would make a newbie very very happy!!!! LOL

Jamaica Plain, MA(Zone 6a)

Wow. Glad I'm still indoors to keep out of the heat. Sorry I've already pledged away most of my 2009 seed collection so far to you, so I'll have to start with 2008 leftovers - they've been kept in the fridge so should be fine.

My bid:
Crocosmia lucifer - 75 to 100 seeds
Candy lily red-orange - 30+ seeds
Candy lily - red-orange w/spots - 9 seeds
Candy lily - yellow 25 + seeds
Passion flower 5 seeds
Gentiana asclepiadea - 20 seeds
Gaillardia "arizona sun" - 25+ seeds
Gaillardia pulchella - 20+ seeds
Gaillardia "sundance bicolor" 30+ seeds
Mixed columbine - 200+ seeds
Blue-eyed grass - 100+ seeds
Asclepias "gay butterflies" - 15 seeds
Tricyrtis miyazaki - open poll. 40+ seeds
Dill - 30+ seeds
Cosmos - orange - 25+ seeds
Sicilian basil - 25+ seeds
Italian Genovese basil - 25+seeds
Blue Spice basil - 50 + seeds
Basil "lettuce leaf" - 50+ seeds
Papaver somniferum "Lauren's Grape" 20+ seeds
Columbine "ruby port" 25+ seeds
Columbine "Nora Barlow" - 25+ seeds
Zinnia -Giant Violet Queen - 10 seeds
Zinnia - Trailer variety mixed - 25+ seeds
Zinnia - State Fair mix - 15 seeds
Zinnia - Tall double mix - 15+ seeds
Helenium Autumnale - 25 + seeds
Delphinium - dwarf blue - 30+ seeds
Arugula "roquette" - 2009 commercial - 100+ seeds

adding: (all newly harvested 2009)
lilium lancifolium - 18 + bulbils
Oriental poppy - orange/peach - 5 packs of 100+ each
Digitalis purpurea -pink - open poll. 2 packs of 100+ seeds each
Armeria - hot pink - 25+ seeds
daylily "penny's worth" - 6 seeds
aconitum napellus - 10 or more seeds
rose campion - 50+ seeds
nigella (blue) - 30+ seeds
lavender - 50+ seeds
coreopsis - yellow-orange large flowered hardy var. 50+ seeds
gaillardia - tall annual var. 20+ seeds
spiderwort - purple- 10+ seeds
heliopsis "bressingham doubloon" 10+ seeds

2 dozen small organza seed-collecting bags

Also, when harvested:
lilium seeds
daylily seeds
peony seeds

Also, if what I think are the seeds actually are the seeds:
helenium "mardi gras" 100+ seeds
helenium - (one of the red ones) 100+ seeds


This message was edited Aug 21, 2009 5:33 PM

Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9a)

Wow, perenniallyme! Great bid! You grow all that stuff? I'm soooooo jealous!


Thank goodness for the Heat in MA today. LOL

Thanks so much for such a generous bid Perennialyme!!!!.

I think we'll have to send Robin a snorkel after all. :)

Jamaica Plain, MA(Zone 6a)

Don't be so jealous Kelly. I had great germination with the candy lily seeds, but when I transplanted them to my garden, most of them have died off - and one I bought last year died over the winter, so I'm giving up on candy lilies. Think it's been too wet for them. The cosmos, from my sister-in-law last year, I forgot to plant. The basils I started too early, not realizing how fast they grow, so by the time I got them in the ground, they were wanting to go to seed. I could go on.

Jamaica Plain, MA(Zone 6a)

Better send me a snorkel too.

I need a weed snorkel myself. Any inventors out there. LOL

Washington, IN(Zone 6a)

OH boy wish I had enough seed to bid, but can't compete with all that stuff. I don't have a large variety of stuff as of yet but just wait until next year LOL then I can give them a run for their money LOL

Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9a)

Thanks, perennially me. Now I don't feel so bad - lol. Sometimes I have serious zone envy. I grew up in northern Maine (Zone 4) and so miss the things I could grow there. Phoenix is soooo different. Yeah we have nice winters, but that sun in the summer is retchid - lol.

Same here Flower. Arejay has all the extras I have already. We'll store up. Squirrels with weed snorkels. Yeah that's will be us. LOL

Yeah but Loca YOU get to grow all those neat cacti and succulents!!! If I'm not careful they melt under the humidity here. There's sooooooo many. I'd go broke there. LOL

Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9a)

I try not to grow them - lol. We in the desert want to grow things we aren't supposed to be able to grow here. We're a big 'ol bunch of zone pushers!

Same in the south. Wouldn't grow a magnolia or wisteria if ya gave it to me. LOL Greener grass heh.

Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9a)

Guess it's the same wherever you go - lol.

This message was edited Aug 17, 2009 11:06 AM

Washington, IN(Zone 6a)

Well I have done my share of zone pushing and I guess I am going to pay for it this winter when I have all this stuff to put in the GH for the winter.

Monticello, KY(Zone 6b)

Now don't you all be sccared of those bids LOL Robin needs vegetables too espeically tomatoes and beans surely you all have tomatoes getting ripe you can collect seed from? And it's time for cool weather crops to be sowed most places now so go dig in that vegetable stash you have hidden away.

And Herbs! I remember her asking for herb seeds not too long ago.

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

That is right Mindy this is harvesting time in places...tomatoes everyone wants tomatoes especially heirloom collected by the grower tomatoes...they are the best. Heck I want some!! Tomatoes I mean. I planted 400 tomato plants this year wanna guess how many tomatoes I am going to harvest...
Oh what I would give for a fresh tomato sandwich toasted just a little mayo....oh mindy now look what you have gone and done..cucumbers too who harvests there own cucumber seeds? Everyone lettuce goes to seed...the possibilities are endless. Mindy you have hit the jackpot with suggestion.....

Monticello, KY(Zone 6b)

Thank you Robin glad to be of some help to you. LOL

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

Oh yes Seray herbs are like a rarity in the newbie box.....I have them and I love them , I grow any kind I can find doesn't matter if I use them or not I grow them...but rarely do they come in the newbie donations...and they go to seed all the time...Bee balm is popular , cone flowers, digitalis,poppies, sunflowers ,delphinium people ask for those often. Butterfly flowers everyday someone starts a butterfly garden....

I have bee balm Arejay but don't know how to collect the seeds. Newbie Newbie Newbie LOL

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

Oh they are easy Seray just let them go dark , dry , cut and remove the hard part left in the middle...I would have to say Bee balm is one of my favorite Herb, flowers....

That work for zinnias, marigolds etc? How about basil and coleus things like that?

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

Yes all of those you can harvest....

Thanks so much. Instead of old time paper drives we should have a seed saving drive. LOL

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

You even find people here that collect petunia and pansy seed ...remember we had a girl that saved her moms and passed them on to us all...

Montrose, AR(Zone 8a)

Zinnas are very easy.. I pulled a dead head off some plants at my grandmothers house on the 7th of august brought it home and just took the head and crumbled it over some loose dirt... watered it each day and today i have about 50 little zinnas all over the ground in that area... Cant get any easier than that.... Trish

Thanks Mindy. So Arejay I guess I need to send on of those snorkels for your Mom too. LOL

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

That is when we know we are true Addicts ...we save the seeds from the "deadheading" we did at McDonald's while we were wink.."watching our grandchildren play on the slide" we would never use the kids to distract...the patrons...

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

Oh yes definitely Mom is going to need a snorkel....

Thanks Huneybunch,

I thought I was outta seeds to send Arejay. LOL I have lots of things like that. Just never tried to save the seeds. Bet I'm not the only one. :)

Montrose, AR(Zone 8a)

Zinna seeds I cut them off the vine and hold the dead head in a ziplock bag by the stem and twist it back and forth between my fingers all the seeds fly off in the bag... I do the same with Liatrus and purple coneflower and prob with most other seeds I havent had the chance to grow yet.... I always collect petunia seeds I have 6 different baskets grown from saved seeds this year.... I love those wave petunias.. :-) Trish

Oh that's good Arejay! What a good citizen you are helping McDonalds keep their blooms going. :)

Washington, IN(Zone 6a)

This message was edited Aug 17, 2009 7:41 PM

Jamaica Plain, MA(Zone 6a)

Naughty, naughty flowerfantasy! That kind of talk just might fall under the "prohibited" category here at DG.

Well you guys inspired me to do my first venture out into the hot heavy air today - with my little seedbags - and guess what I found! The first aconitum napellus I've ever collected - just a few pods were dried out and I might have missed the seeds had I waited til tomorrow. Also about 2 dozen ripe lilium lancifolium bulbils and a dried pod of penny's worth daylily. Guess I'll have to add to my bid, but any of those aconitum seeds will be hard to part with. I haven't found my aconitums to do much multiplying on their own. Hell, they don't usually start blooming til September.

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

Perennial....yeah, that is great you must be excited!!
Flower you can only snip seeds from the deadheading111

I've been out with my little baggies too Arejay. Lots of zinnia's and bee balm. I'll let them dry out to follow through with my education and ship em to ya. That's much more fun than weeding. LOL

Jamaica Plain, MA(Zone 6a)

It's much too hot to weed today! I was out for 15 minutes and dripping on my seeds before it was over. Hiding out in my little air-conditioned garrett ever since.

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