CLOSED: 2nd Annual Tomato and Pepper Seed Swap

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Oooh! I want an envelope with sheep on it! Please!!

North, TX

LOL you all are out of control funny! What a scream. LMBO!

But I think everyone will agree that you should not incur any added expense for envelopes, Heather. So do what you must to make it work for you!!

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

Careful what you wish for. Us Canadian folks have a twisted sense of humour. hmmmm...what to do...what to do???(scratching my head).

North, TX


Mackinaw, IL(Zone 5a)

LOL I didn't even think to measure my envie, but I don't think it was too large. If it was, I'll hang my head in shame. :) Send me any envie you please, as long as it has seeds in it! Maybe I should specify tomato and pepper seeds. . .

And I'm in no huge hurry, so don't worry if you want to wait till you've received the last seeds. I won't be starting them for months yet, anyway.


Hopkinsville, KY

Maybe we could all chip in some money and have the envelopes finger printed or DNA tests run; but I dont guess anyone licks their envelopes anymore except for some perverts here in KY; no names will be mentioned of course.

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

I really need to do most of the sorting this weekend, even though there are some late envelopes. I'll have some very late nights at work next week, so can't leave everything until those last envelopes arrive.

Mid-Cape, MA(Zone 7a)

Bless you, Heather, for all you're doing. But what?? I don't get back my exact same rather shabby somewhat limp envelope??
Whew, that's a relief! ;-)

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

Today I mailed envelopes back to the following participants:

* russmartin4154
* taters55


Biggs, KY(Zone 6a)

Heather, I'd like to try the corn. Not sure if I chimed in on that subject yet. I mailed the money yesterday. Sorry about the stamp mixup. Hope I haven't held anything up for anybody else.

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

Hi Cajuninky,

I've already got you down for corn. Thanks so much.

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

Today, I mailed seeds back to "beebonnet".

More to come for tomorrow....stay tuned :)

OK, you guys!!!
Photo Contest voting is on!!! Ends tomorrow!
So I hope everyone who encouraged me to enter my Pepper Harvest Photo will go give it at least 1 vote in the "Fruits, Vegetables & Fruit and Vegetable display" Category.


Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

Today I received envelopes from:

* mrsjamiep
* spookycharles


(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Jim, you have my vote, going to look for it now!

Moss Point, MS(Zone 8b)

It is done. That was a real treat to see so many good photos. Surely wishing you good luck Jim.


Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

Today I mailed envelopes to:

* mrsjamiep
* potagere


P.S. Potagere....just registered my vote for you. Good luck in the contest.

Arroyo City, TX(Zone 9b)

WoW Heather you're quick! Let's see if it takes 16/17 days to come this You're amazing chicky!!!!

***Potagere...votes in...thanks for the reminder. It had slipped my mind.

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

Today I mailed seeds to:

* byndeweedbeth
* spookycharles


Thank for the vote, Heather!

And for the seeds! I can hardly wait!


Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

Today I mailed envelopes back to:

* gardadore
* nisinj


Saylorsburg, PA(Zone 6a)

Thanks Heather! Can't wait to see what surprises are in store. It'll be like Christmas a month ahead of time! Jessica

Arroyo City, TX(Zone 9b)

Jim - I'm taking my vote back!

What? What? Why?
I bet because I didn't see your post and didn't thank you?
I sent you seeds?
It can't be because there's a better photo?
What have I done?


Arroyo City, TX(Zone 9b)

No No No it's ttttttttoooooooo late now...I'm all ready pouting!!! lol no there isn't another better photo! Your's really is the best...I just had to tease you for gilting have dmail about more seeds...hugs!

Thanks, Jamie!

Biggs, KY(Zone 6a)

Too late to enter, not to vote.

North, TX

Did some photo voting today myself. Yes Jim, another vote for your beauties!

Good thing voting is open until Nov 14th (or something like that) because some of those categories are hard to pick from so many entries!

It's the ones with 200+ photos I'm having trouble with. Took me an entire evening just to vote on "Roses"!

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

Today I received seeds from "Ana3".

North Hills, CA

Spent a WHOLE evening looking at pictures of colored weeds?

Here is some links that are more better to be looking at. : )

Be nice, Mike!!
It's the annual photo contest!
You know, a lot of the entries are not great photos, but they are lovely.
And many are just good, open presentations of someone's favorite flower;
or a completed project; or something they love.
My own photos are not so hot, so when this rolls around each year, I dive into each category and do my best to pick "best photos".
Dave's has thousands of paying members, and 100s of thousands of participants.
This year, there are only a few more than 2000 photos.
It is sometimes "rigorous" to review all the photos in a category; but, you know, it is almost always fun, too.
There's not much I can give back for all I get from DG, but once a year I can make the time to cast my votes here.
I don't always get thru all the categories before votes close, but I try, and it's fun!
Mama always told me to be nice!


North Hills, CA

I was just razzing you. LOL

Not meant to insult anyone.I know growing anything can take a lot of time effort and love of growing it.
With me it's the hot stuff.

Got a few packs of seeds from Peru today.
I can't read the packs they are in spanish- I think.
The web page won't translate when I click on Translate.

So I came here to razz you. : )

I haven't opened the packs yet but they are supposed to have a gram in each of aji escabeche , aji limo , aji panca and red rocoto.

Might have some to share-depending on how many are in a gram of each.I'll let you know.

Ya.Mom used to say "If you don't have something nice to say don't say anything".

You can get back to your colored possies now. LOL

Send the labels.
If we can get away from posies, maybe we can look st Peruvian peppers!

North Hills, CA

I'll E Mail you if the guys here at work can't translate the packs for me.

I better stop Hijacking this post...

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

I love looking at all the pictures posted for the contest, but some pictures are submitted in the wrong categories, like the daisy shots in the trees and shrubs category.
I agree, it is time consuming, but well worth it.

Arroyo City, TX(Zone 9b)

Linda Kay,

What you say is true but, you also do it because you are a sweetheart!



(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Heather I got my seeds today! Can't believe they got here so fast!
Thanks a bunch, now I need to start planning my veggie space for next spring.

Lucky Taters!!!

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